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Recently various kinds of high-strength sheet steels have been developed to meet the requirements of the automotive industry such as passive safety, weight reduction and saving energy. Usually the main problem of high-strength steels is their inferior ductility. Multiphase steels however show a very good combination of strength and formability so that the applicable region of high-strength steels has been widely enlarged. Multiphase steels have been developed for various purposes because of their ability to tailor properties by adjusting the type, the amount, and the distribution of different phases. Especially new developed triple-phase steels which make use of the TRIP effect (transformation induced plasticity) can further improve formability as well as strength due to the transformation of retained austenite to martensite during the deformation. In this work the transformation behaviour and the mechanical properties of low alloyed TRIP steels were investigated. The influence of the annealing parameters on transformation behaviour and on the amount of retained austenite were determined. In addition the temperature dependence of the mechanical properties and the effect of testing speed on the formability were studied. The investigation was carried out on seven different TRIP steels with different chemical compositions, especially the influence of the microalloying element niobium was considered. For reasons of comparison various mild and high-strength steels were tested parallel to the TRIP steels. It was found that the investigated TRIP steels offer very attractive combinations of elongation and strength values. An interesting temperature dependence of the mechanical properties can be observed, in such a way that the elongation values of the TRIP steels possess a maximum between +50 and +100°C. Due to its effect on grain size and on precipitation behaviour the addition of niobium leads to higher strength values without a strong decrease in ductility. In general, the mechanical properties are strongly affected by the type and the distribution of the different phases. The most important parameters, however, to influence the mechanical behaviour are the amount and the stability of the retained austenite, which are mainly controlled by the heat treatment and the chemical composition.  相似文献   

The structure, mechanical properties, and pitting corrosion of nickel-free high-nitrogen (0.8% N) austenitic 06Kh18AG19M2 and 07Kh16AG13M3 steels have been studied in various structural states obtained after hot deformation, quenching, and tempering at 300 and 500°C. Both steels are shown to be resistant to the ?? ?? ?? and ?? ?? ? martensite transformations irrespective of the decomposition of a ?? solid solution (06Kh18AG19M2 steel). Austenite of the steel with 19 wt % Mn shows lower resistance to recrystallization, which provides its higher plasticity (??5) and fracture toughness at a lower strength as compared to the steel with 13 wt % Mn. Electrochemical studies of the steels tempered at 300 and 500°C show that they are in a stable passive state during tests in a 3.5% NaCl solution and have high pitting resistance up to a potential E pf = 1.3?C1.4 V, which is higher than that in 12Kh18N10T steel. In the quenched state, the passive state is instable but pitting formation potentials E pf retain their values. In all steels under study, pitting is shown to form predominantly along the grain boundaries of nonrecrystallized austenite. The lowest pitting resistance is demonstrated by the structure with a double grain boundary network that results from incomplete recrystallization at 1100°C and from the existence of initial and recrystallized austenite in the 07Kh16AG13M3 steel. To obtain a set of high mechanical and corrosion properties under given rolling conditions (1200?C1150°C), annealing of the steels at temperatures no less than 1150°C (for 1 h) with water quenching and tempering at 500°C for 2 h are recommended.  相似文献   

带状组织对低碳微合金钢性能的影响及控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了两种不同规格、不同成分的低碳微合金钢,通过分析它们的力学性能及对应的铁素体-珠光体(F-P)带状组织情况,讨论了F-P带状组织对塑性和韧性的影响,并从连铸板坯的冶炼过程中的成分优化、降低中心偏析,降低板坯的终轧温度、以及提高冷却速率等多方面提出了相应的带状组织的控制措施.  相似文献   

It is well established that addition of nitrogen to steels improves the pitting corrosion resistance of steels. To elucidate the role of nitrogen, electrochemical and surface analytical studies were carried out on Cr-Mn steels with low (0.0075 %) and high (0.9 %) nitrogen contents. The incubation time for pitting, measured in sodium sulphate solutions containing different concentrations of chloride was higher for the high nitrogen steel. The pit initiation process was found to be first order with respect to chloride concentration. The passive current density was one order lower than that of nitrogen free steel. The grain broundary attack observed in low nitrogen steel was not present in high nitrogen steel. XPS analysis indicated nitrogen enrichment at the surface in the passive layer. This may be one reason for the higher pitting resistance of nitrogen containing steel besides formation of ammonium ions and rising pH.  相似文献   

Five carbon steels, AISI 1008, 1020, 1035, renitrogenized 1010 and 1522, were dynamically strain aged in the temperature range 100 to 600°C (373 to 873 K), with strains from 3 to 9 pct and strain rates from 2 × 10-4 to 2 × 10-2/s. Following this, changes in tensile, notch impact and fatigue properties were determined. The data obtained indicate that for a commercial combined straightening and strengthening operation on the cooling beds of a bar mill, the temperature during straining should be between 200 and 400° C, the strain should be less than 5 pct and the strain rate is unimportant, up to at least 10-1/s. After such treatment the tensile properties will be:   相似文献   

Corrosion behaviour, creep resistance, compressive and tensile strength and hardness of a newly developed silver-rich commercial amalgam were investigated in order to evaluate its performance, as compared with three high copper amalgams, namely; admixed, unicompositional and Pd-enriched. The results have shown that Ag-rich amalgam was superior in corrosion behaviour, compressive and tensile strength. Creep values were comparable to those of Pd-enriched amalgam, whereas hardness measurements of the latter were significantly higher. The results were analysed on a compositional and microstructural bases.  相似文献   

As cold-formed steel has the highest strength-to-weight ratio of any material,ultra-high strength martensitic steel is attracting great interest from global car manufacturers. This paper explores the effects of the quenching and over-aging temperatures on the strength and cold bendability of C-Mn-Si martensitic steel. Due to its high carbon content,water-quenched C-Mn-Si martensitic steel has high hardenability and can obtain ultra-high tensile strength and uniform martensitic morphology when the water-quenching temperature is higher than 710 ℃.Increasing the over-aging temperature of this experimental steel decreases its tensile strength,increases the total elongation,and first increases then decreases the yield point until reaching a peak at 180 ℃. Besides,when increasing the over-aging temperature,the bendability of this experimental steel initially improves and then decreases,and reaches its optimal bendability at an over-aging temperature of 180 ℃. Based on SEM characterization and a microhardness distribution analysis,the over-aging temperatures were found to affect the size of the carbides and differences in the microhardness of the experimental steel. Therefore,they have significant influence on bendability.  相似文献   

Structure and properties of corrosion and wear resistant Cr-Mn-N steels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Steels containing about 12 pct Cr, 10 pct Mn, and 0.2 pct N have been shown to have an unstable austenitic microstructure and have good ductility, extreme work hardening, high fracture strength, excellent toughness, good wear resistance, and moderate corrosion resistance. A series of alloys containing 9.5 to 12.8 pct Cr, 5.0 to 10.4 pct Mn, 0.16 to 0.32 pct N, 0.05 pct C, and residual elements typical of stainless steels was investigated by microstructural examination and mechanical, abrasion, and corrosion testing. Microstructures ranged from martensite to unstable austenite. The unstable austenitic steels transformed to α martensite on deformation and displayed very high work hardening, exceeding that of Hadfield’s manganese steels. Fracture strengths similar to high carbon martensitic stainless steels were obtained while ductility and toughness values were high, similar to austenitic stainless steels. Resistance to abrasive wear exceeded that of commercial abrasion resistant steels and other stainless steels. Corrosion resistance was similar to that of other 12 pct Cr steels. Properties were not much affected by minor compositional variations or rolled-in nitrogen porosity. In 12 pct Cr-10 pct Mn alloys, ingot porosity was avoided when nitrogen levels were below 0.19 pet, and austenitic microstructures were obtained when nitrogen levels exceeded 0.14 pct.  相似文献   

用U形弯试样浸泡和慢应变速率拉伸实验研究了3Cr17Ni7Mo2SiN和00Cr22Ni5Mo3N(2205)不锈钢在硫化氢介质中的应力腐蚀开裂(SCC)行为.2205不锈钢的SCC萌生孕育期较长,在pH较低的饱和H2S溶液中具有明显的SCC敏感性,其SCC敏感性随溶液pH值的升高或H2S含量的降低而迅速降低.3Cr17Ni7Mo2SiN的SCC孕育期均低于2205不锈钢,在pH ≤ 4.5、H2S的质量浓度 ≥ 103mg·L-1的H2S介质中均具有明显的SCC敏感性,其SCC敏感性受pH值和H2S含量变化影响较小.3Cr17Ni7Mo2SiN的SCC以沿晶裂纹萌生,扩展后转变为穿晶应力腐蚀开裂;2205不锈钢近表面处首先发生奥氏体-铁素体相间氢致开裂,并促进SCC萌生,其SCC为穿晶应力腐蚀开裂.  相似文献   

Ultrafine-grained microstructures and mechanical properties of alloy steels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ultrafine-grained microstructures can be developed in a variety of alloy steels by coldworking followed by annealing in theα +γ region. Because the annealing temperatures are relatively low and the recrystallized structure is two-phase, grain growth is restricted. Specimens with grain sizes in the range 0.3 to 1.1 μ.m (ASTM 20 to 16) were obtained in manganese and nickel steels by annealing 1 to 400 hr at temperatures between 450° and 650°C (840° to 1200°F). The expected improvement in yield strength through grain refinement was observed in almost all alloys. Other tensile properties depend on factors such as grain size, austenite stability, and specimen geometry, that determine which of three types of plastic behavior will occur. Transformation of austenite during straining improves the mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained specimens.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the conditions which lead to intergranular brittle fracture in 4340-type steels at an ultra high yield strength level (200 ksi, 380 MPa) in both an ambi-ent environment and gaseous hydrogen. By means of Charpy impact tests on commercial and high purity steels, and by Auger electron spectroscopy of fracture surfaces, it is con-cluded that one-step temper embrittlement (OSTE or “500°F embrittlement”), and low K intergranular cracking in gaseous hydrogen are primarily the result of segregation of P to prior austenite grain boundaries. Segregation of N may also contribute to OSTE. Most, if not all, segregation apparently occurs during austenitization, rather than during tem-pering. Elimination of impurity effects by use of a high purity NiCrMoC steel results in an increase inK th for hydrogen-induced cracking by about a factor of five (to the range 130 to 140 MNm-3/2). These observations are discussed in terms of our understanding of the mechanisms of OSTE and hydrogen-assisted cracking. H. C. FENG, now deceased, was formerly with Research Staff, LRSM, University of Pennsylvania. S. K. Banerji was formerly Post-Doctoral Fellow.  相似文献   

The relation between austenite stability and the tensile properties, as affected by testing temperature and processing, was studied for a series of alloys of increasing compositional complexity, viz., the Fe-Ni, Fe-Ni-C, and Fe-Ni-Cr-Mn-C systems. The “stress” and “strain induced” modes of transformation to martensite differed significantly in their influence on the shape of the stress-strain curve. Under certain testing conditions, unusually low yield strengths and high work hardening rates were observed in some of these alloys. Maxima in yield strengths were observed for all austenitic alloys containing carbon that were processed at deformation temperatures between 200° and 300°C. Evidence gleaned from electron microscopy and magnetic and mechanical testing suggested that the maxima were due to the formation of carbon atmospheres on dislocations during processing. The influence of austenite stability on the mechanical properties of steels, varied by systematic changes in test temperature (22° to -196°C), composition (8 pct, 12 pct, 16 pct, and 21 pct Ni) and deformation temperature (25° to 450°C), was evaluated quantitatively. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

采用优化后的临界区再加热-淬火中温等温(T1、T2)热处理工艺,对具有不同前躯体组织的(0.22/0.17)C-(1.91/1.85)Mn-(1.32/0.94)Si两类热轧6 mm钢板分别进行处理,获得了具有铁素体、贝氏体、马氏体以及弥散分布于原奥氏体晶界、相界等处的残余奥氏体所构成的多相组织.利用扫描电镜、X射线衍射以及电子背散射衍射分析技术等对不同热处理阶段钢的微观组织进行了表征.结果证实,采用不同的前躯体组织设计可以很好地调控临界区再加热逆转变奥氏体的组织形貌、比例以及碳含量,进而通过后续处理来实现对钢中多相组织的调控.前躯体为马氏体的0.22C钢,经T1工艺后获得了以针状铁素体为基体的多相组织,其强塑积超过了30 GPa·%;前躯体为铁素体+马氏体的0.17C钢经T2工艺后获得了以块状铁素体为基体的多相组织,其强塑积超过了27 GPa·%.  相似文献   

Using the twin-roller type melt-quenching technique, the effects of rapid solidification on the microstructures and mechanical properties of ferrite have been examined in 17 pct Cr and 17 pct Cr-M steels where M = Ti, Nb, Si, or Al. The melt-quenched 17 pct Cr steels have the columnar and equiaxed grains which become finer with decreasing of specimen thickness. But the yield strength of these steels, which is about 0.48 GPa, remains almost unchanged with grain size refinement, contrary to predictions based on Hall-Petch’s relationship. The columnar structure of the melt-quenched 17 pct Cr-M steels is very fine on alloying with Ti and Si, while it is slightly coarse on alloying with Nb and Al. The hardness, yield strength, and fracture strength of these 17 pct Cr-M steels increase with increased amount of alloying element, these maximum values being about 460 DPN, 1.0 GPa, and 1.35 GPa, respectively, for 17 pct Cr- 6 pct Si steel, in the ductile compositional range. These are suitable values for a fine-gauge material having high hardness and strength as well as good ductility.  相似文献   

The bainite-martensite-ferrite steels (tri-phase steels) were made in the laboratory by intercritical annealing, bainite transformation and oil quenching in sequence. With bainite inclusions, ductility was improved substantially without significant reduction of tensile strength. The ductility increase was found to be due to large deformation after necking and increased work-hardening.  相似文献   

1.  Small-sized extensometers have been developed for a wide range of strains in tension and torsion.
2.  A study was made of the strength, ductility, and elasticity characteristics of two types of sintered material in tension and torsion. In the as-sintered condition the two types of material were found to have almost identical strength properties. In the heat-treated condition the strength properties of type II proved to be superior to those of type I, and consequently the former type should be chosen for parts intended for operation under static load conditions.
3.  Impact tests were carried out on notched and unnotched specimens. In both the as-sintered and heat-treated conditions type I was found to surpass type II in impact strength. It follows therefore that parts intended for service involving shock loads should be made in type I material.

针对具有不同 ω Ti/ω N 的低 Al-Ti-B 系列和高 Al-B 试验钢进行末端淬火试验和调质热处理试验,通过淬透性曲线、热力学计算、组织和力学性能的对比分析,研究了 ω Ti/ω N 和 Al 含量对含 B 调质钢淬透性及力学性能的影响.结果表明,低 Al-Ti-B 系列钢的 ω Ti/ω N 大于 3.42 时,Ti 能有效地固 N 保 B 提高淬透性,但过高的 ω Ti/ω N 又容易形成粗大的 TiN 颗粒降低韧性;ω Ti/ω N 小于 3.42 时,Ti 固 N 的能力有限,多余的 N 易与 B 结合形成BN 降低淬透性;试验钢中较合适的 ω Ti/ω N 为 3.93,保证了较高的淬透性和综合力学性能.高 Al-B 钢中较高的Al 含量(0.083%,质量分数)起到了固 N 保 B 的效果,其淬透性最好,能获得全厚度马氏体组织,具有高的强韧性.此外,钢中过高的 N 含量易与 Ti、B 结合形成对淬透性和韧性不利的粗大 TiN 和 BN 颗粒,为确保含 B 调质钢的淬透性和强韧性,应严格控制钢中的 N 含量.  相似文献   

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