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A prediction study is made into the heat transfer in a turbulent flow of gas (air) in a narrow tube with superimposed resonance oscillation. The model of turbulent transfer includes the effect of nonstationarity on the turbulent stress and heat flux. The finite difference method is used to solve the equations of motion and energy. The distribution of the flow rate and pressure along the tube is found by way of numerical solution of a set of cross section-averaged nonstationary equations of motion, continuity, and energy. The effect of the process parameters (Reynolds number, dimensionless oscillation frequency, thermal boundary conditions on the wall) on the period-average heat transfer and heat flux to the wall is analyzed.  相似文献   

The separated flow and heat transfer in an in-line bank of round tubes are calculated using a multiblock computational algorithm and the semi-empirical Menter and Spalart-Allmaras models of turbulence. An ingenious procedure is suggested for the correction of the mass-average temperature. Analysis is made of the effect of viscosity on the vortex structure and heat transfer from a remote cylinder within the bank.  相似文献   

Convective and diffusive operators are discretized such that their symmetries are preserved. The resulting discretization inherits all symmetry-related properties of the continuous formulation. It is shown that a symmetry-preserving discretization is unconditionally stable and conservative. A fourth-order, symmetry-preserving discretization method is developed and tested for the numerical simulation of turbulent (flow and) heat transfer in a channel with surface-mounted cubes, where the temperature is treated as a passive scalar. The Reynolds number (based on the channel width and the mean bulk velocity) is Re=13,000. The results of the numerical simulation agree well with available experimental data.  相似文献   

The continual model developed by us is used to investigate the effect of the force of gravity on a nonisothermal turbulent flow of a gas suspension in a vertical pipe for upward and downward motion. The reasons behind the intensification of heat transfer in the case of a downward locally nonequilibrium motion of gas suspension are found.  相似文献   

The problem of heat transfer in plug flow of a fibrous suspension in a straight round tube with a constant wall temperature is solved.  相似文献   

对R134a在水平直管和螺旋管内的沸腾换热特性进行了实验研究.在三个不同的蒸发温度(5℃、10℃和20℃),工质R134a的质量流量范围为100~400kg/(m~2·s)和干度范围为0.1~0.8的条件下,实验得到了R134a在水平直管和螺旋管内的沸腾换热系数随其质量流量和干度的变化关系,将水平直管和螺旋管内的沸腾换热特性数据进行了比较,结果显示,在实验条件下,卧式螺旋管的传热系数比直管的平均增加13.7%.  相似文献   

The effect of the variability of properties on the characteristic features of heat transfer and of pulsating turbulent pipe flow of incompressible liquid is investigated. The results are obtained by using the method of finite differences to solve numerically a set of equations of motion, continuity, and energy written in a narrow channel approximation. The set is closed by relaxation equations for turbulent stress and turbulent heat flux. A stable difference scheme is used, which is valid for high relative amplitudes of oscillation. The calculations are performed for a dropping liquid in view of the temperature dependence of viscosity. The results of calculation of heat transfer and friction resistance for two limiting cases of steady-state flow of a liquid of variable properties and of pulsating weakly nonisothermal flow fit well the available experimental data.  相似文献   

相变传热凭借其良好的传热能力和较低的能耗的特点在航空航天领域的电子设备冷却尤其是蒸发制冷循环系统中得到应用。飞行器在机动飞行或进出大气层都会遇到超重状态。超重状态下的两相流的流动及传热特性相对于静止状态时候发生了很大的变化。以流动水为介质,通过搭建旋转平台对超重状态下两相流系统进行了实验研究,得到流体在过载时流动特性和传热特性的初步变化规律。结果显示超重对流动和换热都会产生显著影响。试验结果对于飞行器上相变换热器的理论分析和设计积累了有价值参考资料。  相似文献   

For many industrial, medical and space technologies, cryogenic fluids play irreplaceable roles. When any cryogenic system is initially started, it must go through a transient chill down period prior to normal operation. Chilldown is the process of introducing the cryogenic liquid into the system, and allowing the system components to cool down to several hundred degrees below the ambient temperature. The chilldown process is an important initial stage before a system begins functioning. The objective of this paper is to investigate the chilldown process associated with a flexible hose that was simulated by a channel with saw-teeth inner wall surface structure in the current study. We have investigated the fundamental physics of the two-phase flow and quenching heat transfer during cryogenic chilldown inside the simulated flexible hose through flow visualization, data measurement and analysis. The flow pattern developed inside the channel was recorded by a high speed camera for flow pattern investigation. The experimental results indicate that the chilldown process that is composed of unsteady vapor-liquid two-phase flow and phase-change heat transfer is modified by the inner wall surface wavy structure. Based on the measurement of the channel wall temperature, the teeth structure and the associated cavities generally reduce the heat transfer efficiency compared to the straight hose. Furthermore, based on the measured data, a complete series of correlations on the heat transfer coefficient for each heat transfer regime was developed and reported.  相似文献   

十二排圆形翅片管换热器的传热与流动特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
詹伟民  简弃非 《四川制冷》2014,(3):265-269,280
采用数值计算方法研究12排大管圆形翅片表面空气侧流体的流动特性,获得不同雷诺数下圆形翅片的速度分布云图、温度分布云图和流线分布图,并将模拟的结果与实验和实验关联式分别进行验证。研究结果表明:翅片间距为9.6mm第一排管壁侧和翅片表面的传热系数分别是翅片间距为2.4mm的1.67和0.97倍;前面六排翅片表面和管壁表面的传热系数具有很强的波动,而在第六排后翅片表面和管壁表面的传热系数趋向于稳定。  相似文献   

Based on the time-averaging equations and a modified engineering turbulence model, the mold filling and solidification processes of castings are approximately described. The algorithm for the control equations is briefly introduced, and some problems and improvement methods for the traditional method are also presented. Both calculation and tests proved that. comparing with the laminar fluid flow and heat transfer, the simulation results by using the turbulence model are closer to the real mold filling and solidification processes of castings.  相似文献   

The influence of viscosity on turbulent flow around a small spherical hole on the plane and on vortex heat exchange is analyzed numerically.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for describing the turbulent flow of a gas suspension in a tube has been formulated within the framework of the combined Euler–Lagrange approach. Results of calculations by this model are in good agreement with theoretical data obtained using the continuous model developed by the authors [Teplofizika Aéromekhanika, No. 1, 5?–71 (1999)]. The importance of detailed modeling of the turbulent structure of the carrying medium in the near‐wall zone has been shown based on a comparative analysis of computational and experimental data.  相似文献   

Critical analysis is made of the current status of investigations of heat transfer and skin friction under conditions of unsteady-state turbulent pipe flow. This analysis is based on the experimental data on the structure of turbulent flows and heat transfer. Comparison is made of experimental and theoretical results.  相似文献   

比较了CAVALLINI的纯质和混合工质水平内螺纹管中流动沸腾换热系数的关联式,结果显示在内螺纹管中,对近共沸混合工质R404A的沸腾换热系数进行工程计算时,R404A被看作纯质和混合工质计算所得的沸腾换热系数值差别最大不到10%,因此可将其以纯质对待;对CAVALLINI的纯质和混合工质、KOYAMA及THOME等四个水平内螺纹管流动沸腾换热系数的影响因素进行对比分析,结果表明R404A的沸腾换热中对流沸腾换热占主导地位,且随干度增加而增加.对关联式的理论预测和实验结果进行对比,表明CAVALLINI和THOME关联式的预测误差小于21%,因此它们对R404A适用性较好,这对R404A蒸发器的工程设计及优化具有一定参考意义.  相似文献   

针对应用于电站直接空冷凝汽器的蛇形翅片扁平单排管,对其空气侧的流动及换热特性进行了数值模拟。给出了该管件基本结构的雷诺数和欧拉数随迎面风速的变化关联式;结果显示,同一迎面风速下,随着翅片间距、高度的增大,换热变差,流动变好。但当间距增加到一定程度时,风速与间距对换热流动性能的影响都变得很小。风速越大,换热性能对翅片间距、高度越敏感,而流动则相反,需根据实际工况来选择合适的翅片间距及高度。  相似文献   

通过对超临界二氧化碳管内流动及换热特性研究现状和分析方法介绍,列出常用的超临界二氧化碳在不同条件下的传热和压降关联式,进一步说明自然工质二氧化碳的跨临界循环特点和所具有的独特的热物理性质,指明超临界二氧化碳的利用和新型换热设备的研发方向。  相似文献   

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