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The development of large impoundments along the Paraná river, particularly on the Superior section, with fifteen large dams having a capacity over 25000 MW, has had important hydrological and ecological impacts on the lower reaches. The important retention of the suspended solids by the dams has caused a significant reduction of P concentrations. With river impoundment and water eutrophication, cyanophiceae currently dominate during spring and summer, with brief but dense blooms of Anabaena spiriodes and Microcystis aeruginosa. Many fishes of the Superior Paraná have been dispersed downstream as the Itaipú reservoir covered the Guayra falls, the natural barrier for these fishes. The most important effects of Superior Paraná dams are related to the changed hydrological regime in the alluvial Middle and Lower reaches. This floodplain plays an important role in the bioproductivity of the river. Fisheries production depends to a high degree on the relationship of the river and its alluvial valley, where the alevines and small fishes of migratory species develop after spawning. During falling river levels the waters carry large quantities of organic matter, floating vegetation, important amounts of plankton and fishes from the alluvial plain to the river. Before the dams, the river defined two subsystems which were joined for about six months during the flood season and effectively isolated during low water periods. Since the commencement of river impoundment and flow regulation, the river ecology has begun a sequence of changes especially within the alluvial reaches.  相似文献   

Length–length and length–weight relationships was estimated for 48 fish species collected in 30 neotropical reservoirs located in the State of Paraná, Brazil. Significant relations were found for all species. The values of the parameter slope (b) in the length–weight relationship ranged from 2.49 to 3.46 for grouped sexes, and from 2.66 to 3.15 for separated sexes. Differences between sexes (indication of sexual dimorphism) were verified for 20 species. Males exhibited greater lengths than females for Astyanax janeiroensis, Bryconamericus iheringii, Geophagus brasiliensis, Glanidium ribeiroi and Hypostomus derbyi, whereas females attained greater lengths than males for the other 15 species examined in this study.  相似文献   

A qualitative comparative approach has been used to review whether fish assemblage characteristics, such as paucity of lacustrine‐adapted fish species, long food chains, and disproportionate number of piscivorous species, limit fishery yields in reservoirs of the Upper Paraná River basin. The paucity of lacustrine‐adapted species appears to limit fishery yields, but attempts to introduce lacustrine species have been generally unsuccessful. The food chains of species targeted by the fisheries are relatively long, but short food chains seem to be an adaptation of lacustrine species. Because reservoirs with many piscivorous species sustain high fishery yields elsewhere in the world, the hypothesis that an excessive number of piscivores limits yields is not supported. Instead, inadequacies of fish assemblages in reservoirs of the Upper Paraná River basin appear to be symptomatic of an unsuitable environment for lacustrine fish species. The physical characteristics of reservoirs in the Upper Paraná River basin, exacerbated by climatic patterns, may preclude the emergence of successful reservoir species from within the extant pool of riverine species. The resulting assemblages have characteristics that are neither riverine nor lacustrine, and are maladapted to support fisheries in the reservoirs. The introduction of lacustrine species is destined to failure because environmental characteristics are not lacustrine, except in reservoirs positioned high in the watershed, where increased retention times allow lacustrine conditions. Published in 2001 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We examined the responses of a Spartina densiflora (Poaceae) marsh to an accidental summer fire taking place in the Otamendi Natural Reserve (Argentina). Green, standing dead, reproductive and litter fractions of S. densiflora, as well as forbs biomass were determined before and after burning using randomly selected quadrates. Fire reduced most of the aboveground biomass of the green, standing dead and litter fractions of S. densiflora. Green biomass attained higher values before the fire as compared to those from the first year after burning during the spring, while the second year spring attained intermediate values. The standing dead material represented the main fraction of S. densiflora biomass in the pre‐fire period, and after burning, this fraction reappeared in autumn, 4 months after the fire. The litter showed zero values throughout the first 16 months after the fire, and reappeared at end of the second winter. The flower biomass was exclusively recorded on late summer and showed relatively low values. Seedling recruitment of S. densiflora was not observed throughout the study period. Forbs biomass showed large fluctuations both before and after fire and highest forbs biomass values were observed during the spring before fire, and at end of summer 1 year after the fire. Although the results of the present study showed a tendency towards the original structure, most of the biomass fractions did not reach values similar to those before the fire after 2 years of post‐fire growing, suggesting that a longer recovering time is expected. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of a dam closure (Porto Primavera Dam) on reproduction of the main species that use the floodplain located below a nursery area were determined. Specifically, we examined, before and after the closure of the dam, the spatial distribution of larvae and the differences in density according to life strategy (migratory and non‐migratory species). Fifteen points distributed along the channels of the Paraná, Ivinheima and Paranapanema rivers were sampled, between 1997 and 2001, (October 1997 to December 1998—pre; and between January 1999 to March 2001—post closure), during the spawning period of most fish species found in the region (October to March). Samplings were always conducted at night, using a conical‐cylindrical plankton net (0.5 mm mesh) with a flowmeter attached. There were significant differences in larvae densities between pre and post dam closure for several species. Also, there were significant differences between the pre and post‐closure periods for densities of migratory and non‐migratory species, and between sampling sites. These findings indicate decline in densities and number of taxa caught after the closure of the dam. Larvae of migratory species, formerly common in the entire study area, were registered only in points influenced by the non dammed rivers (such as the Ivinheima River), indicating that the closure of Porto Primavera caused negative impacts on fish reproduction downstream of the dam. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Knowing the probability of occurrence of a flood event is an important issue for water resources planning. At‐site probability models require a long extension of hydrological data for robust estimation of low‐frequency events. As the mean record length of 25 gauge stations in western river basins of Argentina is 49 years (until 2010), regional models are an interesting tool to determine mountain rivers system dynamics. This study aims to estimate low‐frequency quantiles of annual maximum flow in Argentinean western river basins (28°S–37°S) applying regional frequency analysis based on the L‐moments method. Besides, mean annual maximum flow of 75 gauge stations (22°S–52°S) was analysed. First, an exploratory data analysis was performed; normality, independence, and randomness were accepted in the 27%, 87%, and 91% of cases, respectively. Increasing trends in annual maximum flows in the north‐western and central‐western rivers of Argentina were detected, whereas decreasing trends in annual maximum flow in the Patagonian Andes were identified. Base on at‐site characteristics and at‐site statistics, a homogeneous region of 12 stations with a record period of 568 years was formed. General extreme value was the most appropriate distribution for this homogeneous study region. Estimation accuracy using Monte Carlo simulations was performed. The error bounds were set at 90%, the mean square error was 9.23%, and the relative bias was 1.6%. The regional method performed better than the at‐site estimation.  相似文献   

Data on the hydrology, chemistry, and benthic invertebrates of the Great Fish River prior to the opening of the Orange River/Fish River interbasin water transfer scheme in 1977, are compared with similar data for post transfer conditions. As a result of the transfer of water the once irregular seasonal flow of the Fish River has now become perennial. The mean annual runoff of the upper river has increased by between 500 and 800 per cent. Mainly because of abstractions for irrigation, the mean annual discharge of the lower river has changed little, but seasonal flow variation in the lower river has been considerably reduced. The inflow of low salinity water from the Orange River has diluted the highly mineralized Fish River water, reducing concentrations of sodium, magnesium, chloride, and sulphate, but not of calcium or total alkalinity. The invertebrate communities of riffles have changed substantially as a result of the water transfer, and only 33 per cent of taxa identified were common to both pre- and post-transfer surveys. In particular, the dominant chironomid, hydropsychid, and simuliid species have changed, although there is no evidence that overall invertebrate densities have been altered. The most striking change in the fauna has been the replacement of the pre-transfer dominant simuliids (Simulium adersi and S. nigritarse) by S. chutteri, a blood-feeding pest of livestock, which now causes considerable problems to farmers. The major changes in invertebrate species can be attributed to the more permanent flow and increased area of erosional habitats.  相似文献   

The Quequén Grande River (QGR) is a large catchment (10 000 km2) in the Pampa Plain in Argentina. From November 2004 to April 2013, a hydrochemical and stable isotopes monitoring program was conducted, which included three sampling stations of monthly composite precipitation, weekly samples in two sites along the river and several groundwater samples. A standard data interpretation was initially performed applying standard statistics, Piper diagrams and δ18O versus δ2H diagrams. The time evolution of the values of δ18O in precipitation and streamwater were also determined. The integration of hydrogeochemistry and stable isotopes data indicates the existence of three main components of streamflow: (i) baseflow characterized by electrical conductivity (EC) from 1200 to 1800 µs/cm and an isotope composition quite constant around δ18O ?5.3‰ and δ2H ?33.8‰. Water age for groundwater contribution is typically around 30 to 40 years using chlorofluorocarbons; (ii) direct runoff composed of channel interception and overland flow, which is of low EC in the order of 50 to 100 µs/cm, and a highly variable isotopic composition; and (iii) translatory flow (pre‐event water that is stored within the subsoil) with an intermediate EC and isotopic composition close to that of the weighted average composition of precipitation. The hydrochemical and stable isotopic data allow the differentiation between baseflow and direct runoff. In addition to this, chlorofluorocarbon dating is a useful tool in assessing the dominance of baseflow in a stream. The data lead to a conceptual model in which an intermediate flow system, with mean residence time (MRT) of around 35 years, discharges into the drainage network. A regional flow system (MRT > 50 years) discharges to the ocean. It is concluded that in this large plain catchment streamflow separation, only two components can be applied in: (i) short storm precipitation events having a high sampling frequency and (ii) during long dry periods when pre‐event soil water is not released. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Regulation of rivers by dams transforms previously lotic reaches above the dam into lentic ones and limits or prevents longitudinal connectivity, which impairs access to suitable habitats for the reproduction of many migratory fish species. Frequently, unregulated tributaries can provide important habitat heterogeneity to a regulated river and may mitigate the influence of impoundments on the mainstem river. We evaluated the importance of tributaries to spawning of migratory fish species over three spawning seasons, by comparing several abiotic conditions and larval fish distributions in four rivers that are tributaries to an impounded reach of the Upper Paraná River, Brazil. Our study confirmed reproduction of at least 8 long‐distance migrators, likely nine, out of a total of 19 occurring in the Upper Paraná River. Total larval densities and percentage species composition differed among tributaries, but the differences were not consistent among spawning seasons and unexpectedly were not strongly related to annual differences in temperature and hydrology. We hypothesize that under present conditions, densities of larvae of migratory species may be better related to efficiency of fish passage facilities than to temperature and hydrology. Our study indicates that adult fish are finding suitable habitat for spawning in tributaries, fish eggs are developing into larvae, and larvae are finding suitable rearing space in lagoons adjacent to the tributaries. Our findings also suggest the need for establishment of protected areas in unregulated and lightly regulated tributaries to preserve essential spawning and nursery habitats. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

分析襄阳市襄州区中小河流治理的必要性,采取清淤疏浚、岸坡整治、生态修复、景观绿化、水系连通、污染治理、长效管护等措施,实现河畅、水清、岸绿、景美的目标。  相似文献   

岗南、黄壁庄水库上游流域非点源污染负荷估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在岗南水库、黄壁庄水库上游流域,基于非点源污染现状调查评价,借鉴国内外研究中确定的不同土地利用类型非点源污染输出系数,采用输出系数法模型对流域非点源污染负荷进行了估算。结果表明,由于水土和化肥流失,自然土地和种植土地总氮和总磷的非点源污染负荷最大。估算结果为流域进行非点源污染综合治理规划提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Most major rivers in the United States are managed by a system of reservoirs; many of which were built more than a half century ago. These reservoirs were designed based on environmental, societal, and regulatory assumptions at the time of construction. Since then, we have learned that climate is not stationary, population growth is being decoupled from energy needs and water demand, and new regulations (such as the Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act) affect how river systems are managed. This study explores changing environmental, societal, and regulatory conditions relevant to the design and operation of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reservoirs across the conterminous United States. Results demonstrate large geographic variability in how these conditions have changed over time. In the south‐western United States, there is an amplified trend towards drier conditions and less reservoir flexibility with warmer temperatures, less precipitation, high sedimentation rates, and large population growth. In the north‐eastern United States, the impacts of increased temperature on reservoirs may be masked by greater precipitation and lower water demand. Environmental, societal, and regulatory changes can reduce the flexibility of reservoir operations and, in some instances, make it challenging for the reservoir to meet its intended purpose as designed decades ago. This study is the first step towards formalizing a process for monitoring broad trends relevant to water resources management for the purpose of moving towards adaptation of infrastructure. An interactive tool was developed for each condition: https://nicholasinstitute.duke.edu/reservoir‐national‐trends/ .  相似文献   

This paper purposed to evaluate alterations in fish assemblage (structure and species richness) and variations in the abundance of the most abundant species captured in the Piquiri River, due to the closure of Porto Primavera (in 1998; located upstream the Piquiri River mouth) and the Itaipu (in 1982; located downstream) dams in the upper Paraná River. The effects of selected environmental variables were also determined. Fishes were sampled during four distinct periods. Six samplings were conducted in each period, at two different sites (Campina and Apertado). For sampling, gill and trammel nets were used. Species abundances were indexed by catch per unit of effort. Spatial and temporal changes in environmental variables were summarized by a principal components analysis (PCA). To summarize structure of the assemblage, a nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMS) was used. To test the significance of between‐group differences at each periods and sites we used a multiresponse permutation procedure (MRPP). To test the association between fish assemblage and the environmental variables matrices, we used procrustean superimposition approach. A total of 2693 individuals were caught, belonging to 69 species, 4 orders and 19 families. Species richness differed spatially; the Campina site had greater mean richness (13) per sampling than the Apertado site (10). The structure of the fish assemblages showed significant temporal and spatial variations, which were more evident in the last period at the Apertado site (after the closure of Porto Primavera Dam). Spatial and temporal changes in structure of fish assemblages were not associated to environmental variables. Temporal changes in abundance, both in number and in weight, of the most abundant species were verified in both sites. The lack of migratory species was highlighted, which sharply decreased in the last studied period, when they were replaced by sedentary species. These findings appear to be related to regional factors, such as the decrease of floods registered in the upper Paraná basin, exacerbated by the control prompted by dams. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Pantanal wetland of Brazil, a vast complex of seasonally inundated floodplains along the Paraguay River, is renowned for its outstanding biological resources. A proposed navigation project known as the Paraguay–Paraná Waterway (or Hidrovía) would deepen the Paraguay River channel to facilitate year‐round navigation through the Pantanal. The possibility of decreases in river levels (stage) has aroused concerns in relation to the potential environmental impacts, however the poor understanding of the hydrological relationships between rivers and floodplains has hampered evaluation of these impacts. The present study evaluates the potential impact of river modifications on adjacent floodplains by examining the relationship between the Paraguay River stage and the extent of floodplain inundation. Satellite observations of flooded area (from passive microwave emission; monthly data for 1979–1987) are plotted against river stage from several stations throughout the region to show the stage–inundation relationships for eight subregions along the Paraguay River. Scenarios in which the Paraguay River stage is decreased from the 20th and 80th percentile values reveal large potential impacts on inundation. For stage decreases of 0.10 and 0.25 m, the total flooded area is reduced by 1430 and 3830 km2 at low‐water, and by 2410 and 5790 km2 at high‐water, respectively. The floodplains of the two northernmost subregions appear to be most susceptible to reductions in flooding, losing more than half of their flooded area with a 0.25‐m decrease in the low‐water stage. The ecological impacts of these reductions in flooded area may be particularly severe at low water, when the few areas that typically remain flooded throughout the dry season serve as important refuges for aquatic animals. These results underscore the need for better understanding of the hydrology of the integrated river floodplain systems in the Pantanal before river channel modifications are carried out. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

介绍台湾地区综合治水策略,从集水区涵养保护开始,配合流域洪水历线,综合配置集水区、河道、下水道及滞洪设施,并降低河道洪水位,同时兼顾环境及生态的维护。从台湾的河川湿地治理经验出发,介绍"台北大沟溪生态滞洪池"、"新店溪阳光运动公园"、"台北关渡自然公园人工湿地(离槽式)"、"大汉溪河岸人工湿地(在槽式)"等工程实例,说明只有师法自然,才能推动生态资源保护以达到永续发展的终极目标。  相似文献   

Hydraulic and substratum conditions have been identified as two stream features which affect the benthic community composition, abundance and distribution. However, little attention has been given to the influence of hydraulic variables in large river beds. The aim of this study was to analyse the incidence of the near‐bottom hydraulic conditions and other environmental variables on the density of Narapa bonettoi (Oligochaeta, Narapidae), a typical and dominant species found in sandy bed rivers of diverse hierarchy of the Paraná River basin. A large amount of existing and available benthic data were used. The highest correlations among N. bonettoi densities and environmental variables were obtained with the hydraulic variables of friction Reynolds number (R*) and shear stress (τ0); the substratum type (sand, silt and clay) and organic matter content. The results show that N. bonettoi density would be related with the hydraulic variables following a ‘bell‐shaped’ tendency, e.g. with the friction Reynolds number, N. bonettoi would have a preference for transition values of turbulence (~40 < R* < ~50), which is equivalent to τ0 between ~0.6 and ~0.8 kg ?2. Densities show a slight decreasing tendency toward the maximum R* values, suggesting that the species does not support a completely developed turbulence (R* > ~70). Significant but negative correlations were reported in the literature between benthic macroinvertebrates typical of smaller and steeper streams and R* values far beyond the threshold 70 value. N. bonettoi shows a clear preference for a completely sandy substratum and for sand particles sizes around 300 µm. Finally, considering the important role played by the hydraulic variables on the benthic community studied herein, the contagious distribution pattern of N. bonettoi, reported by other authors, would be principally linked with the interactions between current and sediment near the bottom rather than with the mobility of these organisms. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fish community surveys were conducted in five tributaries of the Corumbá River before and after damming. Electrofishing samples were collected monthly in the pre‐impoundment period (March 1996 to August 1996) and 15 in the post‐impoundment period (September 1996 to February 1999). A self‐organizing map (SOM, an Artificial Neural Network algorithm) was used to represent the patterns of fish assemblages. Samples collected in both the pre‐ and post‐impoundment periods were randomly dispersed on the SOM, and, therefore, a clear and significant pattern of separation between samples collected during these two time periods was not found. Mean and maximum water depth, which is correlated with ground water level, did not significantly separate the pre‐ and post‐impoundment samples. However, we found significant differences between the two periods for water temperature, pH, conductivity, DO and current velocity, but abundances of fish species (summarized in the clusters identified by the SOM) did not differ significantly. Instead, the validity of the clusters distinguished by the SOM was confirmed by significant differences in some biotic variables: species richness, equitability and log transformed total abundance. Indicator species values identified the most preferred cluster (and respective complex of environmental factors) for a given species. Only one cluster did not contain any significant species indicator values, but it was dominated by samples from the Furnas Stream, which was the only effluent that could be entered by fish from the main river channel after the damming owing to its location below the dam, which has no fish ladder. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

概述目前江西省县乡河道存在防洪未完全达标、河道水质污染严重、河道周边生态与环境恶化、管理体制不完善等问题,分析了产生问题的原因,提出加强规划、污染防治、综合整治、监督管理等措施,不断提高县乡河道的防洪能力,充分发挥现有河道的功能.  相似文献   

本文在分析江西省中小河流存在的问题、治理现状等基础上,研究中小河流治理岸坡整治技术集成,并结合工程实例研究科学适用的解决方案和岸坡生态整治的典型模式,为江西省中小河流岸坡生态治理提供建议.  相似文献   

黄河上游干流水库调节水沙对宁蒙河道的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
黄河上游干流大型水库投入运用后,在带来了巨大的发电、防洪、灌溉和防凌效益的同时,也给枢纽下游冲积性河道的演变带来了一些负面的影响。本文主要对水库运用前后黄河上游宁蒙河道水沙条件的变化和河道冲淤演变进行分析研究,给出了头道拐站输沙能力与流量问的量化关系。在分析泥沙输移规律和宁蒙河道淤积成因的基础上,计算了龙羊峡和刘家峡水库调节水沙对宁蒙河道的影响。初步计算分析了内蒙河道维持目前过洪现状及恢复到2000m^3/s平滩流量条件下所需要的水量。该研究对西线调水和水库运用具有指导作用。  相似文献   

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