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磷在土壤中的固定机制和磷肥的高效利用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
安迪  杨令  王冠达  蓝锐  王亭杰  金涌 《化工进展》2013,32(8):1967-1973
磷肥当季利用率只有10%~25%,通过系统分析文献研究进展表明,磷肥低效利用的主要原因是土壤对磷的固定,固定方式包括吸附固定和化学反应固定。土壤对磷的固定取决于土壤中碳酸钙、铁铝氧化物、土壤粘粒的含量以及土壤中磷的初始浓度,在施肥初期发生大量的吸附固定,持续数小时至数十小时,后期逐渐转化为化学反应固定,使有效态磷转化为无效态磷,持续数月乃至数年。磷肥在土壤中的固定动力学可用Elovich方程描述。要减弱土壤对磷的固定,需要降低土壤中水溶性磷的浓度。本文结合文献中报道的嵊县红壤对磷的固定规律和油菜对磷的吸收特性,定量分析了磷在土壤中的释放、固定、吸收过程,通过建立模型计算得出,与单施普通磷肥相比,混施普通磷肥和包膜磷肥可大幅度降低施肥量和提高磷的当季利用率。  相似文献   

Five field experiments involving P application rates from 0 to 66 kg P ha–1 were conducted on irrigated wheat at Tandojam, Pakistan. The soils belonged to two great soil groups, Torrifluvent and Camborthid. All soils were calcareous. Olsen-P contents ranged from 3.5 to 6.3 mg P kg–1. Phosphate sorption curves were developed for soils from control (no P) plots at each site. Concentrations of P in solution established by fertilization in the field as estimated from the sorption curves ranged from 0.008 to 0.16mg P L–1. Actual grain yields were converted to relative grain yields and plotted against corresponding concentrations of P in solution. Yield response to P application was obtained in each experiment. Control plot yields ranged from 57 to 89% of maximum yield of respective experiments. Phosphorus requirements of wheat were 0.032 mg L–1 for 95% yield as determined from a composite yield response curve. Predicted quantities of P required to attain 0.032 mg P L–1 ranged from 18 to 29 kg P ha–1. The results of the study suggest that the P sorption approach can be used as a rational basis for making P fertilizer recommendations for various soil-crop combinations.  相似文献   

On the basis of a critical review on conventional fractionation schemes of inorganic phosphate and further study of chemical behaviors of Ca-P and Fe-P in calcareous soils, a systematic scheme for the separation of soil inorganic phosphates in calcareous soils is suggested. In the scheme calcium phosphate is classified into dicalcium phosphate, octacalcium phosphate and apatite types, and Ca2-P is extracted by NaHCO3 solution, Ca8-P by NH4Ac, Al-P by NH4F, Fe-P by NaOH-Na2CO3, occluded-P by Na3Cit-Na2S2O4-NaOH, and Ca10-P by H2SO4.Synthetic phosphates prepared of which the chemical and physical assay show good consonance with the theoretical value were used in experiment, the recovery rates of the phosphates added into the calcareous soils by specific extractants is at the range of 85–99%.  相似文献   

In a series of greenhouse experiments granulated phosphate fertilizers prepared by mixing triple superphosphate with phosphate rock and partially acidulated phosphate rock, ranging in their content of water souble P from 95 to 17 per cent of total P were applied to neutral and slightly alkaline (pH 6.9–7.8), sandy loam to clay soils ranging in calcium carbonate content from 2 to 35 percent. Dry matter yield of clover, alfalfa, millet or maize were obtained, P uptake determined and sodium bicarbonate extractable P in soil measured. In one field experiment triple superphosphate was compared to mixture of triple superphosphate and phosphate rock on maize. X ray difraction on one triple superphosphate — phosphate rock mixture and on one partially acidulated phosphate rock showed that both fertilizers contain mainly monocalcium phosphate and fluorapatite. After incubation in soil the dicalcium phosphate content rose and the monocalcium phosphate disappeared.Parameters received in greenhouse experiments and in the field indicate that phosphate fertilizers composed of superphosphate and up to 50 percent phosphate rock are as efficient source of P to plants on calcareous and slightly alkaline soils as superphosphate. If this indication would be proven in extensive field experimentation it would lead to savings in acid consumption and in fertilizer manufacturing plant capacity for calcareous soils.  相似文献   

研究了使用电感耦合等离子发射光谱法测定磷酸二铵中的硫。此法准确可靠,简便快捷,方法回收率在98.8%~102.4%之间,相对标准偏差小于3.0%,方法的检出限(3σ)为0.5 mg/L。  相似文献   

黄安智 《磷肥与复肥》2016,31(11):14-15
介绍大型磷酸二铵(DAP)装置改产NPK的技术方案,包括改产NPK生产工艺流程、技术要点、需增加的设备和设施,以及公用工程变化等。建议在原料系统增加一些设施,根据使用固体或液体原料的不同,采用预中和加管式反应器或只用管式反应器工艺生产NPK,从而实现用一套装置生产DAP及多种NPK产品,提升企业市场竞争力。  相似文献   

A variety of P compounds can accumulate in soils as residues of fertilizer and may influence soil test versus plant yield relationships. This work evaluates specific chemical extractants for their capacity to identify such Al, Fe and Ca phosphates in soils as a basis for increasing the precision of yield prediction. Aluminium phosphate, iron phosphate, calcium phosphate (apatite) and P sorbed onto gibbsite, goethite and calcite were added to four Western Australian lateritic soils. These soils were then subjected to sequential selective extraction using a modified Chang and Jackson procedure in order to evaluate the selectivity of these extractants for the different forms of P with the sequence of extraction: 1 M NH4Cl, 0.5 M NH4F, 0.1 M NaOH + 1 M NaCl, citrate-dithionite-bicarbonate (CDB), 1 M NaOH and 1 M HCl. The results show that the procedure is not sufficiently specific and thus might be of little value for estimating the forms and amounts of residues of phosphate rock fertilizers in soils.  相似文献   

阐述多功能包裹剂的基本组成,介绍多功能包裹剂的使用范围及多功能包裹剂防止磷酸二铵结块、稳定色泽、提高缓释性能、防止粉化、增加流动性的原理及功效,展望多功能包裹剂的未来研发趋势。  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken on the isolation and identification of reaction products of ammonium nitrate phosphate (ANP) fertilizers containing 30, 50 and 70 per cent water-soluble phosphorus (WSP) of total phosphorus in representative soils of the vertisol, oxisol, alfisol, entisol, mollisol and aridisol groups of India. ANP fertilizers were applied in solid form to soil, and reaction products formed at and around the site of ANP fertilizer placement were identified after six weeks incubation in moist soils by X-ray diffraction technique. DCPD (dicalcium phosphate dihydrate- CaHPO4 · 2H2O) was the major reaction product of ANP fertilizers containing 30 and 50 per cent WSP in vertisol, entisol, aridisol, mollisol, oxisol and alfisol, and of ANP containing 70 per cent WSP in vertisol, entisol, alfisol, aridisol and mollisol. DCP (dicalcium phosphate-CaHPO4) was detected with ANP of 30 and 50 per cent WSP in the vertisol, alfisol, entisol, mollisol and aridisol groups of soils. In addition to DCPD, FePO4 · 2H2O (metastrengite) and AlPO4 · 2H2 O-monoclinic (metavariscite) were formed in alfisol and oxisol soils with ANP of 30 and 50 per cent WSP. FePO4 · 2H2O and AlPO4 · 2H2O (metavariscite) were identified in alfisol and oxisol soils while AlPO4 · 2H2O-orthorhombic (variscite) was formed in alfisol soils with ANP of 70 per cent WSP.  相似文献   

The rapid rise in fertilizer prices over the past 2 years coupled with the notoriously low nutrient recovery of fertilizer by lowland rice as managed by farmers of most developing countries has prompted a re-examination of urea briquette agrotechnology that improves fertilizer use efficiency.Urea briquettes containing diammonium phosphate (UB-DAP) can be cost effectively produced using a portable fertilizer briquetter on a small scale (200 kg-1 h-1) at the village level and at a price affordable by small rice farmers. Their improved management consists of hand placement of properly sized (weight) UB-DAP (N:P = 4:1) per briquette for every four rice hills, and at 7–10 cm soil depth, on the day of or the day after transplanting using modified 20 × 20 cm spacing (25 hills m-2). This management is simple to adopt, saves up to 50% of the labor normally required for its conventional hand placement, and helps to reduce the lag period of spatial nonavailability of DAP-P to the rice plants. Results of several farmer-managed field trials conducted during the 1990–95 wet seasons in India demonstrate that the UB-DAP management makes the fertilizer agronomically more efficient, economically more attractive with less risk, and reduced losses of nutrients as compared with conventional use of prilled urea and single superphosphate. The fertilizer use offers women farmers a unique opportunity to play an important role in increasing rice productivity. The management of UB-DAP can be integrated with plant nutrient recycling and limited Gliricidia green manuring (an agroforestry approach). This integrated use of UB-DAP has the potential to increase rice production of small resource-poor rice farmers with less fertilizer and in sustainable manner in rainfed as well as irrigated transplanted rice ecoregions of developing countries, while protecting the environment. Therefore, the UB-DAP fertilizer can be an important NP source for transplanted rice in the 21st century.  相似文献   

The Pi test for phosphorus (P) is a new method in which strips of iron oxide impregnated filter paper are used as a sink to sorb and extract P from a soil solution. In a greenhouse experiment, the Olsen and Pi tests were compared for their effectiveness in evaluating P availability to maize on calcareous soils. Phosphate rock from Togo, partially acidulated with H2SO4 at 50% acidulation level (PAPR 50% H2SO4) and single superphosphate (SSP) were applied at different rates to a calcareous soil (Vernon Clay, pH 8.2, CaCO3 18.9%) which was preincubated with KH2PO4 to raise plant-available P to different levels. In soils treated with SSP, dry-matter yield of maize correlated equally well with Pi-P and with Olsen-P (r = 0.96***). P uptake correlated significantly with Pi-P (r = 0.94***) as well as Olsen-P (r = 0.97***). Likewise, in soils fertilized with PAPR, significant correlations were found between dry-matter yield and Pi-P (r = 0.97***) and between dry-matter yield and Olsen-P (r = 0.94***). When all the data were pooled, Pi-P and Olsen-P correlated equally well with both dry-matter weight (r = 0.97***) and P uptake (r = 0.94***). Phosphorus extracted by the Pi test correlated significantly with P extracted by the Olsen test (r = 0.99***).  相似文献   

石灰性土壤肥际磷酸二铵的转化与肥料磷的迁移   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以肥料与土壤接触的肥际为切入点,通过土柱培养实验,研究磷酸二铵在石灰性潮土肥际各形态无机磷的转化、含量、分布及肥料磷的迁移。旨在探讨磷酸二铵在石灰性土壤中的转化特性及肥料磷的固定机制,揭示此类土壤中磷肥有效性的主要限制因素,为磷肥合理施用和高效磷肥的研制提供理论支持。  相似文献   

A greenhouse study was conducted with two surface, acidic soils (a Hiwassee loam and a Marvyn loamy sand) to measure the effect of increasing P-fixation capacity, on the relative agronomic effectiveness (RAE) of phosphate fertilizers derived from Sukulu Hills phosphate rock (PR) from Uganda. Prior to fertilizer application, Fe-gel was added to increase P-fixation capacity from 4.4 to 14.3% for the Marvyn soil and from 37.0 to 61.5% for the Hiwassee soil. Phosphate materials included compacted Sukulu Hills concentrate PR + Triple superphosphate (CTSP) at a total P ratio of PR:TSP = 50:50; 50% partially acidulated PR (CPAPR) from Sukulu Hills concentrate PR made with H2SO4; and Sukulu Hills concentrate PR (PRC) made by magnetically removing iron oxide from raw PR ore. Triple superphosphate (TSP) was used as a reference fertilizer. After adjusting soil pH to approximately 6, P sources were applied at rates of 0, 50, 150, and 300 mg total P kg–1 soil. Two successive crops of 5 week old corn seedlings (Zea mays L.) were grown. The results show that the RAE of the phosphate materials measured using dry-matter yield or P uptake generally decreased as P-fixation capacity was increased for both soils. CTSP was more effective in increasing dry-matter yield and P uptake than CPAPR. PRC alone was an ineffective P source. Soil chemical analysis showed that Bray 1 and Mehlich 1 extractants were ineffective on the high P-fixation capacity Fe-gel amended Hiwassee soil. Mehlich 1 was unsuitable for soils treated with PRC since it apparently solubilizes unreactive PR. When all of the soils and P sources were considered together, Pi paper was the most reliable test for estimating plant available P.  相似文献   

The availability to plants of fertilizer phosphorus (P) applied to soil, as measured by chemical extraction, is used to estimate P fertilizer needs. We studied the availability of P, applied as monocalcium phosphate (MCP) powder, ordinary superphosphate (OSP) granules and diammonium phosphate (DAP) granules in 24 calcareous Vertisols and Inceptisols of Andalusia, Spain, by using laboratory incubation techniques. The soils differed widely in their P adsorption- and Ca-phosphate precipitation-related properties. For MCP, availability (defined as the proportion of added P that is recovered by extraction with NaHCO3 or is isotopically exchangeable) decreased markedly with incubation time and increasing addition rate. The mean recoveries after 180 d of incubation at field capacity at a rate of 246 mg P kg–1 soil were 17% for Olsen P, 38% for Colwell P, and 16% for isotopically exchangeable P (IEP). Increasing the application rate to 2460 mg kg–1 resulted in recoveries of 6% for Olsen P, 25% for Colwell P, and 4% for IEP. While IEP-based recovery was not significantly correlated to any soil property, that based on Olsen P (and, to a lesser extent, Colwell P) decreased sharply with increase in the ratio of clay (or Fe oxides) to total (or active) calcium carbonate equivalent. Accordingly, Olsen P might overestimate P availability in those soils relatively rich in carbonate and poor in clay and Fe oxides. On the other hand, recovery of applied P from soils containing more clay and Fe oxides, by a sequential extraction (with H2O, two 0.5M NaHCO3 treatments, 0.5M HCl), was lower than 100%, thereby suggesting phosphate occlusion by Fe oxides or clay.Availability of the fertilizers tested 90 d after application was found to decrease in the following order: MCP powder (rate, 246 mg kg–1) > DAP granules (rate, 547 mg kg–1) > MCP powder (rate, 738 mg kg–1) > OSP granules (rate, 308 mg kg–1). Differences between fertilizers tended to increase with increasing carbonate content in the soil. This may have been due to precipitation of Ca phosphates caused by the presence of Ca in the fertilizer and the high Ca- supplying capacity of the more calcareous soils.  相似文献   

简要介绍造粒机的主要构件(包括造粒机尺寸、造粒机胶板、造粒机大梁、管式反应器混合头、管式反应器喷口、二次补氨管及氨支腿、大梁除疤器、造粒机口圈、抛疤器等)对磷酸二铵喷浆法造粒所产生的影响。通过优化造粒设备主要构件,产品的外观质量得到明显提高。  相似文献   

陈诚 《磷肥与复肥》2016,31(8):18-19
对传统法磷酸二铵装置产品冷却系统进行技术改造。采用新型无尘冷却技术代替原有流化床鼓风冷却和散料库自然冷却技术。技术改造后,新型无尘冷却装置可使物料冷却至40~50℃,冷却前后磷酸二铵物料温差约为25℃;采用工艺水作为冷却介质,杜绝尾气的产生;装置运行稳定。新型无尘冷却装置每年可以节省电费98.56万元。  相似文献   

The improvement of P management in agriculture and environment requires a good understanding of residual effect of applied P in soils. The specific adsorption of P on variable charge minerals has been considered as the major mechanism that leads to a very low utilization of P fertilizer by crops within a growing season in Chinese red soils. Soil incubation and isotope tracing analysis were carried out to examine the transformation kinetics and potential availability of added specifically sorbed 32P in two pH contrasting light textured soils. The 32P recovered by 0.5 M NaHCO3 extraction and microbial biomass-P measurement from the added specifically sorbed 32P in the soils was well described by a first-order reaction and a Langmuir-type kinetic model, with correlation coefficients (R) being, on average, 0.938 and 0.959, respectively. The half-life (t1/2, from the first-order model) of the four tested mineral-P complexes ranged from 29 to 47 d in the acid sandy soil and 33 to 105 d in the neutral silty soil. Goethite-P was the most stable among the four tested mineral-P complexes. The potential availability of the mineral complex P (q m , in percent of total 32P added) obtained from the Langmuir equation ranged from 43.7 to 90.9% for the four mineral-P complexes, and decreased in the order: Al oxide-P (90.9%) > montmorillonite-P (86.2%) > kaolinite-P (77.5%) > goethite-P (60.2%) in the acid sandy soil, whereas the order was Al oxide-P (89.3%) > kaolinite-P (86.2%) > montmorillonite-P (82.6%) > goethite-P (43.7%) in the neutral silty soil. Based on the release rate and potential availability, kaolinite-P and Al oxide-P could be important sources for residual effect of applied P in variable-charge soils. The goethite-P has the lowest release rate and potential availability among the mineral-P complexes, implying that iron oxides may be the most important variable-charge mineral responsible for P fixation in the Chinese red soils.  相似文献   

Consideration of factors affecting the availability of applied P in soils could improve P fertilization recommendations. Little information is available on the effects of continuous P fertilizer applications under cropping systems in Morocco. A greenhouse study was conducted to evaluate the residual and cumulative P effects on three succeeding crops, wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.)-corn (Zea maize)-wheat, in contrasting calcareous soils from the arid and semiarid zones of Morocco. The treatments were the amount (0, 3.4, 6.7, or 13.4 mg P kg-1 soil) and time of application of P. The residual P effects on grain yield, dry-matter production, and total P uptake were significant. In this study, the increase in yields as a function of applied P was explained by the model: Y = a + b*(Pad)0.5. The increase rate (constant b in the model) of dry-matter production of corn ranged from 0.56 (soil 10) to 2.89 (soil 11). At the same P fertilizer rate, single applications yielded less grain production than repeated applications. These results showed that if we want to take residual P into consideration in P fertilizer recommendations, the critical soil test P level should be lower than the one normally determined by soil test calibration method. Also, soils with low initial NaHCO3-P levels had the lowest residual value, inferring that a large portion of added P is fixed in these soils. This study showed that a significant response of corn to residual P would occur in soils with initial NaHCO3-P test levels less than 6 mg P kg-1. The response would be inconsistent between 9 and 14 mg P kg-1, and no response is expected above a soil test P level of 14 mg P kg-1. In general, soils with more than 14 mg kg-1 NaHCO3-P could provide adequate P for maximum yield for three succeeding crops under greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

The agronomic effectiveness of three P fertilizers (diamonium phosphate, rock phosphate and compost) was studied in a greenhouse experiment using wheat. A radioisotopic method, using triple superphosphate labelled with32P, was used to evaluate the P in dried tops that was derived from i) the soil, ii) labelled superphosphate and iii) the fertilizer being studied.The ratio between P uptake from each fertilizer and P uptake from the soil was used to compare the effectiveness of the different fertilizers. P derived from diammonium phosphate was greater than P derived from the soil, except in one soil. P derived from rock phosphate was always lower than P derived from the soil. The effectiveness of compost depended on soil type. Compost can produce two kind of effects: i) a direct P contribution and ii) an indirect effect improving P uptake from the soil. The radioisotopic method can be used to study the effectiveness of fertilizers even when there are no differences in yield.  相似文献   

论述磷肥按溶解性分类情况。根据不同磷肥的溶解性(水溶性、弱酸溶性和枸溶性)选择合适的溶剂、称量范围和溶解条件,测定其有效磷(水溶性磷和枸溶性磷总和)含量,才能得到准确的结果。  相似文献   

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