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Let Ω be a polygonal domain in Rn, τh an associated triangulation and uh the finite element solution of a well-posed second-order elliptic problem on (Ω, τh). Let M = {Mi}p + qi = 1 be the set of nodes which defines the vertices of the triangulation τh: for each i,Mi = {xil¦1 ? l ?n} in Rn. The object of this paper is to provide a computational tool to approximate the best set of positions M? of the nodes and hence the best triangulation \?gth which minimizes the solution error in the natural norm associated with the problem.The main result of this paper are theorems which provide explicit expressions for the partial derivatives of the associated energy functional with respect to the coordinates xil, 1 ? l ? n, of each of the variable nodes Mi, i = 1,…, p.  相似文献   

We consider a micropolar fluid flow in a two-dimensional domain. We assume that the velocity field satisfies a non-linear slip boundary condition of friction type on a part of the boundary while the micro-rotation field satisfies non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. We prove the existence and uniqueness of a solution. Then motivated by lubrication problems we assume that the thickness and the roughness of the domain are of order 0<ε<<1 and we study the asymptotic behaviour of the flow as ε tends to zero. By using the two-scale convergence technique we derive the limit problem which is totally decoupled for the limit velocity and pressure (v0,p0) on one hand and the limit micro-rotation Z0 on the other hand. Moreover we prove that v0, p0 and Z0 are uniquely determined via auxiliary well-posed problems.  相似文献   

The two dimensional range minimum query problem is to preprocess a static m by n matrix (two dimensional array) A of size N=mn, such that subsequent queries, asking for the position of the minimum element in a rectangular range within A, can be answered efficiently. We study the trade-off between the space and query time of the problem. We show that every algorithm enabled to access A during the query and using a data structure of size O(N/c) bits requires Ω(c) query time, for any c where 1≤cN. This lower bound holds for arrays of any dimension. In particular, for the one dimensional version of the problem, the lower bound is tight up to a constant factor. In two dimensions, we complement the lower bound with an indexing data structure of size O(N/c) bits which can be preprocessed in O(N) time to support O(clog 2 c) query time. For c=O(1), this is the first O(1) query time algorithm using a data structure of optimal size O(N) bits. For the case where queries can not probe A, we give a data structure of size O(N⋅min {m,log n}) bits with O(1) query time, assuming mn. This leaves a gap to the space lower bound of Ω(Nlog m) bits for this version of the problem.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the average-case performance of the Modified Harmonic algorithm for on-line bin packing. We first analyze the average-case performance for arbitrary distribution of item sizes over (0,1]. This analysis is based on the following result. Letf 1 andf 2 be two linear combinations of random variables {N i } i=1 k where theN i 's have a joint multinomial distribution for eachn i=1 k ,N i . LetE(f 1) ≠ O andE(f 2)≠ 0. Then limn E(max(f 1,f 2 ))/n = lim n →∞ max(E(f 1),E(f 2))/n. We then consider the special case when the item sizes are uniformly distributed over (0,1]. For specific values of the parameters, the Modified Harmonic algorithm turns out to be better than the other two linear-time on-line algorithms—Next Fit and Harmonic—in both the worst case as well as the average case. We also obtain optimal values for the parameters of the algorithm from the average-case standpoint. For these values of the parameters, the average-case performance ratio is less than 1.19. This compares well with the performance ratios 1.333. and 1.2865. of the Next Fit algorithm and the Harmonic algorithm, respectively.  相似文献   

Based on the method of (n,k)-universal sets, we present a deterministic parameterized algorithm for the weighted rd-matching problem with time complexity O(4(r−1)k+o(k)), improving the previous best upper bound O(4rk+o(k)). In particular, the algorithm applied to the unweighted 3d-matching problem results in a deterministic algorithm with time O(16k+o(k)), improving the previous best result O(21.26k). For the weighted r-set packing problem, we present a deterministic parameterized algorithm with time complexity O(2(2r−1)k+o(k)), improving the previous best result O(22rk+o(k)). The algorithm, when applied to the unweighted 3-set packing problem, has running time O(32k+o(k)), improving the previous best result O(43.62k+o(k)). Moreover, for the weighted r-set packing and weighted rd-matching problems, we give a kernel of size O(kr), which is the first kernelization algorithm for the problems on weighted versions.  相似文献   

Phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of the KCl–K2CO3–NaCl–Na2CO3 system were analyzed on the basis of the thermodynamic evaluation of the KCl–NaCl,KCl–K2CO3,NaCl–Na2CO3,K2CO3–Na2CO3 and KCl–K2CO3–NaCl–Na2CO3 systems. The Gibbs energies of individual phases was approximated by two-sublattice models for ionic liquids and crystals. Most of the experimental information was well described by the present set of thermodynamic parameters. The lowest monovariant eutectic temperature in the KCl–NaCl–Na2CO3 system is located at 573 °C, with a composition of XNa2CO3=0.31,XKCl=0.35 and XNaCl=0.34.  相似文献   

This work studies three variants of a three-machine flowshop problem with two operations per job to minimize makespan (F3/o = 2/Cmax). A set of n jobs are classified into three mutually exclusive families A, B and C. The families A, B and C are defined as the set of jobs that is scheduled in machine sequence (M1M2), (M1M3) and (M1M3), respectively, where (MxMy) specifies the machine sequence for the job that is processed first on Mx, and then on My. Specifically, jobs with the same route (machine sequence) are classified into the same family. Three variants of F3/o = 2/Cmax are studied. First, F3/GT, no-idle, o = 2/Cmax, in which both machine no-idle and GT restrictions are considered. The GT assumption requires that all jobs in the same family are processed contiguously on the machine and the machine no-idle assumption requires that all machines work continuously without idle time. Second, the problem F3/GT, o = 2/Cmax, in which the machine no-idle restriction in the first variant is relaxed, is considered. Third, the problem F3/no-idle, o = 2/Cmax with the GT assumption in the first variant relaxed is considered. Based on the dominance conditions developed, the optimal solution is polynomially derived for each variant. These results may narrow down the gap between easy and hard cases of the general problem.  相似文献   

In this paper, a nonconforming finite element method (NFEM) is proposed for the constrained optimal control problems (OCPs) governed by a bilinear state equation. The state and adjoint state are approximated by the nonconforming EQ1rot element, and the control is approximated by the orthogonal projection through the state and adjoint state. Some superclose and superconvergence properties are obtained by full use of the distinguish characters of this EQ1rot element, such as the interpolation operator equals the Ritz projection, and the consistency error is one order higher than its interpolation error in the broken energy norm. Finally, some numerical results are provided to verify the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

《Graphical Models》2005,67(4):285-303
The traditional rounding and filleting morphological filters are biased. Hence, as r grows, the rounding Rr (S) of S shrinks and the filleting Fr (S) grows. A shape S is r-regular when Rr (S) = Fr (S) = S. The combinations Fr (Rr (S)) and Rr (Fr (S)) produce nearly r-regular shapes, but retain a bias: Fr (Rr (S)) is usually smaller than S and Rr (Fr (S)) is larger. To overcome this bias, we propose a new filter, called Mason. The r-mortar Mr (S) of S is Fr (S)–Rr (S), and the stability of a point P with respect to S is the smallest value of r for which P belongs to Mr (S). Stability provides important information about the shape’s imbedding that cannot be obtained through traditional topological or differential analysis tools. Fr (Rr (S)) and Rr (Fr (S)) only affect space in Mr (S). For each maximally connected component of Mr (S), Mason performs either Fr (Rr (S)) or Rr (Fr (S)), choosing the combination that alters the smallest portion of that component. Hence, Mason acts symmetrically on the shape and on its complement. Its output is guaranteed to have a smaller symmetric difference with the original shape than that of either combination Fr (Rr (S)) or Rr (Fr (S)). Many previously proposed shape simplification algorithms were focused on reducing the combinatorial storage or processing costs of a shape at the expense of the smoothness and regularity or altered the shape in regular portions that did not exhibit any high frequency complexity. Mason is the first shape simplification operator that is independent of the particular representation and offers the advantage of preserving portions of the boundary of S that are regular at the desired scale.  相似文献   

Alternating-time temporal logic (atl) is a logic for reasoning about open computational systems and multi-agent systems. It is well known that atl model checking is linear in the size of the model. We point out, however, that the size of an atl model is usually exponential in the number of agents. When the size of models is defined in terms of states and agents rather than transitions, it turns out that the problem is (1) Δ 3 P -complete for concurrent game structures, and (2) Δ 2 P -complete for alternating transition systems. Moreover, for “Positive atl” that allows for negation only on the level of propositions, model checking is (1) Σ 2 P -complete for concurrent game structures, and (2) NP-complete for alternating transition systems. We show a nondeterministic polynomial reduction from checking arbitrary alternating transition systems to checking turn-based transition systems, We also discuss the determinism assumption in alternating transition systems, and show that it can be easily removed. In the second part of the paper, we study the model checking complexity for formulae of atl with imperfect information (atl ir ). We show that the problem is Δ 2 P -complete in the number of transitions and the length of the formula (thereby closing a gap in previous work of Schobbens in Electron. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 85(2), 2004). Then, we take a closer look and use the same fine structure complexity measure as we did for atl with perfect information. We get the surprising result that checking formulae of atl ir is also Δ 3 P -complete in the general case, and Σ 2 P -complete for “Positive atl ir ”. Thus, model checking agents’ abilities for both perfect and imperfect information systems belongs to the same complexity class when a finer-grained analysis is used.  相似文献   

The hypercube is one of the most versatile and efficient interconnection networks (networks for short) so far discovered for parallel computation. Let f denote the number of faulty vertices in an n-cube. This study demonstrates that when f ? n − 2, the n-cube contains a fault-free path with length at least 2n − 2f − 1 (or 2n − 2f − 2) between two arbitrary vertices of odd (or even) distance. Since an n-cube is a bipartite graph with two partite sets of equal size, the path is longest in the worst-case. Furthermore, since the connectivity of an n-cube is n, the n-cube cannot tolerate n − 1 faulty vertices. Hence, our result is optimal.  相似文献   

Given a parametric polynomial family p(s; Q) := {n k=0 ak (q)sk : q ] Q}, Q R m , the robust root locus of p(s; Q) is defined as the two-dimensional zero set p,Q := {s ] C:p(s; q) = 0 for some q ] Q}. In this paper we are concerned with the problem of generating robust root loci for the parametric polynomial family p(s; E) whose polynomial coefficients depend polynomially on elements of the parameter vector q ] E which lies in an m-dimensional ellipsoid E. More precisely, we present a computational technique for testing the zero inclusion/exclusion of the value set p(z; E) for a fixed point z in C, and then apply an integer-labelled pivoting procedure to generate the boundary of each subregion of the robust root locus p,E . The proposed zero inclusion/exclusion test algorithm is based on using some simple sufficient conditions for the zero inclusion and exclusion of the value set p(z,E) and subdividing the domain E iteratively. Furthermore, an interval method is incorporated in the algorithm to speed up the process of zero inclusion/exclusion test by reducing the number of zero inclusion test operations. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm for the generation of robust root locus, an example is provided.  相似文献   

We consider m machines in parallel with each machine capable of producing one specific product type. There are n orders with each one requesting specific quantities of the various different product types. Order j may have a release date rj and a due date dj. The different product types for order j can be produced at the same time. We consider the class of objectives ∑ fj(Cj) that includes objectives such as the total weighted completion time ∑ wj Cj and the total weighted tardiness ∑ wj Tj of the n orders. We present structural properties of the various problems and a complexity result. In particular, we show that minimizing ∑ Cj when m ≥ 3 is strongly NP-hard. We introduce two new heuristics for the ∑ Cj objective. An empirical analysis shows that our heuristics outperform all heuristics that have been proposed for this problem in the literature.  相似文献   

The diameter of a graph is an important factor for communication as it determines the maximum communication delay between any pair of processors in a network. Graham and Harary [N. Graham, F. Harary, Changing and unchanging the diameter of a hypercube, Discrete Applied Mathematics 37/38 (1992) 265-274] studied how the diameter of hypercubes can be affected by increasing and decreasing edges. They concerned whether the diameter is changed or remains unchanged when the edges are increased or decreased. In this paper, we modify three measures proposed in Graham and Harary (1992) to include the extent of the change of the diameter. Let D-k(G) is the least number of edges whose addition to G decreases the diameter by (at least) k, D+0(G) is the maximum number of edges whose deletion from G does not change the diameter, and D+k(G) is the least number of edges whose deletion from G increases the diameter by (at least) k. In this paper, we find the values of D-k(Cm), D-1(Tm,n), D-2(Tm,n), D+1(Tm,n), and a lower bound for D+0(Tm,n) where Cm be a cycle with m vertices, Tm,n be a torus of size m by n.  相似文献   

The coefficient of rolling resistance (C r) for pneumatic tyres is dependent on hysteresis loss from tyre deformation which is affected by the vertical force applied to the tyres (F v) and the tyre inflation pressure (P r). The purpose of this paper was to determine the relative influence of five different levels of P r and four different levels of F v on C r and to examine the relationships of C r with P r and F v during cycling locomotion. F v was modified through carriage of additional mass by the subject. C r was determined with the coasting deceleration method from measurements performed in a level hallway. Iterations minimizing the sum of the squared difference between the actual deceleration distance and a predicted deceleration distance were used to determine C r. This latter distance was computed from a derivation based on Newton's second law applied to the forces opposing motion. C r was described by a hyperbolic function of P r (C r = 0.1071 P r ?0.477, r 2 = 0.99, p &lt; 0.05), decreasing 62.4% from 150 kPa (Cr= 0.0101) to 1200 kPa (Cr = 0.0038). F v was related to C r by a polynomial function (C r = 1.92.10?8 F v 2 ?2.86.10?5 F v + 0.0142, r 2 = 0.99, p = 0.084), with an added mass of 15 kg (C r = 0.0040) resulting in an 11.4% increase in C r compared with no added mass (C r = 0.0035). From this study, it is concluded that the relationships of P r and F v with C r for cycling are non-linear. Furthermore, a simulation model shows that changes in P r and F v of the magnitude examined here have an important effect on competitive cycling performance.  相似文献   

Let Tn and Mn be the P-estimator (Pitman-like estimator) and Mn the M-estimator of the location parameter θ, respectively, both generated by function ρ with the derivative ψ=ρ: It is demonstrated that, under some assumptions on the underlying distribution function F, the difference Mn-Tn is of the order op(n-1/2) in the case of Huber's function ψ. It is further shown that Mn-Tn=op(n-1) if ψ is sufficiently smooth.  相似文献   

The component solubilities of the HCl–MgCl2–H2O system at 40 °C were calculated by using Pitzer’s ion-interaction model and the solubility equilibrium constant of HCl⋅MgCl2⋅7H2O at 40 °C was evaluated according to the solubility data for the HCl–MgCl2–H2O system at −19.8, 0, 20, 25 and 50 °C. This study can provide the parameters necessary for solubility prediction for the HCl–LiCl–MgCl2–H2O system at 40 °C and supply a theoretical basis for the manufacturing process which was proposed by Gao and employed to extract MgCl2⋅6H2O from salt lake brine.  相似文献   

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