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1捷克共和国发展水电潜能的自然条件捷克共和国并没有建设水电站理想的自然条件。捷克的许多河流既没有所需的河川坡度,也没有充足的水量。因此,捷克共和国的水电在包括火电和核电的总发电量中的比例,是相当低的。最近由于2002年的洪水造成Vltava河的所谓Vltava梯级电站上的水电站的损坏,这一比例更加小了。 相似文献
张建云 《水利水运工程学报》2012,(1):1-4
随着经济社会的快速发展,目前我国正处在城镇化快速发展的时期,由此引发的城市水问题愈发突出,相关研究需求也愈加迫切.本文初步分析了城市化对降水和极端暴雨、流域产汇流规律及洪水、需水、供水及水资源保障、水质水环境及水生态系统等方面的影响.在分析城市水文效应的基础上,从学科发展和应用的角度,提出了当前城市水文学需要重点研究的问题,如城市极端暴雨的成因分析、城市暴雨洪水计算方法、城市雨洪资源化应用方法和关键技术等. 相似文献
《Water science and technology》1998,37(11):147-153
The quality of results of rainfall runoff modelling depends strongly on the hydrologic input data. In particular, for urban hydrology applications long-term rainfall series without gaps and of high quality and reliability are required in rainfall runoff and hydraulic simulation of the investigated drainage and receiving water system.The presented study discusses a method for filling gaps in precipitation time series provided by the Emschergenossenschaft and Lippeverband (EG/LV) in north west Germany. Various time intervals based on deterministic and statistical approaches are investigated. Intervals between S and 120 min will be discussed in particular. Several neighbour stations of the EG/LV raingauge network are considered. On the basis of representative examples it is shown how the time intervals mentioned above influences the quality of the estimated gap-filling rainfall data. 相似文献
安徽省水文档案馆于2005年10月建成投入使用,对全省水文资料及各类档案实现科学化、标准化、规范化综合管理和利用,是一个有力的推动。本文就当前水文档案管理中存在的问题,提出了具体措施和对策。 相似文献
雨水流出抑制技术的实施,可以通过减少雨水流出建筑区域的总量、延缓径流形成的时间以及减小流出水量的峰值来减轻排水系统和河道的负担;可以通过维持尽可能接近自然状态的水循环系统与过程,维持或增加降雨入渗的补给,保护动植物的生态环境,减缓地下水位持续下降引起的环境地质问题,确保河道基流的流量.符合"综合治水"的基本思想,有利于实现水资源可持续利用,为社会、生态和经济的协调发展做出贡献.介绍了国外先进的雨水流出抑制技术的基本概念及构造要求,并展望了此项技术在我国的应用推广前景. 相似文献
《Water science and technology》1998,37(2):195-202
More than one half of drinking water demand in the Czech Republic is covered by surface water resources. The most frequent problems of the water treatment and supply are caused by the eutrophication of reservoirs. Biological parameters of drinking water quality based upon the microscopic analysis are included in local standards and commonly used in water works laboratories. Several new methods and criteria have been elaborated: microscopic evaluation of the separation efficiency of water treatment, categorization of microorganisms according to their separability, a screening bioassay for the assessment of biological stability of the water in course of the treatment and distribution, biological indicators of the eutrophication degree of reservoirs and their tributaries. A set of supplementary biological methods and criteria for special cases was published. Algal toxins have been detected not only in cyanobacterial water blooms in reservoirs but also in periphyton layers growing m different units of water works treatment trains. Two examples of the integrated system approach to the water supply from eutrophicated reservoirs inclusive of proposed preventive and remedial measures are selected from a recently finished extensive research project. Improvement actions in the resources protection, water works design and operation, laboratory control system and legislation are recommended. 相似文献
On application of the Weibull distribution in hydrology 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Vijay P. Singh 《Water Resources Management》1987,1(1):33-43
The Weibull distribution, commonly used in hydrology, was derived using the principle of maximum entropy. The derivation required two constraints to be determined from data and yielded, in turn, a unique procedure for estimation of the distribution parameters. This method of parameter estimation was either superior or at least comparable to the methods of moments (MOM) and maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) for the precipitation data used. This distribution was less than accurate in representing probability distributions of rainfall depths and durations. 相似文献
Among the most common non-conventional wastewater treatment techniques used in the Czech Republic are waste stabilisation ponds (WSP), subsurface horizontal flow constructed wetlands (CW) and vertical flow groundfilters (GF). These extensive systems can be advantageously used for treatment of waters coming from sewerages where the ballast weighting commonly makes more than half of dry-weather flow. The monitoring was focused at 14 different extensive systems. Organics removal efficiencies were favourable (CW-82%; GF-88%); in the case of WSP only 57% due to the algal bloom. Total nitrogen removal efficiencies were 43 and 47% for WSP and GF; in the case of CW only 32% due to often occurring anaerobic conditions in filter beds. Total phosphorus removal efficiencies were 37, 35 and 22% for WSP, GF and CW, respectively. Often occurring problems are the ice-blockage of surface aerators at WSP during wintertimes, the pond duckweed-cover or the algal bloom at WSP during summers; a gradual colmatage of filter systems; and the oxygen deficiency in beds of subsurface horizontal flow constructed wetlands. Czech legal regulations do not allow treated wastewater disposal into underground waters. There is only an exception for individual family houses. Up to now, knowledge gained by monitoring of a village (which uses the infiltration upon a permission issued according to earlier legal regulations) have not shown an unacceptable groundwater quality deterioration into the infiltration areas. 相似文献
为确保上海市青草沙水库运营期大堤安全,在大堤外侧滩面实施了水下地形动态监测,针对长期监测获得的大量地形数据及固定断面数据,区别于传统水下地形测量数据处理方式,采用三维软件及CAD二次开发软件进行数据处理,直观地表现出大堤外侧水下地形整体及局部的变化情况,为水库大堤的安全运营提供数据支持,对同类工程水下地形动态监测具有借鉴意义。 相似文献
变形监测水灌网数据管理软件的研制和应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文介绍了基于Windows 95/98开发的垂直位移变形监测数据管理软件Level Net的原理、功能、操作及应用。该软件采用图形用户界面,数据计算精密无误,能通过直观的图形表示来反映监测对象的垂直位移状态。 相似文献
水文分析法是在大量的实验研究基础上建立起来的重要的计算方法,它揭示了大气降水产生后进行各种形式分配的一般规律。水文分析法计算降雨入渗补给量,显示出很强的操作性和实用性。应用水文分析法,必须掌握它的适用准则。 相似文献
Vaclav Dvorak 《国际水资源开发杂志》1996,12(2):181-192
In terms of climate, the Czech Republic belongs to the northern hemisphere Atlantic-contin ental type of moderate clim ate. M ean annual temperature ranges between 1.0 and 9.4 C (for summer between 8.8 C and 18.5 C, and for winter between - 6.8 and 0.2 C). Annual precipitation ranges between 450 mm in dry regions and 1300 m m in mountainous regions of the country. With its 2000 m 3 per capita fresh water availability, the Czech Republic is a region that can be characterized as slightly below average in availability. The occasional water shortages usually do n ot result from unavailability of water, but rather from temporal or spatial variability of water supply and demand and a high degree of water resources exploitation. To study poten tial im pacts of climate change on the hydrological system and water resources, four river basins have been selected in the territory of the Czech Republic: the Elbe River at De c i n (50762 km 2), the Zelivka River at Soutice (1189 km 2), the Upa River at Ceska Skalice (461 km 2), and the M etuje River at M ars ov n. M . (94 km 2). To simulate poten tial changes in runoff, three hydrological models have been applied using in cremental and GCM (GISS, GFDL and CCCM ) scenarios: the BILAN water balance model, the SACRAM ENTO (SAC-SM A) conceptual model and the CLIRU N water balance m odel. After comparison of the results, the BILAN m odel was selected to serve for subsequent analyses of hydrological systems in the river basins. The paper reviews methods applied in the study and results of the assessments, and it concludes with suggestions for general adaptation policy options where the preference is for non-structural measures such as water conservation, efficient water dem and management and protection of water resources. 相似文献
Lenka Slavíková Vítězslav Malý Michael Rost Lubomír Petružela Ondřej Vojáček 《Water Resources Management》2013,27(2):365-379
The paper investigates whether there is a statistically significant impact of short-term climate variables (specifically air temperature and rainfall) on residential water consumption at two selected case sites in the Czech Republic. The analysis is based on a unique time series of daily data from 2004–2009. The statistical methods used are CART methodology and a decomposition of these time series based on a locally weighted regression method. Apart from the data analysis results, the investigation raises several methodological questions regarding the use of daily data and the scope of analysis based on such data sets. 相似文献
The evolution of Czech standards requires higher efficiency of nutrient removal from municipal wastewaters. At the beginning of the last decade of 20th century, a new activated sludge configuration called R-AN-D-N process has been described, successfully tested and now largely used at several wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) in the Czech republic. The main feature of the R-AN-D-N process is the introduction of a regeneration zone in sludge recycle, which enables to increase sludge age in the system without any substantial increase in WWTP volume. Performances of three Czech large WWTP with R-AN-D-N configuration have been monitored and compared within a period of one and a half years. The results confirmed excellent nutrient removal efficiency for wastewaters with different proportion between sewage and industrial effluents. Two of three monitored WWTP received wastewaters from breweries (Budweiser and Pilsner Urquell). The settleability of activated sludge from all three WWTP was correct, with SVI values usually ranging from 50 to 150 ml/g. Monitoring of sludge composition indicated proliferation of several filamentous bacteria, particularly types 0581, 0092 and M. parvicella. No severe bulking events were observed. Finally, the operational costs expressed in CZK (Czech crown: 1 CZK = [see symbol in text]0.0322) per cubic metre of treated sewage or per capita amounts respectively from 2.24 to 6.52, and from 285 to 342. 相似文献
介绍了地理信息系统,并根据在水文水资源具体项目中应用分析,提出地理信息系统应该更深入地应用于水文水资源领域. 相似文献
文章回顾了同位素水文学的发展简史,在分析其国内外研究进展的基础上,综合阐述了同位素水文学的应用领域及方法。结果表明,同位素方法在解决一些水文、水资源和环境等问题方面具有明显的优势,同时也有助于从宏观和微观上厘清水循环中相关因素的变化,对于正确认识和评价水资源的属性,实现水资源可持续利用与水环境安全调控具有重要意义。 相似文献