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The relationship between the undrained shear strength of fine-grained soils and the water content can be described with a nonlinear function in which the type of soil is determined by two parameters. It is well known that these parameters depend mainly on the mineral compositions of soils; these relationships, however, have not yet been investigated. The findings described in this paper define those mineralogical properties of soils which determine the values of both parameters. Experimentally obtained results suggest that the parameters primarily depend on the size of the clay minerals, their quantity in soil composition, and the interlayer water quantity in the expanding clay minerals. As this dependence is well defined, the parameters, and thus the undrained shear strength at different water content, can be defined from knowledge of these mineralogical soil properties.  相似文献   

Shear Strength in Preexisting Landslides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drained residual shear strength is used for the analysis of slopes containing preexisting shear surfaces. Some recent research suggests that preexisting shear surfaces in prior landslides can gain strength with time. Torsional ring and direct shear tests performed during this study show that the recovered shear strength measured in the laboratory is only noticeably greater than the drained residual strength at effective normal stress of 100 kPa or less. The test results also show that the recovered strength even at effective normal stresses of 100 kPa or less is lost after a small shear displacement, i.e., slope movement. An effective normal stress of 100 kPa corresponds to a shallow depth so the observed strength gain has little, if any, impact on the analysis of deep landslides. This paper describes the laboratory strength recovery testing and the results for soils with different plasticities at various rest periods and effective normal stresses.  相似文献   

A series of undrained tests were performed on granular soils consisting of sand and gravel with different particle gradations and different relative densities reconstituted in laboratory. Despite large differences in grading, only a small difference was observed in undrained cyclic shear strength or liquefaction strength defined as the cyclic stress causing 5% double amplitude axial strain for specimens having the same relative density. In a good contrast, undrained monotonic shear strength defined at larger strains after undrained cyclic loading was at least eight times larger for well-graded soils than poorly graded sand despite the same relative density. This indicates that devastating failures with large postliquefaction soil strain are less likely to develop in well-graded granular soils compared to poorly graded sands with the same relative density, although they are almost equally liquefiable. However, if gravelly particles of well-graded materials are crushable such as decomposed granite soils, undrained monotonic strengths are considerably small and almost identical to or lower than that of poorly graded sands.  相似文献   

Full-flow penetrometers (the T-bar and ball) are increasingly used on sites with thick deposits of soft clays, particularly prevalent offshore. Full-flow penetration tests were performed at five international well-characterized soft clay test sites to assess the use of full-flow penetrometers to estimate undrained shear strength. Field vane shear data were used as the reference undrained strength. Statistical analyses of strength factors indicates that full-flow penetrometers provide an estimate of undrained shear strength at a similar level of reliability compared to the piezocone. Relationships for estimating the strength factor and soil sensitivity using only full-flow penetrometer data obtained during initial penetration and extraction are developed. A strong dependence of the strength factor on sensitivity was identified and can be used for the estimation of undrained strength. The effectiveness and use of the developed correlations are demonstrated through their application at an additional test site.  相似文献   

This paper presents an experimental study of the strength in anisotropic clays by means of centrifuge model, cone penetration, and vane shear tests. To understand the effects of void ratio, overconsolidation ratio, and testing rate on the undrained shear strength (Su) of anisotropic Speswhite clay, a new centrifugal testing technique is designed to obtain constant overconsolidation ratio (OCR) profiles with varying void ratios (e), called the “descending gravity test.” The parameters controlling the generation of peak shear strength are quantified. As a result of this function, a new material and rate-dependent surface is defined in the e-OCR-Su space, which is identified as a “structural state capacity surface” since it relates the anisotropic structure to structure inherent capacity and properties. A new function for the estimation of excess pore pressure (uex) generated by cone penetration is found. By combining the strength and pore pressure functions a new model is proposed, called the “CU model.” The CU model is a structure-based model that provides reliable estimates of shear strength for in situ saturated clays using the knowledge of void and overconsolidation ratios. Finally, by combining Su-e-OCR and uex-e-OCR relationships, it estimates the void ratio and OCR profiles of anisotropic clays from piezocone penetration test results.  相似文献   

The mechanism controlling the cyclic shear strength of cemented calcareous soils was investigated based on the results obtained from monotonic and cyclic triaxial tests on two different types of calcareous soil. Undrained cyclic triaxial tests performed on artificially cemented calcareous soils with different loading combinations showed that the effective stress path moved towards or away from the origin, due to the generation or dissipation of pore pressure with progressive cycles. Previous investigations have shown that the Peak Strength Envelope or the State Boundary Surface or the Critical State Line forms a boundary beyond which effective stress paths during cyclic loading cannot exist. However, in this study it was observed that the maximum stress ratio (ηmax) obtained from monotonic tests defined the boundary for the cyclic tests. Based on the information obtained from this study, an approach for evaluating the cyclic shear strength is proposed. It was observed that the modified normalized cyclic shear strength had a strong linear relationship with the logarithm of the number of cyclic to failure irrespective of confining pressure, type of consolidation and stress reversal.  相似文献   

Fractal Approach to Unsaturated Shear Strength   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Great efforts have been made to determine the shear strength of unsaturated soils using both elaborate laboratory tests and empirical methods. However, elaborate laboratory tests are difficult and time consuming to perform, and the physical meaning of empirical parameters is not obvious in empirical methods. A simple method to determine the unsaturated shear strength is proposed based on a fractal model for the pore surface. The unsaturated shear strength can be easily estimated using the surface fractal dimension and air-entry value, which can be calculated from the soil–water characteristic curves. The unsaturated shear strength obtained from the proposed method is in satisfactory agreement with the experimental data found in the literature. The proposed method is critically examined and its advantages and limitations are also discussed.  相似文献   

Landslides in residual soil slopes are commonly induced by rainfall infiltration. These residual soils are typically in an unsaturated state with negative pore-water pressures or matric suctions since the groundwater tables in steep slopes are often deep. The net normal and shear stresses of the soil remain essentially constant during rainwater infiltration into the slope. Failure of the slope during rainfall can be primarily associated with the decrease in the matric suction of the soil. The objective of the study was to investigate the strength and deformation characteristics of a residual soil of the Bukit Timah Granitic Formation during infiltration that leads to slope failure. There were two modified direct shear apparatuses used. One apparatus was used for the determination of shear strength under controlled suction conditions while the other apparatus was used for shearing-infiltration tests. The shearing-infiltration test results were compared with the shear strength values obtained from the shearing tests under constant suction. The shearing-infiltration test results indicate a close relationship between the decreasing matric suction and the increasing displacement rate of the soil specimen. At the initial part of the infiltration process, there is a rapid reduction in matric suction that is accompanied by little movement in the soil. When failure of the soil is imminent, the soil movement will accelerate.  相似文献   

A series of unsaturated soil triaxial tests were performed on four soils including sand, silt, and a low plasticity clay. Attempts were made to correlate unsaturated soil properties from these tests and data from the literature with soil-water characteristics curve (SWCC), soil gradation, and saturated soil properties. The feasibility of estimating unsaturated soil property functions from saturated soil properties, SWCCs and gradation data, is demonstrated. A hyperbolic model for estimation of the unsaturated soil parameter, ?b, versus matric suction is presented. Shear induced volume change behavior was also studied, and results are included in this paper. Although not correlated with soil index properties, these shear-induced volume change data are important to complete stress-deformation analyses, and represent a significant addition to the existing data base of unsaturated soil properties.  相似文献   

Triaxial consolidation undrained shear tests are performed on both undisturbed and remolded Ariake clays to investigate the undrained shear strength behavior. When the applied confining stress is larger than the triaxial consolidation yield stress, the strength envelopes expressed in the plot of undrained shear strength versus confining stress of both the undisturbed and the remolded Ariake clays are straight lines through the origin. The strength envelope of the remolded Ariake clays lies above that of the undisturbed Ariake clays when the applied confining stress is larger than the consolidation yield stress. This difference is caused by the difference in water content between undisturbed and remolded states. When the data obtained from triaxial consolidation undrained shear tests of both the undisturbed and the remolded Ariake clays are plotted in the plot of undrained shear strength versus water content, it is found that the undrained shear strength decreases uniquely with the increase in water content.  相似文献   

Undrained Shear Strength of Pleistocene Clay in Osaka Bay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study presents the undrained shear characteristics of Holocene and Pleistocene clay samples from depths of 20–200 m under the seabed in Osaka Bay. Automated triaxial K0 consolidation tests and anisotropically consolidated-undrained triaxial compression and extension tests are conducted using the recompression method. The average undrained strength ratio (su/σv0′) is 0.33 (SD = 0.03) when the extension strength is defined as the peak strength or the strength at an axial strain of 15%, while su/σv0′ is 0.29 (SD = 0.04) when the extension strength is defined as the shear stress at the axial strain corresponding to the peak compression strength. Circular arc stability analyses are carried out with the modified Fellenius and Bishop methods for the design cross section of the seawall structure of the Kansai International Airport to study the effects of different definitions of shear strength. The seawall is founded on 19 m of soft Holocene clay and 10 m of Pleistocene sand overlying the Pleistocene clay. The stability analyses show that the factor of safety and depth of the critical circle (i.e., above versus below the sand layer) are sharply affected by both the value of su/σv0′ (0.33 versus 0.29) and the method of slices (Fellenius versus Bishop). The marginal stability calls for careful monitoring of construction with field instrumentation.  相似文献   

Dredging operations in European harbors for maintenance of navigable water depth produce vast amounts of harbor mud. Between 2005 and 2007, the second largest harbor construction project in Germany was designed as a pilot study to use dredged harbor mud as backfill material to avoid expensive disposal or ex situ treatment. During this project, a partial collapse of the backfill highlighted the need for an improved assessment of undrained shear strength of naturally occurring liquid harbor mud. Using vane shear testing, this study evaluates the effect of shear rate on the undrained shear strength of harbor mud. It is shown that measured values for both peak and residual shear strength are significantly influenced by shear rate effects. Furthermore, the influence of shear rate on the peak shear strength is found to be independent of water content while the influence of the shear rate on the residual shear strength strongly depends on water content. New shear rate dependent correction factors μ are proposed using the test results and the observed time to failure in the harbor basin. The proposed correction leads to significant lower design undrained shear strengths than the classical Bjerrum correction and would have predicted the failure during the construction.  相似文献   

The concept that plasticity index of soils can be defined as a range of water contents producing a 100-fold variation in undrained shear strength has been experimentally verified with the help of a large number of tests on soils of diverse nature. This has led to the redefinition of the plastic limit as the water content at which undrained shear strength is around 170 kN/m2. Undrained shear strength of a soil at the liquid limit can be considered to be around 1.7 kN/m2. Accordingly, both the liquid limit and the plastic limit have been determined in the present work by a single consistent method, i.e., the Swedish fall cone method. The undrained shear strength-water content relationship has been found to be log-linear for a wide range of water contents beginning from lower than the plastic limit to higher than the liquid limit. This resulted in the formulation of an expression for predicting undrained shear strength of a remolded soil at any water content based solely on its liquid limit and plastic limit.  相似文献   

The assessment of the shear stiffness of dredged soft ground and soft clay is extremely difficult due to soil disturbances caused during sampling and field access. Several in situ methods such as spectral analysis of surface waves, multichannel analysis of surface wave, cross hole, and downhole methods have been developed to measure the shear-wave velocity, but a few disadvantages hinder the adoption of existing methods to soft ground. This study presents a new apparatus, the penetration type field velocity probe (FVP), which overcomes several of the limitations of commonly used shear-wave measurement methods in the field. Design concerns of the FVP include the tip shape, soil disturbance, transducers, self acoustic insulation, protectors, and the electromagnetic coupling from transducer-to-transducer and cable-to-cable. The crosstalk between cables is eliminated by grouping and extra grounding of the cables. The shear-wave velocity of the FVP is directly calculated, without any inversion process, by using the travel distance and the travel time. After calibration tests are carried out in the laboratory, application tests in the field are conducted up to 29 m in depth. Calibration results show the velocity profiles obtained by the FVP and by the rods fitted with transducers are similar to each other. The experimental results obtained in the field show that the FVP can produce reasonable and detailed shear-wave velocity profiles in soft clay. This study suggests that the FVP may be an effective technique for measuring the shear-wave velocity in soft ground.  相似文献   

A manually operated penetrometer (DMS) fitted with cylindrical (T-bar) and ball penetrometer tips was developed for measuring the profiles of undisturbed and remolded undrained shear strength within box-core samples. This paper summarizes the findings of a series of miniature penetrometer tests and vane shear tests that were carried out on reconstituted clay from a local site in Western Australia. The aim of the tests was to evaluate the potential of the DMS in characterizing the shear strength of seabed surficial sediments. It was found that the DMS gave essentially identical T-bar and ball penetration resistances but these were up to 17% lower than the net cone resistance. From the comparison between the T-bar and ball penetration resistance and the shear strengths measured from vane shear tests, average N factors of 11 and 14 were obtained for intact and fully remolded conditions, respectively. The test results suggest that the DMS is a reliable and efficient means of obtaining intact and remolded shear strength profiles.  相似文献   

Shear strength of unsaturated soil is an important engineering property in various geotechnical designs. In response to varying climatic conditions, unsaturated soil behaves differently under the drying and wetting processes due to hysteresis. Many research works were conducted and numerous equations were proposed for unsaturated shear strength, however, most of them were limited to the soil under the drying process. In this study, shear strength equations were categorized according to the nature of equation, i.e., fitting and prediction type equations. The purpose of this study is to propose prediction type shear strength equations for unsaturated soil under drying and wetting. Twelve published shear strength equations were selected for evaluation. A series of unsaturated consolidated drained triaxial tests were conducted on statically compacted sand-kaolin specimens under drying and wetting to examine the validity of the proposed equations. The experimental results indicated that the specimens on the drying path had a higher shear strength and exhibited more ductility, less stiffness, and contraction during shearing while the specimens on the wetting path had a lower shear strength and exhibited more brittleness, more stiffness, and dilation during shearing. The proposed equations were shown to provide the best predictions on the drying and wetting shear strength results from this study as well as published data in the comparison study.  相似文献   

The apparent cohesion due to soil suction plays an important role in maintaining the stability of steep unsaturated soil slopes with deep ground water table. In this paper, a modified direct shear box is used to determine the relationships between the value of this additional cohesion and the associated soil suction. The apparatus incorporates a miniature tensiometer which allows for the simple and direct measurement of suction during shearing. The soil-water characteristic curves and shearing behavior of intact residual soils, being low-to-medium plasticity silts, as well as silty sand, taken from four landslide-prone areas in Thailand, have been investigated. The relatively low air-entry suctions (0–7 kPa) and bimodality of the soil-water characteristic curves gives an indication of the structured pore size distribution of the materials tested. Samples with higher suction tend to display stronger bonding at particle contacts and thus are more brittle. The shear strength is found to increase nonlinearly with suction, though linearization can be reasonably assumed for suction below around 30 kPa. Prediction of shear strength based on soil-water characteristic curves agrees better with ultimate than peak values. A simple equation is proposed for the minimum ultimate strength that can be expected in an unsaturated residual soil with a suction lower than about 30 kPa.  相似文献   

Sand dilates with shearing at a rate that increases with increasing relative density (DR) and decreases with increasing effective confining stress (σc′). The peak friction angle of a sand depends on its critical-state friction angle and on dilatancy. In this paper, we develop a simple correlation between peak friction angle, critical-state friction angle, and dilatancy based on triaxial compression and plane-strain compression test data for sand for a range of confining pressures from very low levels to approximately 196 kPa.  相似文献   

The I-15 Reconstruction Project in Salt Lake City, Utah required rapid embankment construction in an urban environment atop soft lacustrine soils. These soils are compressible, have low shear strength, and require significant time to complete primary consolidation settlement. Because of this, innovative embankment systems and foundation treatments were employed to complete construction within the approved budget and demanding schedule constraints. This paper evaluates and compares the construction time, cost, and performance of three embankment/foundation systems used on this project: (1) one-stage mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall supported by lime cement columns; (2) expanded polystyrene (geofoam) embankment with tilt-up panel fascia walls; and (3) two-stage MSE wall with prefabricated vertical drain installation and surcharging. Of the technologies evaluated, the geofoam embankment had the best performance based on settlement and rapid construction time considerations, but is more costly to construct than a two-stage MSE wall with PV drain foundation treatment. The one-stage MSE wall with lime cement treated soil was the most costly, and did not perform as well as expected; thus, it had only limited use on the project.  相似文献   

Ring shear tests were conducted on five samples of different nature with a modified Imperial College type ring shear machine. The three different testing methods used, (1) individual sample testing for each normal stress, (2) increasing load multistage ring shear test, and (3) reducing load multistage ring shear test, all showed similar effective residual internal friction angle for the samples, irrespective of testing method. However, effective residual shear intercept was different according to the testing methodology. The internal friction angle did not vary, particularly after the first minimum point in the stress displacement curve, although the residual shear intercept decreased with increase in the displacement. The thickness of the shearing zone increased along with the displacement. The remolded peak shear strength for saturated conditions at field dry density varied with the consolidation history. Measurement of remolded peak shear strength was possible in a single sample using the increasing load multistage ring shear test at normal consolidation. The equilibrium water content of the sample after the ring shear test was nearly equal to the plastic limit.  相似文献   

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