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通过分析现有高速公路路面使用性能评价体系,发现现有路面性能评价体系存在的问题,针对规范中规定的各分项指标权重不能真实反映实际路面状况的问题,文章基于多年的路面性能检测数据利用熵权法确定各分项指标的权重值,对各指标的权重值取平均值作为该指标的权重值. 相似文献
城中村改造项目推进困难,除了资金紧张外,就是核心利益主体政府、村民、开发商利益分配不均,挫伤了各方参与的积极性。以广州旺村改造项目为例,计算实践中收益分配,利用合作博弈 Shapley 值法对可转移收益进行初始分配。结合熵权对资源投入、风险分担、配合度 3 个利益分配影响因素权重进行修正,构建修正的 Shapley 值法收益分配模型。用模型求取的理论值与实际计算的分配进行比对,进而提出相应的建议,为政府制定政策提供理论支持,从而促进城中村改造项目顺利进行,推动城市更新的可持续发展。 相似文献
企业技术能力的根本是技术创新能力,建筑企业为增强核心竞争力的市场需求,需要强化“企业为创新主体”的观念,开发具有自身特点的核心技术。通过文献分析和问卷调查得出6 项建筑企业技术创新能力的组成要素,并对这6 项要素进行熵权值计算确定其对建筑企业技术创新能力评价的必要性。在此基础上,建立建筑企业技术创新能力评价指标体系、运用多层的模糊综合评价,确定评价建筑企业技术创新能力的各项指标,以求实现对建筑企业技术创新能力进行评价的管理突破,促进建筑企业充分发挥企业在技术创新的决策主体、投入主体、利益主体和风险承担主体的作用,为企业技术进步、创造新的生产力、打造企业核心竞争力提供坚实的技术创新管理平台。 相似文献
介绍了三种旧建筑物拆除方式,分析了影响旧建筑物拆除方式策略优选的因素,利用熵权法构建出评价矩阵,建立了指标优选体系,通过计算与决策得出了相对最优的建筑物拆除方式。 相似文献
通过确定梁桥主梁承载能力影响因素的隶属函数将各项指标定量化,建立模糊评价矩阵,利用熵权法计算各影响因素的权重,从而对梁桥主梁承载能力进行评价。 相似文献
随着建筑业资源浪费现象的日渐突出,我国采取了一系列措施来降低生态环境的恶化.建筑业作为我国国民经济支柱型产业,绿色建筑的快速推行刻不容缓,其中被动式超低能耗建筑成为了新的发展趋势.基于此,为了探究被动式超低能耗建筑实际的节能性,更有效地促进其大力发展,在绿色建筑评价的基础上从建筑舒适度、生产技术、资源利用及经济合理性出... 相似文献
通过对装配式建筑发展相关的文献研究,结合专家的咨询反馈结果,选取出11个影响因素,并将其归纳为驱动和制约两类。接着采取问卷调查和专家访谈的方法,基于熵权法得到各个影响因素的权重。在此基础上,提出相应的对策与建议,为推进我国装配式建筑的发展提供参考意见。 相似文献
《Building and Environment》2005,40(10):1329-1336
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis using a low Reynolds number k–ε model was performed to examine the inhalation region of a human body in a stagnant environment. To account for the influence of the three-dimensional form of the human body, a model that replicated the actual forms of a real human body was used. CFD analysis was applied first to a room model with an occupant. The inhalation region under steady-state conditions was examined with the assumption of steady inhalation. Subsequently, an unsteady breathing model was introduced and the respiration area was analyzed. The variation of the air-velocity distribution, the influence of the exhaustion on the inhalation was examined, and the inhalation region under unsteady-state conditions was also analyzed in detail. In this study, the inhalation region of an experimental thermal manikin was also examined by a tracer-gas experiment using a high-response flame ionized detector (FID). The thermal manikin was assumed to perform steady inhalation in the experiment. Results of simulation can be considered to agree well with the experimental results, and the CFD method using a human body with a complex shape is shown to be effective in studying the inhalation region. 相似文献
项目管理对数据具有较强依赖,项目管理中的数据质量将直接影响到项目的成败.本文从项目管理中数据质量入手,分析了在项目管理中数据使用的流程,提出了六西格玛管理对项目管理中数据质量控制的一般方法和程序,从而有效改善项目管理中的数据质量. 相似文献
工程项目的复杂性决定了工程项目风险管理的复杂性,开展有效的项目风险管理是现代建筑企业应对多变环境和激烈竞争的有效手段。根据项目系统的特征,从承包商项目管理角度出发,分析了项目内部风险的根源,提出了基于熵的项目内部风险分析模型,最后提出如何通过项目组织来降低工程项目风险。 相似文献
熵权集对分析法在新疆塔里木盆地地下水水质评价中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
对于干旱地区来说,地下水水质评价是一项重要而必要的工作,其评价结果为当地的地下水资源开发利用保护提供科学依据。本文通过对新疆塔里木盆地162个地下水水样测试结果的分析,应用5元联系度的熵权集对分析法对研究区地下水水质进行评价。通过不同评价方法的比较分析发现,熵权集对分析法评价结果客观,计算简单、方便等优点,是一种有效的地下水水质评价方法。评价结果表明,巴州地区、塔里木河流域、开孔河流域的地下水水质较其他地区和流域差,阿克苏地区、阿克苏河流域、渭干河流域的地下水水质总体水平较好。 相似文献
利用灰关联熵分析法研究了沥青层厚度、水平荷载、竖直荷载及模量对隧道路面沥青层剪应力影响的显著程度,研究表明,水平荷载作用是影响沥青层剪应力的主要因素,对隧道内车辆运营控制及沥青层材料选择提出建议,从而为隧道路面设计及运营控制积累经验。 相似文献
Generating three-dimensional (3D) as-is Building Information Models (BIMs), representative of the existing conditions of buildings, from point cloud data collected by laser scanners is becoming common practice. However, generation of such models currently is mostly performed manually, and errors can be introduced during data collection, pre-processing, and modeling. This paper presents a method for assessing the quality of as-is BIMs generated from point cloud data by analyzing the patterns of geometric deviations between the model and the point cloud data. The fundamental assumption is that the point cloud and the as-is BIM generated from the point cloud should corroborate in the depiction of the components and their spatial attributes. Major geometric deviations between as-is models and point clouds can indicate potential errors introduced during data collection, processing and/or model generation. The research described in this paper provides a taxonomy for patterns of deviations and sources of errors and demonstrates that it is possible to identify the source, magnitude, and nature of errors by analyzing the deviation patterns. The method is validated through a comparison with the currently adopted physical measurement method in a case study. The results show that the deviation analysis method is capable of identifying almost six times more errors with more than 40% time savings compared to the physical measurement method. 相似文献
A statistical method for surveying water quality and analysing the results in terms of quantiles is described. The value of a water quality variable in a grab-sample is taken as a deterministic function of the temporal and spatial coordinates of the sampling point. Quantiles can then be defined for any specified region in time and space as unique, fixed values, and randomly located grab-samples may be used to estimate them for the purposes of describing or regulating water quality. Robust statistical inferences are possible using the binomial distribution. Properties of the quantiles, confidence limits, comparisons with fixed values or between regions, assessment of trends, simultaneous inferences and estimation of sample sizes are discussed. Two examples of water quality surveys, one of Port Phillip Bay, the other of the Maribyrnong River, Victoria, are used to illustrate the theory, paying particular attention to practical problems which arose. The proposed method is compared with others based on stochastic models, and is claimed to be simpler and more reliable. 相似文献
结合实际工程现场试夯施工,提出了应用经验公式、技术规程与现场试验相结合的方法选择强夯各施工参数.通过现场选定3~5个夯击能进行试夯,以夯沉量数据及周围隆起量大小来确定最佳夯击能,以夯沉量趋于稳定来确定夯击次数、停锤标准;利用现场埋设孔隙水压力仪,以孔隙水压力消散情况来确定夯击遍数、夯遍之间的间歇时间.根据以上确定的施工... 相似文献