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张海霞 《硅谷》2010,(18):30-30,77
目前有线电视网络在我国发展迅速,已经发展成为我国广播电视领域一支新兴产业;从单向广播网到双向交互网络;有线电视网以其频道多、容量大、传输质量高、视听效果好、收费低廉等特点,为广大群众普遍接受。远程医疗从20世纪60年代在美国问世以来,已受到世界各国的广泛关注,其跨时空、零距离、实时互动等特点,被巧妙地应用于社区卫生保健中,并逐渐显现出其快捷、便利、优化资源配置等优势,使社区居民足不出户,通过网络即可得到健康服务,成为社区卫生保健的新选择。就有线电视网络在远程医疗的应用进行综述,并展望基于有线电视网络的远程医疗在中国的发展前景,以期为我国远程医疗的发展提供参考与帮助。  相似文献   

远程医疗背景下社区医院和患者行为选择的演化分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用演化博弈理论方法,在远程医疗合作背景下,建立了社区医院和患者策略选择的演化博弈模型,分析了社区医院远程医疗合作策略和患者选择就医医院策略博弈的演化路径、演化均衡及其影响因素,并用Matlab软件对博弈演化过程进行数值仿真。研究发现,决策参数(政府对社区医院的资金支持、患者享有的医保报销比例等)取值的改变会对演化结果产生影响,并且给出了相应决策参数的确定方法。最后,根据分析结果为远程医疗的推广提出了合理性建议。  相似文献   

传统的变电站视频监控系统受技术发展的局限,只能进行现场监视。而网络远程监控将监视、遥控、防盗、消防和报警系统有机结合起来,既可做到远程监视、遥控和图像的传输,又具备环境的整体监控,而且还具有通常联网报警的功能。  相似文献   

杨杰 《高技术通讯》1999,9(4):10-14
考虑到单传感器的系统存在着局限性,提出了基于多传感器(雷达和红外)信号融合的目标识别和跟踪系统,以利用数据的互补和冗余。特征层融合能利用各传感器提供的特征为提高目标识别能力;对于点目标和面目标分别提出了智能规则推理和神经网分类器的目标识别方法。决策层融合能提高目标跟踪的精度并提高抗干扰性;提出了可信度决策的目标跟踪方法。  相似文献   

结合数据融合和数据挖掘技术的信息智能处理平台   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杨杰  胡英  全勇 《高技术通讯》2003,13(1):57-61
数据融合技术能利用不同传感数据的冗余信息实现互补以提高信息处理的正确性;数据挖掘技术能从大量数据中挖掘和发现有价值和隐含的知识,用于建模和优化。本文研究结合数据融合和数据挖掘技术的信息智能处理平台,阐述了其功能和组成,知识表达和建模、知识推理和决策,并介绍了其在目标检测识别和医疗监护等领域的应用。  相似文献   

This research proposes an on-line diagnosis system based on denoising and clustering techniques to identify spatial defect patterns for semiconductor manufacturing. Today, even with highly automated and precisely monitored facilities used in a near dust-free clean room and operated with well-trained process engineers, the occurrence of spatial signatures on the wafer still cannot be avoided. Typical defect patterns shown on the wafer, including edge ring, linear scratch, zone type and mixed type, usually contain important information for quality engineers to remove their root causes of failures. In this paper, a spatial filter is simultaneously used to judge whether the input data contains any systematic cluster and to extract it from the noisy input. Then, an integrated clustering scheme combining fuzzy C means (FCM) with hierarchical linkage is adopted to separate various types of defect patterns. Furthermore, a decision tree based on two cluster features (convexity and eigenvalue ratio) is applied to a separated pattern to provide decision support for quality engineers. Experimental results show that both real dataset and synthetic dataset have been successfully extracted and classified. More importantly, the proposed method has potential to be further applied to other industries, such as liquid crystal display (LCD) and plasma display panel (PDP).  相似文献   

设计了一个用于多传感器机器人控制的集成开发系统,该系统带有一个智能接口,可以集中采集多个传感器的数据,并进行一部分低层的数据融合处理,系统软件为多传感器的研究提供了必要的仿真工具及其他辅助控制算法,系统通用性好,为基于多感器的智能机器人的研究提供了一个很好的工具。  相似文献   

图象自动处理显微镜系统   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
该图象自动处理显微镜系统采用了电荷藕合器件对显微镜系统的涂片(或其它试片)进行了自动测光、自动调焦、自动曝光,以及对涂片(如细胞)进行自动筛选的功能。整个系统由微机控制,设有自动输涂片机械手装置、显微镜工作台自动二维扫描机构、自动测光、自动拍照等装置。微机对CCD器件所得到的图象信息按预定模式进行处理,并由预定程序对其组成机构的每步动作自动控制,达到显微镜系统对图象进行自动分析和处理的目的。  相似文献   

This paper introduces the principle for recognition of engine work -wave signal with neural net-work. A diagnosis method for recognizing engine trouble by its ivork wave is proposed. The designing process is illustrated by diagnosing the voltage trouble of the fuel injector of an electronic control (EC) engine.  相似文献   

Image fusion aims to integrate complementary information from multiple modalities into a single image with none distortion and loss of data. Image fusion is important in medical imaging, specifically for the purpose of detecting the tumor and identification of diseases. In this article, completely unique discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) based fusion method (DWT‐IFS) is proposed. For fusion, initially, all source images are fused using DWT with the average, maximum, and entropy fusion rules. Besides, on the fused image IFS is applied. In the IFS process images are converted into intuitionistic fuzzy images (IFIs) by selecting an optimum value for the parameter in membership, non‐membership, and hesitation degree function using entropy. Then, the resulting IFIs are decomposed into the blocks, and the corresponding blocks of the images are fused using the intersection and union operations of IFS. The efficiency of the proposed DWT‐IFS fusion method is recognized by examining it with other existing methods, such as Averaging (AVG), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Laplacian Pyramid Approach (LPA), Contrast Pyramid Approach (CPA), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Morphological Pyramid Approach (MPA), Redundancy Discrete Wavelet Transform (RDWT), Contourlet Transform (CONTRA), and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set (IFS) using subjective and objective performance evaluation measures. The experimental results reveal that the proposed DWT‐IFS fusion method provides higher quality of information in terms of physical properties and contrast as compared to the existing methods.  相似文献   

雷达-光电经纬仪联合定位模型及误差分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在现代靶场测量系统中,将不同测量设备测量数据进行融合处理以提高系统的综合测量水平和设备的使用效率。利用部署在光电经纬仪附近的雷达,建立雷达-光电经纬仪联合定位模型,将测角信息和部署在其附近雷达的测距信息进行数据融合,可以得到目标相对于经纬仪的距离,从而确定目标的空间三维位置;分析了定位模型的主要误差来源和典型情况下的误差情况。其结果表明,在典型情况下雷达经纬仪联合定位模型距离定位误差与雷达测距误差基本相当。  相似文献   


In composite document image, handwritten and printed text is often found to be overlapped with printed lines. The problem becomes critical for obscure and broken lines at multiple positions. Consequently, line removal is unavoidable pre-processing stage in the development of robust object recognisers. Moreover, the restoration of the smash-up characters after removal of lines still persists to be a problem of interest. This paper presents a new approach to detect and remove unwanted printed line inherited in the text image at any position without character distortion to avoid restoration stage. The proposed technique is based on connected component analysis. Experiments are conducted using single line images that scanned and extracted manually from several documents and forms. It is demonstrated that our approach is equally suitable to deal with line removal in printed and handwritten text written in any language circumvent restoration stage. Promising results are reported in comparison with the other researchers in the state of the arts.  相似文献   

油井在线监控计量分析系统技术研究及应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
文章论述了采用油井集群自动监测装置与专门的油井计量分析软件结合形成油井远程监控液量在线计量分析优化系统。该系统以采油工程技术、通信技术和计算机技术相结合,具有油井工况数据自动监测、油井液量计量、油井工况诊断、系统效率优化设计等功能。该系统已在大港、中原等油田先导性试验成功并推广应用,可以自动监测油井工况,并可替代或简化计量流程。  相似文献   

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