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Three large wastewater treatment plants in the greater Stockholm area have experienced serious anaerobic digester foaming. Microscopic studies of the sludge from the foam phase showed a network of the filamentous organism Microthrix parvicella. The morphology of the long, coiled filament appeared to be affected by the anaerobic conditions where it became broken up into to shorter and thicker filaments. The operating strategy to prevent foam in the anaerobic digesters at these plants is to control the growth of M. parvicella in the activated sludge tanks by increasing the sludge load. Top installed stirrers and the addition of poly-aluminium salt have also been used to prevent foam formation.  相似文献   

The filamentous bacteria "Microthrix parvicella" can cause serious bulking and scumming in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) all over the world. Decades of research have identified Microthrix as a specialized lipid consumer but could not clarify the processes that allow this organism to successfully compete in activated sludge systems. In this study we developed a model, based on ASM3, that describes the pronounced seasonal variations of Microthrix abundance observed in a full-scale WWTP. We hypothesize that low temperatures reduce the solubility of lipids and inhibit their uptake by non-specialized bacteria. The presented model structure and parameters successfully fit the measured data; however they do not necessarily reflect the only and true selection mechanism for Microthrix. This model is not yet to be used for prediction; it is rather a valuable research tool to coordinate the discussion and plan future research activities in order to identify the relevant selection mechanisms favoring Microthrix in activated sludge systems.  相似文献   

During recent years modern full scale wastewater treatment plants with biological nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal have had increasing problems with foam formation on the surfaces of aerobic tanks and with bulking activated sludge. The results of a survey in 1995 (Kunst and Knoop, 1996) showed that most often the filamentous bacterium Microthrix parvicella is responsible for these problems. Up to today there is only little knowledge about its selection criteria in activated sludge. Therefore several expenments were done in full scale activated sludge plants and in laboratory systems under defined conditions to investigate the influence of low (< 0.1 kg/(kg·d)) and high (≤ 0.2 kg/(kg·d)) BOD5-sludge loading rates on the growth and morphology of M. parvicella and the settlement of activated sludge. Furthermore the influence of temperatures of 5°C, 12°C and 20°C on the growth of M. parvicella was investigated. It was shown that M. parvicella grows at low BOD5-sludge loading rate and low temperature and is the main causative organism of bulking and foaming sludge in nutrient removal plants. On the basis of this investigation it was concluded that the growth of M. parvicella and the settling problems of the activated sludge resulting from excessive growth of this filament will always appear in modern municipal wastewater treatment plants with BOD5-sludge loading rate ≤ 0.1 kg/(kg·d) especially under low temperature conditions.  相似文献   

Bench and pilot scale nutrient removal activated sludge units were used to examine the effect of factors such as temperature, substrate type (easily biodegradable in the form of acetate and slowly biodegradable in the form of oleic acid) on Microthrix parvicella growth. The configurations examined include complete mix with and without selectors (anoxic and anaerobic) and plug flow reactors. The results indicate that low temperatures and substrates in the form of long chain fatty acids favour the growth of M. parvicella. With respect to reactor configuration, a plug flow configuration was shown to be quite effective in controlling the growth of M. parvicella and producing a sludge with good settling characteristics, while the presence of a selector, either anoxic or anaerobic, had no significant effect on the growth of M. parvicella.  相似文献   

Radiotracer incubation experiments and beta microimaging, along with fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH), are proposed as a complementary approach to specific methanogenic activity testing and measurement of in vitro substrate utilisation rates to understand better the ecophysiology of anaerobic granular biofilms from wastewater treatment reactors.  相似文献   

Bulking sludges were investigated in seven industrial or municipal activated sludge treatment plants from Denmark, Germany and Australia. The dominating filaments were all identified as type 021N according to the Eikelboom key. The extent of variability in the filament taxonomy was assessed using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with rRNA-targeted nucleic acid probes specific for type 021N, Thiothrix and Leucothrix. Not all of the filaments morphologically identified as type 021N hybridized with the 021N probe. In one treatment plant the predominant filament hybridized with the probe for Thiothrix and in one treatment plant the predominant filament did not hybridize with any of these probes. In none of the plants did filaments hybridize with the probe for Leucothrix. A study of the in situ uptake of different organic substrates by the various filaments was also conducted using microautogradiography. The uptake of 6 different organic substrates under aerobic conditions was studied by providing C-14 or H-3 labeled substrates (acetate, glucose, ethanol, glycine, leucme and oleic acid) in incubations of a period of 3 hours. No filaments took up all the tested substrates, and type 021N from the various treatment plants varied in their uptake abilities. The study demonstrated that strain differences with regard to substrate utilization are likely to occur among bacteria within the same genera and designated types which are indistinguishable on the basis of morphological observations alone and by the molecular probes used in this study for identification. Whether there is a clear correlation between type of wastewater and the capability of taking up the various organic substrates for the filaments remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

The in situ physiology of the actinobacterial bulking and foaming filamentous bacterium "Nostocoida limicola" II was studied by fluorescence in situ hybridization/microautoradiography. Substrate assimilation patterns of pure cultures of this bacterium were different to those seen in activated sludge biomass samples. There was no evidence to suggest that "N. limicola" II preferred hydrophobic substrates, but evidence was produced to support the view that it is metabolically active under anaerobic conditions in activated sludge.  相似文献   

While recognised as the important population responsible for enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR), detailed knowledge on the physiology of Rhodocyclus-related polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAO) has yet to be grasped. The objective of this study was to examine the in situ substrate uptake patterns of Rhodocyclus-related PAO present in full-scale EBPR plants by the combined technique of microautoradiography-fluorescent in situ hybridization (MAR-FISH). The presence of these PAO in the four investigated plants was confirmed by FISH and they constituted 17%, 9%, 8%, and 7% of the sludge community. By using MAR-FISH technique, Rhodocyclus-related PAO in all the plants demonstrated similar anaerobic substrate uptake patterns. They were capable of assimilating acetate, aspartate and glutamate under anaerobic condition but they showed negative uptake with palmitate. A significant fraction of the MAR-positive cells assimilated acetate, aspartate or glutamate was found to be Rhodocyclus-related PAO. Dual staining with DAPI and FISH showed that these PAO also accumulated polyphosphate aerobically with aspartate and glutamate as carbon source. The ability of assimilating amino acids besides acetate strongly indicates the versatile physiology of Rhodocyclus-related PAO, which could benefit them to achieve predominance in EBPR activated sludge.  相似文献   

Deposits build up in sewer networks during both spells of dry weather and in connection with storm water events. In order to reduce the negative effects of deposit on the environment, different cleaning technologies and strategies are applied to remove the deposits. Jet cleaning represents the most widely used method to clean sewers. Another alternative cleaning procedure is flushing. On account of new developments in measurement and control panels, the flushing method is becoming more important. Therefore, in the last few years a number of new flushing devices have been constructed for application in basins, main sewers and initial reaches. Today, automatic flushing gates are able to accomplish cleaning procedures under economical and ecological conditions.The properties of flushing waves for cleaning sewers have been determined by several mathematical-numerical studies. These various investigations use altering numerical schemes, are based on different sets of physical equations and take one- or more dimensional aspects into account. Considering that bottom shear stress is the key value to evaluate the beginning of motion of any deposit, one may use this value that has to be determined by measurements. This paper deals with shear stresses caused by flushing waves which have been measured by an ultrasonic device that can determine the velocity in different depths of flow. Thus, it is possible, within certain limits, to calculate bottom shear stresses based on the log-wall law. Further discussion will deal with the requirements of measurements, its uncertainty and aspects in respect to the application of simulation of flushing waves.  相似文献   

本文利用大型蒸渗仪测得的作物腾发量、中子水分仪观测的土壤水分和准确测定的根系密度分布资料,对常用的几个宏观的权重因子类的根系吸水模型-Molz-Remson(1970)模型,Feddes(1978)模型,Selim-Iskan-dar(1978)模型以及作者对上述模型进行修正所得的几个根系吸水模型进行了验证和评价;利用修正的Feddes模型的计算结果对根系从不同土层吸水的分布进行了分析。结果表明,Molz-Remson(1970)模型、Feddes模型以及Selim-Iskandar模型模拟根系吸水所得的土壤水分剖面与实测值之间存在比较严重的偏差;利用Feddes模型中的土壤水势影响函数(Feddes reduction function)对Molz-Remson模型和Selim-Iskandar模型进行修正后结果没有得到改善;利用根系密度函数对Feddes模型进行修正后,计算结果与实测值吻合很好,总体偏差由修正前的24.7%降低为5.7%.  相似文献   

Recent studies in Conesus Lake, New York, documented significant decreases in the biomass of Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) near the mouths of streams draining sub-watersheds where reductions in nutrient loading occurred as a result of the implementation of agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs). In situ experiments were conducted to further investigate the relationship between stream loading, foliar uptake, and growth of Eurasian watermilfoil. In two of three experiments, plants cropped to a height of approximately 50 cm had the lowest growth (g/m2) downstream from a sub-watershed where major BMPs had been implemented (80% and 0%). In sub-watersheds where minimal or no BMPs were introduced, plants showed significantly higher growth as biomass increased (216% and 22%). In a second set of experiments, shoots of Eurasian watermilfoil plants were incubated for 24 h in ambient lake water and in lake water with enriched concentrations of nitrate and soluble reactive phosphorus comparable to rain event stream effluent concentrations and then allowed to grow in situ for a 2-week experimental period. For all experiments combined, the shoot biomass increased significantly in the enhanced nutrient treatments when compared to the ambient treatment at the Sand Point macrophyte bed (reduced loading) but not at the Eagle Point macrophyte bed (high loading). Overall, the results indicate that foliar uptake of nutrients in stream effluent can contribute to the growth of Eurasian watermilfoil and reinforce the hypothesis that reductions in stream loading through agricultural BMPs can help reduce macrophyte growth in the lake littoral.  相似文献   

污染水体就地综合净化方法在福田河综合治理中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
福田河是深圳河的一条主要支流,现已受到严重污染.为了尽快改善福田河水质,将污染水体就地综合净化技术应用于福田河的治理,在河道中设置净化段,布设填料和曝气机.介绍了福田河综合治理工程的设计、施工及运行情况.工程运行后,福田河水质得到了明显的改善.处理后水质达到《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838-2002)中Ⅳ~Ⅴ类水体的指标要求,其中CODCr和BOD5优于地表水Ⅳ类标准.  相似文献   

The lampricides 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) and 2′, 5-dichloro-4′-nitrosalicylanilide (niclosamide) are used to control sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), an invasive species in the Great Lakes. Age-0 lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens), a species of conservation concern, share similar stream habitats with larval sea lampreys and these streams can be targeted for lampricide applications on a 3- to 5-year cycle. Previous laboratory research found that lake sturgeon smaller than 100 mm could be susceptible to lampricide treatments. We conducted stream-side toxicity (bioassay) and in situ studies in conjunction with 10 lampricide applications in nine Great Lakes tributaries to determine whether sea lamprey treatments could result in in situ age-0 lake sturgeon mortality, and developed a logistic model to help predict lake sturgeon survival during future treatments. In the bioassays the observed concentrations where no lake sturgeon mortality occurred (no observable effect concentration, NOEC) were at or greater than the observed sea lamprey minimum lethal concentration (MLC or LC99) in 7 of 10 tests. We found that the mean in situ survival of age-0 lake sturgeon during 10 lampricide applications was 80%, with a range of 45–100% survival within streams. Modeling indicated that in age-0 lake sturgeon survival was negatively correlated with absolute TFM concentration and stream alkalinity, and positively correlated with stream pH and temperature. Overall survival was higher than expected based on previous research, and we expect that these data will help managers with decisions on the trade-offs between sea lamprey control and the effect on stream-specific populations of age-0 lake sturgeon.  相似文献   

袁志君 《四川水力发电》1999,18(3):25-27,30
地应力与坝基岩体稳定的关系是坝工建设中研究得较少的一个课题,笔者针对二滩电站坝区存在的高地应力现象,从初始应力场的建立,施工开挖的时效效应,直到与拱推力等外荷载作用下的对坝基岩体稳定的影响全过程进行了分析和计算。结果表明,高地应力虽然对基坑开挖有利影响,但对坝基岩体的抗滑稳定是有利的。  相似文献   

富营养化湖库水源地原位控藻技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述近年来出现的值得关注的湖库水源地原位控藻技术,包括生态浮岛技术、改性黏土及植物浸出液控藻技术、鱼控藻技术、遮光控藻技术、扬水筒技术以及以物理生态工程为代表的联合技术等,认为将各项技术进行联合以达到水质修复和减灾防灾的双重目的将是重要的发展方向。  相似文献   

武汉东湖泥沙需氧量现场测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘成  王兆印  何耘  黄文典 《水利学报》2007,38(11):1296-1300
泥沙需氧量(SOD)是综合评价水体水质和环境特征的一个重要参数,也是水质数学模型中的关键参数。本文借鉴国内外SOD现场测试的经验和数值模拟结果,合理设计SOD测试仓布置,研制和开发了泥沙需氧量(SOD)现场实测设备,实现SOD的现场连续测试。在武汉东湖后湖区近岸处进行了SOD现场实测,所测得的SOD平均值为2.25 g/(m2.d),说明水域实测点处泥沙耗氧较高,占水体耗氧的主要部分。对国内外淡水域SOD现场实测和实验室测试的成果进行了总结并与本文成果比较,表明本文成果处于国外文献现场实测SOD值的范围内,略偏高。  相似文献   

This study builds on previous experience of maximising the formation of COD as poly-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) and now describes a feedback technique of preserving the use of PHB for denitrification resulting in enhanced nitrogen removal rather than allowing its wasteful oxidation by oxygen. The feedback technique uses on-line SOUR monitoring for detecting the end-point of nitrification and controlling the aerobic phase length accordingly. The laboratory SBR was operated such that all organic substrate (acetate) was rapidly converted to PHB, which then served as the electron donor for nitrogen removal via simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) during the aerobic phase (up to 70% SND). During SBR cycling with a fixed aeration length (240 minutes), PHB was unnecessarily oxidised after ammonium depletion, resulting in little denitrification and poor total nitrogen removal (69%). However, when the aerobic phase length was controlled via the SOUR, up to 1.8 CmM PHB (58 mg L(-1) COD) could be preserved, enabling improved total nitrogen removal (86%). The drop in the SOUR after ammonium depletion was a reproducible event that could be detected even when using raw wastewater and fresh activated sludge. The SOUR-control technique holds promise to build up PHB over a number of SBR cycles. While advanced oxygen-control is used for improved N-removal in several existing WWTPs, this study investigates the importance of oxygen control with relevance to PHB driven SND in sequencing batch reactors.  相似文献   

Wu J  He F  Xu D  Wang R  Zhang X  Xiao E  Wu Z 《Water science and technology》2011,63(11):2719-2724
This research aimed to investigate the phosphorus (P) removal of a series of laboratory-scale unvegetated vertical-flow constructed wetland systems using anthracite, steel slag and related blends as substrate in treatment of low concentration domestic sewage. The long-term performance of P removal was firstly studied by using single substrate of anthracite or steel slag, and three systems applying various combined substrates were investigated when the average P loading rate varied between 0.9 and 1.5 g TP/m2 x d. The results demonstrated that both anthracite and steel slag systems were highly effective in removing total P (CTP, 77.17 +/- 23.34% and 90.26 +/- 4.48%) and soluble reactive P (SRP, 92.14 +/- 12.56% and 96.20 +/- 2.58%). The system filled with anthracite, vermiculite and steel slag from the top down removed 82.45 +/- 9.52% and 87.83 +/- 8.58% of TP and SRP, respectively. However, other combined substrate systems showed comparative low and fluctuant P removal. The effluent pH was maintained at 7-9, which met environmental requirements of China. Therefore, anthracite provides a long-term high efficiency of P removal and may be a promising substrate from the standpoint of the effluent pH, and the arrangement of combined substrate has a prominent effect on P removal.  相似文献   

丰满水电站重建工程大坝碾压混凝土现场工艺试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正丰满水电站重建工程拦河坝为碾压混凝土重力坝,坝顶高程269.50 m,最大坝高94.50 m,坝顶总长1 068.00 m。大坝共分56个坝段,1#~9#坝段为左岸挡水坝段总长162.00 m;10#~19#坝段溢流坝段,总长180.00 m;20#~25#坝段为厂房坝段,总长168.00 m;26#~56#坝段为右岸挡水坝段,总长558.00 m。大坝共设置55条横  相似文献   

糯扎渡电站是澜沧江中下游河段上的巨型水电工程,在可行性研究阶段进行了相当数量的现场岩体变形试验,混凝土基岩间抗剪试验,岩体本身抗剪试验及结构面抗剪试验。获得了岩体变形参数和各种岩体抗剪参数,试验成果较好,基本反映了糯扎渡水电站坝址区的岩体力学特性,为设计提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   

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