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当产品制造成本无法通过严格制定生产计划、压缩制造资源等方式得到进一步压缩时,当产品的市场周期从几年锐减到几个月时,当制造商间的竞争从较低的成本、价格层面,上升到更高级的产品质量和创新性的竞争时,虚拟产品开发(VPD)的重要性日益彰显.世界上越来越多的企业正在将仿真分析工具引入现有的产品开发流程中,以提高自身在产品开发阶段的决策能力,降低产品试制成本,缩减开发周期,进而得到"市场需要的"创新性产品.  相似文献   

Petri网在经营过程重构(BRP)中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在比较常用于过程描述的模型工具基础上,将扩展Petri网理论引入经营过程重构(BRP)。提出了用Petri网对动态、并行的产品开发过程进行描述,并细化建立产品零件设计与工艺设计过程Petri网模型,使产品开发过程在Petri网上得到了清晰、全面地描述。  相似文献   

本文从市场对本土设计的需求出发,阐述了企业品牌与产品本土化设计的关系;以及通过对消费者、产品、设计师这三个因素的解析来探求产品本土化设计在品牌建设中的应用过程。  相似文献   

你知道中国有个自主版权的数据库产品吗?你知道自主版权数据库产品OpenBASE的各种版本已售出4000套吗?这就是东大阿尔派公司的拳头产品。如果你不知道,或者你才知道,这就是东大阿尔派公司的产品开发经营风格。 8年了!这个产品已悄然地在市场上8年了!这8年可是中国软件市场开放的8年,这8年可是ORACLE、SYBASE、Informix等世界著名数据库厂商在中国市场“你死我活”的8年,中国自主品牌的数据库能够有活路就算个奇迹。现在,不仅仅是有活  相似文献   

文章基于产品管理概念,通过对产品开发的整个生命周期中的各个环节:产品战略、产品市场、产品需求、产品规划、产品开发、产品上市、产品市场生命周期管理.中对产品本身和市场及消费者的心理需求的研究,分析产品在整个生命周期中不同阶段与设计心理战略之间的联系,达到使设计更人性化的目的。  相似文献   

一、引言 目前,对于制造业来说,能否对市场做出快速响应,能否完全按照顾客要求生产出高质量低成本的产品已成为竞争的焦点。同时,随着计算机网络的迅猛发展,某项设计任务往往要由不同地点的设计机构、不同专业的设计人员、协作单位和部门共同承担。虚拟产品开发技术将能更好地解决制造业所面临的问题。该技术以并行设计为工具,在产品开发的初期通盘考虑产品整个生命周期的属性表现以及开发全过程各环节的功能活动,将产品开发全过程数字化,即在计算机中进行产品的设计、分析和加工等过程,由此可以减少因制作物理原型所耗费的人力、物力和时间,同时提高质量、降低成本、保证产品开发一次成功,增强企业快速适应市场变化的能力。虚拟产品开发技术自提出以来,就受到了广泛的重视。本文将对虚拟产品开发的主要模块加以论述,并分析虚拟产品开发与并行工程的关系。  相似文献   

本书提供了实施所有敏捷生产方式的工具,从书中您可以学到如何管理产品的多样性,如何迅速而方便地进行产品的定制,以及如何以JIT和敏捷制造方式进行产品的开发。通过应用敏捷产品开发中的各种技术,您的公司将能够实现:极其迅速地开发模块化的产品;对变化的市场和机遇做出敏捷的快速反应;具有获得额外收入的机会;更低的间接成本;用户满意度的提高。本书可供企业经营管理方法论研究的工作者、企业主管和高层管理者、咨询人员、工程技术人员和有关专业的师生阅读和参考。21世纪企业竞争前沿——大规模定制模式下的敏捷产品开发!(美)…  相似文献   

分析和仿真软件是开发大型机械设备不可或缺的工具。通过这些工具,开发人员可以在产品开发的早期对设计进行评估,查投产品在使用中有可能过早发生故障的部分,快速做出旨在减少成本和重量的设计变更,并确定产品的安全系数。本文描述了机械设计人员和制造商面临的关键设计性能问题,并阐述了在产品开发前期使用分析工具的好处。  相似文献   

一、 引言市场全球化使企业面临的竞争对手不断增多,竞争压力日益加重,企业应能够快速适应市场和用户需求的变化,设计是产品的灵魂,它不仅能影响产品在市场的竞争能力,而且影响产品开发周期和产品制造成本,虚拟产品开发与制造技术可大大缩短产品开发周期,提高产品设计水平。二、虚拟产品开发与制造的提出与特点市场竞争要求产品的设计与制造具有高速度和低成本的特点,产品更新的速度越来越快,市场需求朝着小批量、个性化方向发展,传统的小而全的企业模式逐渐丧失竞争力,出现了各种形式的合作开发、生产方式。因此,异地设计、异…  相似文献   

产品开发能力已经成为服装企业的核心竞争力,一个先进、完善的产品开发流程是企业提升品牌价值,在激烈的市场竞争中克敌制胜的法宝。文章研究了服装产品开发的现状,针对适用于广泛商业品牌的MD主导型服装产品开发流程进行研究,利用销售数据对该产品开发流程进行优化迭代。提出了基于销售数据的MD主导型服装产品开发流程,并在品牌中进行了实践应用。  相似文献   

In physics, a spectrum is, the series of colored bands diffracted and arranged in the order of their respective wave lengths by the passage of white light through a prism or other diffracting medium. Outside of physics, a spectrum is a condition that is not limited to a specific set of values but can vary infinitely within a continuum. In commerce, an effective visualization tool, especially for stakeholders or managers, is a brand spectrum diagram highlighting where the company’s brands and products are situated compared to other competitors. This paper investigates the research issues on product and brand spectrum in the beverage product market of Taiwan, which proposes using the Apriori algorithm of association rules, and clustering analysis based on an ontology-based data mining approach, for mining customer and product knowledge from the database. Knowledge extracted from data-mining results is illustrated as knowledge patterns, rules, and maps in order to propose suggestions and solutions to beverage firms for possible product development, promotion, and marketing.  相似文献   

Most recommendation systems face challenges from products that change with time, such as popular or seasonal products, since traditional market basket analysis or collaborative filtering analysis are unable to recommend new products to customers due to the fact that the products are not yet purchased by customers. Although the recommendation systems can find customer groups that have similar interests as target customers, brand new products often lack ratings and comments. Similarly, products that are less often purchased, such as furniture and home appliances, have fewer records of ratings; therefore, the chances of being recommended are often lower. This research attempts to analyze customers' purchasing behaviors based on product features from transaction records and product feature databases. Customers' preferences toward particular features of products are analyzed and then rules of customer interest profiles are thus drawn in order to recommend customers products that have potential attraction with customers. The advantage of this research is its ability of recommending to customers brand new products or rarely purchased products as long as they fit customer interest profiles; a deduction which traditional market basket analysis and collaborative filtering methods are unable to do. This research uses a two-stage clustering technique to find customers that have similar interests as target customers and recommend products to fit customers' potential requirements. Customers' interest profiles can explain recommendation results and the interests on particular features of products can be referenced for product development, while a one-to-one marketing strategy can improve profitability for companies.  相似文献   

为了提升烟草企业自身的生产、经营、决策和管理的水平,做强品牌,做大企业,做实市场,本文基于大数据技术,结合企业数据应用现状,从数据管理、品牌定位、物流运营及市场投放层面着手,提出了烟草企业如何借助数据分析调整战略布局。应用大数据技术后,烟草企业通过清晰客户需求,实现品牌精准定位,运营模式由规模性制造转向为个性化定制;通过掌控业务流程、品牌营销、市场竞争等方面的数据,实现市场的支配,企业决策方式由业务驱动转型为数据驱动;通过内外部数据采集、筛选、存储、分析和决策,以支撑预测、辅助决策,实现决策机制由被动式演变为预判式。  相似文献   

广告的传播策略是企业品牌营销中展现产品的重要手段,它为塑造企业的品牌形象提供了多样化的渠道。从营销的受众心理、文化意识与品牌广告的结合、广告传播的新媒体特性以及广告传播的终端体验4个方面,对企业品牌营销中商业广告的传播策略进行理论上的探讨。  相似文献   

New product development (NPD) is becoming an important competitive advantage in the marketing strategies of current businesses. Developing a new product will incur fixed and variable costs, which then determine the product prices. Although this is a fundamental issue of marketing theory and practice, only a few papers on marketing models deal with price levels. The objective of this paper is proposing a model based on fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and multi-segment goal programming (MSGP) to help decision makers to select the best pricing strategy for NPD. A case study of NPD under market selection strategy in multiple segment pricing levels for a Taiwan-based Watch Company is presented to illustrate the proposed methodology. The proposed method will guide the product development team to select the best market strategy by taking into account the price level and product/market segmentation.  相似文献   

Electronic games transcend demographic boundaries and are a prevalent cultural phenomenon. Marketers see potential of this immersive venue as a way to reach a highly receptive audience with brand messages. Designing games around a brand – advergames – has become a common marketing practice. However, few empirical studies have tested the effectiveness of this communication strategy in delivering the brand message. This paper serves to fill some research gaps and explores the influence of game-product congruity on brand memory and attitudes toward the game. A product-congruent advergame is compared to a product-incongruent advergame using a stimulus brand for a low-involvement product category. The findings indicate that highly congruent games lead to superior memory for the sponsoring brand. However, benefits of these positive memory effects may be negated by the negative attitudes players have toward the highly thematic game for a low-involvement product. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

工业设计是企业在市场竞争中保持核心竞争力的武器,在品牌管理中发挥着极其重要的作用。国内企业急需转变观念,在品牌战略建设过程中加强我国企业对工业设计对品牌战略的重要性认识。因此,本文的研究对我国企业的品牌战略建设具有一定的理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

The purpose of the research was the development of a neural networks model to recognize profitable customers for dental services marketing. Data set was built up from proprietary customer databases and survey of seven dental clinics in Taiwan. Multi-layer feed-forward neural networks with sigmoid function trained by back-propagation training algorithm were utilized to build the recognition model. The result reveals that the recognition accuracy of the test on the model is greater than that expected by chance. Meanwhile, a set of contribution weights representing the general importance of each independent variable was produced and their marketing implications were illustrated. This research confirms that the neural network model is useful in recognizing existing patterns of customers’ data. The advantages of using the model are highlighted and marketing implications are demonstrated. Authors believe that the model is useful and suitable as an analyzing tool for dental marketers on market strategy planning.  相似文献   

随着媒体数字化技术发展,带动媒体产品增值经济快速发展。文章以《变形金刚》为例。探寻数字电影商业扩展,从电影开发市场的营销策略,从产业特征、市场环境、营销策略为研究视角,探寻《变形金刚》的商业成功之道。  相似文献   

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