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During the past 60–70 years, contaminated sediments from local rivers have been settling in the harbour basin of Oslo. This contamination, combined with that from other harbour activities, has developed into a serious pollution problem with both organic and inorganic contaminants. Since 1992 dredging activities have been restricted until the effect of dredging was determined and a safe disposal was found for the sediments. Because of this restriction, a conflict situation arose in terms of decreasing sailing depths, and dispersal of large quantities of contaminated sediments into the water column each day from ship traffic. A complete plan of action to remediate Oslo Harbour was started in 1994 and delivered to the State Pollution Control Authority (SF1) in August 1996. An evaluation of environmental risks connected to the remediation work has been carried out along with the determination of the requirements for the monitoring programme during and after the work. Preliminary evaluation of dredging techniques indicates that mechanic/hydraulic equipment will cause the least dispersion of sediment. Several options for treatment of the sediments have been evaluated. Study results point out that conditioning prior to disposal of the sediments in a confined disposal site in the harbour area, is the most cost effective solution. Seven disposal sites with a capacity of 0.5 mill. m3 have been identified. Two of the sites are integrated with a subsea road tunnel crossing the harbour basin. The other disposal sites will serve as new dock area after closure.  相似文献   

通过现场调研、实体模型、数学模型和资料分析等手段,对官厅水库上游流域水土流失现状与治理效果、水沙配置与利用、水库挖泥疏浚治理措施与效果等问题进行了系统的研究。流域水沙配置的内容主要包括水土保持拦沙、水库拦沙、引水用沙和河道淤积等,在基本摸清了流域泥沙配置现状及其对官厅水库减淤效果的基础上,指出改善和提高流域引水用沙、滩地滞沙和水土保持拦沙等方面的泥沙配置能力是减轻官厅水库泥沙淤积的重要目标;论证了挖泥疏浚是解决官厅水库泥沙淤积(包括拦门沙淤堵和坝前淤积)的重要措施,小底宽挖泥槽疏浚方案(15m方案)可作为枯水年连通两库的应急供水工程措施,宽挖槽疏浚方案(宽300m或500m)和防淤堤方案为近期拦门沙整治方案,其中S型防淤堤方案具有局部导沙入妫的作用,挖泥疏浚可以有效地缓解坝前泥沙淤积严重所造成的危险局面;清淤应急供水工程方案实施后的连通渠回淤监测成果表明,连通渠回淤少,不存在淤堵问题,与实体模型试验成果一致,起到了连通永库和妫库的作用。  相似文献   

An overview of key physical/chemical parameters for contaminated sediments is presented. While sediment cores from remote lakes show little or no enrichment with heavy metals (Pb, Hg, Cd, Zn, Cu) and PAHs in top layers, the contamination near industrial areas is more significant. Cd in more bioavailable geochemical phases can occur in response to Cu inputs to sediments, and aeration during dredging operations of anaerobic sediments can reduce the pH causing release of heavy metals. The toxicity of anaerobic sediments to benthos can be effectively predicted based on interstitial water concentrations and the molar ratio between simultaneously extracted metals and acid-volatile sulfides (SEM/AVS). The toxicity of PAHs and other organics can be predicted based on equilibrium partitioning. Principal component analysis indicates that PAHs are associated with organic carbon and silt, and PCBs with inorganic clay. Finally, formulated reference sediments appear to be useful in toxicity testing by creating uniform parameters matching field conditions, and by isolating the effects of specific contaminants.  相似文献   

在东太湖底泥富含污染物的情况下,进行环保疏浚施工实验。提出控制排泥场尾水对河网环境污染的措施,防止疏浚过程中造成地区水环境的二次污染。疏浚工程重点是防治技术的开发、评价及处理工艺的选定。  相似文献   

基于无人机航测技术对东江局枫树坝水库管理和保护区范围开展了精确的划界工作,并利用高分辨率的航测成果进行了违法违章嫌疑区解译。同时结合水色遥感技术对库区的悬浮泥沙和有机污染物进行了反演,反应了库区污染状况的宏观分布,并结合前面解译的嫌疑区种类和分布进行了污染成因分析。本文证明基于无人机航测技术非常适用于水库库区的精确确界,且能对库区管理人员难以到达的违法违章行为进行识别,结合水色遥感技术还可进一步分析造成局部库区污染的成因,为管理部门的库区水资源管理与执法决策提供科学有效的依据。  相似文献   

Dynamic changes in the chemical environment in the bottom of overlying water and microbial community structure in trench and flat seabed sediments were evaluated during summer and autumn in Tokyo Bay, Japan, to elucidate the response of microbial community changes as a consequence of dredging activity. Quinone profile analysis was performed to evaluate the changes in microbial community structure in the sediments. Bottom shape and location of each station affected the chemical environment of the overlying water. The trench bottom shape had longer anoxic conditions than the flat bottom shape. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations affected the microbial density in the sediment. During anoxic conditions, the ubiquinone/menaquinone ratio (UQ/MK) was less than unity and increased with rising dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations. The dominant quinone species in the trench and flat seabed sediments were MK with 6 and 7 isoprene units (MK-6 and MK-7) and UQ with 8 and 9 isoprene units (UQ-8 and UQ-9). MK-6 and UQ-8 containing bacteria might have a great influence on the sulfur cycle of the aquatic ecosystem. While, MK-7 and UQ-9 containing bacteria correlated with the deposition of phototropic bacteria cells onto the seabed sediment. The trench bottom shape contained higher concentrations of MK-6, MK-7, UQ-8 and UQ-9, especially during summer.  相似文献   

Using neural networks (in this case the Kohonen network) and a multivariate statistical method - the hierarchical cluster analysis -, a classification of dioxin data has been carried out. A principal conclusion, which can be drawn, is that a significant source of dioxin in the river Elbe, Hamburg harbour, the soils of the flood plains of the river Elbe and in soils originating from dredging materials, has been shown to originate from the dioxin contaminated region of Bitterfeld. The results indicate that the dioxin contamination in the Bitterfeld region was caused partly by metallurgy processes, not just by chemical production. Furthermore, the results show that a main dioxin source responsible for the contamination of Hamburg surface waters, not influenced by the river Elbe, is of “thermal origin”. The river Elbe shows a characteristic butyltin pattern. The cause is probably a plant in Bitterfeld. The precise sources of the dioxin-like PCB are still unknown.  相似文献   

绞吸挖泥船是水利工程疏浚施工领域广泛使用的一类工程船舶,安装在船上的工况监测系统能够实时记录船体的疏浚作业状态,但是所获得的实时监测数据并不能直接提供船体疏浚作业平稳度的关键信息。提出一种基于施工循环的绞吸挖泥船疏浚作业平稳度分析评价方法,通过选择合适的施工监测参数作为绞吸挖泥船疏浚作业平稳度分析指标,然后在预定义的施工循环内对平稳度指标进行计算分析,得到挖泥船在整个施工期间的疏浚作业平稳度变化情况,以及每个施工循环内的疏浚作业平稳度值。据所得的疏浚作业平稳度,能够判断挖泥船操作人员的疏浚作业平稳度优劣,并直观评价其相应的疏浚产量,为绞吸挖泥船的疏浚作业提供有效指导。同时,通过与传统的疏浚作业平稳度分析方法进行比较可见,所提出的方法能够定量地反映绞吸挖泥船在整个施工期间和每个施工循环中的平稳度变化情况,弥补了传统方法的不足,具有更强的实用性和优越性。  相似文献   

In order to investigate the characterization of runoff in storm sewer from various urban catchments, three monitoring systems at different spatial scales have been installed separately. They have been held since July 2010 in urban area of Beijing (China). The monitoring data revealed that chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and NH(3)-N values significantly exceed the Class V surface water quality standard developed by Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China (MEP). A surface solids buildup and wash off model for small watershed was adopted to analyze and discuss the process of a runoff pollutant discharge. More than a half of pollutant parameters presented a good fit to the model. However, a slightly worse-fit to the wash off model appeared in less than half of the data. Due to the influence of sewer sediments, sewer system characteristics, catchment characteristics, and other reasons, first flush was seldom observed in storm sewer runoff from these three survey areas. Meanwhile, the correlation between TSS and any other pollutant was analyzed according to cumulative load of pollutants in runoff events. An event mean concentrations (EMCs) approach was adopted to quantify the pollution of runoff. EMCs of various pollutants in storm sewer runoff between different rainfall events were slightly higher than the typical values observed in similar areas at home and abroad, according to other studies reported in literature. Based on quantitative analysis, it can be concluded that urban non-point source pollution is recognized as the major causes of quality deterioration in the receiving water bodies. This is after the point source pollution has been controlled substantially in Beijing. An integrated strategy, which combines centralized and decentralized control, along with the conditions of meteorology, hydrology, urban planning, existing drainage system, etc., will be an effective and economic approach to urban runoff pollution control.  相似文献   


Water quality conservation in river basins calls for a useful decision support tool as well as a holistic approach in which the development and application of appropiate technology plays an important role in adequately understanding the natural processess involved. In this paper, the experiences in a major Mexican watershed are presented. Data analysis, experimental work, and modeling are applied to create a reasonable approach to describing water pollution and predicting the behavior of contaminants in the Lerma-Chapala basin, Mexico. The main difficulty in the formulation of different models was identifying the required independent parameters. Interaction parameters between water and sediment phases played a predominant role in the pollutant transport processes. Therefore, the modeling approach included not only water but other phases involved in the migration of pollutants (water, soil, suspended sediments, bottom sediments, atmosphere).  相似文献   

Efficiently characterizing the distribution of contaminated and toxic sediments in rivers and harbors is usually limited by the expense of conventional chemical and toxicological analyses. Two approaches were developed to address this problem; the indicator analysis approach, used in the ARCS project, and the screening analysis approach, here applied to a sediment assessment project on the Ottawa River (Toledo, Ohio). The indicator analysis approach utilized two suites of analyses; 23 conventional toxicological and chemical analyses performed on a subset of samples, and 11 rapid, inexpensive chemical and toxicological assays performed on many samples, including those analyzed using the conventional analyses. Predictive correlation equations were generated using step-wise linear regression, and these equations were used to calculate values for the conventional analyses for samples on which they were not performed. This approach generated statistically strong predictive equations, as well as a “weight of evidence” data set useful for evaluating relative sediment contamination. The equations, however, were very site-specific, and sometimes contained terms which were counter-intuitive, and the approach failed if the data sets contained too many “non-detect” or 100% mortality values. The screening analysis approach measured total PCBs by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and 18 elements by x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF). These analyses correlated very strongly with gas chromatography (GC) and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AA), respectively, and their production rates and costs were far superior. A low bias was observed in the EIA data, compared to the GC data, possibly due to inefficient EIA extraction of the oily sediments, or to a mismatch between the PCB mixtures in the sediment and used as a calibrator for the EIA. XRF data for Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Sb, and Zn exhibited a positive bias compared to AA, while Cd and Pb did not. This was probably due to metal-specific variations in the contribution of mineral matrix-associated metal to the acid-digestible metal quantified by AA. Both EIA and XRF can be performed in the field, to produce near-real time data to guide sampling. Detection limits of the PCB EIA (0.12 μg/g DW) and of XRF (typically 5 to 15 μg/g DW) are adequate for most sediment assessment projects. Of the two approaches, screening analyses are recommended for the rapid, cost-effective characterization of contaminated sediments.  相似文献   

Digital Terrain Models (DTM) can be useful tools for the design and evaluation of dredging operations. Nevertheless, DTM's based on linear interpolation of data from a rectangular grid do not provide confidence intervals for unsampled locations. SURFIS is a computer program to develop DTM's that include mapped random errors for complete study areas. Contrary to other geostatistical methods it can easily be applied by non-specialists. Application of SURFIS in the Biesbosch led to significant reduction in the amounts of material that needed to be dredged. We conclude that application of SURFIS may lead to more accurate dredging operations, resulting in lower costs for removal and storage of contaminated sediments.  相似文献   

陕西石川河交口水库疏浚工程量较大,水库蓄水运用后,能否确保疏浚库区不淤积是该工程成败的关键。本文根据河流冲淤平衡原理,分析论证了水库终极库容形成后的库区横断面形态,按照该横断面轮廓线以下的范围将被淤积物覆盖的原则,对原疏浚方案进行了优化,使疏浚工程量明显减少。  相似文献   

Sediments in Port Hope Harbour, Lake Ontario, have been heavily contaminated by radionuclides and heavy metals from a radium recovery plant, a uranium refinery, and other industrial activities. Spatial patterns in surficial sediment contamination, benthic community structure, and bioaccumulation of contaminants were assessed to determine possible relationships and potential environmental hazards in the event of dredging. Benthic community differences in species composition and density between inner and outer harbour areas corresponded with both habitat and sediment quality differences. Sediment loss-on-ignition, nitrogen, iron, copper, lead, chromium, zinc, and nickel concentrations in the inner harbour exceeded provincial guidelines for open water disposal of dredged spoils. Only iron exceeded those guidelines in the outer harbour. Tissue levels of radionuclides and heavy metals in benthic invertebrates were greatest at the most heavily contaminated stations in the inner harbour. Reduced benthic densities and maximum sediment contamination occurred near a refinery cooling water discharge.  相似文献   

海河口潮流泥沙运动数值模拟及清淤方案研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文建立了海河口一、二维连接水沙数学模型,一、二维模型离散格式分别采用Preissmann四点隐式格式和控制体积法。二维网格采用正交曲线网格,具有网格布置灵活和贴合边界等优点。利用海河口系统的水文,泥沙及地形资料对模型进行了全面的检验,并进行了河口治理清淤方案优化研究。该模型可推广到其它河口进行挖槽,建闸,建导堤方案的研究。  相似文献   

The mass exchange between Hamilton Harbour and Lake Ontario waters through the Burlington Canal is important for estimating the dissolved oxygen budget of the harbour. Lake-harbour exchange is caused by either the oscillatory flow in the canal during isothermal conditions or the densimetric flow during thermal stratification. During the study period (September 1975), the canal water was found to be quasi-isothermal; consequently oscillatory flow existed. A computational method was developed to estimate the exchange based on excursion distance travelled for each limnological episode, and the final flow in each direction was checked with dissolved solids budget. An average of 2.04 × 106 m3.d?1 (24 m3.s?l) of harbour water is estimated to flow into the lake, while 0.73 × 106 m3.d?1 (8 m3.s?1) of lake water flowed toward the harbour during September 1975. This accounts for the total and net daily exchange of 0.98% and 0.48% of harbour volume, with net exchange being toward the lake. The total and net exchanges were respectively 8 and 4 times the natural drainage during the study period. On a monthly average, more water leaves than enters the harbour. The lake-harbour exchange is considered important for maintaining and even improving the existing harbour water quality. The harbour dilution factor was estimated as 0.0019 per day for the present study.  相似文献   

The Petroleum harbour project is the third pilot remediation, which was carried out within the framework of POSW (the national development programme for treatment processes of polluted sediments). The main objectives of the pilot remediation are:
  • -to demonstrate the biological treatment of dredged materials on a practical scale;
  • -to gain knowledge and experience for the future remediation of the total Petroleum harbour.
A strict tender procedure was carefully executed in order to select the most effective and ‘state of the art’ biodegradation technology. The selected remediation chain was a combination of 'standard' soil treatment technology and newly developed biotechnology. The contaminated sediments were separated by hydrocyclones, then the sand fraction was cleaned by froth flotation, and the fines were treated in a continuous flow reactor consisting of a cascade of 4 bioreactor tanks. A belt press was used for dewatering the fines. Dredging, biotechnological treatment and the effects of the remediation on the environment were monitored in detail. The quality of the treated sand fraction complied with the Dutch standards for re- use and was actually applied in a project of Rijkswaterstaat. Biodegradation resulted in a substantial decrease of the oil and PAH's contents, but due to the lack of breakdown of a few high-molecular PAH's, the quality requirements of the contract were not achieved. For less heavily polluted sediments and soils the applied biotechnology may be more effective. The results of the project show that biodegradation in bioreactors on a large scale is feasible. Furthermore useful information was gathered for the future remediation of the Petroleum harbour. It is concluded that the two main objectives of the project have been attained. Finally some recommendations for the future clean-up of the Petroleum harbour are given.  相似文献   

The re-suspension of sediments in combined sewers and the associated pollutants into the bulk water during wet weather flows can cause pollutants to be carried further downstream to receiving waters or discharged via Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO). A typical pollutograph shows the trend of released bulk pollutants with time but does not consider information on the biodegradability of these pollutants. A new prediction methodology based on Oxygen Utilisation Rate (respirometric method) and Erosionmeter (laboratory device replicating in-sewer erosion) experiments is proposed which is able to predict the trends in biodegradability during in-sewer sediment erosion in wet weather conditions. The proposed new prediction methodology is also based on COD fractionation techniques.  相似文献   

The “sediment quality triad” approach was used to assess the effects of dredging on the sediment quality of a new marina in the Trenton Channel of the Detroit River, and to evaluate spatial and temporal variation in sediment quality in the Trenton Channel. Samples were collected in November of 1993 (10 months after dredging) and characterized by chemical analysis, sediment bioassays, and assessment of benthic invertebrate communities. The three study components indicated little difference in sediment quality at dredged sites in the marina relative to nearby areas in the Trenton Channel, and little change in sediment quality of Trenton Channel sites relative to conditions reported in the mid-1980s. These results suggest that improvement in sediment quality in the Trenton Channel, due to dredging or natural processes, will depend on elimination of sediment “hot spots” and other upstream contaminant sources. Concentrations of chemical contaminants, especially metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, exceeded concentrations associated with effects on biota and were significantly correlated with results of sediment bioassays and characteristics of benthic communities. Laboratory sediment bioassays with Hyalella azteca and Chironomus tentans produced better discrimination among sites with differing degrees of contamination than did characterization of benthic communities, which were dominated by oligochaetes at all sites in the marina and the Trenton Channel.  相似文献   

Biogenic organic matter (BOM) is of ubiquitous relevance in all aquatic systems. This is due to the fundamental function of the natural organic matter in combination with the microbial activity which guarantees the degradation in and the self purification of water in the hydrological cycle. In addition, the refractory part of the widely distributed BOM acts as effective adsorbent for most water constituents, and in case of mobile fractions as active vehicle for pollutants. In contrast to the broad importance of the occurrence and role of BOM, there is a fairly small variety for its analytical characterization. Especially in the field of in-situ measurements and of the determination in the original concentration range of aqueous samples, relatively little data have been collected. This is partly due to the complex structure of BOM. partly to the limited availability of analytical methods suited for that type of investigations.The aim of the paper is to give typical examples for the a) physical/chemical, b) microbiological and c) technologically orientated methods of the analytical characterization of BOM in aqueous solution and to draw conclusions on the function of BOM in aquatic systems and their use for man.  相似文献   

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