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Genetic evidence of ribosomal antisuppressors in Podospora anserina   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Antisuppressors were screened for with the help of informational suppressors in Podospores anserina. Four mutations in the AS1 locus and two in the AS2 locus were isolated, using allele non specific suppressors supposed to be ribosomal ambiguity mutations. Four mutations in the AS3 locus and 45 in the AS4 locus were obtained, using a nonsense (t-RNA like) suppressor. All antisuppressors are partially dominant. Most mutations in the AS4 locus are lethal. The four mutants at the AS3 locus and 6 out of the 8 viable mutants at the AS4 locus are cold sensitive. Phenotypic properties and action spectra of the antisuppressors suggest that they are restrictive ribosomal mutations.  相似文献   

The filamentous fungus Podospora anserina presents a degeneration syndrome called Senescence associated with mitochondrial DNA modifications. We show that mutations affecting the two different and interacting cytosolic ribosomal proteins (S7 and S19) systematically and specifically prevent the accumulation of senDNA alpha (a circular double-stranded DNA plasmid derived from the first intron of the mitochondrial cox1 gene or intron alpha) without abolishing Senescence nor affecting the accumulation of other usually observed mitochondrial DNA rearrangements. One of the mutant proteins is homologous to the Escherichia coli S4 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae S13 ribosomal proteins, known to be involved in accuracy control of cytosolic translation. The lack of accumulation of senDNA alpha seems to result from a nontrivial ribosomal alteration unrelated to accuracy control, indicating that S7 and S19 proteins have an additional function. The results strongly suggest that modified expression of nucleus-encoded proteins contributes to Senescence in P. anserina. These data do not fit well with some current models, which propose that intron alpha plays the role of the cytoplasmic and infectious Determinant of Senescence that was defined in early studies.  相似文献   

The het-s locus of Podospora anserina is a heterokaryon incompatibility locus. The coexpression of the antagonistic het-s and het-S alleles triggers a lethal reaction that prevents the formation of viable heterokaryons. Strains that contain the het-s allele can display two different phenotypes, [Het-s] or [Het-s*], according to their reactivity in incompatibility. The detection in these phenotypically distinct strains of a protein expressed from the het-s gene indicates that the difference in reactivity depends on a posttranslational difference between two forms of the polypeptide encoded by the het-s gene. This posttranslational modification does not affect the electrophoretic mobility of the protein in SDS/PAGE. Several results suggest a similarity of behavior between the protein encoded by the het-s gene and prions. The [Het-s] character can propagate in [Het-s*] strains as an infectious agent, producing a [Het-s*] --> [Het-s] transition, independently of protein synthesis. Expression of the [Het-s] character requires a functional het-s gene. The protein present in [Het-s] strains is more resistant to proteinase K than that present in [Het-s*] mycelium. Furthermore, overexpression of the het-s gene increases the frequency of the transition from [Het-s*] to [Het-s]. We propose that this transition is the consequence of a self-propagating conformational modification of the protein mediated by the formation of complexes between the two different forms of the polypeptide.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the binding affinity of a vitamin D analogue for the vitamin D receptor (VDR) does not correlate with the biological potency of the compound. In the present investigation the vitamin D analogue GS 1500, which is characterised by an altered stereochemistry at carbon C-20 (20-epi) and an aromatic ring in the side chain, was studied with respect to its interaction with the VDR. Using [3H]-GS 1500 as tracer, the receptor binding properties of GS 1500 were investigated and compared to those of 1,25(OH)2D3. The binding studies did not reveal a different binding site for GS 1500 than the one already established, and the binding affinity was in accordance with previously found values. At the level of VDR interaction with the vitamin D responsive element, GS 1500 did induce a binding complex at a lower concentration than 1,25(OH)2D3, which may help explain the difference in potency.  相似文献   

A degenerative syndrome associated with the accumulation of site-specific deletions within mitochondrial chromosomes occurs in strains of Podospora anserina carrying the AS1-4 nuclear mutation. The site-specific deletion event has been assumed to result from the transposition of a group-II intron (intron alpha) behind an IBS motif, followed by recombination between the two intron repeats. We show here that a number of distinct deletions can accumulate in AS1-4 strains. Most of them are present in low amounts in wild-type cells where they are only detectable in PCR experiments. The deletions can be divided into two classes. In class I, intron alpha is joined to an IBS motif. In class II, the intron is not joined to an IBS site, it can be truncated or contain a few upstream exonic nucleotides; some junctions carry non-templated nucleotides. These results indicate that at least two mechanisms are involved in the generation of large-scale mitochondrial deletions in Podospora. One of them seems to be based on the transposition properties of the group-II alpha intron, the other one on illegitimate recombination. We propose that these two mechanisms use DNA double-strand breaks occurring within the 5' region of intron alpha.  相似文献   

The filamentous fungus Podopsora anserina presents an unavoidable arrest of vegetative growth (Senescence) determined by a cytoplasmic and infectious factor. Senescence is correlated with a disorganization of the mitochondrial DNA. This disorganization is caused by an event which is not the appearance of the first defective DNA molecules. These ones are generated constitutively and their accumulation during Senescence requires the presence of an additional factor. Life span of the strains is under nuclear and cytoplasmic genetic control. At least 600 nuclear genes influence longevity. Our analysis focuses on the role of the genes involved in cytosolic translation, since mutations in these genes seem to display the most drastic effects on longevity but also on the structure of the defective mitochondrial DNA molecules that accumulate during Senescence. We have detected in some Podospora anserina mutant strains (permissive strains) the presence of a novel cytoplasmic and infectious determinant that entails an easily discernible phenotype associated with a severe growth alteration (Crippled Growth). This growth alteration is not associated with mitochondrial DNA modifications. Only the strains that have an increased translational accuracy present Crippled Growth. However, the Crippled Growth Determinant is found in all the strains during the stationary phase; it is eliminated from the non permissive strains during the exit of the stationary phase. The mutants, that have an increased translational accuracy, probably lack a factor which is needed to eliminate the determinant when cells enter the growth phase.  相似文献   

The specificity parameters counteracting the heterologous expression in Escherichia coli of the Desulfomicrobium baculatum gene (hydV) coding for the large subunit of the periplasmic hydrogenase which is a selenoprotein have been studied. hydV'-'lacZ fusions were constructed, and it was shown that they do not direct the incorporation of selenocysteine in E. coli. Rather, the UGA codon is efficiently suppressed by some other aminoacyl-tRNA in an E. coli strain possessing a ribosomal ambiguity mutation. The suppression is decreased by the strA1 allele, indicating that the hydV selenocysteine UGA codon has the properties of a "normal" and suppressible nonsense codon. The SelB protein from D. baculatum was purified; in gel shift experiments, D. baculatum SelB displayed a lower affinity for the E. coli fdhF selenoprotein mRNA than E. coli SelB did and vice versa. Coexpression of the hydV'-'lacZ fusion and of the selB and tRNA(Sec) genes from D. baculatum, however, did not lead to selenocysteine insertion into the protein, although the formation of the quaternary complex between SelB, selenocysteyl-tRNA(Sec), and the hydV mRNA recognition sequence took place. The results demonstrate (i) that the selenocysteine-specific UGA codon is readily suppressed under conditions where the homologous SelB protein is absent and (ii) that apart from the specificity of the SelB-mRNA interaction, a structural compatibility of the quaternary complex with the ribosome is required.  相似文献   

Immunoaffinity-purified paired helical filaments (PHFs) from Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain homogenates contain an associated protein kinase activity that is able to induce the phosphorylation of PHF proteins on addition of exogenous MgCl2 and ATP. PHF kinase activity is shown to be present in immunoaffinity-purified PHFs from both sporadic and familial AD, Down's syndrome, and Pick's disease but not from normal brain homogenates. Although initial studies failed to show that the kinase was able to induce the phosphorylation of tau, additional studies presented in this article show that only cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase-pretreated recombinant tau is a substrate for the PHF kinase activity. Deletional mutagenesis, phosphopeptide mapping, and site-directed mutagenesis have identified the PHF kinase phosphorylation sites as amino acids Thr361 and Ser412 in htau40. In addition, the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation sites that direct the PHF kinase have been mapped to amino acids Ser356 and Ser409 in htau40. Additional data demonstrate that these hierarchical phosphorylations in the extreme C terminus of tau allow for the incorporation of recombinant tau into exogenously added AD-derived PHFs, providing evidence that certain unique phosphorylations of tau may play a role in the pathogenesis of neurofibrillary pathology in AD.  相似文献   

We have investigated the properties of the newly synthesized proton-pump inhibitor, 3-butyryl-8-methoxy-4-[(2-thiophenyl)amino]quinoline (YJA20379-6), on gastric mucosal proton-pump (H+/K+-ATPase) activity, gastric acid secretion and gastroduodenal lesions in experimental rats. YJA20379-6 markedly inhibited H+/K+-ATPase activity in rabbit isolated gastric mucosal microsomes, confirming its classification as a proton-pump inhibitor. The inhibitory efficacy of YJA20379-6 on the proton pump was approximately 14-times higher than that of omeprazole at pH 7.4. YJA20379-6 given intraduodenally had a potent inhibitory effect on gastric secretion in pylorus-ligated rats (ED50 22.9 mg kg(-1)) but was less active than omeprazole. Pretreatment of rats with YJA20379-6 dose-dependently protected the gastric mucosa from damage induced by water-immersion stress, indomethacin and absolute ethanol, and the duodenal mucosa from damage induced by mepirizole. Repeated administration of YJA20379-6 also dose-dependently accelerated the spontaneous healing of acetic acid-induced gastric ulcers. These results suggest that YJA20379-6 has potent anti-secretory and anti-ulcer effects which are exerted by suppression of H+/K+-ATPase activity in gastric parietal cells. YJA20379-6 might be useful for the clinical treatment of peptic ulcer diseases.  相似文献   

The 20-kDa protein gene is androgen regulated in rat ventral prostate. Intron 1 contains a 130-base pair complex response element (D2) that binds androgen (AR) and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) but transactivates only with AR in transient cotransfection assays in CV1 cells using the reporter vector D2-tkCAT. To better understand the function of this androgen-responsive unit, nuclear protein interactions with D2 were analyzed by DNase I footprinting in ventral prostate nuclei of intact or castrated rats and in vitro with ventral prostate nuclear protein extracts from intact, castrated, and testosterone-treated castrated rats. Multiple androgen-dependent protected regions and hypersensitive sites were identified in the D2 region with both methods. Mobility shift assays with 32P-labeled oligonucleotides spanning D2 revealed specific interactions with ventral prostate nuclear proteins. Four of the D2-protein complexes decreased in intensity within 24 h of castration. UV cross-linking of the androgen-dependent DNA binding proteins identified protein complexes of approximately 140 and 55 kDa. The results demonstrate androgen-dependent nuclear protein-DNA interactions within the complex androgen response element D2.  相似文献   

The promoter of a gene encoding a ribosome-associated protein of 40 kDa from Arabidopsis thaliana (A-p40) was sequenced and the expression of the gene studied. A-p40 was expressed in the same organs and with the same variations as the eukaryotic elongation factor 1 alpha (eEF1A), another gene coding for a protein involved in translation Arabidopsis plants transformed with a beta-glucuronidase (GUS) gene driven by the A-p40 promoter confirm that A-p40 is expressed in actively dividing and growing cells. eEF1A promoter-GUS fusions have the same pattern of expression. Comparison of cis-acting elements from A-p40 and eEF1A revealed some common elements. A-p40 promoter deletions and transient gene expression in transfected Arabidopsis protopasts allowed the identification of trap40, a cis-acting element regulating gene expression. Gel retardation experiments indicate that eEF1A and A-p40 are regulated by different cis-acting elements. The role of such elements is discussed.  相似文献   

Efficient expression of many mammalian genes depends on the presence of at least one intron. We previously showed that addition of almost any of the introns from the mouse thymidylate synthase (TS) gene to an intronless TS minigene led to a large increase in expression. However, addition of intron 4 led to a reduction in minigene expression. The goal of the present study was to determine why TS intron 4 was unable to stimulate expression. Insertion of intron 4 into an intron-dependent derivative of the ribosomal protein L32 gene did not lead to a significant increase in expression, suggesting that its inability to stimulate expression was due to sequences within the intron. Deleting most of the interior of intron 4, improving the putative branch point, removing purines from the pyrimidine stretch at the 3' end of the intron, or removing possible alternative splice acceptor or donor sites within the intron each had little effect on the level of expression. However, when the splice donor sequence of intron 4 was modified so that it was perfectly complementary to U1 snRNA, the modified intron 4 stimulated expression approximately 6-fold. When the splice donor site of TS intron 1 (a stimulatory intron) was changed to that of TS intron 4, the modified intron 1 was spliced very inefficiently and lost the ability to stimulate mRNA production. Our observations support the idea that introns can stimulate gene expression by a process that depends directly on the splicing reaction.  相似文献   

Vegetative incompatibility in fungi results from the control of heterokaryon formation by the genes present at het loci. Coexpression of antagonistic het genes in the same hyphae leads to a lethal process. In Podospora anserina, self-incompatible strains containing nonallelic incompatible genes in the same nucleus are inviable as the result of a growth arrest and a lytic process. Mutations in suppressor genes (mod genes) can restore the viability. These mod mutations also interfere with developmental processes, which suggests common steps between the incompatibility reaction and cellular differentiation. The mod-A locus, responsible for growth arrest in the self-incompatible strains, is also involved in the control of the development of female organs. The mod-A gene was isolated. An open reading frame 687 amino acids long was identified. The MOD-A-encoded polypeptide is rich in proline residues, which are clustered in a domain containing a motif that displays similarity to SH3-binding motifs, which are known to be involved in protein-protein interactions. Construction of a strain deleted for mod-A confirmed that the product of this gene involved in differentiation is a key regulator of growth arrest associated with vegetative incompatibility.  相似文献   

We investigated prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) secretion during acute and late abstinence following methylphenidate (MP) administration. Ten male patients who were undergoing acute cocaine abstinence and nine control subjects were randomly assigned into one of two possible sequences of MP and placebo, with each experimental condition occurring on two successive days. This procedure was repeated after 7 days for the patients. Baseline measures were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) with post hoc tests. Measures of MP challenge were analyzed by analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with baseline as the covariate. Acute abstinence was compared with control values and then to late abstinence. Plasma levels of PRL, GH, and MP were measured along with a measure of clinical symptoms. Patients had higher basal PRL concentrations during acute abstinence compared with controls, and patients showed no difference when compared to themselves after 7 days (late abstinence). Provocation with MP yielded exaggerated PRL and GH responses in patients during acute abstinence compared with control values, and ANCOVA also revealed a significant increase in PRL response during late abstinence compared with acute abstinence. GH was a less sensitive indicator than PRL. Craving was exacerbated by MP during both acute and late abstinence and was possibly increased at late abstinence. This indicates that the perturbation in dopamine regulation persists and may be increased as clinical recovery occurs for most subjective symptoms. Blood pressure changes were variable and interpretation was uncertain.  相似文献   

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