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Conducted an intensive, case-by-case assessment of life-styles of a sample of religious students. We identified differing styles of religiousness and made comparisons by means of tests and interviews between subgroups whose subjects manifested differing religious life-styles. Those subjects with continuous religious development and mild religious experiences appeared to be healthier than those with discontinuous development and intense religious experiences; however, intense religious experiences tended to enhance the adjustment of those who experienced them. There was no evidence in the group as a whole for an overall negative or positive correlation between religiousness and mental health, but some modes of religious involvement appeared to be related to disturbance, whereas other modes appeared to be related to enhanced stability and resilience. Because causality in these relations remains uncertain, we generate hypotheses concerning further studies of life-styles and adjustment. We also discuss implications for student counseling and development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examines adaptive responses that mental health professionals of color use to cope with racial microaggressions in their professional lives. Twenty-four mental health professionals from diverse ethnic backgrounds in the United States and Canada participated in focus groups discussing their experiences with racial microagressions and how they cope with them. Results of the analysis indicated that 8 primary coping themes illustrated strategies used by the participants. These include: identifying key issues in responding to racial microaggressions, self-care, spirituality, confrontation, support, documentation, mentoring, and collective organizing. Suggestions for mentoring professionals of color are offered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Western health officials believe the incidence of HIV infection in the People's Republic of China is much higher than has been reported, but knowledge about the disease remains low. This paper describes a preliminary study of Chinese college students' AIDS knowledge and beliefs and of the acceptability of mass media for AIDS education. Focus group interviews of 73 Xiamen University students showed that the students used radio more consistently than any other media and viewed magazines as the best media source of health information. However, they expressed a general distrust of the health information media offer. They possessed quite a bit of accurate information about AIDS but also harbored many inaccurate beliefs. Most felt that their personal risk from AIDS was very low because they felt distanced--either geographically or morally--from those at risk. Disturbing numbers felt that fate, not individual behavior, determines whether or not a person contracts HIV. The paper discusses the study's implications for future research.  相似文献   

To investigate factors associated with pesticide-related visits to health care providers (i.e., doctor or hospital visits), responses to self-administered questionnaires received from 35,879 licensed restricted-use pesticide applicators participating in the Agricultural Health Study were analyzed. (In Iowa, applicators are actually certified, whereas in North Carolina they are licensed; for ease of reference, the term license will be used for both states in this paper.) The cohort reported a total of more than 10.9 million pesticide-application days. These applications were associated with one or more pesticide-related health care visits by 2,214 applicators (7.0% of the applicator cohort for whom health care visit data were available). The odds of a pesticide-related health care visit were increased for commercial applicators compared to private applicators [odds ratio (OR = 1.77; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.52-2.06) and for applicators who used insecticides 70 times or more in their lifetime compared to those who used insecticides less frequently (OR = 1.43; CI, 1.26-1.63). After adjusting for the number of applications in a logistic regression model, significantly higher odds of health care visits were observed among North Carolina applicators compared to Iowa applicators (OR = 1.35; CI, 1.17-1.52), among applicators who mixed their own pesticides (OR = 1.65; CI, 1. 22-2.23), and among applicators who personally repaired their pesticide application equipment at least once per year (OR = 1.12; CI, 1.06-1.25). Significantly lower odds were found among female versus male applicators (OR = 0.68; CI, 0.46-0.99) and among applicators who graduated from high school versus those who did not (OR = 0.82; CI, 0.71-0.94 for high school graduates and OR = 0.79; CI, 0.68-0.91 for those with at least some college). Several methods of pesticide application to crops, seed, or stored grain were also associated with significantly elevated odds ratios of health care visits. These observations suggest that several steps can be taken to reduce the number of health care visits resulting from occupational exposure to pesticides. The implications of this pattern of pesticide-related health care visits may have etiologic implications for cancer and other chronic diseases.  相似文献   

Depression among elderly Chinese immigrants: an exploratory study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite an increase in the population of elderly Chinese immigrants, little is known about their mental health problems. The most prevalent mental health problem of elderly people-depression-often goes unrecognized and untreated. In an interview format, the author administered the Geriatric Depression Scale and measures of health status, living situation, stressful life events, and informal support to a community sample of 50 elderly Chinese immigrants recruited at senior centers and meal sites. Respondents who rated their health as good, who lived with others, and who were satisfied with help received from family members were least likely to be depressed. The impact of these factors on the mental health of elderly Chinese immigrants can be understood in light of their unique cultural values.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test whether serum testosterone (T) concentrations characteristic of reproductively active, long-day-housed Siberian hamsters are necessary for compensatory increases in nonexcised fat pads following removal of epididymal white adipose tissue (EWAT) and/or for the maintenance of seasonally appropriate body weights in these hamsters. Long-day-housed hamsters were castrated or left intact, sham or EWAT lipectomized, and given T or cholesterol (C) implants. All groups had ad libitum food access except for two castrated T-treated groups that were pair-fed to their C-treated counterparts to control for effects of T on food intake. C-treated castrates had decreased body weights compared with all other groups, suggesting a role of T in the maintenance of seasonally appropriate body mass. Since the T-treated hamsters pair-fed to these T-deficient animals exhibited seasonally appropriate body weights and fat pad masses, T does not appear to affect these parameters through the modulation of food intake. All fat pads of C-treated animals were smaller than those of ad libitum- or pair-fed, T-treated castrates; however, EWAT was the only fat pad that was smaller in the C-treated sham-lipectomized group than in gonad-intact sham-lipectomized hamsters. This result may indicate an enhanced sensitivity of EWAT to T. The effects of T on fat pad mass were not associated with proportionate changes in lipoprotein lipase activity, suggesting that the major effect of T on fat accumulation occurs through other mechanisms in this species. C-treated lipectomized hamsters compensated for the body fat deficit 8 weeks after lipectomy via statistically non-significant increases in retroperitoneal and inguinal WAT mass. This finding suggests that, whereas T is necessary for maintenance of seasonally-appropriate body weight, it is not necessary for fat pad compensation after EWAT lipectomy.  相似文献   

The role of the occupational health professional in determining fitness for duty is expanding. Proper determination of fitness for duty diffuses acute situations in the workplace. The occupational health professional's role is nonjudgmental and objective. This protocol protects the occupational health service from punitive actions.  相似文献   

Factor analyzed the questionnaire responses of 183 mental health professionals to identify relevant dimensions of beliefs about the phenomenology, etiology, and prognosis of schizophrenia. 8 factors were chosen for interpretation: interpersonal etiology, Bleulerian phenomenology, disease concept of schizophrenia, poor prognosis, poor understanding of schizophrenia, schizophrenia as thinking disorder, adaptive symptomatology, and irreversibility. In relating factor scores to S variables, it was found that professional discipline accounted for a significant proportion of variance in both etiological factors. Theoretical orientation was significantly related to opinions about the purposeful nature of schizophrenic symptoms and about prognosis, and place of employment was significantly related to various opinions about etiology and phenomenology. Findings are interpreted as casting doubt on the remaining usefulness of the term "schizophrenia." (26 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Research on childhood family environments of mental health professionals suggests that therapists are often raised in dysfunctional families and experience significant psychological distress in adult life. This study examined the prevalence of childhood trauma, family dysfunction, and current psychological distress among female mental health professionals (N?=?340) and compared it with the prevalence among women working in other professions (N?=?2,623). Psychotherapists reported higher rates of physical abuse, sexual molestation, parental alcoholism, psychiatric hospitalization of a parent, death of a family member, and greater family dysfunction in their families of origin than did other professionals. As adults, psychotherapists experienced less anxiety, depression, dissociation, sleep disturbance, and impairment in interpersonal relationships than did women in professions other than mental health. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study describes the subjectively reported oral health status of an adult population aged 18 yr and over. The study used measures of the functional, social and psychological impact of oral disorders, originally developed for surveys of older adults, and aimed to determine whether or not they were sensitive to the oral health concerns of younger adults. It compared four age groups (18-29 yr; 30-49 yr; 50-64 yr; 65 yr and over) in terms of the following subjective oral health indicators: ability to chew, problems speaking, oral and facial pain; other oral symptoms; problems eating; problems with communication-social relations; limitations in activities of daily living and worry and concern. The initial hypothesis that few younger subjects would report the kinds of problems documented by these indicators was not supported. On all measures except ability to chew, younger subjects were as likely to be compromised by oral conditions as older subjects.  相似文献   

Breastfeeding advocates say that breastfeeding is health promotion in its purest form. Its considerable health benefits to the infant and the mother are well documented. Recent research has identified breastfeeding as a key factor in the prevention of sudden infant death syndrome and increased cognitive functioning. As a method of feeding, breastfeeding offers immediate economic advantages to the parents and long-term economic savings to society. One author reports that the exclusive breastfeeding of infants for four months could save the Province of Ontario at least $862,000 a year just by reducing the need for the treatment of otitis media. Another researcher calculated the cost of treating 150 bottle-fed babies hospitalized for gastroenteritis at $450,000 Canadian, while reminding us that "hospitalization for gastroenteritis is almost unknown for exclusively breast-fed infants." With all these known benefits, why is breastfeeding not more prevalent among Canadian mothers?  相似文献   

A phenotypic analysis of infiltrating macrophages in rat anti-Thy1 glomerulonephritis induced by monoclonal antibody (mAb) 1-22-3 was carried out using recently reported macrophage-specific mAbs. This was combined with a more detailed quantitative analysis, counting positive cells in isolated glomeruli, to obtain more information on the roles played by macrophages in glomerulonephritis. In normal glomeruli a small number of ED1- or OX-3(anti-Ia)-positive cells but almost no ED2-, TRPM-3- or Mar-3-positive cells were observed. ED1-positive cells increased from 2 h and peaked between days 3 and 7 after mAb injection. TRPM-3-positive cells increased from day 3 and peaked on day 7, later than ED1. The numbers of OX-3-positive cells changed in parallel with those of ED1-positive cells. Mar-3, which stained blood monocytes and ED2, which is an indicator oftissue-fixed resident macrophages, did not react with glomerular infiltrating macrophages. In a double staining study, about 40% of ED1- or OX-3-positive cells costained with TRPM-3 on day 3 and the percentage increased on day 7, but hardly any cells were positive for TRPM-3 alone. This results in two different phenotypes (ED1+,ED2-,OX-3+,Mar-3-, TRPM-3- and ED1+,ED2-,OX-3+,Mar-3-,TRPM-3+) of infiltrating macrophages. We conclude that in rat anti-Thy1 glomerulonephritis, monocytes/macrophages may infiltrate the mesangium, rapidly changing their phenotype (Mar-3+ to Mar-3-) and resulting in a gradual shift to TRPM-3-positive, activated macrophages.  相似文献   

MtDNA sequencing was used to investigate the genetic population structure of Litoria pearsoniana, a wet forest-restricted hylid frog, endemic to southeast Queensland and northeast New South Wales, Australia. L. pearsoniana is regarded as endangered under Queensland legislation. Significant genetic divergence among populations of frogs from different rainforest isolates was identified, but the lack of reciprocal monophyly among adjacent isolates suggests this is the result of a relatively recent disruption to gene flow. A paired catchment study within a single rainforest isolate, the Conondale Range, revealed no substantial genetic structuring, indicating the occurrence of terrestrial dispersal among nearby streams either in the recent past or currently. Two major reciprocally monophyletic clades of mtDNA alleles were identified. These corresponded to two geographical regions separated by the Brisbane River valley; one consisting of the Conondale and D'Aguilar Ranges, and the other of the southern isolates in the Main, Border and Gibraltar Ranges. Sequence divergence between the two regions was more consistent with a late Miocene or Pliocene rather than late Pleistocene separation, and is similar to that found among phylogeographic divisions of rainforest reptiles and amphibians in north Queensland rainforests. The molecular evidence for long-term separation of these two regions is corroborated by the pattern of species turnover in the distributions of species of rainforest-restricted amphibians and reptiles. Bioclimatic modelling suggests that appropriate conditions for L. pearsoniana would have been restricted to isolated refugees in each phylogeographic division under cooler and drier climates, such as predicted for the last glacial maximum. Currently isolated montane areas may have been connected transiently during the past 2000 years. Identification of long-term zoogeographic divisions among southeast Queensland rainforest herpetofauna has important implications for conservation and management. Conservation management of L. pearsoniana should be applied at the scale of major rainforest isolates and the conservation status of the species should be assessed independently north and south of the historical division.  相似文献   

How can practicing psychologists help reduce excessive alcohol consumption among college students? Over 80% of college students consume alcohol, and a significant percentage drinks excessively with myriad problems. Brief interventions based on motivational interviewing (MI) have been identified for use with college populations. The authors randomly assigned 91 freshman students to a brief, classroom-based MI intervention or an assessment control condition. At the end of the semester, MI group participants reported fewer drinks per occasion and fewer episodes of intoxication compared to controls. A classroom-based, MI-style intervention might be an efficient, sustainable, and effective means of reducing heavy drinking among college students. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

During the last 25 years there has been a substantial caries decline among children and adolescents in many Western societies. Recent epidemiologic data show a reduced caries prevalence also in young adult cohorts, indicating that the caries reduction is maintained into adulthood.  相似文献   

The effect of alcohol use disorder (AUD) on cognitive and neuropsychological abilities was investigated in a prospective study of 68 freshmen who met past-year criteria for AUD on 2 or more occasions during their college years and 66 matched controls. At baseline, participants were administered a total of 14 subtests from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale--Revised, Wechsler Memory Scale, and Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery. At 7-year follow-up, most measures were readministered, along with the Reflective Judgment Interview, Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal, and Plant Test. Analyses revealed few differenced between AUD and control groups. However, visuospatial deficits may be present among AUD participants with poor baseline visuospatial performance. Alcohol exposure measures yielded similar patterns to those shown with AUD. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The relation between alcohol outcome expectancies (EXP) and alcohol use was prospectively examined over 3 years in a mixed-gender sample of college students (N?=?465) at low and high risk for the development of alcoholism. Alcohol use remained fairly stable over 4 years, but EXP decreased significantly over the course of the study. Structural equation modeling techniques were used to examine reciprocal relations between EXP and alcohol use over 1- and 3-year intervals. Reciprocal prospective effects were demonstrated, but the nature of these effects appears dependent on the interval between measurement periods. Conceptually, these findings indicate both an etiologic role for EXP in predicting future alcohol use, and the influence of alcohol consumption on the development and maintenance of EXP. Methodologically, they point to the importance of the consideration of measurement interval in longitudinal research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Patient satisfaction affects consistency of self-care, health outcomes, level of service utilization, choice of health professionals, and decisions to sue in the face of adverse outcomes. Understanding patients' specific dissatisfactions may help health professionals and administrators identify and rectify organizational deficiencies before they become costly. COMMON CAUSES OF COMPLAINTS: As part of a series of research projects, more than 12,000 patient/family complaint narratives were examined in which patients or patients' family members told interviewers or patient advocates about the care they received from their health professionals in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Complaints may be categorized as involving issues of care and treatment, communication, humaneness, access and availability, environment, and billing/payment. STRATEGIES FOR RESOLVING COMPLAINTS: Even though caregivers may not have control over all the factors that lead to dissatisfaction, they can often hear and address complaints. As a result, they may not only contribute to quality of care but improve the systems in which they practice. The challenges are how to prevent dissatisfaction in the first place, and, if it does occur, to identify and if possible rectify patient concerns. Three case studies are provided. CONCLUSION: All health professionals must be involved in efforts to resolve problems that compromise patient care. Some problems could be prevented if administrators and leaders used complaint data to recommend new policies and procedures or to identify and counsel with health care team members who generate disproportionate numbers of complaints. If all are involved in both prevention and problem solving, resources devoted to uncovering, understanding, and resolving patient complaints are likely to prove cost-effective.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine what factors beyond relevance influence a clinician's decision to choose to read one journal article over another in satisfying an information need. DESIGN: Seventeen health care providers were interviewed and then surveyed regarding the characteristics of key articles (those they would not want to miss). On a Likert scale, the clinicians graded forty-two characteristics for importance in the decision process. Relevance was assumed and not at issue. SETTING: The study took place in an academic health science center. SUBJECTS: The subjects were seventeen clinicians, all with patient care responsibilities. There were four internists, four surgeons, three family practitioners, three pediatricians, two psychiatrists, and one clinical psychologist. RESULTS: Factors beyond relevance that most often influenced the decision process pertained to methodological rigor, authors and their institutional affiliations, document types, and population studied. CONCLUSIONS: Among the clinicians surveyed, factors beyond topicality influenced judgments as to what constitutes an important article. The emphasis respondents gave to certain attributes is echoed in other published work and highlights the need for more intensive investigation of these non-subject indicators as search parameters. Improved searching capabilities might well lead to a significant reduction in the clinician's information overload.  相似文献   

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