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We propose a tunable dispersion and dispersion slope compensator based on induced strain-chirp in a uniform fiber Bragg grating. A specially designed mechanical rotator concatenated with a metal beam with linear thickness variation along its height was used to induce a quadratic strain gradient along the grating. We successfully demonstrated the dispersion and dispersion slope change by adjusting the rotation angle and feasibility of dispersion and dispersion slope compensation at 160-Gb/s nonreturn-to-zero transmission by simulation  相似文献   

An interrogation technique for a long-period grating (LPG) sensor is studied theoretically and experimentally. By employing a thermally tunable arrayed waveguide grating (AWG), the center wavelength of the LPG sensor is successfully measured using the linear temperature dependence of the AWG transmission wavelengths. Initial results show that the proposed interrogation technique can provide a resolution of 1 pm and interrogation range of 25 nm. Furthermore, this technique has the potential of being packaged into a low-cost and compact-size device.   相似文献   

新型平输入/聚焦场阵列波导光栅波长路由器   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
基于像差理论设计了具有平聚焦场的阵列波导光栅(AWG),其输入部分与输出部分采用对称,成为同时具有平输入场和平聚焦场,可以省略输入和输出波导,使输入/输出星形耦合器可分别直接与光纤阵列连接,结构得到了简化。设计了频率间隔为200GHz的9×9通道平场AWG波长路由器,光场传输模拟结果显示,所有波长的输出信号均聚焦在与传输方向垂直的一条直线上,验证了平场设计的正确性。  相似文献   

阵列波导光栅数值模拟的一种简单方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
吴粤湘  鲁平  刘德明 《中国激光》2003,30(6):521-523
介绍了一种倾斜高斯光束的方法 ,并对一个 4× 4路的阵列波导光栅 (AWG)设计实例进行了模拟 ,将结果与采用BPM算法所得的结果进行了对比。此方法简单可行 ,可优化器件的设计。  相似文献   

We propose and demonstrate a novel colorless tunable optical dispersion compensator (TODC) consisting of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) connected to an ar- rayed-waveguide grating with a thermooptic lens. The MZI approximately doubles the magnitude bandwidth at large dispersion settings. We demonstrate compensation of a 43-Gb/s nonreturn-to-zero signal dispersed over a range of -844 to + 1700 ps/nm. To our knowledge, +1700 ps/nm is the largest demonstrated dispersion compensation amount of a 40-Gb/s signal with a single TODC.  相似文献   

A new Bragg grating filter (BGF) in a polysilane waveguide has been fabricated by a two-beam interferometric photobleaching method using a He-Cd laser. A narrow reflected bandwidth of 0.4 nm was measured using a 1.55-mum light-emitting diode. The temperature dependence of the BGF was measured as 0.096 nm/degC with temperature control over a range between 30 degC and 70 degC and exhibited a good coincidence with the theoretical values  相似文献   

制作了基于绝缘体上硅(Silicon on Insulator,SOI)材料的8×16通道的阵列波导光栅(Arrayed Waveguide Grating,AWG)与电吸收型可调光衰减器(Variable OpticalAttenuator,VOA)的单片集成器件,其信道间隔为200 GHz.该集成器件采用脊形波导结构,其截面尺寸为亚微米级,整体尺寸为2.9 mm×1 mm.该VMUX器件的片上损耗为9.324~10.048 dB,串扰为6.5~8.2 dB;在20 dB衰减下,单通道最大功耗为87.98 mW;最大信道偏振相关损耗(Polarization Dependent Loss,PDL)为0.461 dB,16通道的衰减一致性为0.245 dB.该器件能够实现良好的波分复用/解复用及信道功率均衡的功能.  相似文献   

This letter presents an optically controlled, continuously tunable, dispersionless optical delay element in fiber based on a selective wavelength converter using a periodically poled lithium-niobate waveguide with two-pump configuration, dispersion-compensated fiber, and a dispersion compensator. Optical phase information is preserved in this technique, and there is no fundamental limitation on pulsewidth or bit rate. A Continuous optical delay up to 44-ns is shown for 10-Gb/s nonreturn-to-zero applications, which is equal to a 440-bit slot  相似文献   

秦政坤  马春生 《电子学报》2011,39(3):609-612
本文基于阵列波导光栅(AWG)的传输理论,利用含氟聚合物(PFS-co-GMA)共聚物材料,对17×17信道光谱响应平坦化AWG波分复用器进行了参数优化.由于在聚合物阵列波导光栅器件的制备过程中,选用了反应离子刻蚀(RIE)工艺和蒸汽回溶技术,形成的梯形截面波导芯,使AWG传输的光产生相位移,导致传输光谱移动,引起串扰...  相似文献   

Cyclic arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) devices with flat-top passband and uniform spectral response are proposed. Each access waveguide of the proposed cyclic AWG consists of a multimode interference region and a taper waveguide. Simulation results show that the 1-dB bandwidth of the proposed device is larger than 0.44 times the channel spacing and the corresponding nonuniformity is smaller than 1 dB.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionTheArrayedWaveguideGrating(AWG)multi plexerisanimportantopticaldeviceforWavelengthDivisionMultiplexing (WDM )inopticaltelecom municationsystems[1~ 5] .Thisdevicecanoffersomebasicfunctionsincludingmultiplexing/demultiplex ing ,add/dropmultiplexingandN×Ninterconnec tion.Also,itpossessessomeadvantages,suchasnarrowerwavelengthspacing ,moresignalchannels,lowercrosstalkandsmootherpassbands.AWGmul tiplexers[6~1 0 ] havebeenfabricatedusingsilicas,InPandpolymers.Amongthem ,apo…  相似文献   

We demonstrate a photonic microwave finite impulse response filter with reconfiguration and tuning capabilities. The filter is based on spectral slicing of a broadband source and optical fiber as a wideband dispersive medium. An arrayed waveguide grating and fiber Bragg gratings are used to select and vary the weight of the optical taps to achieve reconfiguration and tuning  相似文献   

提出了一种新型结构的阵列波导光栅。在AWG的阵列波导中嵌入多种补偿介质,补偿二阶或二阶以上温度偏移。首先从理论上推导出器件的工作原理表达式;其次给出了器件结构的设计方案,阵列波导采用同心圆结构设计,使得嵌入介质与波导垂直,有效减小了散射损耗,并显著提高了芯片的集成度。最后,对器件性能进行了评估,引入的附加损耗小于1dB;理论上实现了零温度偏移。  相似文献   

李德禄 《电子器件》2012,35(6):627-630
研究一种新型无热化阵列波导光栅,这是由聚合物组成的一种新型阵列波导光栅。阵列波导光栅对温度的依赖性受波导物质的折射率、热膨胀系数和波导芯的尺寸影响,所以,通过调节这些参数就可以减小温度对阵列波导光栅的影响。优化得到全聚合物型阵列波导光栅在温度20℃~70℃范围内波谱漂移小于常规型AWG结构的0.5%。  相似文献   

线性chirp光纤光栅色散补偿器的理论与计算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从物理上解释了线性chirp光纤光栅色散补偿器的工作原理,根据耦合理论,导出光纤光栅的基本方程,利用这一方程,计算了线性chirp光纤光栅的响应特性。  相似文献   

简述了阵列被导光栅复用/解复用器件的基本原理及其相关特性,并对其在WDM光通信关键器件中的应用作了概述.  相似文献   

阵列波导光栅(AWG Arrayed Waveguide Grating)是实现多通道密集波分复用(DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing)光网络的理想器件,插入损耗是它的一个重要性能指标。本文介绍了多种减小AWG插入损耗的方法,并在此基础上,分析了如何使用楔形波导结构来降低模式失配所导致的耦合损耗。这种方法可以在不增加器件制作难度的同时大大降低AWG的插入损耗,并且适用于各种材料和结构的AWG器件设计。  相似文献   

对硅基二氧化硅阵列波导光栅解复用器(AWG DEMUX)的偏振相关损耗(PDL)进行了优化。理论分析了引起AWG偏振相关性的物理因素以及消除偏振相关性的工艺方法和条件。利用化学气相沉积、光刻和刻蚀等半导体工艺制备了AWG DEMUX芯片,并结合理论分析对包层材料中的硼(B)、磷(P)含量进行了优化调整,成功地将芯片的PDL降低至0.12 dB,使PDL参数满足芯片的商用化需求。  相似文献   

提出了一种阵列波导光栅(AWG)波分复用器带宽平坦化的有效方法。在常规型阵列波导器件中,把相邻奇数阵列波导长度差减少增量,并把相邻偶数阵列波导长度差增加相同的增量,即可获得平坦的箱形波谱响应。对17×17信道聚合物AWG波分复用器的模拟结果表明,箱形波谱响应的3 dB带宽约为0.49 nm,每条输出信道的串扰皆低于-28 dB。  相似文献   

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