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Conventional cultivation methods and molecular approaches were utilised to describe the filamentous bacterial population of industrial activated sludge WWTPs. In total 43 strains were isolated by micromanipulation and were affiliated with 12 different species, comprising two new species and a new genus. In particular, a new species of Microthrix, a new genus of a filamentous Alphaproteobacteria morphologically similar to Nostocoida limicola, and a new filamentous species closely related to the opportunistic pathogen Propionibacterium propionicum were obtained. Despite the high number of isolates, the cultivation approach was unable to describe the filamentous bacteria most common in industrial WWTP. A culture-independent approach, termed the cell sorting/RT-PCR method, was therefore applied to identify fastidious or non-culturable filamentous microrganisms from different industrial plants. By this method the relevant filaments were micromanipulated and their 16S rDNA genes were amplified by RT-PCR. This approach was highly efficient. In total 31 16S rRNA sequences were obtained and 16 of them were used for the design of new specific oligonucleotide probes that highlighted dominant filaments in industrial activated sludge plants.  相似文献   

The filtration characteristics of two different module configurations with coarse pore filter (non-woven fabric) were investigated for sludge floc separation in an activated sludge reactor for domestic wastewater reclamation. A polypropylene non-woven fabric filter (35 g/m2) was used for the two different module configurations, one flat and one tubular type, each with a filtration area of 0.052 m2. The different module types, submerged in the oxic compartment of A/O (anaerobic/oxic) type reactors, were operated simultaneously. The filtration fluxes were gradually increased from 0.5 to 1.2 and 1.73 m/d. The filtration pressures were more stably maintained for the tubular type module than the plate type. The tubular type module installed horizontally with two-side suction showed less filtration pressures than the tubular type module installed vertically with one-side suction. The solid separation was significantly high showing less than 5 mg/L effluent solids. The organic and T-N removal efficiencies were around 95 and 50%, respectively. The 85% removal of T-P was achieved with 20 mg/L injection of PAC (poly-aluminum chloride).  相似文献   

The diversity of autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) of the b-subdivision of the class Proteobacteria was investigated in a laboratory-scale denitrification-nitrification bioreactor (DNB) treating a synthetic waste stream. 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequences were amplified from DNA extracted from the oxic DNB sludge. Comparative analysis of the rRNA sequences revealed considerable diversity among the AOB-like sequences. The majority of sequences recovered were related to Nitrosomonas spp. but a smaller number of Nitrosospira-like sequences were obtained. Since different AOB may have different kinetic properties the high diversity of AOB, even in a simple laboratory biotreater treating a simple waste stream, has important implications for the operation of nitrifying wastewater treatment processes.  相似文献   

Microcolony-forming bacteria closely related to the genus Aquaspirillum in the Betaproteobacteria were recently observed to be abundant in many nutrient removal wastewater treatment plants. The developed oligonucleotide probe, Aqs997, however, occasionally also targeted some filamentous bacteria in activated sludge samples when fluorescence in situ hybridization was performed. In this study, the identity, abundance, and ecophysiology of these Aqs997-positive filamentous bacteria were studied in detail. Most of the Aqs997-positive filamentous bacteria could morphologically be identified as either Eikelboom Type 1701, Type 0041/0675 or possibly Type 1851, all characterized by epiphytic growth. They were found in almost all 21 wastewater treatment plants investigated. Two morphotypes were found. Type A filaments, which seemed to be the same genotype as the microcolony-forming bacteria targeted by probe Aqs997.Type B filaments also hybridized with probe GNS941, specific for the Chloroflexi phylum, so the true identity remains unclear. Aqs997-positive filaments usually stained Gram-negative, but Gram-positive filaments were also found, stressing the difficulties in identifying bacteria from morphology and simple staining results. Studies on the ecophysiology by microautoradiography showed that Aqs997-positive filamentous bacteria did not consume acetate and glucose, while some took up butyrate, mannose, and certain amino acids. Most likely, some Aqs997-positive filamentous bacteria were able to perform full denitrification such as the Aqs997-positive microcolony-forming bacteria, and some were able to store polyhydroxyalkanoates under anaerobic conditions, potentially being glycogen accumulating organisms.  相似文献   

Co-digestion of waste activated sludge (WAS) with agro-industrial organic wastewaters is a technology that is increasingly being applied in order to produce increased gas yield from the biomass. In this study, the effect of olive mill wastewater (OMW) on the performance of a cascade of two anaerobic continuous stirred tank (CSTR) reactors treating thickened WAS at mesophilic conditions was investigated. The objectives of this work were (a) to evaluate the use of OMW as a co-substrate to improve biogas production, (b) to determine the optimum hydraulic retention time that provides an optimised biodegradation rate or methane production, and (c) to study the system stability after OMW addition in sewage sludge. The biogas production rate at steady state conditions reached 0.73, 0.63, 0.56 and 0.46 l(biogas)/l(reactor)/d for hydraulic retention times (HRTs) of 12.3, 14, 16.4 and 19.7 d. The average removal of soluble chemical oxygen demand (sCOD) ranged between 64 and 72% for organic loading rates between 0.49 and 0.75 g sCOD/l/d. Reduction in the volatile suspended solids ranged between 27 and 30%. In terms of biogas selectivity, values of 0.6 l(biogas)/g tCOD removed and 1.1 l(biogas)/g TVS removed were measured.  相似文献   

Activated sludge samples from wastewater treatment plants from potato starch and starch derivatives factory and from a municipal sewage treatment plant were analyzed with DNA probes specific for several filamentous bacteria. It was found that Haliscomenobacter hydrossis, Sphaerotilus natans, Thiothrix sp. and Eikelboom Type 021N were common in the activated sludges. Fluorescent in situ Hybridization (FISH) analysis could detect more types of sheathed bacteria and yielded a more accurate quantification of bacteria than conventional microscopy.In a pilot and a full scale wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) clear correlations were found between the SVI and growth of a Sphaerotilus natans and a Thiothrix sp. Addition of chlorine to the bulking sludge resulted in an improved SVI of the sludge but only damaged filamentous cells outside the floc. Nitrification was measured with substrate depletion and FISH analysis. Signal interpretation of FISH analysis was demonstrated both manually and with automated image analysis.  相似文献   

A microbial survey of 27 activated sludge (AS) systems included 16 conventional activated sludge (CAS) systems, five sequential batch reactors (SBR) and six oxygen-activated sludge (OAS) systems, all treating pulp and paper effluents. The most prevalent filaments observed were Thiothrix (26%) and Type 021N (22%). The designs of the activated sludge systems seemed to have an effect on the filament types. We found Thiothrix to be the most common filament associated with bulking. For CAS systems, a completely mixed mode of operation promoted Thiothrix and Type 021N growth. Type 021N was favoured in CAS systems with food to microorganism (F/M) ratios higher than 0.2, and with dissolved oxygen (DO) residuals higher than 2 ppm, while Thiothrix generally proliferated at lower F/M ratio and DO residuals. Nutrient deficiencies as well as nutrient dosage variations were suspected in most of the systems having Thiothrix and Type 021N as the most prevalent filaments. Thiothrix appeared to prefer polyphosphate and/or ammonia rather than urea/phosphoric acid as N and P sources. Systems with aerobic selectors showed the lowest filament counts, while systems with no selectors showed the highest filament counts.  相似文献   

A quantitative method was developed for estimating Gordona mass in activated sludge foam and mixed liquor samples. The technique involves in situ hybridization with a genus-specific fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide probe calibrated on pure cultures of Gordona. The immunofluorescent technique of Hernandez et al. was modified to allow staining with fluorescently labeled antibody and hybridization probes. The results of this technique were compared to those from membrane hybridization studies using radioactively-labeled oligonuelcotide probes. Quantitative membrane hybridizations, in situ hybridizations, and antibody staining resulted in significantly different levels of Gordona in activated sludge foam, activated sludge mixed liquor, return activated sludge, and anaerobic digester sludge. Simultaneous staining with labeled antibodies and oligonucleolide probes provide a definitive identification for Gordona, and represents a new approach for in situ studies of this organism's role to foaming.  相似文献   

烟酸是合成辅酶的原料,也是许多微生物生长所必需的维生素之一。以静态试验得出的烟酸最佳投加浓度为依据,采用连续流的实际毛纺废水活性污泥试验及对照系统,进行连续投加烟酸的试验,维持曝气系统内烟酸浓度1mg/L。在16d的投加期间,投加组的平均CODCr去除率为对照组的1.3倍,活性污泥平均总脱氢酶活性和平均内源呼吸脱氢酶活性分别为对照组的1.34倍和1.44倍。  相似文献   

活性污泥胞外聚合物EPS的影响因素研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
胞外聚合物EPS对活性污泥的表面特性、生物絮凝、沉降及脱水性能等具有重要的影响,主要对污泥负荷Ns,DO,温度,Ca2+,pH及废水水质等因素对EPS的影响进行了研究。试验结果表明:Ns,pH及废水水质对EPS的含量、成分有显著的影响;DO,温度对EPS的影响较小;同时随着进水Ca2+浓度的增加,污泥的EPS,脱氢酶及OUR增加。  相似文献   

Densification may be an alternative method for controlling sludge bulking; however, little information is available on the method. Various methods including different oxygen concentrations, surface velocities of aeration, calcium concentrations and extended starvation period were employed for triggering densification of filamentous sludge in this study. It was found that high surface velocity of aeration could effectively improve the settleability of filamentous sludge in the short term, which resulted in filamentous granulation, but could not avoid filamentous bulking even after granulation. Increase of calcium concentration could also improve the settleability by forming pigtail filaments colony in the short term, but could not trigger granulation. Extension of starvation period seems effective neither for further densification nor for granulation. Additionally, increased ovality of meshes formed by filaments was frequently associated with a dense structure of filamentous sludge. It was suggested that pigtail type of filamentous colony that thus increased the resistance to elevated shear force may encourage the densification of sludge, and two kind of densification growth patterns, i.e., granular or cluster growth pattern of filamentous sludge, were identified.  相似文献   

活性污泥数学模型在污水处理中的研究和应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了国际水协会(IWA)推出的活性污泥1号(ASMI)、2号(ASM2)、2D号(ASM2D)、3号(ASM3)模型各自的机理和功能,介绍了ASM数学模型的改进及应用,最后分析讨论了模型研究与应用中存在的问题,并针对以上困难指出了模型在我国的发展前景。  相似文献   

剩余污泥减量化技术研究进展与发展趋势   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
赵庆良  赵赫  林佶侃  金文标 《给水排水》2005,31(11):106-111
按照物理、化学、生物及组合工艺的分类对污泥减量技术的研究发展状况进行了分析,并 通过污水处理效果来评价各污泥减量工艺。总结出污泥减量化的两个发展趋势:通过调整反应器和 工艺参数实现在污泥产生过程中减少污泥产量;在污泥回流过程中通过细胞溶解实现在污泥产生后 减少污泥外排量。  相似文献   

Aerobic granular sludge technology: an alternative to activated sludge?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Laboratory experiments have shown that it is possible to cultivate aerobic granular sludge in sequencing batch reactors. In order to direct future research needs and the critical points for successful implementation at large scale, a full detailed design of a potential application was made. The design was based on the laboratory results, and two variants of a full-scale sewage treatment plant based on Granular sludge Sequencing Batch Reactors (GSBRs) were evaluated. As a reference a conventional treatment plant based on activated sludge technology was designed for the same case. Based on total annual costs both GSBR variants proved to be more attractive than the reference alternative (7-17% lower costs). From a sensitivity analysis it appeared that the GSBR technology was less sensitive to the land price and more sensitive to a rain weather flow (RWF). This means that the GSBR technology becomes more attractive at lower permissible RWF/DWF ratios and higher land prices. The footprint of the GSBR variants was only 25% compared to the reference. However, the GSBR with primary treatment only cannot meet the present effluent standards for municipal wastewater in The Netherlands, mainly because of a too high suspended solids concentration in the effluent. A growing number of sewage treatment plants in the Netherlands are going to be faced with more stringent effluent standards. In general, activated sludge plants will have to be extended with a post treatment step (e.g. sand filtration) or be transformed into Membrane Bioreactors. In this case a GSBR variant with primary treatment as well as post treatment can be an attractive alternative.  相似文献   

EPS are supposed to be among the causes of membrane fouling in membrane bioreactors (MBR). In this work they are measured as total proteins and total polysaccharides. Theoretical and empirical considerations of biomass membrane filtration lead to the conclusion that EPS in the water phase is decisive for the filterability of activated sludge. In this study therefore different ways of separating the water phase from the biomass are investigated, where a simple filtration over a paper filter turned out to be sufficient. Subsequently, a simple batch test set up was used to investigate the influence of substrate conditions on the amount of EPS in the water phase. Dilution of the biomass does not result in changes. Dilution together with substrate addition leads to an increase both in proteins and polysaccharides. Replacement of the water phase leads to no significant changes in protein concentration, but polysaccharide concentration may vary considerably. This phenomenon is more pronounced after replacement of the water phase and substrate addition.  相似文献   

Fe3+对活性污泥系统的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过小试研究了微量Fe3+对活性污泥系统的影响.将浓度为3 mg/L,5 mg/L,10 mg/L,20 mg/L,30 mg/L,50 mg/L和80 mg/L的Fe3+分别投加到活性污泥系统中,反应4 h后测定系统出水COD、活性污泥的SVI、脱氢酶活性及其EPS组分.结果表明,Fe3+浓度小于50 mg/L时对活性污泥的脱氢酶活性具有促进作用,浓度为10 mg/L时促进作用最强;Fe3+浓度在80 mg/L以下均具有良好的絮凝作用,浓度在30 mg/L以下时絮凝作用最强.两种作用的共同结果影响系统对COD的去除效果.对活性污泥EPS组分的测定表明,Fe3+的絮凝作用对SVI的影响是主要的.  相似文献   

大型城市污水处理厂活性污泥法污泥膨胀防控对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
详细解析了倒置A2/O工艺污泥膨胀发生前后的运行状况及活性污泥性状,通过水质数据对比和运行参数比较,探讨在大型城市污水处理厂建立污泥膨胀预警评价体系的可能性。利用工艺参数对典型工艺进行优化调控,提前预防污泥膨胀或在污泥膨胀初期进行防控。  相似文献   

A time series analysis using an sutocorrelation function (ACF) was used to assess the relative importance of density (DD) and non density-dependent - (NDD) factors on microfauna abundance of a two-stage activated sludge pilot plant treating industrial effluents. Although some previous work has detected a carrying capacity for the total microfauna abundance in both reactors, ACF showed a general pattern of non-density dependent abundance regulation. Stationarity due to density-dependent factors was observed for the two major species in the first reactor, the sessile Opercularia asymmetrica and the crawling Chilodonatella minuta. There was no evidence of bacterial competition and only weak evidence of floc surface competition. It is possible that the main driving factor in the first reactor was the constant wasting rate. In the second reactor, the microfauna was clearly dependent on substrate fluctuations, attaining densities one order of magnitude higher than in the first reactor. This was probably a consequence of its longer sludge age. An 8-day oscillation period was detected only in the first reactor, while a second oscillation of about 30 days was observed in both the first and second reactors. ACF was shown to be a simple method for discriminating between DD and NDD factors influencing species and total abundance dynamics.  相似文献   

The feasibility of an autotrophic denitrification process in an activated sludge reactor, using sulphide as the electron donor, was tested for simultaneous denitrification and sulphide removal. The reactor was operated at nitrate (N) to sulphide (S) ratios between 0.5 and 0.9 to evaluate their effect on the N-removal efficiency, the S-removal efficiency and the product formation during anoxic oxidation of sulphide. One hundred per cent removal of both nitrate and sulphide was achieved at a NLR of 7.96 mmol N-L(-1) x d(-1) (111.44 mg NO3- -N x L(-1) x d(-1)) and at a N/S ratio of 0.89 with complete oxidation of sulphide to sulphate. The oxygen level in the reactor (10%) was found to influence the N-removal efficiency by inhibiting the denitrification process. Moreover, chemical (or biological) oxidation of sulphide with oxygen occurred, resulting in a loss of the electron donor. FISH analysis was carried out to study the microbial population in the system.  相似文献   

This work presents the results and discussions of the application of an optimally controlled influent flow rate strategy to biodegrade, in a discontinuous reactor, a synthetic wastewater constituted by 4-chlorophenol. An aerobic automated discontinuous reactor system of 1.3 m3, with a useful volume of 0.75 m3 and an exchange volume of 60% was used. As part of the control strategy influent is fed into the reactor in such a way as to obtain the maximal degradation rate avoiding inhibition of microorganisms. Such an optimal strategy was able to manage increments of 4-chlorophenol concentrations in the influent between 250 and 1000 mg/L. it was shown that the optimally controlled influent flow rate strategy brings savings in reaction time and flexibility in treating high concentrations of an influent with toxic characteristics.  相似文献   

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