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《Water science and technology》1998,37(11):105-111
Traditional design method for urban drainage systems is based on design storms and its major drawback is that frequencies of peak flows in the system are considered equal to frequencies of design storms. An alternative is to use historical storms with rainfall-runoff models to produce a series of possible flows in the system and their frequencies. The latter approach involves more computations and can be laborious for larger catchments. This paper considers ways to reduce the set of historical storms to be involved in design procedure and yet to lead to realistic flow frequencies. Frequencies obtained by rainfall-runoff simulation at an experimental catchment are compared with frequencies of observed peak flows in the system. 相似文献
A reliable and long dataset describing urban flood locations, volumes and depths would be an ideal prerequisite for assessing flood frequency distributions. However, data are often piecemeal and long-term hydraulic modelling is often adopted to estimate floods from historical rainfall series. Long-term modelling approaches are time- and resource-consuming, and synthetically designed rainfalls are often used to estimate flood frequencies. The present paper aims to assess the uncertainty of such an approach and for suggesting improvements in the definition of synthetic rainfall data for flooding frequency analysis. According to this aim, a multivariate statistical analysis based on a copula method was applied to rainfall features (total depth, duration and maximum intensity) to generate synthetic rainfalls that are more consistent with historical events. The procedure was applied to a real case study, and the results were compared with those obtained by simulating other typical synthetic rainfall events linked to intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves. The copula-based multi-variate analysis is more robust and adapts well to experimental flood locations even if it is more complex and time-consuming. This study demonstrates that statistical correlations amongst rainfall frequency, duration, volume and peak intensity can partially explain the weak reliability of flood-frequency analyses based on synthetic rainfall events. 相似文献
针对城区降雨径流和雨洪利用工程建设特点,提出了雨洪利用工程规划设计应采用的降雨分析方法.包括:降雨资料选择与统计分析方法,降雨时空分布和时程分配以及设计降雨过程等内容,可供城市雨洪利用工程和市政排水工程规划设计时参考. 相似文献
针对有些城市(特别是沿海地区城市)遇大到暴雨容易出现内涝的问题,经分析,主要是没有将城市排涝与城市的自然地理位置及其周边江河洪水的特性结合考虑,城市排水设计方法上的滞后性是城市内涝的原因之一。为解决这一问题,应用圣维南方程组,对明渠、雨水管道及田面汇流等多个排水系统的关键组成部分进行表达,通过彼此之间的联接关系,建立了城市市政排水与区域排涝的水动力耦合模型。实例应用表明,该模型能客观反映承泄区河道水位顶托及长历时暴雨对城市排水的影响,可广泛应用于城市排水的规划设计工作中。 相似文献
城市雨洪模型在天津市区排水分析计算中的应用 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
针对天津市城区产汇流特性 ,在充分论证和经过验区检验的基础上 ,引进美国雨洪管理模型 (SWMW) ,详细地进行了市区二级河道的排涝模拟与计算 ,并计算出市区有关控制断面的出流过程 相似文献
城市雨洪模型在天津市区排水分教计算中的应用 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
针对天津市城区产汇流特性,在充分论证和经过验区检验的基础上,引进美国雨洪管理模型(SWMW),详细地进行了市区二级河道的排涝模拟与计算,并计算了市区有关控制断面的出流过程。 相似文献
S Artina G Becciu M Maglionico A Paoletti U Sanfilippo 《Water science and technology》2005,51(2):109-118
Performance indicators implemented in a decision support system (DSS) for the technical, managerial and economic evaluation of urban drainage systems (UDS), called MOMA FD, are presented. Several kinds of information are collected and processed by MOMA FD to evaluate both present situation and future scenarios of development and enhancement. Particular interest is focused on the evaluation of the environmental impact, which is considered a very relevant factor in the decision making process to identify the priorities for UDS improvements. 相似文献
《Journal of Hydro》2014,8(4):330-342
Despite remarkable advances in urban flood management techniques, pluvial flood damages still occur throughout the world. This may be attributed to uncertainties in the rainfall events which may disrupt the normal performance of an urban drainage system and eventually lead to inundations and damages. Therefore, the conventional urban drainage management approach focusing on system security should be modified. As a new approach to urban drainage management, this paper defines the persistence of a system as the ability of a disturbed system to resist, buffer the effects of variable disturbances and return to accepted level of performance after disturbances and introduces a framework to evaluate the concept of risk management persistence for urban drainage systems based on joint consideration of resilience and resistance standpoints. Based on this perspective, some of the required indicators were selected from the literature and adapted to the present study in order to quantify urban drainage risk management (UDRM) systems persistence against disturbances. Evaluation of urban drainage measures would indicate the level of persistence achieved. As a case study, part of the urban drainage system of city of Tehran–Iran was analyzed using the proposed scheme. Four urban drainage measures including three best management practices (BMPs) and a conventional system were added to the current urban drainage system to assess the performance of various measures in improvement of the persistence of UDRM systems. Results indicate that the analysis of the systems persistence can efficiently enable urban planners to select measures with an insight into the behavior of the UDRM systems faced with disturbances. 相似文献
《Water science and technology》1998,37(11):195-202
Sound basin management at urban or greater scale needs reliable design storm definition. A statistical analysis is carried out on extreme annual rainfall series for durations of 1, 3, 6 and 12 hours occurring at two gauges in Tuscany, Italy. Kendall's test is applied to the extremal series to detect a definite increasing (or decreasing) trend. A special form of an ARIMA model is also fitted to the series to quantify possible linear trends and their respective significance. Results show a clearly increasing trend at shortest duration at both gauges, no trend at longer ones. Time evolution of design storms for all durations and return periods up to 25 years is derived and analysed based on Gumbel distribution. Applications are presented concerning impacts of uncertainties for the design of urban drainage networks. 相似文献
城市雨水管渠设计理论与标准问题的探讨 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
使用水力模型进行雨水管渠设计能够克服推理法设计的缺陷,精度较高,但需要细致划分管渠的设计水力状况指标,区分设计暴雨频率和洪灾频率等概念.在介绍发达国家雨水管渠设计思想的基础上,探讨了与我国雨水管渠设计标准相关的若干问题. 相似文献
Yeou-Koung Tung 《Water Resources Management》1988,2(1):57-62
Summary and conclusions This note incorporates some of the previous research results given by Loganathan et al. (1985) to construct bi-objective detention basin design models considering the trade-off between the cost of installing treatment-storage facilities and the risk of detention basin overflow (both steady-state and single-step transition). The trade-off information is useful in helping the decision-maker make appropriate decisions in detention basin design. The use of a multi-objective framework enlarges one's scope which would help in making realistic decisions. 相似文献
针对目前存在的市政排水与水利排涝两个标准的衔接仍无规范统一方法的问题,以广州市东濠涌流域为研究区域,采用城市综合流域排水模型Info Works ICM建立东濠涌流域管道、河道及地面二维耦合模型,分析计算市政排水1年一遇与水利排涝5年一遇以及市政排水1年一遇与水利排涝10年一遇两种情况下的标准衔接关系,为城市排水防涝规划设计提供技术支撑。结果表明:1年一遇市政排水标准与10年一遇水利排涝标准的组合能够满足流域涝水顺利排除的要求,但管道排水口底高程距河底高程的距离过短也会对管道的水位顶托产生一定影响,故建议城市排水管网的规划建设应至少保证排水口底高程高于河道底高程0.5 m以上。 相似文献
针对我国尤其是北方部分干旱缺水地区水资源的特点.分析了城市雨洪利用的紧迫性、发展概况、存在问题及应用前景,阐述了目前国内外雨洪资源化的理论与实践进展情况.结合我国实际情况,对雨洪资源利用今后的工作提出合理化建议.研究表明,城市雨洪利用不仅是开源节流的良策,也是改善生态环境、形成区域健康循环的有效措施. 相似文献
对城市防洪排涝工程设计的标准、堤顶高程的确定、堤防工程与城市规划的关系、堤防工程的投资分摊等进行了探讨,指出城市堤防工程的设计在保证防洪安全功能的条件下,应向多功能建设发展。 相似文献
城市暴雨强度公式理论分布模型的研究与设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
选样方法与频率分布关系是当前深入探索研究暴雨强度公式的关键问题。结合翔实丰富的年最大值实测暴雨资料,应用建立在何种频率分布为年最大值法比较协调一致,是文中需要进一步分析雨强公式的相关问题,为提高暴雨强度公式的设计精度服务。 相似文献
侯英杰 《水科学与工程技术》2010,(Z1)
分析了目前城市水资源短缺及环境管理现状以及利用雨洪资源对城市洪水、防洪和生态环境建设的重要意义。城市雨洪利用措施,减轻河道行洪压力,增加水资源,消减径流和减少污染物排放的作用,并着重分析了雨水收集回用、入渗地下、调控排放等。 相似文献
通过对SWMM模型结构和参数的剖析,证明其对城市雨洪形成过程的描述是符合迄今为止人们对城市产汇流规律的认知的。采用的产流分析方法以水文学为基础,汇流分析方法以水力学为基础,其物理概念清晰。包含的参数大多具有几何意义或物理意义,但有些参数之间存在互补性或相依性,这就要求在率定这些参数时应设法减少"异参同效"的影响。汇水区出口的雨洪过程的复合采用同时刻叠加的方法,表明来自不同部分洪水的相互干扰是被忽略的。 相似文献