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Based on ab initio electronic structure calculations of Mn-doped III–V nitrides (AlN, GaN, InN), a co-doping method with size compensation to enhance the Curie temperature (TC) of Nitride-based DMS is proposed. Three cases are considered: (1) Single doping: cations are substituted randomly by Mn. (2) One-site co-doping: Cations or anions are substituted by co-dopants. (3) Two-site co-doping: co-dopants are introduced into both cation and anion sites. Be is chosen as co-dopant for (Al, Mn)N and (Ga, Mn)N, and Cd (or C) for (In, Mn)N. Concentrations of co-dopants are chosen as a function of Mn concentration so that the volume distortion caused by Mn doping is reduced. It is found that, by hole co-doping, the ferromagnetism is more stabilized than that in the single doping case. The anti-ferromagnetic super-exchange interaction, which remains dominant for high Mn concentrations in (Al, Mn)N and (Ga, Mn)N due to the small lattice constant, is reduced by co-doping Be into both kinds of sites, resulting in a strong enhancement of TC in the regime of high Mn-concentrations. Furthermore, as the 3d-partial density of states at the Fermi level gains its maxima, one can expect that TC reaches its highest value.  相似文献   

The magnetic properties of diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMSs) are calculated from first-principles by mapping the ab initio results on a classical Heisenberg model. By using the Korringa–Kohn–Rostoker coherent potential approximation method within the local density approximation, the electronic structure of (Ga,Mn)N and (Ga,Mn)As is calculated. Effective exchange coupling constants Jijs are calculated by using the formula of Liechtenstein et al. (A.~I. Liechtenstein, M. I. Katsnelson, V. P. Antropov, and V. A. Gubanov, 1987, J.~Magn. Magn. Mater. Vol. 67, p. 65). It is found that the range of the exchange interaction in (Ga,Mn)N is very short due to the exponential decay of the impurity wave function in the gap. On the other hand, in (Ga,Mn)As, the interaction is weaker but long ranged because the extended valence hole states mediate the ferromagnetic interaction. Monte Carlo simulations show that the TC values of (Ga,Mn)N are very low since percolation is difficult to achieve for small concentrations and the mean field approximation strongly overestimates TC. Even in (Ga,Mn)As the percolation effect is still important.  相似文献   

We propose new-type ferromagnetic semiconductors based on CaO and K2S without any transition metal elements. These materials show transparent and half-metallic ferromagnetism if the deep-impurity-band width (W) induced by doping of C, N, Si, or Ge impurities, and the electron-correlation energy (U) satisfy the Stoners condition of highly correlated electron system (U>W). Based on our first-principles calculations, we demonstrate that these materials satisfy the Stoners condition, and could be new candidates for transparent and half-metallic DMSs.  相似文献   

Zn2SiO4:Mn powders were prepared by solid-state reaction using extracted SBA-15 as silica source. The well crystalline willemite Zn2SiO4:Mn can be obtained at 800 °C, much lower than the conventional solid-state reaction temperature and lower than using the calcined SBA-15. This can be attributed to the high reactive activity of the extracted SBA-15 due to its high density silanol groups, large surface areas, and non-crystalline structure. Ultraviolet (UV) and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) excitation spectra reveal the host lattice absorption band around 162 nm and the charge transfer transition band around 245 nm. The Zn2SiO4:Mn phosphor exhibits a strong green emission around 527 nm. The Zn2SiO4:Mn phosphor with an Mn doping concentration of 0.06, i.e., Zn1.94Mn0.06SiO4, shows the highest relative emission intensity. Upon 147 nm excitation, the luminescence decay time of the green emission of Zn1.94Mn0.06SiO4 around 527 nm is 8.87 ms.  相似文献   

采用金属有机盐热分解方法制备了MgO包覆的CoFe2O4纳米粒子(CoFe2O4@MgO),然后将CoFe2O4@MgO在H2中还原,接着在空气中氧化制备了一组CoFe2@CoFe2O4@MgO样品;用盐酸溶液溶解CoFe2@CoFe2O4@MgO中的MgO获得另一组样品(CoFe2@CoF2O4)。测量并绘制了CoFe2@CoFe2O4@MgO和CoFe2@CoF2O4的磁化强度随外磁场及温度变化的关系曲线。随着氧化温度升高,CoFe2@CoFe2O4@MgO和CoFe2@CoF2O4的矫顽力Hc、饱和磁化强度Ms、剩磁比Mr/Ms及磁有序状态发生显著变化,这些变化强烈依赖于磁性粒子的各向异性及粒子间的偶极相互作用。  相似文献   

Chul-Hwan Choi 《Thin solid films》2007,515(5):2864-2871
High-quality ferromagnetic Zn1−xCoxO thin films were deposited on a sapphire (0001) substrate at 600 °C by using reactive radio-frequency magnetron sputtering coupled with post-annealing treatment for 1 h at 580 °C under an Ar atmosphere. High resolution X-ray diffraction patterns show that hexagonal wurzite crystal structures of undoped ZnO film were maintained even after Co doping up to 4.5 at.% without forming Co clusters or oxides. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy spectra represent the energy difference of 15.42 eV between Co2p3/2 and Co2p1/2, which is different from 15.05 eV of Co clusters. The characteristic absorption bands near 658, 616, and 568 nm wavelengths out of UV-VIS-IR spectroscopy spectra are correlated with the d-d transitions of tetrahedrally coordinated Co2+ ions. The low temperature photoluminescence spectrum for undoped ZnO shows a strong near-band edge (NBE) emission peak of 3.42 eV without deep level emission peaks. But, Co content increases in Zn1−xCoxO film, the NBE emission peak intensity decreases and another emission peak at 3.37 eV as well as a broad green emission peak at around 2.5 eV starts to appear with larger intensity due to the more actively creating oxygen vacancies. The emission peak at 3.37 eV proves the interaction between Co ions and the hydrogenic electrons in the impurity band and also supports the typical ferromagnetic hysteresis curves obtained by superconducting quantum interface device magnetometry at 300 K for Zn1−xCoxO films. High insulator characteristics are observed for as-grown Zn1−xCoxO films whereas it exhibits n-type characteristics with the increased carrier concentration, mobility, and resistivity after post-growth annealing. The spintronic devices could be fabricated with the utilization of Zn1−xCoxO films grown by the economically feasible reactive radio-frequency magnetron sputtering coupled with the post annealing treatment.  相似文献   

Fe3O4纳米粒子与离子型改性剂N,N-二癸基-N-甲基-N-三甲氧基硅正丙基氯化铵进行接枝反应,再采用反离子脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚磺酸盐的长链阴离子交换Cl-,在Fe3O4纳米粒子表面得到具有阴、阳离子双电层结构的表面处理层,制备出了无溶剂Fe3O4纳米流体。分析结果表明,表面处理鏖已成功地接枝在Fe3O4纳米粒子表面,改...  相似文献   

为研究Cu掺入对SnO_2性能的影响,本文采用密度泛函理论和平面波赝势法,建立了未掺杂SnO_2和不同比例Cu掺杂的SnO_2晶胞模型,对Sn_(1-x)Cu_xO_2(x=0、0.083、0.125、0.167、0.25、0.5)超晶胞体系进行优化计算、能量计算和弹性模量计算,得到晶格常数、弹性模量、电荷分布、能带结构和态密度图.研究表明:掺杂能够使得材料的弹性模量大幅减小,对应的硬化函数值降低,易于材料加工;在电性质方面,掺杂后,材料均属于直接带隙半导体材料.当x0.25时,由于掺杂浓度过高使得晶格发生畸变,电性质与未掺杂情况类似;当x0.25时,随着掺杂浓度的降低,导带收缩加剧,局域性增强,禁带宽度变窄,使得电子从价带受激跃迁所需能量降低,故掺杂后材料表现出半金属性,导电性增强.  相似文献   

江涛  姜韶风  雷光玖 《真空》2004,41(6):50-53
结合中国环流器2A装置(HL-2A)中性束注入器真空系统的设计,介绍了一种可用于加速器等实验室的通用大抽速真空系统的主泵--钛泵的设计和计算,采用的单元式结构对于要求大抽速、高真空的工业和实验装置都具有重要意义和实用前景.  相似文献   

The role of B2O3 in realizing the long phosphorescence of Eu(II)+Dy(III) doped strontium aluminates has been investigated. IR and solid state MAS NMR spectra show the incorporation of boron as BO4 in the AlO4 framework of SrAl2O4 and Sr4Al14O25. Phosphor, made free of glassy phases by washing with hot acetic acid+glycerol, did not show any photoconductivity under UV irradiation, indicating that the mechanism involving hole conduction in valence band is untenable for long phosphorescence. EPR studies confirm the presence of both electron and hole trap centers. Dy3+ forms substitutional defect complex with borate; [Dy-BO4-VSr]2−, and acts as a hole trap center. The electron centers are formed by the oxygen vacancies associated with BO33−, i.e. [BO3-VO]3−. Under indigo light or near UV irradiation, the photoinduced electron centers are formed as [BO3-VO(e′)]4−. The holes are released from [Dy-BO4-VSr(h)]1− under thermal excitation at room temperature. The recombination of electrons with holes releases energy which is expended to excite Eu2+ to induce long phosphorescence.  相似文献   

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