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本文在深入研究已有负载均衡策略的基础上,提出了一种建立在结构化P2P上基于Chord的自适应高可用性混合负载均衡策略--RGP(Replication and Gossip Policy).该策略结合了流言传播与动态副本策略,并将负载失衡分为轻负载和重负载区分对待,以提高结构化P2P网络的性能.  相似文献   

Freenet是一个完全分布式的P2P网络应用,其主要目的在于允许用户匿名的发布、复制和检索数据。本文主要研究了该系统中存在的安全性和路由性能的问题。  相似文献   

Freenet是一个完全分布式的P2P网络应用,其主要目的在于允许用户匿名的发布、复制和检索数据。本文主要研究了该系统中存在的安全性和路由性能的问题。  相似文献   

P2P作为新兴的网络模型,引导着网络应用的核心从中央服务器向网络边缘的终端设备扩散,在用户与用户之间直接建立链接进行文件共享与交换.本文概述了P2P技术发展过程和主要应用领域,探讨了P2P技术目前存在的一些影响其发展的主要问题,并提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

P2P文件共享技术是近年来用以解决海量信息存储、在异常情况下进行灾难恢复等方面的问题的一种方案。它通过网络上各个结点的即时通讯,组建动态的网络来使用户间相互共享资源,从而使网络资源分布较为均匀,并减少了用户对于特定结点的依赖。本文通过比较和性能的分析说明了为何选择gnutella协议和genucleus软件作为本文实现P2P文件共享服务这一技术。  相似文献   

混合式P2P网络UDP下NAT穿越方案的研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着P2P网络技术的迅速发展,它给用户带来了巨大的便利和效益,P2P充分利用了网络带宽,大大提高了带宽的利用率。NAT技术的广泛应用主要是为了解决公共IP地址不足的问题,却对P2P的深入应用造成障碍,基于P2P的NAT穿越问题已经成为当今的热点议题。该方案根据混合式P2P网络中特殊结构的特点,借鉴skype的成功经验,改进超级节点UDP下NAT穿越的设计,利用超级节记录用户信息帮助P2P应用实现非对称NAT的穿越,利用超级节点中继来解决P2P下对称NAT的穿越,最终实现P2P的正常通信。  相似文献   

针对校园网P2P应用带来不容忽视的安全性问题,建立起一个基于P2P安全的智能追踪系统,实现P2P用户的身份追踪、行为追踪、实时追踪和反馈追踪,较好地解决由于P2P用户的动态性、资源共享的开放性和用户操作的随意性等带来的各种安全隐患,有效地提高校园网P2P应用的安全性和可靠性。  相似文献   

隐私偏好平台(platform for privacy preferences,P3P)主要被用于在用户访问网站时保护用户的隐私。同时,如何使用语义Web技术实现P3P隐私框架已经成为一个主要的关注点。分析了如何使用本体描述语言(Web ontoloty language,OWL)对P3P隐私策略及用户隐私偏好进行知识表示,并提供了若干使用OWL公理描述的约束,这些约束将为推理提供支持。分析了如何使用推理对服务隐私策略同用户隐私偏好之间的冲突进行检测。通过实验证明了该方法的正确性。  相似文献   

P2P电子商务比传统电子商务更方便、更灵活,但用户所涉及的风险和安全威胁也越大,各种网络诈骗层出不穷。降低用户的风险,帮助用户选择可信的交易对象,是电子商务发展的充分条件。文章提出了一种基于信任群的信任模型TGTM,经过模拟实验证明,该模型能够有效地孤立和识别恶意节点,帮助用户选择可靠的交易对象,降低其交易风险。  相似文献   

近几年,P2P视频点播技术得到了广泛的发展,使用P2P流媒体播放器(如PPStream、PPLive)来点播视频已经被广泛接受。但是,由于种种原因,用户在播放视频时进行快进、快退和跳转操作时,总是要等待一个比较长的时间,与用户在本地执行此操作的时间相差较大,因此用户得不到好的点播体验,同时也浪费带宽。为了解决这个问题,研究者们已经提出了许多关于提高VCR质量的方法,其中有被动式技术,也有主动式技术。被动的VCR技术主要是着眼于缩短对资源节点定位时间和从该资源节点下载资源的时间,同时提高节点保存资源节点信息的概率。主动的VCR技术主要是提高预存内容的概率和预存资源节点的信息的概率,同时缩短对资源节点定位的时间。本文将着重介绍这些方法的特征,并比较他们的优缺点,最后对VCR算法研究做出展望。  相似文献   

Redundancy is the basic technique to provide reliability in storage systems consisting of multiple components. A redundancy scheme defines how the redundant data are produced and maintained. The simplest redundancy scheme is replication, which however suffers from storage inefficiency. Another approach is erasure coding, which provides the same level of reliability as replication using a significantly smaller amount of storage. When redundant data are lost, they need to be replaced. While replacing replicated data consists in a simple copy, it becomes a complex operation with erasure codes: new data are produced performing a coding over some other available data. The amount of data to be read and coded is d times larger than the amount of data produced, where d, called repair degree, is larger than 1 and depends on the structure of the code. This implies that coding has a larger computational and I/O cost, which, for distributed storage systems, translates into increased network traffic. Participants of Peer-to-Peer systems often have ample storage and CPU power, but their network bandwidth may be limited. For these reasons existing coding techniques are not suitable for P2P storage. This work explores the design space between replication and the existing erasure codes. We propose and evaluate a new class of erasure codes, called Hierarchical Codes, which allows to reduce the network traffic due to maintenance without losing the benefits given by traditional erasure codes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel decentralized resource maintenance strategy for peer-to-peer (P2P) distributed storage networks. Our strategy relies on the Wuala overlay network architecture, (The WUALA Project). While the latter is based, for the resource distribution among peers, on the use of erasure codes, e.g., Reed–Solomon codes, here we investigate the system behavior when a simple randomized network coding strategy is applied. We propose to replace the Wuala regular and centralized strategy for resource maintenance with a decentralized strategy, where users regenerate new fragments sporadically, namely every time a resource is retrieved. Both strategies are analyzed, analytically and through simulations, in the presence of either erasure and network coding. It will be shown that the novel sporadic maintenance strategy, when used with randomized network coding, leads to a fully decentralized solution with management complexity much lower than common centralized solutions.  相似文献   

结合网格技术和存储技术,提出了基于域的存储网格模型。在域模型架构下,深入分析了域划分原则、元数据目录服务和数据容错等问题,重点探讨了数据高顽存性存储策略的设计。在比较复制、分片冗余等不同数据冗余策略特点的基础上,提出了一种混合式的数据冗余策略。模拟实验表明它兼具复制策略和分片冗余策略的优点,既保持了存储数据的整体可靠性水平,又弥补了低冗余度下编码复制可靠性偏低的不足,使冗余存储数据具有更好的可靠性效果。  相似文献   

云文件系统凭借高性能、高扩展、高可用、易管理等特点,成为云存储和大数据的基础和核心。云文件系统一般采用完全副本技术来提升容错能力,提高数据资源的使用效率和系统性能。但完全副本的存储开销随着副本数目的增加呈线性增长,存储副本时造成额外的写带宽和数据管理开销。纠删码在没有增加过量的存储空间的基础上,通过合理的冗余编码来保证数据的高可靠性和可用性。研究了纠删码技术在云文件系统中的应用,从纠删码类型、编码对象、编码时机、数据更改、数据访问方式和数据访问性能等六个方面,对云文件系统中纠删码的设计进行了探究,以增强云文件系统的存储模型。在此基础上,设计并实现了纠删码原型系统,并通过实验证明了纠删码能有效地保障云文件系统的数据可用性,并且节省存储空间。  相似文献   

In order to provide high data availability in peer-to-peer (P2P) DHTs, proper data redundancy schemes are required. This paper compares two popular schemes: replication and erasure coding. Unlike previous comparison, we take user download behavior into account. Furthermore, we propose a hybrid redundancy scheme, which shares user downloaded files for subsequent accesses and utilizes erasure coding to adjust file availability. Comparison experiments of three schemes show that replication saves more bandwidth than erasure coding, although it requires more storage space, when average node availability is higher than 47%; moreover, our hybrid scheme saves more maintenance bandwidth with acceptable redundancy factor.
Fan WuEmail:

基于DHT的P2P系统中高可用数据冗余机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在基于DHT的P2P系统中需要采用冗余机制以保证数据的高可用性.文中结合用户下载行为来衡量数据存储与共享系统中的不同冗余机制.此外,作者提出了一种混合式的数据冗余策略,它兼具传统的复制策略和分片冗余策略的优点.实验表明,复制策略虽然比分片冗余策略需要更多的存储空间,但当节点平均可用性高于47%时,更节省网络维护带宽.混合式冗余策略在各种网络环境中均能较传统冗余策略更节省网络带宽,并且冗余因子适中.  相似文献   

本文提出了基于编码机制的网格数据复制思想,通过对副本数据进行线性分组编码,并将其分散保存到网格存储节点,可形成具有纠删能力的编码子副本组.针对目前热点研究的线性分组编码,探讨基于Cauchy Reed-Solo-mon Code、Tornado Code和Random Linear Code的编码数据复制方案,通过建模手段讨论三者的副本数据访问性能和副本数据可靠性,并与传统的完整数据复制和分块数据复制进行时比分析,证明所提出的编码数据复制有着较优的综合性能.具体实验数据进一步说明,编码副本的编码开销占整个数据复制开销的较小比例,表明编码数据复制是具有可行性的技术方案.  相似文献   

马良荔  柳青 《计算机科学》2017,44(Z6):463-469
为防止硬件故障或机器宕机导致的数据丢失,冗余编码技术被广泛应用于分布式存储系统中来保证数据的可靠性。然而,传统的冗余编码技术,如里德-所罗门码,存在着重建数据量大的问题。副本技术在重建丢失数据时只需要读取和传输丢失的数据,而冗余编码需要读取和传输更大的数据量,从而消耗更多的磁盘I/O带宽和网络带宽。因此,基于冗余编码的分布式存储系统在重建数据时将消耗更长的时间,从而将整个系统长时间暴露在一种降级的模式下,进而增加了发生永久性数据丢失的风险。为解决这个问题,减少重建数据量的冗余编码技术不断被提出,然而只有这些冗余编码与传统的里德-所罗门码的比较,缺少它们在存储系统的综合比较。系统地从减少重建数据量等几个重要方面研究了这些减少重建数据量的冗余编码技术,从而为实际系统中采用合适的编码提供重要参考和依据。  相似文献   

Secure Data Objects Replication in Data Grid   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Secret sharing and erasure coding-based approaches have been used in distributed storage systems to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of critical information. To achieve performance goals in data accesses, these data fragmentation approaches can be combined with dynamic replication. In this paper, we consider data partitioning (both secret sharing and erasure coding) and dynamic replication in data grids, in which security and data access performance are critical issues. More specifically, we investigate the problem of optimal allocation of sensitive data objects that are partitioned by using secret sharing scheme or erasure coding scheme and/or replicated. The grid topology we consider consists of two layers. In the upper layer, multiple clusters form a network topology that can be represented by a general graph. The topology within each cluster is represented by a tree graph. We decompose the share replica allocation problem into two subproblems: the Optimal Intercluster Resident Set Problem (OIRSP) that determines which clusters need share replicas and the Optimal Intracluster Share Allocation Problem (OISAP) that determines the number of share replicas needed in a cluster and their placements. We develop two heuristic algorithms for the two subproblems. Experimental studies show that the heuristic algorithms achieve good performance in reducing communication cost and are close to optimal solutions.  相似文献   

Due to the prevalence of peer departures, P2P storage systems need to constantly generate replicas for high durability. However, few existing systems are able to select the right replication rate that balances replication cost and durability, e.g., minimizing replication cost without threatening the durability target. In this paper, we propose a method called AutoProc to automate the replication process in P2P storage systems. AutoProc employs two key techniques to enable cost-effective replication: correct...  相似文献   

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