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<正>南达遗址酒店坐落在曼谷新城与一个历史老棚户区的交界处,在新旧世界间的夹缝地带。酒店前面是一条快速干道,通往跨越湄南河的拉玛8号桥,酒店背后就是百年老城区布里那裕·春冲(Purinayok Chumchon)。建筑的前身是始建于1920年的传统欧式柚木建筑,重建后被改造成充满现代气息、环境宜人的特色酒店。客房外墙覆盖混凝土外壳,像深色的广告牌一样标示着酒店的存在,同时,它为位于建筑中央的露天"私家"庭院提供了一个保护区。标志性的沿街立面带有明显的水平"加速"线条,与现代城市的大尺度、快节奏相呼应(实际上,它们是有着功 相似文献
2010年,朱拉隆功大学工程学院举办了一次公开竞赛,希望设计一座新的学院食堂以取代临时设施.项目选址位于两座不同时代历史建筑之间的密集区.项目一边正对着一座有着精美混凝土装饰的现代泰式建筑——校友礼堂的主立面,另一边与4层高的学院大楼侧面相邻,立面开窗呈现出强烈的重复性构图.项目选址处于校园特有区域的不可调和的混杂语境中. 相似文献
Na Tanao精品酒店位于泰国曼谷一条名为"Phra Nakorn"的古老街区,周围是一些5层高的商业排屋.这个片区散布着许多违规的老旧建筑,为了振兴这个区域,解决非法百叶窗和悬臂式管道等问题,业主们与周边的邻居协商,希望在此创建一栋"相互依赖的单元",使建筑与附近的排屋保持着相互依存的微妙联系. 相似文献
<正>因陀般若佛学档案馆(BIA),也被称为"曼谷解脱自在园",该场所用于传承伟大的法师——佛使比丘尊者的文化遗产。建造BIA的目的是为了收集、保存、保护、研究以及传播佛使因陀般若的著作。出于对佛使比丘的尊重和信仰之情,建筑团队志愿参与设计并且积极推动项目的进展。最初的设想只是建造一个用于存储文档的地方,但是建筑师们一致认为这座建筑的用途可以提高一个层次:作为一个帮助人们学习理解佛法场所。于是,BIA被建造成为一个当代佛法的学习与教育娱乐中心,可以方便地开展讲坛、冥想、论道、展览等佛学认识与交流活动。佛使比丘尊者的宏伟意愿是向国际、国内 相似文献
<正>景观设计:中科院建筑设计研究院房木生景观工作室Landscape Design:Atelier Farmerson,ADCAS正如中国的水墨山水画,往往不是一般的风景画,是作者关于人与自然哲思的艺术表达,中国园林,也不是一般意义上的景观,它是富含中国人文与自然观念的游憩空间。泰国曼谷中国文化中心的景观设计,通过当代性的设计语言回答\"中国文化\"的同时,也是探寻表达现代中国文化自然观的过程。 相似文献
<正>这个项目远离高密度和拥挤的素坤逸路,处于一个令人愉悦的绿色低密度住宅区。项目被分为两个高塔以使容积率最大化,每栋建筑以不同特性的租户作为目标人群。建筑设计大胆地声明绿色的态度,让自然的概念能够植入并融入到建筑的形式中。建筑外部的可持续性设计以垂直花园作为点缀,微型绿色阳台为周围环境增加了精致和宁静。两座高塔在视觉上通过一个折叠的"树皮"外壳相互连接,环绕包裹32层的后塔和10层的复式 相似文献
<正>本项目是软件开发公司SUNONE的新办公楼,它坐落在一片低层居民住宅区内。该项目对设计师来说是一个真正的挑战,设计既要满足现代建筑的需要,又要实现设计与功能之间的平衡;既要保持现有社区的生活氛围,又要为公司员工创造一个激励工作的办公环境。怎样在维护这片住区的宁静祥和、尊重附近住户隐私的同时,将这种宁静的氛围融入现代风格,创造出舒适愉悦、充满活力的工作环境呢?为了实现这一效果,建筑的立面采用了水平网格状的幕墙分格设计。这不仅为建筑内外创造 相似文献
<正>都市—森林项目位于曼谷(Bangkok)东部边缘的普瑞埃郊区(Prawet),距离素万那普国际机场(Suvarnabhumi International Airport)约6km。这个生态再生项目作为一个户外展览空间,目的是培养人们的环境意识,并向游客展示当地的森林生态知识。设计地块原先是一块废弃地,该项目旨在将约2hm2(4.75 相似文献
<正>功吉·革杜里亚古住宅地处曼谷一个封闭式的贵族住宅区中,以其引人注目的干净的白墙欢迎着我们。它宽敞的空间和照明传递出优雅的感觉。1700m2的3层建筑一眼看去既雄辩又寡言,它以简单而有力的几何构成传递出安宁的形式语汇,同时以精致的细节表达自我的特性。5个家庭成员共享宽敞的中央空间,这有助于在分离私人领域的同时融合公共空间。共享的公共空间不仅为不同的使用者和活动提供灵活性,还在室内设计中为开放的对话提供发生的途径。空间以 相似文献
Zhang ZW Shimbo S Watanabe T Srianujata S Banjong O Chitchumroonchokchai C Nakatsuka H Matsuda-Inoguchi N Higashikawa K Ikeda M 《The Science of the total environment》1999,226(1):65-74
This survey was conducted to examine the extent of the exposure of Bangkok citizens to lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd), and to evaluate the role of rice as the source of these heavy metals. In practice, 52 non-smoking adult women in an institution in the vicinity of Bangkok, volunteered to offer blood, spot urine, boiled rice and 24-h total food duplicate samples. Samples were wet-ashed, and then analyzed for Pb and Cd by ICP-MS. Geometric means for the levels in blood (Pb-B and Cd-B) and urine (Pb-U and Cd-U as corrected for creatinine concentration), and also for dietary intake (Pb-F and Cd-F) were 32.3 micrograms/l for Pb-B, 0.41 microgram/l for Cd-B, 2.06 micrograms/g creatinine for Pb-U, 1.40 micrograms/g creatinine for Cd-U, 15.1 micrograms/day for Pb-F and 7.1 micrograms/day for Cd-F. Rice contributed 30% and 4% of dietary Cd and Pb burden, respectively. When compared with the counterpart values obtained in four neighboring cities in southeast Asia (i.e. Nanning, Tainan, Manila, and Kuala Lumpur), dietary Pb burden of the women in Bangkok was middle in the order among the values for the five cities. Pb level in the blood was the lowest of the levels among the five cities and Pb in urine was also among the low group. This apparent discrepancy in the order between Pb-B (i.e. the fifth) and Pb-F (the third) might be attributable to recent reduction of Pb levels in the atmosphere in Bangkok. Regarding Cd exposure, Cd levels in blood and urine as well as dietary Cd burden of Bangkok women were either the lowest or the next lowest among those in the five cities. 相似文献
William C. Burnett Gullaya Wattayakorn Yu Umezawa 《The Science of the total environment》2009,407(9):3198-3207
Radon-222 is very concentrated in groundwater relative to surface waters and thus serves as an effective groundwater discharge tracer. We observed spikes in radon data from an earlier (2004) survey of the Chao Phraya River that appeared to correspond to locations where major canals (“klongs”) enter the river. We returned in 2006 and conducted more detailed surveys along some of the main klongs on the western (Thonburi) side of the Chao Phraya to evaluate this possibility.Our results show that both radon and conductivity are enriched in some areas of the klongs with 3 apparent “end-members,” two of which are likely related to groundwater seepage. Furthermore, nutrient analyses conducted during a time-series experiment at a site of suspected high discharge (Wat Intharam, Klong Bangkok Yai) showed that dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphate correlated significantly to the groundwater tracer, radon. Rough estimates of the nutrient fluxes in this area are orders of magnitude higher than those measured in coastal settings and may represent a significant fraction of the riverine flux. It thus appears very likely that seepage of shallow groundwater is an important pathway for nutrient contamination of the klongs, and thus to the river, and ultimately to the Gulf of Thailand. 相似文献