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This paper discusses the engineering geological investigations, diversion tunnel support design and slope stability assessment studies carried out at the Sulakyurt dam site, northeast of Ankara, Turkey. The Sulakyurt dam will be used for flood flow control and water storage for irrigation. Engineering geological mapping, discontinuity surveys, core drilling, water absorption and laboratory tests were undertaken. The RMR, Q and GSI approaches were used to estimate the rock mass quality, site characteristics, rock mass parameters and appropriate tunnel support elements. The results of kinematic and limit equilibrium analyses for the slopes on the right and left banks are reported.   相似文献   

National and international conferences were a vital force for advancing the theory and practice of modern town planning from the early twentieth century. A conference held in Melbourne, Australia, in May 1901 on the ‘Laying Out and Building of the Federal Capital’ represents one of the, if not the, first national meetings dealing with the topic of city planning in an Anglophone country. This paper explores the genesis, organization and impact of the event, with the major focus on the participants and discourse of their presentations. The paper introduces the debate about a new federal capital of Australia in the late nineteenth century before exploring the content and themes of individual contributions and the broader outcomes and significance of the event. What makes the little-examined 1901 Congress important is not so much its direct impact on the federal capital itself (Canberra, named 1913), but what light the congress papers and activities shed on the state of Australian knowledge of and assumptions about city planning as the global movement took shape.  相似文献   

Celebrated architect and city planner Daniel Hudson Burnham enjoyed a rise to fame in the aftermath of his widely acclaimed achievement as Director of Works for the World's Columbian Exposition, held in his adopted Chicago in 1893. Roughly in parallel with Burnham's rise, town planning movements were coalescing in Australia, and it would not be long until the Chicagoan's name was circulating in Australian professional circles. This is a pilot study broadly aimed at chronicling and interpreting Australian awareness of Daniel Burnham at the turn of the twentieth century. More specifically, it is concerned with the reception of Burnham's civic design ideals and why some believed them to be of antipodean relevance. Their Australian impact, however, is beyond the present study's scope. Reciprocally, this essay also surveys Burnham's knowledge of Australia. Special emphasis is given to Burnham within the context of the Australia's Federal Capital competition (1912), arguing that although the Chicagoan did not compete, he profoundly, albeit vicariously, impacted the capital's design.  相似文献   

An appraisal of erosion and flooding activities has been conducted at a "high risk" fresh-water location at Abari in the lower Niger floodplain of Nigeria. Factors relating to the mechanisms of bank failures and attendant flooding are examined and suggestions made for remediation. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

本文在试验研究的基础上 ,基于硫酸介质中重铬酸钾氧化乙醇的反应 ,建立了火场残留物样品中助燃剂乙醇的定性鉴定和定量测定技术。定性鉴定的灵敏度为 :检出限量 5μg,最低浓度 10 0 ppm。定量测定的检出限 1.2 2μg/m L ,线性范围 0 .10~ 3.2 0 mg/m L。鉴定技术的灵敏度高 ,重现性好 ,所用仪器简单 ,不需要复杂的前处理。并且利用同一种体系 ,既可进行乙醇的定性鉴定 ,又能实现乙醇的定量测定。本文从火灾物证样品的分离提取、利用化学计量学的方法制作标准曲线回归方程、求相关系数 ,到样品的分析鉴定 ,分析结果的报出 ,介绍了火场残留物样品中助燃剂乙醇的定性鉴定和定量测定技术的整个过程  相似文献   

To assess the contribution of the print and electronic media in Nigeria to fostering environment consciousness, two newspapers and two radio and television stations were chosen in the largest and very indigenous city in Africa, South of the Sahara (Ibadan). A household survey was conducted to obtain information on how the city residents perceive environmental problems and to elicit their sources of knowledge on and about environmental problems in their environment.

Research results indicate that despite the fact that the city was home to the first television station in Africa and that the two newspapers surveyed are among the oldest in the country, the print and electronic media are of limited relevance to city residents in their perception, knowledge and finding solutions to their environmental problems. The paper then discusses these results within the socio‐economic and changing political milieu of Nigeria.  相似文献   

近年来 ,随着电力的发展和人民用电量的提高 ,电气火灾发生的起数和火灾损失已高居各类火灾这首 ,每年约占 30 %左右。而随着消防监督管理的法制化和人们法律意识的增强 ,要求办案人员在现场勘查和技术鉴定中必须做到科学、准确。下面就电气火灾中经常遇到的电气线路对地、对中线短路的危险性及其现场勘查和技术鉴定要点加以讨论。1.电气线路的对地短路电气线路的对地短路因电网中性点的接地与不接地而分为两种形式 ,下面分别加以讨论 :1.1 中性点不接地不接地电网当有一相对地短路时 ,中性点的对地电压将发生变化。如图 1所示 ,设电网的相…  相似文献   

建筑的外观、不合理或过时的建筑技术常常会导致环境污染及资源浪费.近年来出现了一种生态建筑,设计技术采用太阳能和其它资源,用建筑学与景观园林的理念创造建筑与自然的有机结合.环境联合会的办公楼就是一栋大型的、色彩丰富的流线形的建筑,像是景观园林中的一部分.环形内院是绿地,建筑本身就是公园景观的组成部分.调节建筑周边小气候的湖水、植物、自然通风系统及供暖供电系统都成为建筑的组成部分,满足了环保要求.建筑的中庭连接着联合会的各个部门,办公室沿中心走廊布置并直通公共区域.  相似文献   

This paper presents preliminary findings of a study to examine the relationship between site productivity, construction costs and the ‘buildable score’ of a buildable design appraisal system recently developed by the Singapore Construction Industry Development Board. The buildable score for a building is a numerical figure computed by taking into account the level of standardization, simplicity and extent of integrated elements used in the design of a building. The stated objective of the appraisal system is ‘to promote more buildable designs in the industry through assessing the contribution of design to site efficiency and produc6 tivity’. Empirical results from 37 completed building projects provide support for the appraisal system's proposition that ‘a design with a higher buildable score will result in more efficient labour usage in construction and therefore higher site labour productivity’. However, the relationship between construction costs and buildable score is less distinct.  相似文献   


This paper presents results on the stability of slopes of the mine tailing dumps at Enyigba, Southeastern Nigeria. The geotechnical parameters of the slopes were investigated, and stability analysis was carried out with GeoStudio® 2012 developed by Geoslope International Limited. The slope materials were composed of gravel (1.42–30.13%), sand (15.94–33.34%), silt (9.75–26.87%) and clay (32.1–56.25%). The materials have LL, PL and PI ranging from 24 to 49%, 24 to 35% and 9 to 26% respectively, signifying low to medium plastic materials. These results agree with the soil low permeability (10−4 – 10−8 cm/s) recorded. The MDD and OMC of the material ranged from 1.86 to 2.22 g/cm3 and 13.45 to 17.05%, while cohesion and internal friction angle were recorded to be 13–34 kN/m2 and 8–37° respectively; implying moderately durable materials capable of slip and shear failures. XRD confirmed the presence of swelling mineral (illite) in soil material, hinting at clay plasticity on absorption of moisture, which is one of the factors influencing all forms of mass wasting. The slopes’ computed factor of safety ranged from 0.8 to 1.33, suggesting critical to poor slope stability when exposed to landslide triggering agents. Hence, slope stabilization is required on the mine tailing dumps at Enyigba to prevent major landslide occurrence.


Particularly in areas of Africa and Asia, efforts are being made to accommodate new economic development without obliterating the rural way of life. Termed ‘New Ruralism’, the approach involves architects cooperating closely with local communities, ensuring that projects respect their cultural heritage and empowering them to actively participate in shaping their environment. The process is as important as the form in driving sustainability. Guest-Editor Richard Garber explains the principles and illustrates them with a project in China by his own firm GRO Architects, and one in Kenya by his former employers SHoP Architects.  相似文献   

The problem of waste disposal in Germany has been solved by a combination of above-ground and underground disposal. The different types of disposal sites are described. More general site selection criteria and more precise criteria for the performance assessment of various types of waste disposal are available. In view of long term safety of disposal it is necessary to include geological and hydrogeological viewpoints in addition to purely engineering viewpoints. Much research work is under way dealing with the contact between the geological medium and the waste. Some results of this research work regarding the long term interaction between toxic material and geological barriers are presented. Guidelines for the disposal of toxic materials are now in preparation in the Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

Test grouting has been carried out in the three different rock units (phyllites grade I, II & III) exposed around Tehri Dam Project to evaluate the groutability of these rocks and to evolve optimum spacing of grout holes to be adopted for the grout, curtain. Since it has been observed that permeability of the rock mass is essentially secondary and is mainly joint and fissure controlled, the structural discontinuities observed in the rock types have been analysed for finding out the direction of grout holes that can intersect the maximum numbers of discontinuities and hence seal the rock mass properly. The grouting has been carried out through grou holes and its effectiveness has been observed through inspection holes drilled in between and depending upon the effectiveness, secondary and tertiary holes were drilled in between to reduce the spacing of holes from inspection holes. Finally, when the permeability values of inspection holes were reduced to 1 lugeon or less after grouting through tertiary holes, it has been considered to have achieved optimum grouting efficiency. The effective grout travel distance in the phyllites has been proved to be 0.75 m. It has been inferred that adoption of high grout pressures while emplacing the grout curtain might change the spacing to around 1.5 m apart.  相似文献   

Implementation of plans and programs has been the subject of increasing scholarly inquiry in recent years. Some scholars have suggested that particular statutory, administrative, and socioenvironmental conditions are necessary for effective implementation. Applying one framework (that of Mazmanian and Sabatier) of such conditions to the federal Coastal Zone Management Act and its implementation reveals that in the 1970s the prospects for effective implementation of the act were problematic at best. Yet the implementation of the act by the Office of Coastal Zone Management has been at least a partial success, judged in terms of the goals of the act, largely because of the incentives for state participation in the program, the general political support for coastal resource management, and the substantial political and managerial skills of OCZM officials. The history of CZMA also suggests that implementation theory needs to address ways to create the conditions that foster the learning processes necessary to carry out broad and innovative programs.  相似文献   

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