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OBJECTIVE: To review experience with 20 women treated for sciatic hernia between 1993 and 1997. METHODS: Patients with chronic pelvic pain and sciatic hernias, identified retrospectively from chart review, were seen during a 46-month period that covered the surgical experience at our institution and included approximately 1100 cases. The median length of follow-up was 13 months (range 3-36). RESULTS: Sciatic hernia was diagnosed in 20 white women with chronic pelvic pain and was treated using laparoscopy. In 14 cases the hernias were right sided, in five they were left sided, and in one they were bilateral. All sciatic hernias contained the ipsilateral ovary alone or with its fallopian tube. All 20 patients reported symptomatic relief at follow-up. CONCLUSION: Sciatic hernia is a cause of chronic pelvic pain and should be considered in the differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

SD Delport 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,34(2):69-72; discussion 72-3
A congenital posterolateral diaphragmatic (Bochdalek) hernia generally presents with symptoms within a day after birth. This article reports on 3 children whose hernias produced symptoms for the first time beyond a week of age. One 3-year-old child died acutely with symptoms resembling that of a tension pneumothorax. In 2 children symptoms only developed at 12 and 23 days of age. They were initially thought to have lower lobe pneumonias and delayed diagnosis led to the death of one. Although the late presentation of a congenital posterolateral diaphragmatic hernia is rare, it is important to recognise it because with appropriate therapy all such children should have a normal life expectancy, whereas unsuspected hernias in older children carry a mortality that is even worse than that of neonatal cases. The first requisite for the diagnosis of a congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a high index of suspicion. Cystic lesions or masses in the lower lung fields should suggest the possibility of a CDH with herniated abdominal content at any age. Congenital diaphragmatic hernias should be included in the differential diagnosis of apparent lower lobe pneumonias in all children below a month of age.  相似文献   

Patients with symptoms at the site of a previous inguinal hernia repair may constitute a diagnostic dilemma. The usefulness of herniography in the assessment of these patients was evaluated at 54 symptomatic sites in 46 subjects. Ten persistent or recurrent hernias were shown by herniography, only 2 of which were definitely detected on physical examination. The herniogram was normal at 44 sites, of which, on physical examination, 5 were equivocal and 1 was diagnosed as a definite hernia. On the unoperated-on or asymptomatic side, a total of 14 hernias were shown herniographically. Of these hernias, 8 were not detected on physical examination. Herniography was found to be more sensitive than physical examination in detecting hernias at the symptomatic, previously operated-on sites, as well as at the unoperated-on or asymptomatic sites. When a herniogram provides corroborative evidence that hernia has not recurred, the need for reexploration may be eliminated.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: History taking and physical examination alone no longer meet the surgeon's need in the diagnosis of inguinal hernia. Ultrasonography (US) provides a good and safe diagnostic tool for inguinal hernias in boys. METHODS: From 1995 to 1997, 244 boys with inguinal hernias (41 bilateral and 203 unilateral), received preoperative US on both groins to confirm the diagnosis. Those with positive US findings, such as viscera or fluid in inguinal canal or widening of the internal inguinal ring, underwent surgery. RESULTS: The accuracy of diagnosis with US and clinical assessment were 97.9% and 84%, respectively. More than 95% of widening of internal inguinal rings (>4 mm) proved to be hernias. There were two direct inguinal hernias and two femoral hernias, which were misdiagnosed by clinical examination, but proved to be diagnosed correctly by US. CONCLUSIONS: US serves as a noninvasive and highly accurate diagnostic tool for inguinal hernias in boys. Using 4 mm as the upper limit of the normal diameter of the internal inguinal ring, an occult inguinal hernia can be easily detected before surgery.  相似文献   

The main cause of acquired inguinal hernia is weakness of Fruchaud's deep muscolofascial floor, following metabolically-determined collagen disorders. A technique for the anterior reinforcement of this structure with polypropylene mesh is described here. Following intermuscular decollement, the mesh is placed in direct contact with the surface formed by the transversalis fascia and the transversus abdominis muscle and stretched as extensively as possible. Because the posterior aspect of the inguinal canal is the true barrier to abdominal pressure, the author believe that its direct reinforcement, without interposition of the internal oblique muscle, constitutes the most correct anatomo-surgical approach to hernia repair. This is the case for both indirect hernias, in which the internal ring is reconstructed at a deeper level, and for direct hernias, in which the "tent effect" of the prosthesis is prevented. Ninety-two primary inguinal hernias (56 indirect, 29 direct and 7 direct and indirect) in 87 patients were repaired with this technique. Seventy-nine patients were followed up from 2 to 24 months. Early complications included: 7 ecchymosis, 3 seromas, 2 subcutaneous infections, 3 testicular swellings. Incision and testicular pain for longer than 6 months occurred in 2 cases. No prosthetic infections or recurrences have been detected up to the present.  相似文献   

Incisional hernia repair with conventional techniques (simple closure, Mayo-technique) is associated with unacceptable recurrence rates of 30-50%. Therefore, surgical repair using different prosthetic biomaterials is becoming increasingly popular. Further to favourable results by French hernia surgeons, we studied the results of underlay prosthetic mesh repair using polypropylene mesh in complicated and recurrent incisional hernias. METHOD: After preparation and excision of the entire hernia sac, the posterior rectus sheath is freed from the muscle bellies on both sides. The peritoneum and posterior rectus sheaths are closed with a continuous looped polyglyconate suture. The prosthesis used for midline hernias is positioned on the posterior rectus sheath and extends far beyond the borders of the myoaponeurotic defect. The anterior rectus sheath is closed with a continuous suture. The prosthesis for lumbar and subcostal hernias is placed in a prepared space between the transverse and oblique muscles. Intraperitoneal placement of the mesh must be avoided. RESULTS: Between January 1996 and August 1997 we performed a total of 33 incisional hernia repairs (14 primary hernias, 19 recurrent hernias) using this technique (16 women, 17 men, mean age 56.19 +/- 12.92 years). Local complications occurred in four patients (12%): superficial wound infection (n = 2), postoperative bleeding, requiring reoperation (n = 1), minor hemato-seroma (n = 1). One patient suddenly died on the 3rd post-operative day from severe pulmonary embolism (mortality 3%). Twenty-two patients with a minimum follow up to 6 months were re-examined clinically. The average follow-up time for this group was 9 months (range 6-17 months). To date no recurrent hernias have been observed. There were only minor complaints like "a feeling of tension" in the abdominal wall (n = 3) and slight pain under physical stress (n = 6). CONCLUSIONS: The use of prosthetic mesh should be considered for repair of large or recurrent incisional hernias, especially in high-risk patients (obesity, obstructive lung disease) and complicated hernias. The aforementioned technique of underlay prosthetic repair using polypropylene mesh fixed onto the posterior rectus sheath allows for anatomical and consolidated reconstruction of the damaged abdominal wall with excellent results and low complication rates.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to determine the utility of scrotal sonography in the evaluation of patients with scrotal pain or swelling following inguinal hernia repair. METHODS: From our database, we identified patients who were referred for sonographic evaluation because of persistent scrotal pain or swelling after inguinal hernia repair between July 1994 and February 1996. Sonograms and medical charts were reviewed retrospectively. RESULTS: Eight patients were included in this study. Doppler sonography demonstrated evidence of testicular infarction in 2 patients and absence of intratesticular diastolic flow in 1 patient. Five patients had postoperative fluid collections with sonographically normal testes. CONCLUSIONS: Scrotal sonography can diagnose testicular infarction following hernia repair and distinguish postoperative fluid collections from recurrent hernias.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Complications that develop in groin hernias, such as irreducibility and obstruction, with or without strangulation may make an easily treatable condition a life-threatening one. Identification of risk factors that may predict development would help place the patient in a high-risk group. Priority admission and early elective surgery for such a patient would avoid significant mortality and morbidity. METHODS: This is a 10-year combined prospective and retrospective study of children and adults. Records of complicated groin hernias were identified from July 1985 to July 1995 from the outpatient department and available inpatient medical records. The same number of controls of simple uncomplicated hernias were then chosen using random number tables from among the large number belonging to the same time period. These two groups were then compared and analysed using statistical methods for age, sex, side of hernia, site of hernia (inguinal/femoral), duration of hernia, length of the waiting list for elective surgery, and contents of the hernial sac along with some other parameters to identify patients with high-risk factors. RESULTS: Age was found to be a significant risk factor and predicted complications in both elderly adults and very young children. Sex of the patient (male) and side of hernia (right) were significant risk factors in children only. Site of hernia was an important risk factor and adults with femoral hernia were most likely to experience complications. Duration of hernia for less than a year proved to be the most important risk factor for both children and adults. The majority of patients with complicated hernias had not presented earlier in the outpatient department, which implies that most hernias that become complicated do so within a very short time before patient referral. Mortality was high in patients with coexisting diseases, while morbidity was affected by viability of contents of the hernial sac which in turn was directly affected by duration of irreducibility or delay in presentation. CONCLUSIONS: The risk factors useful in predicting complications in an adult patient with groin hernia were age (older age group), duration of hernia (short duration), type of hernia (femoral more than inguinal) and coexisting medical illness. In children, the risk factors were age (very young), gender (male), short duration of hernia and side (right side).  相似文献   

Traumatic abdominal hernia is a rare injury with most reports documenting only one or two such cases. We describe five cases that were recognized during a 22-year period at a single trauma center. Physical examination often revealed abdominal wall tenderness and ecchymosis, but confirmation of hernia required additional testing in four of five patients. Two patients sustained muscle avulsion from the iliac crest which was likely a result of obesity and high riding seatbelts. In three of the patients a computed tomographic scan of the abdomen was instrumental in making the diagnosis. Surgical repair of the hernia was accomplished in three patients. The other two patients were managed nonsurgically. This report documents that an individualized approach to these patients is appropriate. Diagnosis may be difficult and immediate surgery does not prevent late sequelae. Management guidelines based upon a review of the English language literature on traumatic abdominal wall hernias are presented.  相似文献   

Hernias and hydroceles are common conditions of infancy and childhood, and inguinal hernia repair is one of the most frequently performed pediatric surgical operations. As a result of improved neonatal intensive care, more and more premature babies are being delivered, and consequently the incidence of neonatal inguinal hernia is increasing. The most important aspect of the management of neonatal inguinal hernias relate to its risk on incarceration, and emphasis is placed on this point. This article covers the embryology, incidence, clinical presentation, and treatment of groin hernias and hydroceles, as well as dealing with abdominal wall hernias other than umbilical hernias. This article places special emphasis on when a patient with a hernia or hydrocele should be referred to a pediatric surgeon.  相似文献   

A balance of aggressive forces (reflux, caustic gastric juice) and defensive forces (acid clearance, epithelial defense) determine the occurrence of GERD. Guarding against reflux, the gastroesophageal junction is composed of both a smooth muscle element (the LES) and a diaphragmatic element, which normally supplement each other in both a static condition as well as during dynamic stresses associated with increased intraabdominal pressure or swallowing. With a normal LES pressure, virtually all reflux events occur by tLESR. Susceptibility to stress reflux (abrupt increase in intraabdominal pressure) inherent during periods of diminished LES pressure is dramatically increased by disabling the diaphragmatic sphincter, as occurs with large hernias. During swallowing, large hernias also impair the process of esophageal emptying thereby prolonging acid clearance. These functional impairments of the gastroesophageal junction associated with hiatus hernia lead to increased esophageal acid exposure and offer one explanation for the chronicity of reflux disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Morgagni hernias are unusual congenital diaphragmatic hernias that are generally asymptomatic and discovered incidentally. Surgical treatment is indicated once the diagnosis is made. These hernias have traditionally been repaired by the open abdominal or thoracic approaches. We report a case of Morgagni hernia repaired successfully via the laparoscopic approach. METHODS AND RESULTS: The patient was noted to have a large anteromedial diaphragmatic hernia by chest radiograph and CT imaging. He underwent laparoscopy, during which the hernia was reduced and the defect repaired with mesh placement. We used intracorporeal suture placement to anchor the mesh. The patient recovered uneventfully after a short hospitalization. CONCLUSIONS: The laparoscopic approach for repair of Morgagni hernias offers diagnostic advantages as well as the potential for reduced morbidity when compared to laparotomy. We report intracorporeal knot-tying for fixation of the mesh to be a secure and satisfactory means to achieve the laparoscopic repair.  相似文献   

All groin hernia classifications are somewhat arbitrary and artificial. Currently, there is no consensus among either general surgeons or hernia specialists as to a preferred system. A survey by Zollinger in 1998 of hernia specialists in North American and Europe showed, that although the Nyhus, Gilbert, and Schumpelick-Arit systems were commonly used, the majority of these specialists still used the traditional classification for groin hernias. It is apparent that only the traditional classification of groin hernias has stood the test of time. As stated by Fitzgibbons, "the primary purpose of a classification system for any disease is to stratify for severity so that reasonable comparisons can be made between various treatment strategies." Given the multiplicity of operative techniques and approaches for the repair of groin hernias, it appears that no one classification system can satisfy all. With time, it is likely that we surgeons will settle upon a given operation for a specific type of inguinal hernia. For that given operation to be accepted as proven best, however, it is essential the competing operations be applied to simliar (classified) groups of groin hernia patients.  相似文献   

Herniography is a useful investigation in adults with unexplained groin pain in whom there is no clinical evidence of a hernia, thus ensuring appropriate surgery. The technique is described, normal anatomy and different types of hernias illustrated.  相似文献   

We describe a technique that enables the autologous repair of large midline incisional hernias by restoring the functional musculoaponeurotic support of the abdominal wall. Unlike other methods of hernia repair, the essential step of the sliding door technique is the complete release of the rectus abdominis muscles from the anterior and posterior layers of their sheaths. The released muscles are thus overlapped and sutured together without tension. Another step of the technique is the release of both rectus sheaths by incising the aponeuroses of the external oblique muscles. We report on the use of this technique in 10 patients with midline incisional hernias (mean size of the abdominal musculofascial defect 14 x 11 cm). The patients were examined 14 months to 5.5 years after hernia repair. Two postoperative complications occurred: one marginal skin necrosis and one subcutaneous seroma. Recurrences were not observed. Ultrasound examination showed that the rectus muscles maintained their overlapped position postoperatively. Clinical muscle testing indicated that the strength of the released rectus muscles provides functional support to the reconstructed anterior abdominal wall.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this prospective, randomized, controlled clinical study was to compare laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) hernia repair with a standard tension-free open mesh repair (open). METHODS: A total of 108 low-risk patients with unilateral (primary or recurrent) or bilateral hernias were randomized to TAPP (group 1 = 52 cases) or open (group 2 = 56 cases). The outcome measures included operating time, complications, postoperative pain, return to normal activity, operating theater costs, and recurrences. RESULTS: The mean operative time was longer for the TAPP than for the open group only in unilateral primary hernias. At rest, the median Visual Analog Scale (VAS) score was higher for group 1 than group 2 at 48 h postoperatively. Mild to discomforting pain in the inguinal region after 7 days, night pain after 30 days, and inguinal hardening after 3 months were more frequent in group 2 than group 1. No significant differences were observed in return to normal activities between the groups. One hernia recurrence was observed after 1 month in group 1. TAPP was significantly more expensive than open. CONCLUSIONS: TAPP was associated with less postoperative pain than open. The increase in operating theater costs, however, was dramatic and was not compensated by shorter time away from work. TAPP should not be adopted routinely unless its costs can be drastically reduced.  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: This case report illustrates the need to be aware of extraspinal causes of sciatica. A patient with a strangulated sciatic hernia showed the clinical features of sciatic leg pain, intestinal obstruction, and a left gluteal abscess. OBJECTIVE: To highlight the need to examine the course of the sciatic nerve for local pathology when the cause of sciatica is not obvious. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Sciatic herniae are rare. The coexistence of sciatica and a gluteal abscess, caused by a strangulated sciatic hernia, does not appear to have been reported previously. METHODS: A 66-year-old woman with preexisting low back pain and left leg pain was admitted to the hospital with intestinal obstruction and a left gluteal mass. Results of needle aspiration suggested the diagnosis, which was confirmed by laparotomy. The sciatic hernia was repaired via a transabdominal approach. RESULTS: The symptoms of sciatic nerve compression and intestinal obstruction resolved fully after surgery. CONCLUSION: The possibility of local pathology causing sciatic nerve compression should be considered when a patient reports sciatic leg pain, particularly if the presentation is atypical. Intestinal obstruction or the presence of a gluteal mass should suggest the possibility of a sciatic hernia.  相似文献   

The short and long-term results of traditional and tension-free inguinal hernia repairs have been assessed in three surgical units. In order to standardise the results, hernias were classified according with Nyhus. There were 109 type I, 311 type II, 854 type III, and 125 type IV hernias. Follow-up was possible in 1201 patients (1249 hernia repairs). Postoperative course, postoperative pain, and recurrences were analysed. Recurrences ranged from 0.7% up to 9.3%. The tension-free methods of repair provided the most important advantages in term of low recurrence rate and early return to work even if, in our series, recurrences resulted mainly related to the type of hernia than to the type of repair. The Authors conclude that any hernia repair should be sized to the type of hernia defect in order to avoid over-treatment and abusive placing of a foreign body such as polypropylene mesh.  相似文献   

Morgagni hernias are the least common form of diaphragmatic hernias. Although they are congenital, most of them are not diagnosed until later in life. The indication for surgery is based on the patient's symptoms or on the radiological evidence of incarcerated tissue, and until quite recently involved a laparotomy or thoracotomy. Laparoscopy not only permits the suspected diagnosis to be confirmed--which is otherwise often difficult--but also makes it possible to close the hernia site by suturing. For improved security, the hernia site is augmented by fixing in place a non-absorbable mesh. The operative technique employed is described.  相似文献   

Hernia surgery has considerably changed in recent years. In the era of minimal invasive surgery classical Shouldice repair has become old-fashioned and is increasingly replaced by tension-free techniques using synthetic mesh material. Currently, Shouldice repair remains the treatment of choice in young patients with small primary hernia. Lichtenstein hernioplasty is indicated in young patients with large hernias, and in those over 35 years of age for any size of hernias. Endoscopic operations are restricted to bilateral primary hernias and recurrent hernias. In future, when used on the basis of a reasonable strategy, the variety of operative procedures offers a chance to improve the results of hernia surgery. Further studies are needed to demonstrate which hernia strategy is most reliable in terms of cost-effectiveness, patient comfort, complication and recurrence rate.  相似文献   

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