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黄金企业是主要的碳排放源,对于碳达峰有重要的意义。从化石燃料燃烧、炸药爆炸过程、脱氰过程、购入电力四个角度构建黄金企业二氧化碳排放核算模型。以内蒙古某金矿为例核算碳排放,电力消耗是主要碳排放源,其次为化石燃料燃烧。过程排放,即炸药爆炸和脱氰过程,不是黄金企业主要碳源,但是不可忽略的重要组成部分。  相似文献   


The energy intensive nature of electric arc furnace (EAF) steelmaking necessitates that efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions will affect steelmakers directly and/or through electric power producers. A model of GHG emissions from an EAF meltshop has been developed using the life cycle assessment approach. Direct and indirect sources of GHG gas emissions are estimated and ranked. Furnace combustion optimisation was evaluated in case studies conducted on a Canadian conventional EAF and a British scrap preheating `shaft' furnace. The analysis assumed 32 and 68% fossil fuel electricity generation, respectively. These case studies show that indirect GHG emission sources, in particular electricity generation, are more significant than direct emissions from the EAF. For the conventional EAF, offgas analysis and improved combustion control reduced electricity consumption by 40 kWh t-1, costs by US$1·05/t, and GHG emissions by 20 kg CO2-eq./t. For the shaft EAF, real time offgas monitoring and closed loop burner control reduced electricity consumption by 25 kWh t-1, costs by US$3·6/t, and GHG emissions by 15 kg CO2-eq./t. The case studies show that combustion optimisation using an EAF offgas analysis and combustion control system provides greater electricity, cost, and GHG reductions than previously reported in the literature.  相似文献   

The European Union has implemented the European Union emission trading scheme (EU ETS) as an instrument to facilitate greenhouse gas (GHG) emission abatement stipulated in the Kyoto protocol. Empirical data show that in the early stages of the EU ETS, the value of a ton of CO2 has already led to emission abatement through switching from coal to gas in the European electric power sector. In the second part of this paper, an electricity generation simulation model is used to perform simulations on the switching behavior in both the first and the second trading periods of the EU ETS. In 2005, the reduction in GHG emissions in the electric power sector due to EU ETS is estimated close to 88?Mton. For the second trading period, a European Union allowance (EUA) price dependent GHG reduction curve has been determined. The obtained switching potential turns out to be significant, up to 300?Mton/year, at sufficiently high EUA prices.  相似文献   

This work describes the cost efficiency of a solar photovoltaic (PV) pumping system for irrigation system in relation to the most effective traditional power system, a diesel engine. A mathematical model for optimal sizing of a solar PV pumping system is used to estimate the maximum area that can be economically irrigated by the solar PV pumping system. The proposed methodology and model have been applied in two different areas in Croatia Osijek and Split, as paradigms of continental and coastal Croatia as well as European Union. The obtained results show that maximum areas which can be economically irrigated in the Osijek region are greater than in the Split region. Such result indicates that PV irrigation systems can be equally economically applied in relatively cooler climates and with less solar radiation, as well as in a warmer Mediterranean climate.  相似文献   

The seasonal cycle of atmospheric CO2 at surface observation stations in the northern hemisphere is driven primarily by net ecosystem production (NEP) fluxes from terrestrial ecosystems. In addition to NEP from terrestrial ecosystems, surface fluxes from fossil fuel combustion and ocean exchange also contribute to the seasonal cycle of atmospheric CO2. Here the authors use the Goddard Earth Observing System-Chemistry (GEOS-Chem) model (version 8-02-01), with modifications, to assess the impact of these fluxes on the seasonal cycle of atmospheric CO2 in 2005. Modifications include monthly fossil and ocean emission inventories. CO2 simulations with monthly varying and annual emission inventories were carried out separately. The sources and sinks of monthly averaged net surface flux are different from those of annual emission inventories for every month. Results indicate that changes in monthly averaged net surface flux have a greater impact on the average concentration of atmospheric CO2 in the northern hemisphere than on the average concentration for latitudes 30-90° in July. The concentration values differ little between both emission inventories over the latitudinal range from the equator to 30° in January and July. The accumulated impacts of the monthly averaged fossil and ocean emissions contribute to an increase of the total global monthly average of CO2 from May to December. An apparent discrepancy for global average CO2 concentration between model results and observation was because the observation stations were not sufficiently representative. More accurate values for monthly varying net surface flux will be necessary in future to run the CO2 simulation.  相似文献   

This paper shall show an economic feasible approach to implement greenhouse gas(GHG) reduction measures into steel companies. The goal to improve energy consumption is directly linked to the reduction of GHG emissions and therefore directly in correlation with the economic viability. A baseline scenario of the considered reference system and of the respective reference year has to be defined, mapped and analysed. In a second step an analysis of the same operation using available and prospected best available technology (BAT) processes is carried out to generate a basis for a benchmark system. The identified reduction potentials are reported and the GHG emission reductions are put into relation to the investment cost of the new process technologies/process adaption to be implemented.This economic feasibility calculation is necessary to realise a cost efficient GHG reduction roadmap implementation into the company’s business operations. The GHG reduction roadmap is developed using the abatement curve concept to get an indication of " low hanging fruits" and for establishing a sequence for implementing carbon emission reductions measures. The scope of that approach can be extended by including further important environmental parameters like NOx, SO2,CO,dust,heavy metal emissions in air as well as production residues.That gives in the end a broader picture and more starting points to improve the overall environmental performance of steel producing companies beyond the GHG emissions and energy consumption.  相似文献   

温室气体和钢铁工业减排措施   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由温室气体引起的全球气候变化已成为国际社会关注的焦点。2005年2月16日正式生效的《京都议定书》虽暂时对中国无直接的压力,但中国的温室气体排放总量仅次于美国,居世界第2位,居发展中国家的首位,这使中国在相关国际谈判中面临很大压力。2001年中国人均二氧化碳排放量为2.43 t,低于世界人均水平(3.88 t),但温室气体排放呈急剧增长趋势。中国钢铁行业的二氧化碳排放量约占发展中国家钢铁工业总排放量的30%,在国内工业二氧化碳排放量在工业二氧化碳排放中仅次于电力、建材(水泥),居第3位。介绍了相关的国际动态和对我国钢铁行业温室气体排放现状分析和减排措施的研究工作。  相似文献   

钢铁厂节能温室气体减排现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钢铁行业是温室气体排放的主要行业之一,温室气体减排技术包括节能和温室气体利用两方面.介绍国外温室气体的减排现状、中国的能源现状及日本和美国目前主要的节能减排技术;着重介绍宝钢开展的减排工作,包括节能技术的推广应用、新的节能减排技术的研发应用,如蓄热燃烧技术、多孔介质燃烧技术等;提出了应对后京都时代的措施.  相似文献   

固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)具有燃料适用范围广、能量转换效率高(发电效率40%~60%,综合能效≥80%)、全固态结构、模块化组装、零污染等优点,作为固定式或分布式发电可增强电网清洁供电的能力、安全性、可靠性和稳定性。SOFC具有多种不同的结构,其发电规模覆盖几十瓦至百兆瓦,可根据不同的应用场景选择不同的结构,应用场景主要包括固定式发电、分布式供电、热(冷)电联供、交通车辆辅助动力电源等领域。国内的SOFC技术发展较晚,目前已取得一定的研究进展,并且能够自主研发出十几千瓦的SOFC发电系统,但与国际领先水平还有很大的差距,主要体现在输出功率、生产成本及使用寿命等方面。欧洲的SOFC技术处于国际领先水平,具有一批成功实现产品化的公司,通过对其技术和产品的调研,可深入的了解欧洲SOFC技术现状和发展趋势,为国内SOFC技术的发展提供借鉴作用。   相似文献   

介绍了某生活垃圾焚烧发电项目的节能与碳减排措施。以EB提供的针对垃圾焚烧的计算方法,详细计算了项目CO2减排量预算,预计第一个减排期CO2减排量可达77.7万t。  相似文献   

Energy requirements and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for current landfilling of municipal solid waste (MSW) was compared to potential biodegradation of MSW in anaerobic digesters (AD) throughout the United States. A hybrid life-cycle analysis was completed to assess the potential for anaerobic biodegradation of MSW to methane, a valuable energy source. Conversion of MSW to methane in AD would generate a form of renewable energy, reduce GHG emissions, and save landfill space for nonbiodegradable materials. Based on laboratory- and pilot-scale studies conducted in the United States, full-scale data from facilities in Europe, and economic input-output life-cycle analysis, the annual 127 million t of MSW landfilled in the United States could be biologically converted to 5.9?billion?m3 of methane. Net methane production would have an estimated value of $1.5 billion/year when converted to an equivalent amount of electricity at an assumed value of $0.1/kWh. The 15 billion kWh/year of renewable energy released through the biodegradation process is estimated to satisfy the annual consumption of 1.3 million United States households. The analysis also suggests that diversion of MSW from landfills to AD systems would result in GHG emissions reductions of 146 million t CO2e per year, due to decreased landfill activity and use of biogenic methane instead of fossil fuel for electricity production. This represents a reduction in total emissions of 1.9% compared to U.S. GHG emissions in 2006. Nationwide AD systems are projected to reduce cumulative energy consumption by nearly 15 million TJ and reduce GHG emissions by 7.2 billion t CO2e, over a 50-year period. Logistics and capital costs of developing a nationwide reactor-based system for MSW management are considerable. Development of appropriate national policy and incentives would be needed to stimulate such a transition from the current landfill-based system that currently exists. It is estimated that a carbon emissions credit on the order of $30 to $60/t CO2e would facilitate break-even economics for nationwide implementation of AD systems. Alternatively, renewable energy credits would enhance the value of electricity produced from AD biogas. Carbon emissions taxes on landfills would further improve the economics of AD systems.  相似文献   

 The influences of air preheating temperature, oxygen concentration, and fuel inlet temperature on flame properties, and NOx formation and emission in the furnace were studied with numerical simulation. The turbulence behavior was modeled using the standard k ε model with wall function, and radiation was handled using discrete ordinate radiation model. The PDF (probability density function)/mixture fraction combustion model was used to simulate the propane combustion. Additionally, computations of NOx formation rates and NOx concentration were carried out using a post processor on the basis of previously calculated velocities, turbulence, temperature, and chemical composition fields. The results showed that high temperature air combustion (HiTAC) is spread over a much larger volume than traditional combustion, flame volume increases with a reduction of oxygen concentration, and this trend is clearer if oxygen concentration in the preheated air is below 10%. The temperature profile becomes more uniform when oxygen concentration in preheated air decreases, especially at low oxygen levels. Increase in fuel inlet temperature lessens the mixing of the fuel and air in primary combustion zone, creates more uniform distribution of reactants inside the flame, decreases the maximum temperature in furnace, and reduces NOx emission greatly.  相似文献   

刘飞  蔡九菊 《中国冶金》2012,22(3):39-41
冶金企业自备热电厂除为冶金企业生产提供必要的电力以外,还向企业及周边热用户提供热能,采用单位能源产品碳排放量指标结合火用 分析来评价热电联产的碳排放特性,将单位能源产品碳排放指标分解成最小排放量和附加排放量进行研究。研究结果表明:热电联产通过能源梯级利用,提高总体能源转换效率,减少化石能源使用,有利于实现碳减排。  相似文献   

Substitution of pulverised coal injection (PCI) by solid biocarbon fuel has the potential to achieve substantial reduction in GHG emissions associated with blast furnace ironmaking. A systematic evaluation was conducted on the performance of solid biocarbons produced from a single raw biomass source using different pyrolysis technologies. A techno-economic model was developed to evaluate the value-in-use (VIU) of the prepared solid biocarbon in blast furnace ironmaking. The VIU of solid biocarbon is strongly influent by its O/C (oxygen to carbon) mass ratio which is determined by the pyrolysis technology and conditions employed. It also dictates the cost of raw materials required to support the blast furnace ironmaking process and the potential GHG emissions achievable. In order to balance all factors that may affect the VIU of solid biocarbon, close collaboration between steelmakers and solid biocarbon producers is critical for producing suitable solid biocarbon fuel to replace PCI.  相似文献   

非碳冶金理念和探索试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过新疆巴州太阳能资源调研、碳冶金碳素作用及其温室气体排放分析,提出了"太阳能光伏非碳冶金"理念,实现"太阳能光伏非碳冶金"的技术难点在于建立独立的能量-冶金体系。为此,自主研发进行试验研究的条件,设计制造了公称容量1 kg、1.2 kW级别的非碳冶金平台。太阳能光伏非碳冶金技术包括4项单元技术及1项系统集成技术,通过技术集成创新,具体地进行了4类非碳冶金探索试验,成功实现了太阳能光伏发电技术与钢铁冶金技术的相互渗透和合作融合。在此基础上,深化思考,明确给出了非碳冶金理念的含义、内涵。通过其生产特点的讨论,展望了非碳冶金的未来。  相似文献   

郑咸彬 《四川冶金》2011,33(2):60-62
对于小型企业的自备电厂是利用其在生产过程中产生的废气、废渣作为燃料发电,所发电能提供给企业内部生产所用,变废为宝,实现节能减排的目的。同时电力生产的过程也是能源消耗的过程,电力生产所消耗的电能越少,输出的电功率就越多,经济效益就越明显。本文主要从设备选型、变频调速等方面就降低自备电厂厂用电消耗作一些介绍。  相似文献   

This paper describes the design and evaluation of a grid-tied photovoltaic (PV) system to be placed over the existing visitor center skylight for the Independence National Park in Philadelphia, Pa. using an integrated approach. The approach included calibrated building energy and lighting models (sensors and computational), estimation of the PV power produced, and cost taking into consideration the reduction based on cooling energy and emissions avoided by the displacement of purchased electricity (the mix of generating technologies in the local power control area was used to estimate avoided emissions). The design of the PV system was guided by the building orientation and skylight construction and was based on currently available PV modules. Several array sizes were considered since the choice of array size has implications for power production and shading, as well as for building cooling energy demand.  相似文献   

减少GHG排放以应对全球气候变化已成为人类社会的共识.为了探讨铜业GHG排放减量化问题,文中运用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,依据ISO14064定量评估标准,选取中国铜工业普遍采用的火法炼铜工艺,并以紫金山金铜矿为例,具体分析1 t铜生产过程GHG排放情况,从产业链与工艺角度来看,采矿、选矿、熔炼、精炼、电解环节中GHG直接和间接排放比率分别为:4.33%、58.62%、32.12%、2.42%、2.42%.其中选矿和熔炼阶段占90.74%.并以此为基础探讨了铜工业GHG排放减量化的有效途径.其主要结论为:采用循环技术,减少直接GHG排放源;构建闭合型铜生态产业链,减少能源间接GHG排放;完善铜静脉产业,减少其他间接GHG排放.   相似文献   

This paper compares life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from two municipal solid waste (MSW) management options, municipal waste combustion, and landfilling, using a U.S. EPA life-cycle assessment (LCA) model, the MSW Decision Support Tool. Unlike previously reported LCAs, key combustion model inputs—total MSW carbon content and its biogenic/fossil split—are determined not from MSW composition studies, but from measurements taken at operating municipal waste combustors (MWCs). MWC measurement data show U.S. MSW carbon content averages of 30% with a biogenic/fossil split of 66%/34%. The LCA also considers a range of landfilling scenarios which account not only for alternative landfill gas (LFG) management techniques, but also for the variability of landfill methane generation and capture. The LCA found that for the range of inputs and scenarios considered, municipal waste combustion outperforms landfilling in terms of GHG emissions, regardless of the LFG management technique.  相似文献   

随着科技手段的进步,现代的高炉炼铁技术已经得到充分的发展。然而从资源、能源及环境的角度看,高炉炼铁系统仍然面临着严峻的压力,烧结、焦化、高炉的能耗及污染不容乐观。从不同方面分别介绍了国内外炼铁系统的节能减排的重要方法,围绕含铁原料、燃料、高炉系统分别介绍了烟气脱硫、干熄焦技术、TRT发电技术、全氧高炉- 煤气自循环技术及炉渣的综合利用等几种典型工艺,以及其对炼铁系统节能减排的主要作用,并通过研究提出了中国高炉节能减排的发展方向。  相似文献   

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