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“Am I describing an impossible dream? Can one structure an engineering education about practice-oriented team experiences without depriving students of needed analytical skills and knowledge of the engineering sciences?” Nearly thirty-five years ago, Harvey Mudd College began to practice this “impossible dream.” That was when the Engineering Clinic was first launched. This paper describes how the Clinic program came into existence, including how faculty and administration were convinced to accept it. In addition, the response of the industrial community, both initially and over the years, is related. The current Clinic operation is described. Assessment of the Clinic program includes a discussion of both its impact on student preparation for engineering practice and the value of the program to industry.  相似文献   

The Engineering Concepts Institute, and the rest of the comprehensive minority student development program that followed it, has served students of Florida A&M University matriculating to the Florida A&M University—Florida State University (FAMU‐FSU) College of Engineering. A significant relationship between participation in the programs under study and graduation/retention was identified with the Pearson Chi‐squared test, Cochran‐Mantel‐Haenszel statistics, as well as the Mantel‐Haenszel estimate. Students who participated in the program were estimated to have significantly higher odds of five‐year graduation and six‐year graduation than students who did not participate in the program. A comparison of high school GPAs identified a selection bias, and high school GPA was then used to control for this selection bias in a multiple logistic regression model. While multiple individual cohorts remain statistically significant, the aggregate of all cohorts lacks significance due to the small number of participants and the possible overly stringent penalty imposed by the addition of high school GPA. Nevertheless, the results continue to show the positive trend observed earlier—that Minority Engineering Program participants are 25 percent more likely to be retained and graduate in engineering than students who had similar high school GPA but did not participate in the program—it is expected that continuing longitudinal study will bear out this trend as statistically significant. Although the programs described in this paper have been discontinued as a result of personnel changes, the study of the program is still useful as a contribution to the body of evidence supporting the effectiveness of such programs.  相似文献   

<正> 项目编号59331010金属间化合物是为适应航空航天工业的发展开发的一种新型高温合金材料。由于这类材料的晶体结构等原因导致的室温脆性和低韧性,限制了它的广泛应用。本项目以铝化物(Fe-Al,Ni-Al,Ti-Al 系金属间化合物)为主要研究对象,针对其脆性本质及解决韧化途径进行基础性的理论研究。  相似文献   

In this article we point to the ways in which engineering and communication disciplines can work together to ensure the ABET criterion that encompasses effective communication is represented in engineering curricula. Drawing upon examples from several universities in North America, we offer useful portraits of writing across the curriculum approaches, interdisciplinary courses, integrated programs, and a variety of support systems including writing and communication centers and online resources. As we develop increased awareness of the importance of including communication instruction in engineering curricula, the variety of possibilities presented in this article can help us integrate communication and engineering education.  相似文献   

家家开门七件事,柴米油盐酱醋茶。也许当年,六必居的开创者赵氏兄弟也是奔着这样的想法,经营着这家小店。  相似文献   

工程技术百年颂   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
回顾了20世纪世界工程科技发展的历程,论述了工程科技进步在推动全球经济和社会发展中所起的巨大作用;结合中国工程院主办的"20世纪我国重大工程技术成就"评选活动产生的25项评选结果,指出了我国科技人员在为中华民族的振兴和国家经济发展所做的重大贡献,以及工程师的创造性劳动获得了社会的广泛认知和尊重;阐明了没有科技实力的国家就不能跻身世界强国之列的重要真理;展望了21世纪,特别是未来50年我国工业化、现代化建设将迎来工程科技发展的新高潮。  相似文献   

The history of Florida is followed in a brief manner from the early explorers to the founding of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. D.K. Roberts also writes for the Saint Petersburg Times, and does commentaries for National Public Radio and the British Broadcasting Corporation. She is a native of Florida and an author of several books on the South.  相似文献   

我国的现代设计教育始于五十年代末。二十年大梦沉迷,大家象是着了魔去热衷于发现或追逐奇迹和热闹,空话和大话说尽或说绝。在那样的氛围中,人们不敢相信振兴现代设计教育的契机会从天降。七十年代末,设计教育复兴。从此,揭开了我国设计教育业的序幕,狂热的时代有了结束。现代设计教育全面复兴,是国家走向昌盛的象征。  相似文献   

This paper outlines the scientific underpinnings of Industrial Engineering and proposes an approach to educating the Industrial Engineer based on this engineering science. The proposed definition of the “Industrial Engineering science” rests on the premise that IE is made up of three main functional areas: (1) production engineering, (2) operational science, and (3) ergonomics/human factors engineering. This paper outlines the various IE activities that fall into these three functional categories, and attempts to show the relationships of those areas to six underlying science bases; namely, (1) Industrial Engineering sciences, (2) general engineering sciences, (3) life sciences, (4) physical sciences, (5) behavioral and social sciences, and (6) mathematics.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the past and present research and development activities in the field of electrostatic levitation at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). Particular emphasis is given on the important innovations of sub-millimeter sample handling, launch levitation initiation, aero-electrostatic hybrid levitation, multi-beam heating geometry, electrode design, and ultraviolet (UV) imaging. A summary of the thermophysical properties of refractory materials measured in their liquid states, above and below their melting point, as well as preliminary results of samples solidified from deep supercooled states are also reported. Paper presented at the Seventh International Workshop on Subsecond Thermophysics, October 6–8, 2004, Orléans, France.  相似文献   

This paper describes a general framework for automatic termination analysis of logic programs, where we understand by “termination” the finiteness of the LD-tree constructed for the program and a given query. A general property of mappings from a certain subset of the branches of an infinite LD-tree into a finite set is proved. From this result several termination theorems are derived, by using different finite sets. The first two are formulated for the predicate dependency and atom dependency graphs. Then a general result for the case of the query-mapping pairs relevant to a program is proved (cf. [29, 21]). The correctness of the TermiLog system described in [22] follows from it. In this system it is not possible to prove termination for programs involving arithmetic predicates, since the usual order for the integers is not well-founded. A new method, which can be easily incorporated in TermiLog or similar systems, is presented, which makes it possible to prove termination for programs involving arithmetic predicates. It is based on combining a finite abstraction of the integers with the technique of the query-mapping pairs, and is essentially capable of dividing a termination proof into several cases, such that a simple termination function suffices for each case. Finally several possible extensions are outlined. Received: August 30, 1999  相似文献   

高等院校工业工程专业本科培养计划国内外比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在对国内外大学具有影响的工业工程专业本科培养计划调查的基础上,对各学校工业工程本科教育的专业计划、课程体系及教学内容进行了分析比较,并归纳总结了国内外大学在培养目标、课程设置、课程比例以及课程时数方面的异同。基于上述分析和比较,对我国高等院校工业工程专业本科教育的培养目标和课程体系设计提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文对浮标式氧气吸入器新旧规程进行了比较,找出规程修订前后内容的主要不同点。  相似文献   

A new model for sulphur sensitization has been developed. It is based on the surface double layer which has previously been shown to occur in silver halides. The charge present in this double layer causes the energy bands to bend downward or upward according to whether silver sulphide is present on the crystal surface or not. Where silver sulphide is not in contact with the surface the bands bend upward, thus impeding the motion of photo-electrons towards the surface. Conversely in points where silver sulphide is adsorbed onto the Srystal surface, the bands bend downwards, thus yielding an attracting force driving the photoelectron towards the silver sulphide speck. The bending of the bands may have the additional effect of increasing the lifetime of electrons in traps which are near to a silver sulphide Speck, thus holding the trapped electron for a long enough time as to allow the “ionic step” to take place. Our experimental results as well as others reported in the literature are explained with this model.  相似文献   

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