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This paper reports a numerical study on the combustion and extinction characteristics of opposed-jet syngas diffusion flames. A model of one-dimensional counterflow syngas diffusion flames was constructed with constant strain rate formulations, which used detailed chemical kinetics and thermal and transport properties with flame radiation calculated by statistic narrowband radiation model. Detailed flame structures, species production rates and net reaction rates of key chemical reaction steps were analyzed. The effects of syngas compositions, dilution gases and pressures on the flame structures and extinction limits of H2/CO synthetic mixture flames were discussed. Results indicate the flame structures and flame extinction are impacted by the compositions of syngas mixture significantly. From H2-enriched syngas to CO-enriched syngas fuels, the dominant chain reactions are shifting from OH + H2→H + H2O for H2O production to OH + CO→H + CO2 for CO2 production through the key chain-branching reaction of H + O2→O + OH. Flame temperature increases with increasing hydrogen content and pressure, but the flame thickness is decreased with pressure. Besides, the study of the dilution effects from CO2, N2, and H2O, showed the maximum flame temperature is decreased the most with CO2 as the dilution gas, while CO-enriched syngas flames with H2O dilution has highest maximum flame temperature when extinction occurs due to the competitions of chemical effect and radiation effect. Finally, extinction limits were obtained with minimum hydrogen percentage as the index at different pressures, which provides a fundamental understanding of syngas combustion and applications.  相似文献   

The kinetic effects of low temperature non-equilibrium plasma assisted CH4 oxidation on the extinction of partially premixed methane flames was studied at 60 Torr by blending 2% CH4 by volume into the oxidizer stream of a counterflow system. The experiments showed that non-equilibrium plasma can dramatically accelerate the CH4 oxidation at low temperature. The rapid CH4 oxidation via plasma assisted combustion resulted in fast chemical heat release and extended the extinction limits significantly. Furthermore, experimental results showed that partial fuel mixing in the oxidizer stream led to a dramatic decrease of O concentration due to its rapid consumption by CH4 oxidation at low temperature. The products of plasma assisted CH4 oxidation were measured using the Two-photon Absorption Laser-Induced Fluorescence (TALIF) method (for atomic oxygen, O), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and Gas Chromatography (GC). The product concentrations were used to validate the plasma assisted combustion kinetic model. The comparisons showed the kinetic model over-predicted the CO, H2O and H2 concentrations and under-predicted CO2 concentration. A path flux analysis showed that O generated by the plasma was the critical species for extinction enhancement. In addition, the results showed that O was produced mainly by direct electron impact dissociation reactions and the collisional dissociation reactions of electronically excited molecules with O2. Moreover, these reactions involving electron impact and excited species collisional dissociation of CH4 contributed approximately a mole fraction of 0.1 of total radical production. The present experiments produced quantitative species and extinction data of low temperature plasma assisted combustion to constrain the uncertainties in plasma/flame kinetic models.  相似文献   

Two formulations of a turbulent combustion model based on the approximated diffusion flame presumed conditional moment (ADF-PCM) approach [J.-B. Michel, O. Colin, D. Veynante, Combust. Flame 152 (2008) 80-99] are presented. The aim is to describe autoignition and combustion in nonpremixed and partially premixed turbulent flames, while accounting for complex chemistry effects at a low computational cost. The starting point is the computation of approximate diffusion flames by solving the flamelet equation for the progress variable only, reading all chemical terms such as reaction rates or mass fractions from an FPI-type look-up table built from autoigniting PSR calculations using complex chemistry. These flamelets are then used to generate a turbulent look-up table where mean values are estimated by integration over presumed probability density functions. Two different versions of ADF-PCM are presented, differing by the probability density functions used to describe the evolution of the stoichiometric scalar dissipation rate: a Dirac function centered on the mean value for the basic ADF-PCM formulation, and a lognormal function for the improved formulation referenced ADF-PCMχ. The turbulent look-up table is read in the CFD code in the same manner as for PCM models. The developed models have been implemented into the compressible RANS CFD code IFP-C3D and applied to the simulation of the Cabra et al. experiment of a lifted methane jet flame [R. Cabra, J. Chen, R. Dibble, A. Karpetis, R. Barlow, Combust. Flame 143 (2005) 491-506]. The ADF-PCMχ model accurately reproduces the experimental lift-off height, while it is underpredicted by the basic ADF-PCM model. The ADF-PCMχ model shows a very satisfactory reproduction of the experimental mean and fluctuating values of major species mass fractions and temperature, while ADF-PCM yields noticeable deviations. Finally, a comparison of the experimental conditional probability densities of the progress variable for a given mixture fraction with model predictions is performed, showing that ADF-PCMχ reproduces the experimentally observed bimodal shape and its dependency on the mixture fraction, whereas ADF-PCM cannot retrieve this shape.  相似文献   

A theoretical analysis is developed for the extinction of a homogeneous counterflow diffusion flame due to limitations in the reaction kinetics. With increasing mass flux of reactants into the diffusion flame a maximum in the consumption rate of fuel and oxidizer in the reaction zone occurs. The analysis shows that experimental measurements of the extinction conditions (“apparent flame strengths”) can be used to evaluate quantitatively such kinetic parameters as the overall activation energy, the pre-exponential Arrhenius term, and the order of reaction. The theoretical model is applied to the propane-oxygen-nitrogen system, for which an activation energy of 21 ± 2 kcal/mole is calculated on the basis of experimental flame extinction data.  相似文献   

Numerical results of a standoff microjet methane diffusion flame are further analyzed to elucidate the characteristic chemical structure of the flame near the extinction limit. Computed results indicate that the standoff behavior of the microjet diffusion flame is a consequence of flame quenching on the tube wall, followed by the sequence of accelerating fuel pyrolysis by heat conduction through the tube wall, producing intermediate radicals, initiating further reaction on the HO2 path near the tube wall, creating a hot zone in the quenching gap region, and finally forming a reaction kernel to hold the flame.  相似文献   

Extensive computations were made to determine the flammability limits of opposed-jet H2/CO syngas diffusion flames from high stretched blowoff to low stretched quenching. Results from the U-shape extinction boundaries indicate the minimum hydrogen concentrations for H2/CO syngas to be combustible are larger towards both ends of high strain and low strain rates. The most flammable strain rate is near one s−1 where syngas diffusion flames exist with minimum 0.002% hydrogen content. The critical oxygen percentage (or limiting oxygen index) below which no diffusion flames could exist for any strain rate was found to be 4.7% for the equal-molar syngas fuels (H2/CO = 1), and the critical oxygen percentage is lower for syngas mixture with higher hydrogen content. The flammability maps were also constructed with strain rates and pressures or dilution gases percentages as the coordinates. By adding dilution gases such as CO2, H2O, and N2 to make the syngas non-flammable, besides the inert effect from the diluents, the chemical effect of H2O contributes to higher flame temperature, while the radiation effect of H2O and CO2 plays an important role in the flame extinction at low strain rates.  相似文献   

A narrowband radiation model is coupled to the OPPDIF program, which uses detailed chemical kinetics and thermal and transport properties to enable the study of one-dimensional counterflow H2/O2 diffusion flames with CO2 as dilution gas over the entire range of flammable strain rates. The effects of carbon dioxide dilution, ambient pressure and inlet temperature of opposed jets on the extinction limits and flame structures are compared and discussed. The extinction limits are presented using maximum flame temperature and strain rate as coordinates. Both high-stretch blowoff and the low-stretch quenching limits are computed. When the CO2 dilution percentage is higher, the flame is thinner and flame temperature is lower. The combustible range of strain rates is decreased with increasing CO2 percentage due to the effects of CO2 dilution, which is categorized as dilute effect, chemical effect and radiation effect. In addition, the flame temperature of low-stretch diffusion flame with radiation loss is substantially lower than that computed with the non-radiation model. This large temperature drop results from the combined effect of flame radiation and chemical kinetics. The extinction limits and flame temperature are increasing with increasing atmospheric pressure and temperature, but the flame thickness is decreased with the pressure. At higher pressure and temperature, the extinction limits are extended more on the high-stretch blowoff limits, indicating the influence of the ambient pressure and temperature on the chemical reaction.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrogen addition in methane-air premixed flames has been examined from a swirl-stabilized combustor under confined conditions. The effect of hydrogen addition in methane-air flame has been examined over a range of conditions using a laboratory-scale premixed combustor operated at 5.81 kW. Different swirlers have been investigated to identify the role of swirl strength to the incoming mixture. The flame stability was examined for the effect of amount of hydrogen addition, combustion air flow rates and swirl strengths. This was carried out by comparing adiabatic flame temperatures at the lean flame limit. The combustion characteristics of hydrogen-enriched methane flames at constant heat load but different swirl strengths have been examined using particle image velocimetry (PIV), micro-thermocouples and OH chemiluminescence diagnostics that provided information on velocity, thermal field, and combustion generated OH species concentration in the flame, respectively. Gas analyzer was used to obtain NOx and CO concentration at the combustor exit. The results show that the lean stability limit is extended by hydrogen addition. The stability limit can reduce at higher swirl intensity to the fuel-air mixture operating at lower adiabatic flame temperatures. The addition of hydrogen increases the NOx emission; however, this effect can be reduced by increasing either the excess air or swirl intensity. The emissions of NOx and CO from the premixed flame were also compared with a diffusion flame type combustor. The NOx emissions of hydrogen-enriched methane premixed flame were found to be lower than the corresponding diffusion flame under same operating conditions for the fuel-lean case.  相似文献   

This paper reported a numerical study on the NOx emission characteristics of opposed-jet syngas diffusion flames. A narrowband radiation model was coupled to the OPPDIF program, which used detailed chemical kinetics and thermal and transport properties to enable the study of 1-D counterflow syngas diffusion flames with flame radiation. The effects of syngas composition, pressure and dilution gases on the NOx emission of H2/CO synthetic mixture flames were examined. The analyses of detailed flame structures, chemical kinetics, and nitrogen reaction pathways indicate NOx are formed through Zeldovich (or thermal), NNH and N2O routes both in the hydrogen-lean and hydrogen-rich syngas flames at normal pressure. Zeldovich route is the main NO formation route. Therefore, the hydrogen-rich syngas flames produce more NO due to higher flame temperatures compared to that for hydrogen-lean syngas flames. Although NNH and N2O routes also are the primary NO formation paths, a large amount of N2 will be reformed from NNH and N2O species. For hydrogen-rich syngas flames, the NO formation from NNH and N2O routes are lesser, where NO can be dissipated through the reactions of NH + NO  N2 + OH and NH + NO  N2O + H more actively. At a rather low pressure (0.01 atm), NNH-intermediate route is the only formation path of NO. Increasing pressure then enhances NO formation reactions, especially through Zeldovich mechanisms. However, at higher pressures (5–10 atm), NO is then converted back to N2 through reversed N2O route for hydrogen-lean syngas flames, and through NNH as well for hydrogen-rich syngas flames. In addition, the dilution effects from CO2, H2O, and N2 on NO emissions for H2/CO syngas flames were studied. The hydrogen-lean syngas flames with H2O dilution have the lowest NO production rate among them, due to a reduced reaction rate of NNH + O  NH + NO. But for hydrogen-rich syngas flames with CO2 dilution, the flame temperatures decrease significantly, which leads to a reduction of NO formation from Zeldovich route.  相似文献   

The effects of a proposed combustion technique, named as annular counterflow, on the enhancement of jet diffusion flame blowout limits were investigated by a series of experiments conducted for the present study. Annular counterflow was formed in a concentric annulus, in which fuel jet was ejected from a nozzle and air was sucked into an outer cylinder encompassing the nozzle. Three fuel nozzles and outer cylinders of different sizes were utilized to perform the experiments. Schlieren technique and normal video filming were employed for the visualization of diverse flame morphologies triggered by the said flow. Gas samplings were taken and scrutinized by the use of a gas chromatograph. Results showed that the blowout limits can be enhanced dramatically by an increase in volume flow rates of air‐suction. Mixing enhancement is achieved with frequent and strong outward ejection of fluids from the cold jet when this technique is applied. The blowout limits are further extended when the diameter of outer cylinders becomes smaller and/or that of the fuel nozzle becomes larger. The base widths of lifted flames were found to be narrower in the interim of annular counterflow application. The rates of increase in flame lift‐off heights and base widths along with an increase in fuel flow velocities become sluggish when the volume flow rates of air are increased. The amount of fuel that was sucked into the outer cylinder was found to be negligible and trivial. A model based on annular and coaxial jet was developed to predict the lifted flame base width and blowout limits. The coincidence between the prediction and experimental results unambiguously validates that the momentum of air‐suction dominates the beneficial effect. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of fundamental research on gas turbine cogeneration systems with steam injection that attains high thermal efficiency and low pollutant emissions. The concentration of OH radical may be affected significantly in these systems. To prove the behavior of OH radical in the combustion zone and to clarify the relationship between OH radical production and NOx emission, the characteristics of methane-air counterflow flames with steam addition have been simulated numerically by applying GRI-Mech detailed chemical kinetics. To investigate the chemical reaction effects of steam addition on the OH radical and NO formation with the effect of the temperature decrease because of steam addition excluded, the maximum flame temperature was adjusted to the same value by varying the initial temperature. The calculated results clearly show that with steam addition, the decomposition reaction of steam is suppressed and the production rate of the OH radical is decreased regardless of the increase in steam concentration. These results can be explained by the significant decrease in flame temperature for the same initial temperatures of fuel and oxidizer. For the same flame temperature, the OH concentration becomes higher. The increase in the OH concentration because of steam addition in itself results in the increase in NOx emissions. However, because of the decrease in CH concentration with steam addition, the production rates of HCN and N radicals decrease dramatically, and NO formation is suppressed as a whole. These results may be useful to predict NOx emissions in a high-temperature gas turbine system with steam or water addition.  相似文献   

The structure of a time-dependent methane/enriched-air flame established in an axisymmetric, laminar counterflow configuration is investigated, as the flame interacts with two counterpropagating toroidal vortices. Computationally, the time-dependent equations are written using a modified vorticity–velocity formulation, with detailed chemistry and transport, and are solved implicitly on a nonstaggered, nonuniform grid. Boundary conditions are chosen to create local extinction and reignition in the vicinity of the axis of symmetry. Experimentally, CO planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF), OH PLIF, and an observable proportional to the forward reaction rate (RR) of the reaction CO+OH→CO2+H are measured. Particle image velocimetry (PIV) is used to characterize the velocity field of the vortical structures and to provide detailed boundary conditions for the simulations. Excellent agreement is found between model and experiments to the minutest morphological details throughout the interaction. The validated model is then used to probe the dynamics of the two-dimensional extinction process with high temporal resolution. During the initial phase of the interaction, the flame is locally extinguished by the two vortices. The resulting edge flame propagates outward as an extinction front, with a structure that does not depart significantly from that of a diffusion flame. The front recedes from the axis of symmetry with a negative propagation speed that reaches a value as large as six times that of the freely propagating laminar flame with the same reactant concentrations found at the stoichiometric surface. As the front propagates outward, it transitions to an ignition front, and it reaches a positive propagation speed comparable to that of the freely propagating laminar flame. During this transition, it develops a characteristic premixed “hook,” with a lean premixed branch, a stoichiometric segment that evolves into the remnant of the original primary diffusion flame, and a much weaker secondary diffusion flame resulting from a secondary peak in heat release in the original unperturbed diffusion flame. No evidence of a distinct rich premixed flame is found. The edge flame stabilizes at a radial location where the local gaseous speed equals the propagation speed of the front. When the local perturbation has decayed below the flame propagation speed, the flame edge starts reigniting the mixing layer as an ignition wave that propagates with an essentially frozen structure along the stoichiometric surface until the original diffusion flame structure is fully recovered. Implications for flamelet modeling of turbulent flames with local extinction are discussed.  相似文献   

The extinction limits of diffusion flames have been measured experimentally and computed numerically for fuels of three different molecular structures pertinent to surrogate fuel formulation: n-alkanes, alkyl benzenes, and iso-octane. The focus of this study is to isolate the thermal and mass transport effects from chemical kinetic contributions to diffusion flame extinction, allowing for a universal correlation of extinction limit to molecular structure. A scaling analysis has been performed and reveals that the thermal and mass transport effects on the extinction limit can be normalized by consideration of the enthalpy flux to the flame via the diffusion process. The transport-weighted enthalpy is defined as the product of the enthalpy of combustion per unit mole of fuel and the inverse of the square root of fuel molecular weight. The chemical kinetic contribution provided by the specific fuel chemistry has thus been elucidated for tested individual component and multi-component surrogate fuels. A chemical kinetic flux analysis for n-decane flames shows that the production/consumption rates of the hydroxyl (OH) radical govern the heat release rate in these flames and therefore play significant roles in defining the extinction limit. The rate of OH formation has been defined by considering the OH concentration, flame thickness, and flow strain rate. A fuel-specific radical index has been introduced as a concept to represent and quantify the kinetic contribution to the extinction limit owing to the fuel-specific chemistry. A relative radical index scale, centered on the radical index of a series of n-alkanes which are observed and fundamentally explained to be common, is established. A universal correlation of the observed extinction limits of all tested fuels has been obtained through a combined metric of radical index and transport-weighted enthalpy. Finally, evidence as to the validity of the fundamental arguments presented is provided by the success of the universal correlation in predicting the extinction limits of the multi-component mixtures typical of surrogate fuels.  相似文献   

A hybrid finite-volume (FV)/transported probability density function (PDF) method is used for the simulation of a partially premixed flame with detailed chemistry. The FV code is implemented to handle detailed chemistry implicitly with no subgrid closure. A partially premixed methane-air flame is simulated to illustrate the need for closure. The PDF scheme is then substituted to handle the species transport using a subgrid mixing model. The algorithmic modifications to the PDF code are discussed in the context of a generalized structured grid solution technique. A multi-step particle transport algorithm is used to eliminate grid dependence of the time step. A detailed chemistry mechanism (GRI-2.11) is handled using in situ adaptive tabulation. It is shown that with simple modifications, the Interaction by Exchange with the Mean mixing model is able to predict the flame quite accurately. Mean profiles and conditional means obtained using the 49-species GRI-2.11 and 53-species GRI-3.0 mechanisms and the 16-species Augmented Reduced Mechanism are compared with the experimental data from the Sandia D flame. It is shown that with the mixing model, good agreement with the experimental data is achieved. Also the effect of the value of the mechanical-to-scalar time-scale ratio used in the mixing model is analyzed. The effect of the model constants in the dissipation equation for the turbulence model and the effect of radiation on flame predictions are also discussed.  相似文献   

A survey of the existing achievements in the domain of problems of extinction and flammability limits is presented. It is shown that the fundamental geometrical proportions between flame thickness and preheat zone for any flame, limit flames being included, are constant and independent of the mixture composition. The behaviour of limit flames under various severe physical conditions of the experiment is described and the influence of various factors on the extinction process is discussed. The conditions of flame quenching by the wall are analysed. Two particular mechanisms of flame extinction are discussed: for a flame moving in a tube in the direction of acceleration and in the opposite direction. The principal aim of the present paper was to describe the physical mechanisms of flame extinction under various initial and boundary conditions.  相似文献   

Partial premixing of fuel and oxidizer is of common occurrence in fires. However, most previous studies dealing with flame extinction have focused on nonpremixed flames. In this experimental-numerical study, we examine the effectiveness of fuel-stream versus air-stream dilution for extinguishing laminar methane-air partially premixed (PPFs) and nonpremixed flames (NPF) using the chemically inert fire suppressant CO2. Experimental measurements were made in lifted methane-air coflow flames, while both counterflow and coflow flames were simulated using a time-accurate implicit algorithm that incorporates detailed chemistry and includes radiation effects. Both measurements and simulations show that with fuel-stream dilution, PPFs stabilize at a higher liftoff height and blow out at a lower CO2 dilution than NPFs. In contrast, with air-stream dilution, NPFs move to a higher liftoff height and blow out at a lower CO2 dilution than PPFs. Despite different configurations, there is remarkable similarity in the extinction characteristics of coflow and counterflow flames with regard to the level of partial premixing and air- and fuel-stream dilution. The critical fuel-stream CO2 mole fraction required for the extinction of both counterflow and coflow flames increases as ? is increased, i.e., as the level of partial premixing is reduced. Conversely, the critical air-stream CO2 mole fraction decreases as ? is increased. Results also indicate a crossover value of ?≈2.0, corresponding to the stoichiometric mixture fraction of fs=0.5, such that flames (including NPFs) with fs<0.5 are more difficult to extinguish with fuel-stream dilution, since oxygen is the deficient reactant, whereas flames with fs>0.5 are more difficult to extinguish with air-stream dilution, since fuel is the deficient reactant for these flames.  相似文献   

Syngas is a promising alternative fuel for stationary power generation due to cleaner combustion than convectional fossil fuels. During the gasification processes, the by-products of CO2, H2O, or N2 may be present in the syngas mixture to control the flame temperature and emissions. Several studies indicated that syngas with dilutions is capable of reducing pollutant emissions such as NOx emissions. This work applied a numerical model of opposed-jet diffusion fames to explore the dilution effects on NOx formation and differentiate the inert effect, thermal/diffusion effect, chemical effect, and radiation effect from CO2, H2O, or N2 dilutions. The numerical study was performed by a revised OPPDIF program coupling with narrowband radiation model and detail chemical mechanism. The dilution effects on NOx formation were analyzed by comparing the realistic and hypothetical cases. Regardless the diluent types, the inert effect is the main cause to reduce NO production, followed by chemical effect and radiation effect. The thermal/diffusion effect may promote NO formation because the preferential diffusion due to different diffusivities between diluents and syngas magnifies the reaction rate locally. CO2 dilution reduces NO by radiation effect at low strain rate, and contributes NO reduction by chemical effect at high strain rate. At the same dilution percentage, CO2 dilution reduces NO production the most, followed by H2O and N2. Besides the thermal/diffusion effect, the chemical effect of H2O enhances NO production through thermal route and reburn route.  相似文献   

Flame acceleration and deflagration-to-detonation transitions (DDT) in large obstructed channels filled with a stoichiometric methane-air mixture are simulated using a single-step reaction mechanism. The reaction parameters are calibrated using known velocities and length scales of laminar flames and detonations. Calculations of the flame dynamics and DDT in channels with obstacles are compared to previously reported experimental data. The results obtained using the simple reaction model qualitatively, and in many cases, quantitatively match the experiments and are found to be largely insensitive to small variations in model parameters.  相似文献   

A numerical and experimental study of an axisymmetric coflow laminar methane-air diffusion flame at pressures between 5 and 40 atm was conducted to investigate the effect of pressure on the flame structure and soot formation characteristics. Experimental work was carried out in a new high-pressure combustion chamber described in a recent study [K.A. Thomson, Ö.L. Gülder, E.J. Weckman, R.A. Fraser, G.J. Smallwood, D.R. Snelling, Combust. Flame 140 (2005) 222-232]. Radially resolved soot volume fraction was experimentally measured using both spectral soot emission and line-of-sight attenuation techniques. Numerically, the elliptic governing equations were solved in axisymmetric cylindrical coordinates using the finite volume method. Detailed gas-phase chemistry and complex thermal and transport properties were employed in the numerical calculations. The soot model employed in this study accounts for soot nucleation and surface growth using a semiempirical acetylene-based global soot model with oxidation of soot by O2, OH, and O taken into account. Radiative heat transfer was calculated using the discrete-ordinates method and a nine-band nongray radiative property model. Two soot surface growth submodels were investigated and the predicted pressure dependence of soot yield was compared with available experimental data. The experiment, the numerical model, and a simplified theoretical analysis found that the visible flame diameter decreases with pressure as . The flame-diameter-integrated soot volume fraction increases with pressure as between 5 and 20 atm. The assumption of a square root dependence of the soot surface growth rate on the soot particle surface area predicts the pressure dependence of soot yield in good agreement with the experimental observation. On the other hand, the assumption of linear dependence of the soot surface growth rate on the soot surface area predicts a much faster increase in the soot yield with pressure than that observed experimentally. Although pressure affects the gas-phase chemistry, the increased soot production with increasing pressure seems primarily due to enhanced mixture density and species concentrations in the pressure range investigated. The increased pressure causes enhanced air entrainment into the fuel stream around the burner rim, leading to accelerated fuel pyrolysis. In the pressure range of 20 to 40 atm both the model and experiment show a diminishing sensitivity of sooting propensity to pressure with a greater decrease in the predicted sensitivity of soot propensity to pressure than the experimental results.  相似文献   

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