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The migration pattern of spawners of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in relation to water flow was analysed by radio-tracking in the regulated River Gudbrandsdalslågen, Norway. During the upstream spawning migration in the high flow period, trout (2–12 kg) were caught, tagged and released 15 km downstream of a fish ladder at the Hunderfossen waterfall. The released fish displayed a systematic and directional upstream movement to the outlet of the tunnel from the hydroelectricity plant. In autumn and winter there is a minimum water discharge of 20–2 m3/s on p.s. in the river between the dam and the outlet of the tunnel, which has a discharge of 200–300 m3/s. When the water flowing over the Hunderfossen dam decreased to 20 m3/s, the ascent of brown trout up the river stopped and fish periodically entered the power plant tunnel. To determine the flow necessary to attract fish into the spawning reach above the tunnel outlet, two experiments were undertaken using 12 and 17 radio-tagged trout. In the first experiment, 60 m3/s of water released for 24 h resulted in the migration of 50% of the trout up the river. The second experiment, releasing 60 m3/s for 24 h, followed by 30 m3/s for 24 h two days later, resulted in the migration of 60% of the trout. Only one fish ascended the river at a flow of 30 m3/s. It is recommended that a repeated release of water at 60 m3/s is made in periods of minimum water discharge to save the spawning migration. The results demonstrate the advantage of using radio-tracking in experiments dealing with fish migration in relation to water-flow management.  相似文献   

The spawning migration and local homing of adult brown trout was analysed using radio telemetry in a regulated river in central Norway. Twenty‐eight large (37–64 cm) brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) were tracked before, during and after spawning in the River Nea, a watercourse with several obstructions, including an outlet tunnel from a power station and a regulated stretch (26 km) with 45 weirs. Two major patterns of spawning migration were found: (1) about half (n = 16; 57%) of the trout moved very little and remained in the deeper pools of the river from June until November; (2) about half (n = 12; 43%) of the trout migrated relatively long distances (12.5–28 km) up the river prior to the spawning period where they stayed in the outlets of small tributaries, or in rapids on the main river during the spawning period. We assume that these trout belong to a population of lake‐run migratory trout using the River Nea for spawning. There was no significant difference in body length of migratory and stationary brown trout and no significant difference in total distance moved by migratory males (30.5 km, n = 6) and females (20.5 km, n = 6, p > 0.05). Among migratory trout, we found no correlation between body length and migrated distance. Of the 12 migratory trout, nine undertook fast upward migration in periods of high water flow (> 100 m3/s). They passed the outlet tunnel from the power station and negotiated two to 35 weirs before reaching their main reproduction areas. Three trout crossed several weirs when the discharge was low (10–40 m3/s). When there was low discharge, fish remained at the outlet tunnel for up to four weeks and showed a high level of activity. Postspawning downstream migration started between 25 September and 25 October. Most migratory trout (n = 9) wintered in pools on the lower part of the river or in weir basins; only two trout descended to the lake (Selbusjøen) in late autumn. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

During the last 70 years, the Norwegian lake Mjøsa and its inflowing rivers have been subjected to serious changes due to hydroelectric power development. Regulation of the main inlet river, Gudbrandsdalslagen, started in 1919. The river power station at the Hunder fall was completed in 1964. This resulted in a reduction of winter water flow below the Hunder dam from approximately 26m3s?1 to 2m3s?1, which affected the most important spawning area of the fast-growing population of brown trout, Salmo trutta L. The population was investigated in detail in 1907, 1909, 1961, and 1985, and river growth, smolt age, and growth in Lake Mjøsa are compared. Only wild fish were included in the study. The main pattern throughout this period shows an increased river growth rate before smoltification and reduced smolt age. The average smolt age dropped from 4.7 years in 1909 to 4.1 years in 1985, and at the same time smolt size decreased from 26.8 cm to 25.1 cm. Considering the major changes in abiotic factors in the river spawning section, the changes in age structure and growth of brown trout smolt are comparatively small. In Lake Mjøsa, increased productivity due to input of nutrients has obviously favoured forage fish such as smelt (Osmerus eperlanus (L.)) and vendace (Coregonus albula (L.)). The growth rate of brown trout in the lake has improved from 1909 to 1961 and 1985, followed by a reduced spawning age. However, due to increased human exploitation the average length of ascending fish (approximately 68 cm) and condition factor ( K = 1.14–1.16) have altered little.  相似文献   

The trout population in a 10.6 ha weir basin in western Norway has been studied over thirteen years. Baseline investigations were carried out during 1974–78, three to five years after construction of the weir. Studies in 1983 showed dominance of the 1977 and 1978 year-classes. This dominance lasted until 1985. Removal of 75 per cent of the population for stocking in reservoirs reduced the fish biomass from 1.43 to 0.28 kg 100 m?2. This increased the growth rate and condition factor of the remaining fish in subsequent years. The trout enter the basin mainly at age 2+ and 3+. No increase in the number of immigrants was observed during the first two years after removal of fish. In the third year, however, a five-fold increase was measured. Most of these fish belonged to the 1985 year-class, which had little contact with the strong classes of 1977 and 1978. We conclude that density-dependent factors control immigration to the basin, whereas a combination of density-dependent and independent factors act on the recruitment in the riffle areas. We suggest that the highest recruitment of fish is obtained by reducing the density-dependent effect through removing a very high proportion of the young fish, 2+ and 3+, every year.  相似文献   

Salmonid repeat spawners are precious individuals for wild populations due to their high fecundity and previous spawning experience, making them important in environmental policy. However, repeat spawners rarely exist above hydropower dams in regulated rivers as the mortality of post-spawners (kelts) when passing through turbines during downstream migration is very high. To mitigate this problem, there are different technical solutions that potentially guide fish toward available fishways. Bubble barriers represent one alternative to costly physical guiding structures, but the efficiency of bubbles for guiding downstream migrating kelts has not been tested. In this study, we evaluate a 100 m long bubble barrier in guiding salmonids—both smolts and kelts—away from the main current and toward an alternative fishway in Ume River, a large regulated river in northern Sweden. We used both acoustic telemetry and sonar to measure the guiding effect of the bubble barrier for downstream migrating fish. We found that more than twice as many salmonids chose the alternative fishway when the bubble barrier was turned on. This was true both for smolts and kelts, suggesting that bubble barriers can be used to guide salmonids of different life stages in rivers with flow rates over 500 m3 s−1. Indeed, our study indicates that bubble barriers are low-cost structures that could be rapidly applied in many regulated rivers to support salmonid migration.  相似文献   

Water discharge regulation can affect food availability, accessibility and vulnerability and thus, the trophic habitat suitability for lotic salmonids. To analyse brown trout habitat suitability, we therefore combined the relative importance of the food availability (overall abundance of benthic and drifting invertebrates), with the potential food vulnerability (accessibility, conspicuousness and ease of handling), the latter depending on both physical habitat characteristics (flow patterns and structural complexity of habitat) and invertebrate traits (size and other biological traits). We considered the trophic patterns of trout at two spatial scales: the reach scale (unregulated reach versus regulated reach) and the macrohabitat scale (e.g. riffles and pools). Discharge regulation reduced trout abundance, biomass, and temperature‐independent growth rates. In the regulated reach, trout had a lower total prey consumption, a higher consumption of terrestrial invertebrates and a higher diet diversity than in the unregulated reach, indicating that trout were food‐limited. However, the potential availability of food supplies per individual trout was similar for the two reaches. Thus, trout prey consumption in the regulated reach should have been predominantly affected by the decrease in both the availability of large invertebrates in the drift and their vulnerability in the total food supplies. There were no macrohabitat‐specific differences in the total prey consumption and in the potential food availability within each reach. However, brown trout diets differed between the macrohabitats of each reach, in relation to differences in potential invertebrate vulnerability. Therefore, the potential vulnerability of invertebrates to predation was more relevant in the ecological evaluation of salmonid habitat suitability than the total food availability. The analysis at the macrohabitat scale provided a better understanding of the switches in brown trout diet and enabled a finer and more realistic analysis of trout feeding patterns. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the Intermountain West, USA, fry of fall‐spawning brown trout (Salmo trutta) are susceptible to scour‐related mortality because they are still in the gravel during spring snowmelt run‐off events. The goal of our research was to understand patterns of gravel scour on the Logan River, Utah, in relation to brown trout spawning and whether mobility of spawning gravels could explain the absence of brown trout from higher elevations. We collected data to characterize local entrainment potential at spawning gravels longitudinally on the Logan River during 2009 and 2010 spring flood events. We used scour chains to measure scour depth at spawning locations, and we also examined the position of redds in channel cross sections in relation to the centre line. The flood magnitude in both years approximated the 2‐year flood magnitude, but the flood in 2009 was much longer in duration. Scour at 27% of scour chain locations exceeded the estimated median upper limit of developing fry in 2009, whereas scour at 0% of locations exceeded this depth in 2010. Brown trout spawned in locations with similar entrainment potential at both mid and high elevations, which contributed to a lack of trend in scour depth with elevation. In addition, the majority of areas chosen for spawning were channel margins. The relationship between local entrainment potential at spawning gravels and scour depth was similar for the mid‐elevation canyon zone with medium brown trout density and the high‐elevation noncanyon zone with low brown trout density. In a low‐elevation backwater zone containing high densities of brown trout, scour was high despite low levels of entrainment potential. Overall, findings suggest that spawning gravel scour is not limiting brown trout abundance at high elevations in this system given shallow scour depths overall and a general lack of increase in scour depth with increasing elevation/distance upstream.  相似文献   

Radiotelemetry was used to investigate seasonal movement and home range of brown trout Salmo trutta (size range 188–420 mm fork length, N = 30) in two reaches of the Noguera Pallaresa River (Ebro Basin, north‐east Spain) subjected to different flow regulation schemes. NP‐1 reach is a bypassed section with near natural flow conditions, whereas the downstream reach NP‐2 is subjected to daily pulsed flow discharge (i.e., hydropeaking) from an upstream hydropower station. Significant differences in home range size (95% kernel estimates) and seasonal movement pattern between study reaches were found. Mean home range size was (μ ± SE) 112.1 ± 11.5 m in the bypassed reach NP‐1 and increased significantly in the hydropeaking reach NP‐2 up to 237.9 ± 37.2 m. There was a large individual variability in fish home range size within reaches. Most of the seasonal differences in fish movement among reaches were associated with the spawning season. Pulsed discharge events in NP‐2 during daytime in summer (lasting about 3 hr and increasing water flow from 1 to 20 m3/s) did not cause significant displacements in either upstream or downstream direction during the duration of the event. Our results highlight the importance of habitat connectivity in hydropeaking streams due to the need of brown trout to move large distances among complementary habitats, necessary to complete their life cycle, compared with unregulated or more stable streams.  相似文献   

Stocking of eggs is a common strategy to support declining or reintroduce extirpated salmonid populations. Data on how juveniles disperse from stocking points is crucial to be able to design efficient stocking programs. Detailed information of dispersal is limited for many salmonids, for example, brown trout. In this study, dispersal distance was measured at the end of the first growing season in a low gradient (0.7%) stream in Sweden where the trout population had been depleted. Eggs from 17 separate sets of parents were stocked as eyed eggs in March. During the following fall fry were sampled throughout the stream. The majority of the fry dispersed downstream and remained within a distance of 200 m from the stocking point with no difference between sizes of fry and the presence of a competing cohort or not. There was no dissimilarity in dispersal distances across offspring originating from different parents indicating absence of genetic influence. Our results suggest that, in streams similar to our study site, stocking points should be separated by approximately 330 m in order to avoid overlap in habitat use of fry from different stocking points and that the presence of competing cohorts, fry size and within population variability in dispersal can be neglected.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to illuminate any environmental preference of brown trout (Salmo trutta, fario) in streams of the South of France and, in this case, to evaluate the reliability of the Instream Flow Incremental Method, suggested by Bovee (1974) for American streams. At various randomly distributed points on five tributaries of the Tarn and Ariège rivers the occurrence of fishes at different stages of development and selected morphodynamic characteristics (velocity, depth, substratum) were observed simultaneously. The presence of fish was checked by using two special electric fishing techniques: (1) casting the anode ahead of the operator for a sudden immobilization of fish; and (2) connecting previously immersed electrodes on the riverbed. Curves have been plotted for velocity and depth parameters in each river at each season by analysing the frequency of appearance of fish at different stages of development in the different habitats. These curves do not vary greatly from one river to the next and the differences between seasons are not very significant. Single curves have thus been plotted by grouping the data from the different series of measurements. The curves obtained for the velocity parameter are very close to those proposed by Bovee and reveal that the fishes have a preference for low velocities, regardless of their stage of development. As shown by the Bovee curves, the preference obtained for the depth parameter is related to the stage of development: shallow waters are much preferred by fry and juveniles but are not greatly frequented by adults. This study seems to confirm the existence of a real environmental preference among brown trout, indicating that the Instream Flow Incremental Method can be used for French 1st category streams.  相似文献   

During October 2000 to August 2002, the River Skjern Nature Project was implemented by removing dykes and re‐meandering 20.5 km of the lower canalized river. As a consequence the length of the river stretch increased to 23 km. A lake of 250 ha developed in the river valley 5 km upstream from the river mouth because of subsiding soils caused by reclamation and drainage since the 1960s. Using radiotelemetry, the mortality of wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) smolts in the River Skjern and its estuary was investigated prior to and after the implementation of the project. Altogether, 77 Atlantic salmon and 66 brown trout smolts were caught, tagged and released in the river upstream of the restoration project during the spring of 2000 and 2002. The in‐river smolt mortality was more than double in 2002 for both Atlantic salmon and brown trout compared with 2000. This was primarily due to bird predation in 2002 which was not observed in 2000. The in‐river bird predation in 2002 was mediated by the new lake, which quickly became an important bird rest area. Estuarine mortality mainly caused by cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) differed significantly between species, but was high for both Atlantic salmon (39%) and brown trout (12%) in both years of investigation. The aggregated smolt mortality in the river and in the estuary (48%) may threaten an indigenous self‐sustaining Atlantic salmon population in the River Skjern. When planning river restoration projects, caution should be used, especially where permanently flooded floodplains (lakes) develop due to subsiding soil. In situations where rivers pass directly through newly developed lakes, migratory species such as Atlantic salmon and brown trout may be severely affected due to increased exposure to predation from predatory fish and birds. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The lowermost 20 km of the River Surna, northwestern Norway receives cool water during summer from a hypolimnetic release mountain reservoir. In this part of the river, yearlings of both Atlantic salmon and brown trout are significantly smaller compared with those in the upper section of the river, which is unaffected by the cold water release. The slower growth below the power station causes both Atlantic salmon and anadromous brown trout to smoltify one year later compared with fish in the upper section of the river. This leads to higher mortality and therefore lower production of both adult salmon and trout.  相似文献   

Habitat suitability of brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) was studied in the upper portion of the Adda River, Northern Italy. Measurements were made for 528 individuals distributed in two life‐stage classes, adult and juvenile, based on body length. In order to provide basic biological information for the physical habitat simulation (PHABSIM) system of the instream flow incremental methodology (IFIM) in the Italian regulated rivers, habitat suitability curves (HSCs) have been developed with respect to several microhabitat riverine parameters. Initially, current velocity, water depth, substrate class size and cover were analysed with an univariate approach, then bivariate habitat suitability models were developed from depth and velocity data. The comparison of experimental univariate HSCs with those from the literature outlined some differences that can essentially be explained by characteristics of the investigated river, confirming the necessity of using site‐specific curves in relation to each experimental study area. To compare the univariate and bivariate approaches, the weighted usable area (WUA)–discharge relationships were calculated using both types of HSCs. Response curves obtained from the two approaches turned out to be quite different. In PHABSIM habitat modelling, HSCs univariate functions need to be aggregated to produce the WUA–discharge relationship. A multiplicative criterion is generally used for the combined suitability factor; by means of this aggregation criterion all variables have equal weight. According to bivariate models, depth is much more important than velocity in defining habitat suitability requirements. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Takeable size (age 4+, length 27–67cm), hatchery reared brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) were released into the rivers Lågen and Otta, the Glomma River System, southern Norway, in May-July 1981 and 1983–87. The brown trout released in May gave significantly lower recapture rates compared to those released in June/July, i.e. 22.8 per cent compared to 41.6–58.0 per cent, respectively. Mean exploitation rate and survival rates ranged from 0.23 to 0.58 and 0.2 to 0.4, respectively, Within 15 days after release 50 per cent were recaptured, and 90 per cent were caught within 67 days. The frequency of recapture increased significantly with fish length in the length interval 30–45 cm, but decreased for bigger fish. The stocked brown trout were stationary and 95 per cent of the recaptures were caught less than 1 km from the site of release. Frequency of recapture ranged from 19.2 to 54.7 per cent in 6 experiments with takeable sized brown trout in different tributaries of the Glomma River System, and the variations are probably mainly due to differences in fishing pressure.  相似文献   

During the 19th and 20th centuries, Swedish streams were channelized to facilitate the commercial transport of timber on water. Stream‐dwelling fish were affected by the consequent reduction in habitat quality. To mitigate the effects on salmonids, which sustain important recreational fisheries, many streams have been restored through the replacement of boulders into the channel since the early 1980s. However, the effects of restoration on salmonids remain poorly known. This study assesses the effect of habitat restoration on the post‐emergence displacement of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) fry. Hatchery‐raised fry were released in a third‐order stream canalized for timber floating in northern Sweden, and the effect of restoration on displacement was assessed. The short‐term (24 h) displacement of trout fry was reduced from 10.1 to 2.3% of fry released following restoration. Water velocity accounted for 89.4% of the variation in fry displacement across years and sites. Post‐summer recruitment (the proportion of introduced juvenile trout remaining in the study reaches 60 days after the emergence) increased approximately three fold after restoration. These findings suggest that habitat restoration benefit trout populations through substantial reductions of fry displacement and possible contributions to juvenile recruitment. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A small hydroelectric power station was built in 1993 on the River Hoz Seca (Tagus basin, central Spain). Pre‐ and post‐regulation studies provided the opportunity to test the early effects of this disturbance on the brown trout Salmo trutta L. population. Before and after comparisons of population density and biomass, age composition, growth and production were made upstream and downstream of the diversion dam. The effects of disturbance on benthic macroinvertebrates were also analysed but no changes in abundance were detected. The downstream estimated population densities and biomass of trout showed a decrease of about 50 and 43%, respectively, following regulation. Examination of length‐for‐age tables revealed no obvious change in growth but a significant difference in age structure. The main consequence of the imposed fluctuating flow regime was a serious reduction in trout production caused by a loss of suitable habitat and a loss of juveniles. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Data for three rivers in the upper Severn catchment are examined to assess the influence of regulation strategies on the Atlantic salmon and brown trout populations. In the regulated Afon Clywedog, juvenile recruitment of both species declined steadily following increased utilization of the impoundment for regulation. The decline was considered the response to the variable and rapidly changing discharge regime adopted in the river. Spawning success and juvenile survival of salmonids in the Vyrnwy was relatively stable suggesting the flow regime in this river was less devastating.  相似文献   

Physicochemical relationships in the boundary zone between groundwater and surface water (i.e. the hyporheic zone) are controlled by surface water hydrology and the hydrogeologic properties of the riverbed. We studied how sediment permeability and river discharge altered the vertical hydraulic gradient (VHG) and water quality of the hyporheic zone within the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River. The Columbia River at Hanford is a large, cobble‐bed river where water level fluctuates up to 2 m daily because of hydropower generation. Concomitant with river stage recordings, continuous readings were made of water temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen and water level of the hyporheic zone. The water level data were used to calculate VHG between the river and hyporheic zone. Sediment permeability was estimated using slug tests conducted in piezometers installed into the river bed. The response of water quality measurements and VHG to surface water fluctuations varied widely among study sites, ranging from no apparent response to covariance with river discharge. At some sites, a hysteretic relationship between river discharge and VHG was indicated by a time lag in the response of VHG to changes in river stage. The magnitude, rate of change and hysteresis of the VHG response varied the most at the least permeable location (hydraulic conductivity (K) = 2.9 × 10?4 cms?1) and the least at the most permeable location (K = 8.0 × 10?3 cms?1). Our study provides empirical evidence that sediment properties and river discharge both control the water quality of the hyporheic zone. Regulated rivers, like the Columbia River at Hanford, that undergo large, frequent discharge fluctuations represent an ideal environment in which to study hydrogeologic processes over relatively short time periods (i.e. days to weeks) that would require much longer periods (i.e. months to years) to evaluate in unregulated systems. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

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