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基于CAE的冰箱产品结构与外包装方案优化   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
利用美国MSC公司的CAE仿真软件(Marc Patran Dytran等)对冰箱产品的结构和包装方案进行了全面的分析,对运输过程产品损坏的机理进行分析,找出了产品设计及包装方案设计中的不足之处,通过项目的实施,降低了产品的成本,又提高了外包装对产品的防护能力。  相似文献   

基于HyperWorks的CAE流程自动化系统设计开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对企业应用HyperWorks进行CAE分析时存在操作复杂和操作者需熟悉系统功能的问题,给出了基于HyperWorks、Process Manager和Process Studio的HyperWorks CAE流程自动化系统的结构及其开发流程,应用Tcl/Tk程序设计技术开发出产品零件CAE流程自动化系统。并以某零件CAE分析实例,验证自动化系统可操作性。为产品设计、分析提供一种快捷方法,缩短了企业产品设计分析周期。对企业开发工作具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

采用Moldflow对注塑件的熔接痕进行CAE模拟,将Moldflow模拟注射成形后的结果数据导入到Algor中对制件做特征值屈曲分析,并将屈曲载荷因子作为注塑件熔接痕性能的评价指标。通过正交试验,分析了熔体温度、模具温度、保压压力、保压时间对制件屈曲载荷因子的影响。结果表明:熔体温度对熔接痕力学性能的影响最为显著,保压时间和模具温度次之,保压压力的影响最小。  相似文献   

本文讨论的问题是利用高速摄影,闪光X射线照相,电探针传感器,光纤传感器,靶板和靶网等手段,对常规战斗部性能进行综合测量的技术。  相似文献   

现如今,经济的发展带动了人们的生活水平的改善,汽车已经不再是画报上的广告那样遥不可及,寻常百姓也可以负担起购买汽车和后期养护的费用,所以汽车也逐渐成为最主要的代步工具,加上城市不断扩大,很多人工作地点距离居住地有很长的路程,这也是汽车为什么受到欢迎的主要原因,有了汽车,遥远的距离都不再让人担心,汽车方便了人们的生活。然而汽车作为一种代步工具,在使用的过程中,免不了发生一些故障,所以需要对有问题的汽车进行检修,来保证汽车的各项功能可以正常投入使用。如今检测与维修的产业迅速发展起来。本文就将针对如何发展汽车综合性能的检测与维修技术进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

户网站系统作为政府和企业对外的重要信息平台,已成为信息化建设中的重要组成部分。门户网站的性能优化问题是提高系统稳定性和用户访问量的关键。本文引入了页面静态优化、缓存优化和索引查询优化等技术,尽可能少访问或不用访问后台数据库来实现页面访问,以达到提高系统性能的目的。  相似文献   

邓江华  宋俊  李灿  张斌瑜 《声学技术》2015,34(4):353-357
声学包对车内噪声水平及声学环境有着重要的作用,在很多情况下,国产汽车声学包开发都是基于标杆车型的直接逆向,或凭借以往经验的简单开发。但更有价值的方法是在设计早期阶段就具备开发声学包部件的能力,即根据整车级目标定义对声学包部件进行开发和优化。以对某乘用车的声学包开发和优化过程为例,详细说明了乘用车声学包开发优化过程中的主要步骤与关键技术,旨在为声学包开发设计提供指导和参考依据。基于此,在乘用车早期设计阶段即可评估不同声学包方案的优劣,及其对车内噪声水平及声品质的影响,以指导内饰件的设计优化;同时,在满足声学包目标要求的基础上,对声学包方案进行优化,以满足成本和质量的优化控制。  相似文献   

随着现代化技术的迅速发展,汽车的维修技术及综合性能检测等应用技术也变得越来越成熟。本文主要针对汽车综合性能测试以及维修护养技术等相关技术在国内外的发展状况、今后的发展方向等方面进行了全面的阐述。  相似文献   

包装机抱合机构参数分析与综合动态优化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
韩凌  刘英  张晓 《包装工程》2015,36(13):74-79
目的 为了提高食用菌培养基包装机抱合机构的运动平稳性, 改善机构的传力性能。方法在 ADAMS 环境中进行参数化建模、 机构动力学仿真和综合优化设计。在优化设计数学模型中, 将支承轴最大横向反力 FOx max, FJx max和抱合块最大加速度 apis max纳入多目标的设计评价函数, 将活动构件之间的运动角作为优化设计的约束条件。通过仿真实验筛选出优质参数θ1和θ3, 并确定其合适的取值范围, 剔除低质参数。结果 进行对比性的动态综合优化, 选取针对对象与目标的优势参数组合(包含θ1和θ3的设计参数组合)具有优势; 综合动态优化使机构各支承轴上的最大反力下降了30%~40%, 末端构件抱合块的最大加速度下降了34.4%。结论 耦合效应会掩盖独立参数对仿真结果的影响, 设计软件应能进行单参数的独立调整, 以保证优化后规范的结构参数值能够直接进入工程应用。  相似文献   

进行了基于轨迹分析方法测试自主移动机器人自主导航能力的研究,成功研制出了一种基于高精度GPS系统的机器人导航与定位性能测试仪器。从理论上论证了这一导航性能测试装备的软硬件设计、数据处理方法和导航测试指标的研究,并通过实验验证了该设备自身定位的精确性以及对实验机器人进行快速自主导航性能测试的能力。  相似文献   

Nowadays electrical waste (EW) recycling has become a practical way to provide raw material for new devices. Computer parts such as memory, motherboard or other parts contain large amount of metals from which the recovery of precious metals and copper represents the highest economical potential. With a proper chemical treatment these metals can be efficiently extracted and separated from the actual waste. For this task a specially designed leaching reactor, equipped with a perforated rotating drum, was used. This work is aimed at investigating if computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools can be efficiently applied to model the chemical reactor used to dissolve the metals from the EW. First a hybrid CFD-compartment approach was developed to describe the dissolution process in the leaching reactor while the CFD models were used to model the hydrodynamics of the process. Based on the detailed model containing momentum and component mass balance the developed simulator could be used to enhance the performance of the existing reactor system. For the modelling studies COMSOL Multiphysics was used as CFD software.  相似文献   

A multicomponent membrane based on polysulfone nanofibers and titanium dioxide nanoparticles is produced by the coupling of electrospinning and electrospraying techniques. The manufactured product can satisfy a number of conflicting requirements begetting its technical and functional versatility as well as the reliability of the process. As nanoparticle dispersion is a critical issue in nanoparticle technology, their distribution and morphology have been extensively studied before and after electrospraying, and process optimization has been carried out to obtain nanoparticles uniformly spread over electrospun nanofibers. These membranes have been proved to be a good candidate for supported catalysis due to the photocatalytic activity of TiO(2), tested for degradation of CEPS, a mustard agent simulant. At the same time, an effective improvement in filtering properties in terms of pressure drop has also been studied.  相似文献   

针对人体软组织修复体的注射成型特点,以人体鼻子为对象进行修复体注射成型过程分析.应用逆向工程技术测量人体鼻子的三维点云坐标,将离散的三维鼻子点云数据经过精简、滤波和特征轮廓提取等方法进行曲面重构,反求出NURBS曲面模型.将该模型进行网格划分,并用有限元方法对人体鼻子修复体注射成型过程中产生的翘曲缺陷进行模拟仿真分析.利用正交优化法对成型工艺参数进行优化,从而获得最优工艺参数组合.计算结果表明,优化后的成型工艺参数使制件的翘曲值大为减小,提高了制件的质量,满足实际制件的精度要求.  相似文献   

为了有效控制爆炸焊接金属复合板的质量,应用C++和OpenGL研制开发了爆炸焊接CAE软件系统EWCAE(Explosive Welding Computer Aided Engineering),将理论计算、数值模拟与爆炸焊接实验相结合,确定爆炸焊接窗口范围以及合理的爆炸焊接工艺参数。通过对爆炸焊接数值计算方法和CAE工程分析软件的研制开发以及该软件在爆炸焊接工程实际应用的介绍,了解该软件系统可以实现金属爆炸焊接窗口计算与曲线绘制、复板飞行姿态计算和爆炸焊接三维动态数值模拟。基于CAE工程分析软件来辅助爆炸焊接生产工艺的制定,不仅使爆炸焊接金属复合板的质量得到有效控制,还对于个性化、差异化和精细化爆炸焊接技术开发具有重要意义,从而实现技术研发与生产加工的数字化、标准化和规范化。因此,计算机仿真和数值计算也是爆炸焊接重要的研究手段。  相似文献   

为了有效控制爆炸焊接金属复合板的质量,应用C++和OpenGL研制开发了爆炸焊接CAE软件系统EWCAE(Explosive Welding Computer Aided Engineering),将理论计算、数值模拟与爆炸焊接实验相结合,确定爆炸焊接窗口范围以及合理的爆炸焊接工艺参数。通过对爆炸焊接数值计算方法和CAE工程分析软件的研制开发以及该软件在爆炸焊接工程实际应用的介绍,了解该软件系统可以实现金属爆炸焊接窗口计算与曲线绘制、复板飞行姿态计算和爆炸焊接三维动态数值模拟。基于CAE工程分析软件来辅助爆炸焊接生产工艺的制定,不仅使爆炸焊接金属复合板的质量得到有效控制,还对于个性化、差异化和精细化爆炸焊接技术开发具有重要意义,从而实现技术研发与生产加工的数字化、标准化和规范化。因此,计算机仿真和数值计算也是爆炸焊接重要的研究手段。  相似文献   

Computer models are being developed to determine the optimum conditions of nuclear fuel cycle processes. These models allow evaluating the flowsheets and making changes in them and in designing documents already in the step of process development as the results of experimental studies are being accumulated. The computational models being developed allow the designing and implementation of technologies to be considerably accelerated and the quality of their development and the operation efficiency and safety to be improved.  相似文献   

注塑机械手是对塑料加工生产进行自动控制的生产设备.在实际工作过程中,注塑机械手在快速响应的控制条件下会产生结构谐振,影响机械手的定位精度.应用参数化建模方法和CAE软件对注塑机械手进行结构谐振有限元分析,并基于多学科优化设计平台,以减小谐振为目标,采用自适应模拟退火算法对机械手的结构尺寸进行优化设计,最终降低了机械手平台振动,提高了机械手的定位精度,并实现了设计优化过程的自动化,为类似产品的设计开发提供了系统的参考方法.  相似文献   

In this article, two new model reduction methods for fast dynamic performance optimization of complicated beam-type structures are presented. In the new model reduction methods the projection of structural nodal degrees of freedom is carried out using the localized base vectors, which are obtained by physical hypothesis. The first new model reduction method constructs the base vectors based on the assumption of block-wise rigid body motion modified by minimizing the displacement error measured in strain energy. The second new model reduction method is based on the plane cross-section assumption, and the cross-sectional warp deformation is also taken into consideration. Then, two reduced optimization models based on each method and design variable decomposition are formulated and solved. Both reduced optimization models are compared with the response surface method-based structural optimization approach. Some examples are presented to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

In the current metal forming product development paradigm, product cost, time-to-market and product quality are three overriding issues, which determine the competitiveness of the developed products. In the up front design process, the first 20% of design activities commits to about 80% of product development cost and product quality issues. How to conduct ‘right the first time’ design is critical to ensure low development cost, high product quality and short time-to-market. To address these issues, state of the art technologies are needed. Traditionally, computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technologies provide solutions for representation of design intent and realization of design solution physically. However, it is difficult to address some critical issues in the design of forming process, tooling structure, material selection and properties configuration, and finally the product quality control and assurance. Computer-aided engineering (CAE) technology fills this gap as it helps practitioners generate, verify, validate and optimize design solutions before they are practically implemented and physically realized. In this paper, a methodology for evaluation of metal forming system design and performance via CAE simulation is developed. The concept of metal forming system and its design is first articulated and how the CAE technology helps design and design solution evaluation is then presented. To assess and evaluate the performance of metal forming systems, quantitative design evaluation criteria are developed. Through industrial case study, how the developed methodology helps metal forming system design and evaluation is illustrated and its efficiency and validity is finally verified.  相似文献   

针对基于传统数学规划原理的多目标优化方法在实际工程优化问题中的脆弱性及现有一些多目标优化方法在应用时具有的缺陷性,提出了一种将改进粒子群算法与灰色决策相结合的多目标优化方法.联合MATLAB和VB,开发了一款基于该方法的便于工程应用的多目标优化软件.将该软件应用于掘进机铲板参数多目标优化,取得了良好的优化效果,验证了该方法的可行性,为工程实际中处理多目标优化问题提供了便利与借鉴.  相似文献   

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