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《The Journal of Supercritical Fluids》2009,47(3):280-284
The hydrodynamic equation D/T = αηβ, where D is the infinite dilution binary diffusion or self-diffusion coefficient, T is the temperature, η is the fluid viscosity, and α and β are constants, were demonstrated to be effective for predicting both binary diffusion and self-diffusion coefficients in high density fluids, i.e. liquid and supercritical states. When a solute was specified, the correlation well represented both binary diffusion and self-diffusion coefficients, irrespective of solvent over a wide solvent viscosity range. The solute-dependent constants α and β were determined for 12 solutes with average absolute deviation of 6.2% for 1006 data points. 相似文献
In this work, a predictive model for binary diffusivities at infinite dilution (D12) in SC-CO2 is proposed. It combines two terms – background and singular – with the objective to represent D12 accurately not only far but also near the critical point, where critical enhancement is always observed. The model provides an average error of 6.20% for a large database including 149 systems and 4469 data points over wide ranges of temperature and pressure. The models selected for comparison (Wilke–Chang, Scheibel, Lusis–Ratcliff, Lai–Tan, Tyn–Calus and Reddy–Doraiswamy) achieve scattered and biased results, with average errors from 11.62% to 75.17%. In the whole, the new model exhibits an excellent performance for any kind of molecules in terms of size, molecular weight, polarity and sphericity, in all critical region. In order to help interested readers, a spreadsheet for the calculation of D12 is given in Supplementary data. The input data is: temperature, pressure, CO2 viscosity, and solute properties (acentric factor, critical constants, molar volume at normal boiling point, and molecular weight – given in this paper for the systems studied). 相似文献
A preparative-scale supercritical fluid extraction/supercritical fluid chromatography (SFE/SFC) procedure has been developed
for the removal of oil from corn bran to obtain fractions enriched with free sterols and ferulate-phytosterol esters (FPE).
Operational parameters from an analytical-scale supercritical fluid fractionation technique were translated to and optimized
on a home-built, preparatory-scale SFE/SFC apparatus. SFE was performed at 34.5 MPa and 40°C using supercritical carbon dioxide.
These conditions did not result in exhaustive extraction of the corn bran, but yielded about 96% of the available oil. SFC
was conducted in three steps, followed by reconditioning of the sorbent bed. Preparative-scale SFE/SFC of corn bran produced
a fraction enriched greater than fourfold in free sterols and 10-fold in FPE, suggesting that such a scheme could be used
industrially to produce a functional food ingredient. 相似文献
Two methods of inverse supercritical fluid chromatography (ISFC), frontal analysis supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC)
and elution SFC, have been compared for the determination of distribution coefficients of solutes between a polymer and a
supercritical CO2. The logarithm of the distribution coefficient showed monotonic decrease with the density of the supercritical fluid (SF).
The abnormal-maximum behavior of solute sorption in the polymer phase was explained by the fluid and solute properties, ϕ2P/P
. Interesting open-elliptic shapes of sorption and volume-fraction curves were obtained and explained with the fugacity coefficient.
Correction to the capacity factor was employed to eliminate the retention due to the adsorption on the surface of the silica
support. A model based on the Flory equation and the Peng-Robinson equation of state (EOS) successfully predicted the phase
behavior of the ternary solutesupercritical fluid-polymer systems using only interaction parameters obtained from the binary
systems. The solute distribution coefficient at infinite dilution was used to calculate the phase equilibrium at finite concentration
using a ternary-phase diagram. 相似文献
This paper presents a critical appraisal of current estimation methods for the Onsager coefficients L11, L22, and L12 for binary mixture diffusion inside nanopores using pure component diffusivity data inputs. The appraisal is based on extensive sets of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation data on Lij for a variety of mixtures in zeolites (MFI, AFI, TON, FAU, CHA, DDR, MOR, and LTA), carbon nanotubes (CNTs: armchair and zig-zag configurations), titanosilicates (ETS-4), and metal-organic frameworks (IRMOF-1, CuBTC). The success of the Lij predictions is crucially dependent on the estimates of the degree of correlations in molecular jumps for different guest-host combinations; these correlations are captured in Maxwell-Stefan approach by the exchange coefficients ?ij. Three limiting scenarios for correlation effects have been distinguished; for each of these scenarios appropriate expressions for the Lij are presented. For CNTs, correlation effects are dominant and the interaction factor, defined by , is close to unity. For cage-type zeolites such as LTA, CHA, and DDR with narrow windows separating cages, correlation effects are often, but not always, negligibly small and the assumption of uncoupled diffusion, i.e., α12=0, is a reasonable approximation provided the occupancies are not too high. In other cases such as zeolites with one-dimensional channel structures (AFI, TON), intersecting channels (MFI), cage-type zeolite with large windows (FAU), ETS-4, CuBTC, and in IRMOF-1, it is essential to have a reliable estimation of the ?ij; MD simulations underline the wide variety of factors that influence the ?ij.We also highlight two situations where estimations of the Lij fail completely; in both cases the failure is caused due to segregated adsorption. In adsorption of CO2-bearing mixtures in LTA and DDR zeolites, CO2 is preferentially lodged at the narrow window regions and this hinders the diffusion of partner molecules between cages. The second situation arises in MOR zeolite that has one-dimensional channels connected to side pockets. Some molecules such as methane, get preferentially lodged in the side pockets and do not freely participate in the molecular thoroughfare. Current phenomenological models do not cater for segregation effects on mixture diffusion. 相似文献
Mónica ÁvilaMohammed Zougagh Alberto EscarpaÁngel Ríos 《The Journal of Supercritical Fluids》2011,55(3):977-982
Determination of sudan dyes (Sudan I, Sudan II, Sudan III and Sudan IV) in food samples has been developed by several and different methods. However, sample treatment continues being the most important problem to determine these compounds in real samples. A rapid, sensitive and selective method for the extraction, separation and quantification of sudan dyes in commercial food samples has been developed. The method is based on the combination of a supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) procedure, followed by the analysis of the extracted plug by capillary liquid chromatography (CLC) with diode array detection (DAD). The entire procedure was optimized for the extraction of the samples, separation and detection of the analytes. For the SFE, the effect of CO2 flow rate, extraction pressure, extraction temperature, equilibration and extraction time and methanol modifier content were studied. Linear responses in the range from 50 to 1000 ng mL−1 with average relative standard deviation lower than 11.6, and detection limits ranging from 23.2 to 42.0 ng mL−1 were obtained for the different sudan dyes. The recoveries were in the range of 91-109% for dyes powder samples. 相似文献
A flow cell electrode has been designed to measure diffusion coefficients in electrochemical solutions. Potassium ferri-ferrocyanide solutions containing different amounts of sodium carboxymethylcellulose were studied. The diffusion coefficient of ferricyanide ion and the rheological properties of these solutions were measured at various temperatures. 相似文献
Christina Borch-Jensen Jørgen Mollerup 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》1996,73(9):1161-1164
Determination of the content of vernolic acid (12,13-epoxy-9c-octadecenoic) in the oil ofEuphorbia lagascae has been performed by gas chromatography of the fatty acid methyl ester derivatives of the triacylglycerols in the oil and
by supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) of the raw oil and the fatty acid derivatives of the oil. The content of vernolic
acid was found to be 55 wt%. The three methods were compared, and SFC analysis of the fatty acid derivatives was found to
be the most accurate method. 相似文献
Surat Areerat Eita Funami Yusuke Hayata Dai Nakagawa Masahiro Ohshima 《Polymer Engineering and Science》2004,44(10):1915-1924
The solubility and diffusivity of supercritical carbon dioxide (sc‐CO2) in low‐density polyethylene (LDPE), high‐density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP), ethylene‐ethylacrylate copolymer (EEA) and polystyrene (PS) were measured at temperatures from 150°C to 200°C and pressures up to 12 MPa by using the Magnetic Suspension Balance (MSB), a gravimetric technique for gas sorption measurements. The solubility of CO2 in each polymer was expressed by Henry's constant. The interaction parameter between CO2 and polymer could be obtained from the solubility data, and it was used to estimate the Pressure‐Volume‐Temperature relationship and the specific free volume of polymer/CO2 mixtures. The diffusion coefficients were also measured by the MSB for each polymer. The resulting diffusion coefficients were correlated with the estimated free volume of polymer/CO2 mixture. Combining Fujita's and Maeda and Paul's diffusion models, a model was newly developed in order to predict diffusion coefficients for the polymers studied. Polym. Eng. Sci. 44:1915–1924, 2004. © 2004 Society of Plastics Engineers. 相似文献
Infinite dilution diffusion and activity coefficients of n‐hexane, n‐heptane, and n‐decane in polypropylene were measured from 373.15 to 393.15 K by inverse gas chromatography. The influences of small molecule solvent and temperature on the infinite dilution diffusion and activity coefficients were investigated. The results showed that the infinite dilution diffusion coefficient decreased but the infinite dilution activity coefficient increased with an increasing number of CH2 group in the aliphatic solvents. The temperature increase resulted in the increase in the infinite dilution diffusion coefficient and the decrease in the infinite dilution activity coefficient. The graphs plotted according to the results of the infinite dilution diffusion coefficient versus temperature were in agreement with the Arrhenius equation. Diffusion constant and activation energy were obtained from the Arrhenius equation. Also, the interdependence on the infinite dilute activity coefficient and temperature accorded with Gibbs‐Helmholtz equation. From the temperature dependence of the limiting activity coefficients partial molar excess enthalpy at infinite dilution HE,∞ was obtained. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 101: 1925–1930, 2006 相似文献
Sabine Braipson-Danthine Claude Deroanne 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》2006,83(7):571-581
Several oils and fats often used for the industrial preparation of European shortenings were blended in binary systems. The
equilibrium (after 48 h at 15°C) solid fat contents (SFC; determined by pulsed NMR spectroscopy) were measured and plotted
against blend composition. SFC of the blends resulted from the SFC of each fat for the considered temperature as well as the
type of interaction existing between those fats (namely, ideal behavior, monotectic interaction, eutectic interaction, and
so on). The type of relationship fitted was dependent on the kind of interaction: Linear relationships were found for total
compatibility between fats, and polynomial-type (order 2) relationships were found for fats exhibiting incompatibility. Some
corresponding ternary oils and fats blends were also prepared and analyzed. Selected relationships (regression equations of
the fitted curves) obtained for binary blends were combined in order to calculate the SFC of the corresponding ternary blends.
Experimental values were generally close to predicted ones. The representation of SFC as a function of composition is interesting
as it allows one to determine rapidly and easily the type of molecular interaction between two fats and also to determine
equations that can be combined to calculate easily the SFC of corresponding ternary blends crystallized in the same way with
a good accuracy. The texture (hardness) of several binary and ternary blends was also measured. The combination of the results
obtained for SFC with the results obtained for the hardness of binary blends allows the prediction of the hardness of a corresponding
ternary blend under the same conditions. 相似文献
W. B. Nilsson G. T. Seaborn J. K. Hudson 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》1992,69(4):305-308
The complex nature of fish oils was exploited to study the dependence of structural factors upon fatty acid ester solubility
in supercritical fluid carbon dioxide (SCF-CO2). Partition coefficients were determined for a number of components present in two mixtures of fatty cid ethyl esters derived
from menhaden oil in SCF-CO2 at 60°C and 125 bar. Analogous data also were obtained for SCF-CO2 with 5% (w/w) ethanol added. The addition of ethanol was found to increase partition coefficients for all species, but resulted
in a decrease of fluid selectivity. Aside from the chain length of a component, both the degree and position of unsaturation
were found to be structural factors that affect the value of the partition coefficient. 相似文献
Steady microfluidic measurements of mutual diffusion coefficients of liquid binary mixtures

Anne Bouchaudy Charles Loussert Jean‐Baptiste Salmon 《American Institute of Chemical Engineers》2018,64(1):358-366
We present a microfluidic method leading to accurate measurements of the mutual diffusion coefficient of a liquid binary mixture over the whole solute concentration range in a single experiment. This method fully exploits solvent pervaporation through a poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) membrane to obtain a steady concentration gradient within a microfluidic channel. Our method is applicable for solutes which cannot permeate through PDMS, and requires the activity and the density over the full concentration range as input parameters. We demonstrate the accuracy of our methodology by measuring the mutual diffusion coefficient of the water (1) + glycerol (2) mixture, from measurements of the concentration gradient using Raman confocal spectroscopy and the pervaporation‐induced flow using particle tracking velocimetry. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 63: 358–366, 2018 相似文献
Paul R. Geissler 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》1989,66(5):685-689
This work was undertaken to develop a relatively simple, rapid, reproducible and accurate method for measuring the ethylene
oxide distribution, overall ethylene oxide ratio, and percent free alcohol in ethoxylated alcohols. Using single isomer ethoxylate
standards comprised of from one to eight ethylene oxide units per alcohol, a response factor correlation for the flame ionization
detector on a supercritical fluid Chromatograph was established. Response factors for ethoxylates with higher than eight ethylene
oxide units were estimated by extrapolation of this correlation. Supercritical fluid Chromatographic separation of ethoxylates
was accomplished using a density-programmed carbon dioxide mobile phase and a poly (dimethylsiloxane) coated open tubular
column. The validity and accuracy of this method was demonstrated by comparing its results for unreacted alcohol levels, ethylene
oxide-to-alcohol average ratios, and weights of samples injected relative to internal standards with values measured independently
by standard methods. In addition, supercritical fluid Chromatographic determinations of ethylene oxide molar distributions
are in agreement with theoretical Weibull-Nycander distributions.
Presented in part at the AOCS Annual Meeting in PHoenix, AZ, in May 1988. 相似文献
Lars G. Blomberg Mustafa Demirbüker Per E. Andersson 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》1993,70(10):939-946
A method for quantitative analysis of neutral lipids has been developed. Four different techniques have been combined for
this purpose—supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC), silver ion chromatography, packed microcolumns and miniaturized evaporative
light-scattering detection (ELSD). The development and optimization of the method are discussed. The separation of a series
of vegetable, fish and hydrogenated oils was demonstrated. Application of eluent composition programming resulted in excellent
separation of complex samples. Packed microcolumn argentation SFC provides at least as high a separation power as corresponding
high-performance liquid chromatography methods. The combination of packed microcolumn SFC and miniaturized ELSD constitutes
a powerful analytical system for the quantitative analysis of triacylglycerols. 相似文献
Janet M. Snyder Scott L. Taylor Jerry W. King 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》1993,70(4):349-354
Tocopherol-containing mixtures were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and capillary supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC).
GC analysis of tocopherols required the formation of the silyl derivatives, while SFC analysis of the tocopherol-containing
mixtures was accomplished on neat samples. SFC analysis conditions were optimized with respect to column type and density/pressure
programming. Enhanced resolution of many components was achieved by using inverse temperature programming during the SFC analyses.
Both SFC and GC analyses permitted the separation and quantitation of alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-tocopherols. In addition,
SFC proved particularly applicable for characterizing the composition of a deodorizer distillate and commercial antioxidant
formulation. Coupling of a quadrapole mass spectrometer with a supercritical fluid chromatograph was also achieved; the mass
spectrometer provided electron impact mass spectra on the underivatized tocopherol and sterol moieties. Both SFC and SFC/mass
spectrometry proved effective for the analysis of complex lipid-containing mixtures, requiring minimal sample preparation
prior to analysis.
Presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, Chicago, IL, May 12–15, 1991. 相似文献
The determination of the diffusion coefficient for water in various porosity cellulose acetate membranes by a gravimetric method, using a humidified carrier gas, is described. It was found to be impossible to obtain meaningful results for very porous membranes, although dense membranes gave limiting values of diffusion coefficient at high carrier gas velocities. This phenomenon is explained in terms of the dissipation of the heat of sorption by the forced convection provided by the carrier gas. The variation of diffusion coefficient with concentration of water in dense cellulose acetate is explained in terms of clustering of water molecules in the polymer at high concentration. 相似文献
Purification of polyunsaturated fatty acid esters from tuna oil with supercritical fluid chromatography 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
M. Alkio C. Gonzalez M. Jäntti O. Aaltonen 《Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society》2000,77(3):315-321
The technical and economic feasibility of producing docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)- and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)-ethyl ester concentrates from transesterified tuna oil using supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) was studied. A systematic experimental procedure was used to find the optimal values for process parameters and the maximal production rate. DHA ester concentrates up to 95 wt% purity were obtained in one chromatographic step with SFC, using CO2 as the mobile phase at 65°C and 145 bar and octadecyl silane-type reversed-phase silica as the stationary phase. DHA ester, 0.85 g/(kg stationary phase · h) and 0.23 g EPA ester/(kg stationary phase · h) can be simutaneously produced at the respective purities of 90 and 50 wt%. The process for producing 1,000 kg DHA concentrate and 410 kg EPA concentrate per year requires 160 kg stationary phase and 2.6 tons/h carbon dioxide eluant recycle. The SFC operating cost is U.S. $550/kg DHA and EPA ethyl ester concentrate. 相似文献
利用烷基化反应实验数据和超临界流体密度计算数据,开展了考虑内扩散影响的烷基化反应动力学研究,采用优化计算方法进行模型参数估值,确定了烷基化反应速率常数、有效扩散系数、催化剂失活速率常数.研究结果表明,基于PengRobinsn(PR)方程计算流体密度的动力学模型在显著性水平α=0.01下有较高的实验数据拟合精度和模型可信度,说明该方法是计算超临界流体密度的较好方法.从有效因子大小可以看出,烷基化反应总体上处于中孔扩散阻力区. 相似文献