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张云娇  李峥  李岳川 《华中建筑》2022,40(2):162-166
店屋在近代曼谷由水上聚落转变为陆上城市的过程中扮演了重要角色,是当地主要的城市建筑类型之一.曼谷店屋主要采用天井式、无外廊的建筑形态,具有和马来半岛等地区骑楼店屋不同的建筑特征.对其进行研究,有助于把握近代东南亚商贸建筑的全貌,并加深对中国传统建筑在海外传播衍变的认识.该文采用建筑类型学和跨学科综合比较的研究方法,指出...  相似文献   

覃莺 《世界建筑》2014,(6):42-45
<正>南达遗址酒店坐落在曼谷新城与一个历史老棚户区的交界处,在新旧世界间的夹缝地带。酒店前面是一条快速干道,通往跨越湄南河的拉玛8号桥,酒店背后就是百年老城区布里那裕·春冲(Purinayok Chumchon)。建筑的前身是始建于1920年的传统欧式柚木建筑,重建后被改造成充满现代气息、环境宜人的特色酒店。客房外墙覆盖混凝土外壳,像深色的广告牌一样标示着酒店的存在,同时,它为位于建筑中央的露天"私家"庭院提供了一个保护区。标志性的沿街立面带有明显的水平"加速"线条,与现代城市的大尺度、快节奏相呼应(实际上,它们是有着功  相似文献   

<正>坐落于上海南外滩老码头新规划区内的水舍,是一座仅有19个客房的精品酒店,共4层。建筑原有3层,始建于1930年代,是当时日本武装军队的总部大楼。酒店面向黄浦江,与闪烁着璀璨灯光的浦东天际线隔江相对。如恩设计研究室将"新"与"旧"的对比作为改造设计的出发点,保留了建筑原有的混凝土肌理,在现有结构上增加了耐候钢,讲述着这座江边码头的工业历史。酒店第四层为增建部分,建筑师采用了具有工业特色的表皮材料与黄浦江上往来的船舶呼应共鸣,强调了建筑与本地历史和文化背景的联系。  相似文献   

<正>来自于意大利的Augusto Loda Stefano Cartella等设计师联合国内资深设计师程千里带领的团队共同打造了杭州的OV酒店。酒店主楼建筑面积7000 m2,共计6层,1~2层为跃层式汽车别墅时尚房(9间),3~6层为时尚房(57间),附设300 m2的早餐厅。酒店的前身是西泠电器老厂房,对设计师们来说,所有建筑衰老的细节都应该被珍视,因为它是构成建筑新老对比关系  相似文献   

<正>该公寓位于新加坡一栋粗野主义风格的建筑之中,是一间色彩鲜艳、光线充裕的住宅。公寓的设计理念充分体现了屋主具有创造性的自我表达。粗野主义与精心修复的殖民地店屋相比,新加坡的粗野主义建筑经常年久失修,因为公共设施的共同所有权问题,许多屋主认为集体出售他们的房屋是比改造升级更好的财务选择。虽然大多数人可能认为粗野主义建筑不像店屋那样传统漂亮,但设计团队认为它们是新加坡身份的很好表达,因为它们体现了真正的社会集体建筑。  相似文献   

Concorde酒店位于柏林市区库弗斯坦达姆大街(Kurfrstendamm)最优越的地段,这个五星级酒店拥有267间大客房、44间套房、8个会议厅、一个宴会厅、一个餐厅、一个酒吧和一个健身中心。建筑师在这个项目里获得罕见的机会:设计建筑同时也设计室内装修,使建筑、室内、细部的格调都得到统一。  相似文献   

正项目任务要求设计一栋新的精品办公楼并对两栋文化遗产名录下的临街店屋进行改建。WOHA的介入是在甲方将两栋老的店屋拆掉(因为担心垮塌)并按新加坡规划局的建筑保护规范重新建造以后,因此两栋店屋临街的7.5米进深部分保留了20世纪40年代的街道风貌,而该进深以后的部分则可以达到最多30米的高度。  相似文献   

正Hotel Mono位于新加坡唐人街,是历史文化区一座耀眼的设计新地标,也是Spacedge事务所的首个旅店项目。原建筑先前租给一家廉价酒店长达10年,因年久失修而破旧不堪,设计师将全面整修这间建于20世纪初的历史店屋,把曾经破旧不堪的廉价酒店脱胎换骨为一家闪烁着坚定与自信的简约设计、拥有46间客房的时尚设计旅店。除了建筑破旧的状况以外,还得解决成本与时间有限、历史建筑和房间面积存在的限制等诸多棘手的难题。业主给设计师定下的任务是为国际"城市游牧族"打造一家让他们落脚的旅店。然而  相似文献   

<正>Hotel Mono位于新加坡唐人街,是历史文化区一座耀眼的设计新地标,也是Spacedge事务所的首个旅店项目。原建筑先前租给一家廉价酒店长达10年,因年久失修而破旧不堪,设计师将全面整修这间建于20世纪初的历史店屋,把曾经破旧不堪的廉价酒店脱胎换骨为一家闪烁着坚定与自信的简约设计、拥有46间客房的时尚设计旅店。除了建筑破旧的状况以外,还得解决成本与时间有限、历史建筑和房间面积存在的限制等诸多棘手的难题。业主给设计师定下的任务是为国际"城市游牧族"打造一家让他们落脚的旅店。然而  相似文献   

正此项目位于日本千叶县的畦田台。建筑一层靠外的部分是一个法式糕点屋,靠内的部分是一个精品厨房,二层和三层是一户四口之家的住宅。该建筑在一层和三层之间有一个楔形的镂空部分,因而从街上看去,建筑的上半部分好像漂浮在糕点屋之上。当光线在一天内的不同时刻发生变化,楔形镂空部分的质感也随之改变:白天,这个空隙是糕点屋的自然光井,到了夜晚,灯光从空隙中照射出来,  相似文献   

Flowshop production is adopted as the major type of production of reinforced precast concrete components and it has higher requirements on shop floor schedules than other types, especially that from rescheduling. However, up to now, very few approach for the optimization of the shop floor rescheduling has been proposed in spite of its vital importance. This research proposes an approach for optimizing shop floor rescheduling of multiple production lines for flowshop production of reinforced precast concrete components. The approach comprehensively utilizes the over-assigned time, which is the difference value between the assigned production time and the estimated one of a production step for a precast component to deal with production emergencies. Meanwhile, it keeps the adjustment of schedules at minimum to avoid massive material re-dispatch. First of all, the optimization objectives and constraints of optimized shop floor rescheduling of multiple production lines for flowshop precast production are analyzed and a mathematic model is thus formulated. Then, the solver of the model is established by using genetic algorithm. Finally, the approach is validated by case studies. It is concluded that the approach contributes to the effective and efficient optimized rescheduling of multiple production lines for flowshop precast production.  相似文献   

Bangkok Metropolis is the largest city of Thailand. It consumes electricity about 30% of the whole country (2006). The residential electricity consumption (REC) in Bangkok Metropolis has increased more than 240% over the past 20-year period. The growth in REC due to climatic and economic factors. This research investigated monthly data of ambient temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, and wind speed during the past 20-year period. And also investigated economic factors, e.g. number of houses, monthly income, and monthly shipment of air-conditioner over 5-year period. The residential electricity consumption of Bangkok Metropolis (RECB) model was created to analyze the impacts of each factor and to forecast the REC of Bangkok Metropolis for future use.  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2001,33(8):815-824
This paper explores the potential of using natural ventilation as a passive cooling system for new house designs in Thailand. The characteristics of past and present Thai houses are analyzed in terms of climate, culture, and technology. Based on the thermal comfort requirements for the Thai people and the climate conditions in Bangkok, the study found that it is possible to use natural ventilation to create a thermally comfortable indoor environment in houses in a Bangkok suburb during 20% of the year. This study also develops comprehensive design guidelines for natural ventilation at both the site planning and individual house levels by using computational fluid dynamics.  相似文献   

文章通过对漳州古城“唐宋古城历史街区”3种传统住宅的类型分析,解析“大厝”、“竹篙厝”、“骑楼”各住宅类型的现状以及各类型间的相互关系,探讨传统住宅的演变特征。  相似文献   

目前随着我国老龄化进程加快,老年人的居住问题日趋突出.两代人分居毗邻居住已经成为老年人向往的主要居住模式.针对这些情况,根据老年人的生理和心理需求,本文提出住宅小区底层住宅老人化的规划模式.将多层、高层建筑的底层住宅专供老年群体,与楼上的子女毗邻居住.对底层住宅进行分割设计,使之适合老年人的居住需求,既解决老龄化背景下的老年人居住问题,又减轻了底层住宅的销售压力.  相似文献   

Coordination costs in a wholesale electricity market are a relevant public policy consideration. The mitigation of coordination costs, all else equal, should increase participation in the marketplace. Since Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Order 888 was issued in 1996, the level of trading activity in bulk electricity markets has increased significantly. In 1999, FERC issued Order 2000 to advance the role of regional transmission organizations (RTOs) in the restructured marketplace for wholesale electricity. RTOs have the potential to reduce the coordination costs, while also having the countervailing effect of causing market participants to incur compliance costs. This paper utilizes the diversity of the United States electricity market and a panel data set representing electric utilities for the period 1990–2009 to study the effects that RTOs have had on wholesale electricity exchange. The paper finds that the presence of a transparent wholesale marketplace for electricity has the effect of increasing participation, but this participation is uneven across types of electric utilities. Greater participation is seen for investor-owned and larger utilities. The results have important implications for policy aimed at wholesale markets and the transmission organizations, as the opportunities afforded by transparency may not be uniformly distributed across all market participants.  相似文献   

通过实地调研的方式得到朝天门地区部分批发商场的火灾荷载数据,对获得的数据进行统计分析,并对比分析商场火灾荷载分布规律。得到结果表明,所调查的8家商品批发市场中,有6家的火灾荷载密度分布服从对数正态分布。比较不同商品种类在同一层楼内火灾荷载的分布和同一市场内的各层火灾荷载分布情况,并探讨火灾荷载数据在自动喷水灭火系统、灭火器的配置、灭火救援预案制定以及灭火战斗中的应用,提出相应的消防安全对策。  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2005,40(2):153-163
This paper presents a two-dimensional simulation model of the heat losses and temperatures in a slab on grade floor with floor heating which is able to dynamically model the floor heating system. The aim of this work is to be able to model, in detail, the influence from the floor construction and foundation on the performance of the floor heating system. The ground-coupled floor heating model is validated against measurements from a single-family house. The simulation model is coupled to a whole-building energy simulation model with inclusion of heat losses and heat supply to the room above the floor. This model can be used to design energy efficient houses with floor heating focusing on the heat loss through the floor construction and foundation. It is found that it is important to model the dynamics of the floor heating system to find the correct heat loss to the ground, and further, that the foundation has a large impact on the energy consumption of buildings heated by floor heating. Consequently, this detail should be in focus when designing houses with floor heating.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the feasibility of reducing heat transferred into houses (insulation effect) and inducing natural ventilation by using a modified Trombe wall (MTW) under ambient conditions in Bangkok. It consists of a masonry wall, air gap and a gypsum wall which are common construction materials. It was found that the MTW with 2 m2 of surface area, 14 cm air gap and dark in colour induced the highest natural ventilation rate, about 20–90 m3.h?1. The light colour of the wall induced the lowest rate, but was still significant for the ventilation of houses. With such air flow rates, there is little potential to induce sufficient ventilation to achieve thermal comfort of the house, however, the proposed configuration of the MTW should be recommended for constructing new houses, mainly, because of its high insulation effect.  相似文献   

这是东京一家纸店的内装修设计。我们的工作是布置展销场地与仓库。考虑到这里大量各式各样的纸张及储存这些纸张所占用的空间,于是我们就沿着商店的整面外墙布置了一排排的塑胶货架,从地板一直到天花板。展示样品的货架布置在中间,这样客户可以在这里很方便地挑选纸张。全部涂层都统一使用白色,这样就可以把纸张鲜明的色彩反射到背景上构成图画般的成果。  相似文献   

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