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绞吸挖泥船是水利工程疏浚施工领域广泛使用的一类工程船舶,安装在船上的工况监测系统能够实时记录船体的疏浚作业状态,但是所获得的实时监测数据并不能直接提供船体疏浚作业平稳度的关键信息。提出一种基于施工循环的绞吸挖泥船疏浚作业平稳度分析评价方法,通过选择合适的施工监测参数作为绞吸挖泥船疏浚作业平稳度分析指标,然后在预定义的施工循环内对平稳度指标进行计算分析,得到挖泥船在整个施工期间的疏浚作业平稳度变化情况,以及每个施工循环内的疏浚作业平稳度值。据所得的疏浚作业平稳度,能够判断挖泥船操作人员的疏浚作业平稳度优劣,并直观评价其相应的疏浚产量,为绞吸挖泥船的疏浚作业提供有效指导。同时,通过与传统的疏浚作业平稳度分析方法进行比较可见,所提出的方法能够定量地反映绞吸挖泥船在整个施工期间和每个施工循环中的平稳度变化情况,弥补了传统方法的不足,具有更强的实用性和优越性。  相似文献   

This paper describes the background and methodology of the British Trust for Ornithology's Waterways Bird Survey. The scheme aims to produce breeding population indices for a range of riparian species based on survey work carried out annually at over 100 sites throughout Britain and Ireland. Habitat data are collected at each site which allow assessments to be made of factors affecting both the numbers and distribution of particular species. The effects of habitat changes can also be investigated. The scheme is illustrated with reference to population trends for coot (scientific names of species in the text are given in Table I) and yellow wagtail. The results of habitat studies are discussed for moorhen. This shows that densities reach a maximum on canal sites, and that on sections of the River Ouzel, Bedfordshire and Grand Union Canal, Buckinghamshire, populations were adversely affected by dredging and regrading operations.  相似文献   

针对江苏沿海挡潮闸下港道维护中需要清除上层浮淤、中层软淤、下层板淤及浅滩边坡的实际,提出了新型清淤船实现斗轮挖泥、水炮切割、射流拖淤三大功能复合的需求与途径。从优化其结构、方便操作、降低能耗和减少运行成本等目的出发,阐述了多种功能集成方法和确定了性能指标技术参数。为检验其挖、冲、拖装置复合操作应用的清淤效果,通过现场测试数据进行的计算和分析证明了这种新型清淤船是沿海挡潮闸下港道有效维护的理想机械。  相似文献   

本文分析了山东黄河挖河启动工程实施一年来的河道冲淤演变,在水沙条件接近90年代平均的情况下,挖河河段年回淤量占挖沙总量的54.8%,挖沙减淤比为1∶0.7左右。对其以上河段也有减淤作用。另外挖槽有吸引流势的作用,但没有改变洪水河势。从年内冲淤变化分析,挖河河段仍遵循弯曲性河道中过渡段河道洪淤枯冲的冲淤演变规律,但挖河使通水初期淤积发展加快,相对于不挖河时挖河河段淤积量增多。随着挖河河段回淤及出口以下河段的冲刷,挖河河段由淤积平衡转向冲刷,非汛期挖河河槽冲刷量较非挖河河段多。根据国内外挖槽回淤率分析,优化挖槽深度,减少挖槽与水流方向交角可以减少挖槽回淤率。  相似文献   

Environmental windows are seasonal restrictions imposed on dredging operations in the Great Lakes and other waterways of the United States. Such restrictions often generically assume that sediments resuspended by dredging result in adverse impacts to fish; this is the case in western Lake Erie where the environmental window was established due to potential impacts on walleye (Sander vitreus). To address this concern, laboratory studies mimicking sediment resuspension during dredging operations in western Lake Erie were conducted to determine whether suspended sediments affect walleye eggs and fingerlings. Newly laid eggs and 45- to 60-d old fingerlings from separate hatcheries were exposed for 72-h under flow-through conditions to 0, 100, 250, and 500 mg/L total suspended sediment (TSS). Fingerlings, eggs, and newly hatched larvae were analyzed for multiple lethal and sublethal endpoints. Data indicated no significant effects of suspended sediment on egg hatch success or fingerling survival after three days of exposure. No significant differences were observed when comparing percent egg viability in the control with any TSS treatment; however, a downward trend was observed at 500 mg/L. No significant differences were observed during comparisons of fingerling gill lamellae in the control with any TSS treatment; however, a statistically significant difference was observed when comparing gill lamellae in the control with the original supply animals. No significant differences were found between control means and unexposed eggs or any TSS treatment. These effect data for walleye will serve to better inform the setting of environmental windows for this species in western Lake Erie.  相似文献   

长江口12.5 m深水航道的回淤监测资料表明,航道回淤强度大小和潮汐动力强弱存在较好的负相关关系,即大潮-中潮-小潮过程(动力减弱期),北槽实测回淤强度大;而小潮-中潮-大潮过程(动力增强期),北槽回淤强度则变小,目前的疏浚工程仅考虑大通流量的影响而忽略了外海潮汐的贡献,疏浚强度的安排明显与回淤强度不匹配。根据疏浚强度、回淤强度、潮汐动力间的相关关系来看,未来可深入研究长江口北槽深水航道潮汐动力过程和疏浚安排对回淤强度的影响,探索"疏浚-回淤"与"大通流量-外海潮汐"间的制衡关系,以及该关系对航道的宏观、微观冲淤环境的影响,这样才有利于寻找出一套较为合理的疏浚力量配置管理原则,有利于最大限度地提高疏浚效率,为长江口深水航道疏浚资源的优化配置及航道减淤提供新的思考空间。  相似文献   

浅谈黄河下游挖河固堤的设计与实施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在黄河下游进行挖河固堤是实现黄河长治久安的一项战略措施,应加快实施进程。根据目前已经实施的工程情况,挖河固堤存在的问题主要有:设计上有误区,一次安排投资有限,对挖河段落的选择争议多,现有机械适应性较差等。为此,今后的挖河固堤须转换设计思路,即:无堤防的河口河段以疏通设计为主,有堤防河段的开挖以固堤设计为主;开挖可只设计部位和深度,不再强调开挖断面的设计。同时,要加快研制和开发适应黄河实际情况的挖泥机械,使黄河下游的挖河固堤能得以常年进行。  相似文献   

郭庆超  陆琴 《水利学报》2022,53(4):496-503
疏浚作为一种清淤工程措施在河道治理、水库库容恢复、航道和港池维护、河湖污染物移除等方面得到广泛应用.由于担心疏浚后发生回淤,疏浚效果不能长期维持,疏浚很少作为一种工程措施在河道防洪治理得到应用.然而,在流域来沙大幅减少的背景下,对河道实施一定规模的疏浚以扩大行洪能力,不仅是可能的,而且不会发生严重回淤,疏浚效果可以长期...  相似文献   

国家重点水利工程南水北调工程、东调南下工程、引黄济青续建工程等建成后,部分干线渠道除调水外还要承担排涝泄洪的任务,泥沙淤积在所难免。根据南水北调东线工程混凝土衬砌输水渠道清淤,研制了一种通过吸泥系统、泥浆输送系统完成清淤疏浚任务的高度自动化的潜水疏浚机,可以接收岸上人员的指令或者自主判断水下淤泥的分布情形,并以此决定在水下的行走方式,实现转弯、避碍,控制自身在水中的方位。这种小型清淤设备可以应用于渠道、湖泊、航道的环保清淤、水库清淤、沉砂池清淤、河道治理等。同时这种清淤设备还能做到在水下清淤疏浚过程中不引起环境的二次污染,不造成断流,具有高效、节能、方便操作、劳动强度小,适应作业范围宽及低成本等优点。  相似文献   

根据走马塘拓浚工程实施前后的地形变化,建立拓浚河道平面二维水动力数学模型,模拟河道拓浚前后走马塘典型河段的水动力变化情况,并分析拓浚工程对河道水动力特征的影响和拓浚工程的水生态效应。结果表明,拓浚工程的实施使得区域流速及断面横向流速分布变得均匀,对水环境改善有一定的正效应;河道拓浚工程的实施,短期内有利于浮游植物生长,但对浮游动物的生长有一定抑制作用,而从长期影响结果趋势来看,拓浚工程有利于水生生境系统的恢复与重建;河道拓浚工程的实施有利于底泥质量的改善,减少底泥污染物的含量,减少河道内源释放,对水质改善有正面效应;拓浚工程对底栖生物生境具有严重影响,但是随着时间的推移,底栖生境将会重建。  相似文献   

水库泥沙淤积问题普遍存在于全球水库中,影响防洪、发电、航运、水资源利用等水库功能的正常发挥,尤其是坝前泥沙淤积,可能会堵塞电站进水口和泄流底孔,严重影响水库发电效益和泄洪安全。对于大型水库而言,坝前水深一般在100 m以上,高效安全地进行坝前深水清淤疏浚是有效控制水库泥沙淤积、保持水资源可持续利用的一种重要途径。研究了气动力式深水清淤技术,并在三峡水库坝前深水环境进行了清淤试验。研究结果表明气动力式清淤技术可在百米级的深水环境中安全高效运行,清淤成本可控。研究成果可为大型水库清淤疏浚提供技术参考。  相似文献   

Residents of most rural communities in developing countries depend on surface water resources for their livelihoods. The development and management of this vital resource should as much as possible take into consideration local socio-economic priorities if sustainable development is to be achieved at local levels in these countries. Inland river dredging is a water resource management strategy usually aimed at improving water courses for navigation, land reclamation and or mitigate flood in the dredged catchment. Dredging operations like most development projects have impacts that are often localised, and benefits that could be local, regional or national. “Good dredging practices”, GDP, in industrialised countries have been aimed at balancing national/regional economic benefits, technical feasibility and environmental protection. These practices rely heavily on the quality, and quantity of available relevant base-line data. In most developing countries there is a dearth of baseline data, and often national/regional economic gains do not necessarily translate into local livelihood benefits. Hence, the basis of GDP should be extended to incorporate local livelihoods priorities, without ignoring the relevance of scientific data when it is available, the issue of technical feasibility, environmental sustainability and economic viability. This approach is relevant to the demand for equitable development in the developing world; could be used in conjunction with traditional eco-livelihoods knowledge in developing or determining appropriate approaches for sustainable surface water resources management, as well as reducing environmental conflicts between stakeholders.  相似文献   

A Great Lakes hydrologic response model was used to study the temporal effects of St. Clair River dredging on Lakes St. Clair and Erie water levels and connecting channel flows. The dredging has had a significant effect on Great Lakes water levels since the mid-1980s. Uncompensated dredging permanently lowers the water levels of Lakes Michigan and Huron and causes a transitory rise in the water levels of Lakes St. Clair and Erie. Two hypothetical dredging projects, each equivalent to a 10 cm lowering of Lakes Michigan and Huron, were investigated. This lowering is approximately half the effect of the 7.6 and 8.2 meter dredging projects. In the first case the dredging was assumed to occur over a single year while in the second it was spread over a 2-year period. The dredging resulted in a maximum rise of 6 cm in the downstream levels of Lakes St. Clair and Erie. The corresponding increase in connecting channel flows was about 150 m3s?1. The effects were found to decrease over a 10-year period with a half-life of approximately 3 years. The maximum effects on Lake Erie lagged Lake St. Clair by about 1 year.  相似文献   

根据模型试验的方法,研究了黄河下游窄河段不同挖河断面尺度下的减淤效果,以及对河势的影响。同时,进行了数学模拟计算,以便与河工模型试验结果相互佐证。依据模型试验和数模计算结果,认为,挖河断面越大,开挖河段的回淤量越大,开挖段上游一定范围内河段的溯源冲刷量也越大。另外,挖河可以在一定时段内起到理顺河势的效果,但要维持其效果,还应有一定的河道整治工程相配套。  相似文献   

通过河工模型试验,研究了黄河下游朱家屋子-西河口河段挖河固堤启动工程的减淤效果。分析表明,挖河后在一定时段内和试验水沙条件下,有一定的减淤效果,挖沙减淤比为0.76左右;开挖段的回淤量对挖河减淤效果影响很大。由于黄河水沙特性和河床演变的复杂性,还有不少关键技术问题需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

为提升高庄水库水质,同时提高水库防洪和调蓄能力,对高庄水库实施了水库生态清淤工程,并分析水库底泥及水库清淤前后水质监测数据。结果表明:高庄水库清淤前水质有下降趋势,断面等级的主要控制因素主要是总磷含量、高锰酸盐指数和氨氮含量;底泥中的总氮含量主要来源于干物质,土壤综合污染程度不高,表现为尚清洁;底泥重金属具有同源性,表明其污染来源相同;清淤后水库水质断面等级提高明显,可降低水体中高锰酸盐指数和总磷含量,但作用不如降低氨氮含量明显;不同水期水质污染因子含量存在差异,主要表现为高锰酸盐指数汛期略高于非汛期,氨氮含量汛期低于非汛期,总磷含量汛期高于非汛期;为提高水库清淤效益,建议本次清淤10 年后开展新一轮的清淤疏浚。  相似文献   

An overview of key physical/chemical parameters for contaminated sediments is presented. While sediment cores from remote lakes show little or no enrichment with heavy metals (Pb, Hg, Cd, Zn, Cu) and PAHs in top layers, the contamination near industrial areas is more significant. Cd in more bioavailable geochemical phases can occur in response to Cu inputs to sediments, and aeration during dredging operations of anaerobic sediments can reduce the pH causing release of heavy metals. The toxicity of anaerobic sediments to benthos can be effectively predicted based on interstitial water concentrations and the molar ratio between simultaneously extracted metals and acid-volatile sulfides (SEM/AVS). The toxicity of PAHs and other organics can be predicted based on equilibrium partitioning. Principal component analysis indicates that PAHs are associated with organic carbon and silt, and PCBs with inorganic clay. Finally, formulated reference sediments appear to be useful in toxicity testing by creating uniform parameters matching field conditions, and by isolating the effects of specific contaminants.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the past and present conditions and management of Chilika Lagoon, the largest lagoon on India's eastern coast. Spatial and temporal salinity gradients, because of freshwater river inflow and seasonal seawater influx, have created unique characteristics of an estuarine ecosystem, and exercised a continuous, selective influence on the biota. Unfortunately, its biodiversity and the livelihoods that depend on it were being lost at a fast rate because of a blockage of the lagoon's mouth by silt coming from upstream catchments, as well as oceanic long‐shore transport. Projects to restore the dynamic characteristics of the lagoon included dredging a new mouth to the ocean, as well as prevention of soil erosion in upstream areas. Management efforts resulted in a dramatic revival of this ecosystem, and contributed to a sharp rise in the incomes of fisherfolk. The institutional aspects of implementing such large‐scale policy changes also are discussed, and the remaining issues and lessons learned are presented.  相似文献   

重污染河道疏浚程度对底泥中总氮释放的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采集正在进行疏浚的河道表层、中层、下层底泥于室内静态条件下进行TN释放试验,研究疏浚程度对具有明显分层现象的河道底泥中的TN释放影响。结果表明:重污染河道底泥的TN释放共分为3个阶段:快速释放阶段,过渡阶段,释放平衡阶段;重污染河道底泥疏浚程度越高,疏浚后底泥TN质量浓度越低,越有利于减少底泥中TN的释放。重污染河道采用水力疏浚仅能去除表层淤泥,底泥TN负荷仍较高。  相似文献   

黄河下游挖河减淤效果影响因素的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
吉祖稳  胡春宏  田庆奇 《水利学报》2002,33(11):0078-0083
作者首先对挖槽减淤效果进行了定义,并根据分析,挖槽效果的影响因素主要包括挖槽尺度和水沙条件等两个方面,从概化模型的试验结果可以看出,当挖槽断面的河相关系B/H处于5~8之间、挖槽长度约为10km时,黄河下游弯曲河段的疏浚挖槽减淤效果相对较好;对于一定的挖槽尺寸而言,挖槽减淤效果随来沙系数的增加而迅速减小,当来沙系数小于0.025时,挖槽效果比较明显,当来沙系数大于0.05时,挖槽效果基本消失。此外,在概化试验的基础上,提出了挖槽溯源冲刷长度等参数的经验公式,并结合理论分析,提出了初步估算疏浚挖槽减淤效果的方法。  相似文献   

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