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严复和林语堂是20世纪中国的著名翻译大家,他们为中国翻译理论奠定了基础.严复的"信、达、雅"是20世纪最有影响力的翻译理论.而林语堂则提出了"忠实、通顺、美"的标准.回顾、比较了两者的翻译观,论述林语堂对严复翻译理论的发展,旨在说明林语堂的翻译观对中同翻译理论的重大价值和贡献.  相似文献   

说起翻译软件,人们通常的态度是否定的:机器翻译出来的东西根本没有法看!记者也是抱着这样的心态去听实达软件“雅信CAT”的介绍。看完相关的演示后,才领会了实达人所说的“雅信CAT”只是辅助翻译系统,其本质是帮助人更快地翻译科技文章。据介绍,通常的用户经过一个月的磨合,其翻译速度可以翻一番,如原来每天可以翻译3000字,使用“雅信CAT”一个月以后每天可以翻译6000字。“雅信CAT”与传统的翻译软件不同的是,其出发点是帮助人进行翻译,而不是独立完成翻译工作。据介绍该软  相似文献   

交大铭泰日前发布了一款专业翻译软件“雅信CAT3.0”。“雅信CAT3.0”具有自动记忆和搜索机制,可以自动存储用户翻译的内容。“雅信CAT3.0”还配有增强工具“雅信CAM(ComputerAidedMatch)”,可将用户以前翻译过的资料转换为可以重复使用的记忆库。对于网络用户,还可以在网上实时共享词库和例句库等翻译资源,实现协同翻译,最大限度地提高效率。交大铭泰发布专业翻译软件“雅信CAT3.0”  相似文献   

7月6日,中国翻译协会、中国科学院翻译协会与北京雅信诚公司共同举办了“电子化翻译研讨会”。与会者认为,要适应信息时代的要求,就必须利用高科技的工具来改变作坊式的工作方式,让翻译从机械的、繁重的劳动中解脱出来(如查字典、查历史资料、输入、重复翻译、排版等),将主要精力集中在提高翻译的准确性上,使译文真正达到“信、达、雅”的境界。雅信诚公司在会上发布了最新开发的英汉双向翻译平台——雅信CAT,提出全新的计算机辅助翻译概念(Computer Aided Translation,以下简称CAT),集成了TM(Translation  相似文献   

赵礼海 《电脑》1998,(4):14-16
随着计算机界在Internet等国际交往的增多,翻译软件慢慢成为业界的热点,由于本刊采编人员对翻译软件的研制都不甚了解,所以这次专门请了北京雅信工作室的主创人、“雅信译霸97”软件的作者——李晓明先生作为本次专访活动的特邀佳宾,来向各位读者介绍一下他自己和他所认识的翻译软件。 这次的采访依然是采用E-Mail形式进行的,一开始见面,大家先天南海北地广泛地聊了一下,没有马上转入翻译软件的话题,在寒喧过程中我们了解到,李晓明先生是陕西大荔人。他84年考入长沙国防科技大学学习,88年攻读硕士学位。91年3月毕业后分配到北京总参某部工作。目前正在负责雅信软件工作室的工作,全力开发“雅信译霸”专业版。  相似文献   

时近冬日,翻译软件市场上兴起了一股低价软件的热潮。由金山公司推出的“红色正版风暴”活动,把它的全新主流软件金山词霸2000和金山快译2000以低至28元的价格销售。实达铭泰推出的东方网译把价格也定在了28元,而英业达的世纪词王也随即加入了28元的战团。以低价能否获得高质?最近,本刊评测实验室对金山快译2000和东方网译进行了测试。 翻译软件的目的就是应用计算机把英文自动翻译成中文,要求语义准确,语法结构和表达方式符合自然语言的规则和习惯。计算机翻译具有很大的难度,限于目前的技术水平,难以达到翻译所要求的“信、达、雅”。基于目前的状况,如果只提供翻译功能,将会限制翻  相似文献   

在英文翻译过程中,我们常常发现会有很多重复翻译的句子或片段。据统计,在翻译同类文章或某类文档的不同版本时,最多可有60%的内容需重复翻译。而利用北京雅信诚软件技术有限公司推出的雅信CAT (Computer Aided  相似文献   

女性主义翻译理论否定了翻译中的性别隐喻,颠覆了传统翻译理论中的“忠实”标准,推翻了“作者-译者”的两元对立模式。译者主体性是女性主义翻译理论的基础,女性主翻译理论对译者主体性的研究不同于一般翻译理论。女性主义翻译理论影响下的译者主体性带有明显的政治色彩,以解构主义解析了译者的创造性,关注到译者主体性中的意识形态问题。  相似文献   

对许多翻译工作者来说,最耗费精力的是要将翻译的结果写在纸上、输入计算机等机械劳动,如果将这些时间用来思考,翻译的效率将成倍提高。为了尽可能地降低翻译者的体力消耗和缩短翻译周期,北京雅信诚软件技术有限公司发布了专业翻译平台“雅信CAT”。CAT具备方便的交互翻译体系,主要的操作都可用点取鼠标来完成,这样翻译速度就会大大  相似文献   

志存高远:为翻译家换笔实用——使用本系统翻译的三部著作已经出版发行; 方便——不用爬格子、不用想编码、不用敲键盘,只需轻击鼠标高效——在“信、达、雅”的前提下使您的效率至少提高两倍  相似文献   

Detection of Unfaithfulness and Robust Causal Inference   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Much of the recent work on the epistemology of causation has centered on two assumptions, known as the Causal Markov Condition and the Causal Faithfulness Condition. Philosophical discussions of the latter condition have exhibited situations in which it is likely to fail. This paper studies the Causal Faithfulness Condition as a conjunction of weaker conditions. We show that some of the weaker conjuncts can be empirically tested, and hence do not have to be assumed a priori. Our results lead to two methodologically significant observations: (1) some common types of counterexamples to the Faithfulness condition constitute objections only to the empirically testable part of the condition; and (2) some common defenses of the Faithfulness condition do not provide justification or evidence for the testable parts of the condition. It is thus worthwhile to study the possibility of reliable causal inference under weaker Faithfulness conditions. As it turns out, the modification needed to make standard procedures work under a weaker version of the Faithfulness condition also has the practical effect of making them more robust when the standard Faithfulness condition actually holds. This, we argue, is related to the possibility of controlling error probabilities with finite sample size (“uniform consistency”) in causal inference.
Peter SpirtesEmail:

当前"一带一路"沿线国家来华留学生大量增加,针对留学生教育开设的全英文课程面临前所未有的挑战。文章在长期国际合作办学和双语教学实践的基础上,以计算机组成原理课程为例,探讨了该课程在新形势下的课程建设工作,包括全英文课程资料、实验建设、教学改革和考核改革等。以期为不断发展的留学生国际课程建设和国际化人才培养提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

Coherence, being at the heart of interference phenomena, is found to be an useful resource in quantum information theory. Here we want to understand quantum coherence under the combination of two fundamentally dual processes, viz., cloning and deleting. We found the role of quantum cloning and deletion machines with the consumption and generation of quantum coherence. We establish cloning as a cohering process and deletion as a decohering process. Fidelity of the process will be shown to have connection with coherence generation and consumption of the processes.  相似文献   

在全球文化多元化的今天,突出自己国家民族的特色成为设计表现的一个重点。中国传统文化博大精深,中国元素成为设计领域中不可缺少的一部分,不仅仅被中国人认可,在世界都刮起了一股强烈的中国风,中国的色彩被更多的西方国家用不同的形式演绎着。"中国红"作为中国传统色彩的代表,以它在中国人心目中的特殊情感和地位穿梭在世界各个领域的时尚界。  相似文献   

"卡通"——Cartoon,英语的音译,在字典里解释为动画、漫画。我国的卡通艺术曾经辉煌过,但如今却乏善可陈。从纵向的角度看,中国卡通艺术的落后有历史的原因;从横向看,中国卡通同发达国家相比有资金缺乏、软硬件落后的各种原因。找出原因,能更好地解决问题,发展中国的卡通艺术。随着政府的重视、经济的发展、人才培养的加强,我国卡通艺术的发展正步入正轨。  相似文献   

基于句子相似度的机器翻译评价方法及其有效性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了帮助开发面向本地化的基于实例的机器翻译(EBMT)系统,提出利用句子相似度评价译文质量的方法.该方法能够较有效地区分不同翻译质量的译文,从而帮助开发者发现EBMT系统存在的问题.为了证明该评价方法的有效性,对比了6个机器翻译系统人工评价和自动评价的结果.通过相关分析和显著性检验,表明了此方法和人工方法存在高度的一致性.最后提出在自动评价结果的基础上利用线性回归预测人工评分方法.  相似文献   

"中国风"对西方时装的影响可谓久矣。时代发展到今天,中西方开放式地经济往来与文化交流促使西方对中国的理解不再限于从前单纯的想象。随着西方对中国了解的深入,中国"草根"元素日渐成为西方设计师们热衷的设计资源。文章通过分析西方时装中出现的一些中国"草根"现象和现代社会文化特征,从而探寻西方时装大牌在设计中的中国"草根"情结之根源。  相似文献   

Communication in global software development is hindered by language differences in countries with a lack of English speaking professionals. Machine translation is a technology that uses software to translate from one natural language to another. The progress of machine translation systems has been steady in the last decade. As for now, machine translation technology is particularly appealing because it might be used, in the form of cross-language chat services, in countries that are entering into global software projects. However, despite the recent progress of the technology, we still lack a thorough understanding of how real-time machine translation affects communication. In this paper, we present a set of empirical studies with the goal of assessing to what extent real-time machine translation can be used in distributed, multilingual requirements meetings instead of English. Results suggest that, despite far from 100 % accurate, real-time machine translation is not disruptive of the conversation flow and, therefore, is accepted with favor by participants. However, stronger effects can be expected to emerge when language barriers are more critical. Our findings add to the evidence about the recent advances of machine translation technology and provide some guidance to global software engineering practitioners in regarding the losses and gains of using English as a lingua franca in multilingual group communication, as in the case of computer-mediated requirements meetings.  相似文献   

Temporal logics are commonly used for reasoning about concurrent systems. Model checkers and other finite-state verification techniques allow for automated checking of system model compliance to given temporal properties. These properties are typically specified as linear-time formulae in temporal logics. Unfortunately, the level of inherent sophistication required by these formalisms too often represents an impediment to move these techniques from “research theory” to “industry practice”. The objective of this work is to facilitate the nontrivial and error prone task of specifying, correctly and without expertise in temporal logic, temporal properties. In order to understand the basis of a simple but expressive formalism for specifying temporal properties we critically analyze commonly used in practice visual notations. Then we present a scenario-based visual language called Property Sequence Chart (PSC) that, in our opinion, fixes the highlighted lacks of these notations by extending a subset of UML 2.0 Interaction Sequence Diagrams. We also provide PSC with both denotational and operational semantics. The operational semantics is obtained via translation into Büchi automata and the translation algorithm is implemented as a plugin of our Charmy tool. Expressiveness of PSC has been validated with respect to well known property specification patterns. Preliminary results appeared in (Autili et al. 2006a).  相似文献   

In this paper, we study direct discontinuous Galerkin method (Liu and Yan in SIAM J Numer Anal 47(1):475–698, 2009) and its variations (Liu and Yan in Commun Comput Phys 8(3):541–564, 2010; Vidden and Yan in J Comput Math 31(6):638–662, 2013; Yan in J Sci Comput 54(2–3):663–683, 2013) for 2nd order elliptic problems. A priori error estimate under energy norm is established for all four methods. Optimal error estimate under \(L^2\) norm is obtained for DDG method with interface correction (Liu and Yan in Commun Comput Phys 8(3):541–564, 2010) and symmetric DDG method (Vidden and Yan in J Comput Math 31(6):638–662, 2013). A series of numerical examples are carried out to illustrate the accuracy and capability of the schemes. Numerically we obtain optimal \((k+1)\)th order convergence for DDG method with interface correction and symmetric DDG method on nonuniform and unstructured triangular meshes. An interface problem with discontinuous diffusion coefficients is investigated and optimal \((k+1)\)th order accuracy is obtained. Peak solutions with sharp transitions are captured well. Highly oscillatory wave solutions of Helmholz equation are well resolved.  相似文献   

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