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室内空气质量应引起高度重视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
室内空气质量的优劣与人体健康息息相关.室内空气质量不容忽视。分析了室内空气污染形成的原因,以及由此而可能诱发的多种疾病,提出有效防止室内空气污染的措施。  相似文献   

为了反映国家对西部农村厨房及生活用能的改灶前后的情况,要对西部贫困地区的四川、湖北和湖南、甘肃等地的14个示范点的示范户进行室内空气质量监测,四川省的改造前期监测工作目前已经完成。文章主要从SO2、CO和NH3进行分析,通过监测的数据可以反映出四川各示范点的大多数示范户空气质量严重超标。  相似文献   

室内空气污染对健康的影响越来越受到全社会的关注,通过对室内主要污染物的种类、来源及对人体健康的影响进行了分析,提出了室内空气污染的防治措施。  相似文献   

改善室内空气质量保护十亿农民健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国农村贫困地区的室内环境污染已经引起国内外的普遍关注。国家农业部、卫生部、财政部等政府部门;中国农村能源行业协会、中国疾控中心、中国农大、中科院、清华大学等相关单位;壳牌基金会(SF)、世行组织(WB)、世卫组织(WHO)等国际非政府机构都参与了我国的贫困地区农村室内空气污染的调研与治理工作。  相似文献   

为研究采暖方式对西北农村室内空气质量的影响,对比研究4种采暖方式下的室内空气质量,这4种采暖方式包括传统落地炕、新型吊炕、锅炉采暖方式和太阳能地板辐射采暖方式,参照GB/T 18883-2002《室内空气质量标准》和GB 3095-2012《环境空气质量标准》,确定测试参数为室内颗粒物(PM10和PM2.5)、CO、CO2及SO2,并依据空气质量指数法对比研究空气质量指数和空气质量级别。试验表明,太阳能地板辐射采暖的房间室内空气质量最优,室内无污染,空气质量级别为Ⅱ级;锅炉采暖时室内空气中度污染,质量级别是Ⅳ级;吊炕采暖和落地火炕采暖时室内空气质量级别均为Ⅴ级,重度污染室内空气受到严重污染。  相似文献   

基于灰色系统理论的室内空气环境评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
室内空气环境质量在很多国家都没有具体的标准,它是一个非精确的概念,因此适合用灰色理论进行评价,采用灰色系统理论评价方法对所测的数据进行处理,然后对评价结果进行分析,评价结果与实际相符合,验证了此方法的可行性及正确性。  相似文献   

随着环保意识增强,人们普遍认识到了室内空气质量对身心健康的影响,并积极采取行动进行质量检测与污染治理.本文从我国室内空气质量检测现状、污染治理技术及存在的问题和对策等方面进行了简要分析,以期为相关工作者提供参考.  相似文献   

室内空气污染严重影响人体健康 ,因此受到社会的广泛关注。分析了我国室内空气污染的污染物类型、来源及成因 ,并介绍了控制室内空气污染的措施。  相似文献   

典型室内空气污染及其防治措施分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
分析了典型室内空气污染现状及其对人体健康的影响,探讨了影响典型室内空气质量的主要因素及其室内外主要污染物的相关性,提出了一些防治措施,为深入研究典型室内外污染物相关性及其净化技术方法打下了基础。  相似文献   

运用新灰关联分析法对室内空气品质进行评价,不仅消除了无量纲化处理对指标大小产生影响,而且简化了计算步骤,通过实例计算并与其它计算方法的结果进行比较,证明了该方法是可靠、合理、可行的。  相似文献   

Air-conditioned office buildings are one of the biggest energy consumers of electricity in developed cities in the subtropical climate regions. A good energy policy for the indoor environment should respond to both the needs of energy conservation and the needs for a desirable indoor healthy environment with a reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) generation. This study evaluates energy implications and the corresponding CO2 generation of some indoor environmental policies for air-conditioned office buildings in the subtropical climate. In particular, the thermal energy consumption in an air-conditioned office building was evaluated by the heat gains through the building fabric, the transport of outdoor fresh air for ventilation, and the heat generated by the occupant and equipment in the space. With the Monte-Carlo sampling technique and the parameters from the existing office building stocks of Hong Kong, the energy consumption profiles of air-conditioned office buildings in Hong Kong were evaluated. Energy consumption profiles were simulated for certain indoor environmental quality (IEQ) policies on indoor air temperature and CO2 concentration settings in the offices, with other building parameters remaining unchanged. The impact assessment and the regression models described in this study may be useful for evaluation of energy performances of IEQ policies. They will also be useful for the promotion of energy-saving measures in air-conditioned office buildings in Hong Kong. This study presented a useful source of references for policymakers, building professionals and end users to quantify the energy and environmental impacts due to an IEQ policy for air-conditioned office buildings.  相似文献   

中国大气环境质量概况与污染防治新思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕连宏  罗宏 《中国能源》2012,34(1):18-21
"十一五"时期,中国在节能减排领域取得了显著的成就,实现了既定的规划目标。全国主要城市空气质量呈现逐渐好转的趋势,煤烟型污染正逐步得到缓解,但酸雨和复合型污染问题日益严峻。面对诸多大气污染新特点和新问题,建立区域联防联控机制、实施氮氧化物总量控制、开展煤炭消费总量控制和健全空气质量评价体系等新思路和新措施将应用于"十二五"期间的大气污染防治工作中。  相似文献   

This paper presents the development and testing of a multi objective fuzzy controller. It is dedicated to the control of thermal comfort and indoor air quality while minimising energy consumption and reducing instabilities are other constraints for this controller. After a brief introduction on the difficult task of indoor climate control, the test cell and its corresponding model is described in the second section. The model has been developed within TRNSYS. Section 3 describes the architecture of the fuzzy controller applied to these control objectives in the test cell. A hierarchical architecture has finally been selected since it is a very flexible architecture and it results in reducing the total number of fuzzy rules. The rule optimisation technique, based on genetic algorithms is also presented in the third section. Simulation results are finally presented. They prove that, after optimisation, the fuzzy controller greatly outperforms a typical ON-OFF controller on all control criteria. Energy consumption is in particular reduced by more than 10%. The fourth section of this chapter presents field experiments among 20 subjects of both ON-OFF control and fuzzy control. If major differences are not observed on the thermal comfort and indoor air quality point of view, these experiments however illustrate the importance of on-line tuning of specific fuzzy rules.  相似文献   

浅述城市环境空气质量监测的工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙述了中国城市环境空气质量自动监测技术的发展过程,通过对有代表性的环境空气质量日报数据或实例进行解释,指出,长期整理分析质量日报,可指导空气质量监测的实际工作。  相似文献   

叙述了室内环境空气中污染物的来源、成因及对人体的严重危害,提出了在防治室内空气污染、改善室内空气质量、提高民众身体素质方面简单易做又行之有效的预防措施。  相似文献   

We have studied the performance of different types of improved solid biomass cookstoves (Two natural draft and one forced draft) in comparison to the traditional cookstove (control) while preparing a particular meal with a variety of solid biomass fuels (e.g. fuel wood, dung cake and crop residue). Five replicates of each type of cookstove and fuel were maintained. The study was conducted in an Indian rural kitchen. There was no significant difference in the indoor concentrations of PM2.5 and CO when natural draft and traditional cookstoves were used with any type of solid fuel. However, significantly lower concentrations of PM2.5 and CO were recorded with forced draft stoves compared to others. While cooking with different types of solid biomass fuels, the concentrations of PM2.5 and CO in the indoor environment were decreased by 21–57% and 30–74% respectively with the forced draft cookstove in comparison to the traditional cookstove. The fuel consumption, cooking duration and thermal efficiency of a particular stove to prepare a particular amount of food also differ depending on the type of the solid fuel used for the cooking purpose. The thermal efficiency of traditional, natural draft and FD cookstoves were in the range of 15–17%, 16–27% and 30–35% respectively for different types of solid biomass fuels. However, further studies on the performance of stoves are required based on the size and type of fuel wood or crop residues.  相似文献   

回转式空气预热器转子热变形数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
漏风率高是回转式空气预热器面临的最大问题,预热器转子热变形导致的径向漏风是主要的漏风方式。针对空气预热器转子的热变形,提出采用有限元分析方法进行求解,利用ANSYS软件,以某电厂300MW锅炉回转式空气预热器为研究对象,采用有限元分析法对转子径向隔板的温度场和热变形进行了求解和分析,并与经验公式求解结果进行了对比。证明了有限元分析法用于分析转子的热变形是可靠的,且具有一定的优势,对解决工程实际问题具有指导意义。  相似文献   

叙述了2000年至2009年长治市发展过程中主城区空气质量中SO浓度的变化趋势,指出了所采取的治理措施。  相似文献   

This paper presents a review and synthesis of average winter and spring-time indoor temperatures in UK homes measured over the period 1969–2010. Analysis of measured temperatures in a sample of solid wall dwellings in the UK, conducted as part of the CALEBRE research project, is included. The review suggests that, for periods when occupation was likely, there has been little or no increase in winter and spring-time average living room temperatures over the last 40 years, with average recorded living room temperatures having been historically lower than the WHO-recommended value of 21 °C. Correspondingly, for periods of likely occupation, average bedroom temperatures appear to have increased. Compared with non-domestic buildings, there have been fewer investigations of domestic thermal comfort, either in the UK or elsewhere, and hence the paper also calls for further detailed investigations of domestic indoor temperatures during occupied hours together with thermal comfort evaluations in order to better understand domestic thermal environments. Based on suggestions from the limited range of studies available to date, living room temperatures may need to be maintained within the range 20–22 °C for thermal satisfaction, though this requires confirmation through further research. The study also emphasises that improving the energy efficiency of homes should be the primary means to effect any increases in indoor temperatures that are deemed essential. Considerations for future policy are discussed.  相似文献   

To reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions through thermal energy conservation, air-conditioned offices in the subtropics are recommended to operate within specified ranges of indoor temperature, relative humidity and air velocity. As thermal discomfort leads to productivity loss, some indoor environmental policies for air-conditioned offices in Hong Kong are investigated in this study with relation to thermal energy consumption, CO2 emissions from electricity use, and productivity loss due to thermal discomfort. Occupant thermal response is specifically considered as an adaptive factor in evaluating the energy consumption and productivity loss. The energy efficiency of an office is determined by the productivity which corresponds to the CO2 generated. The results found that a policy with little impact on occupant thermal comfort and worker productivity would improve the office efficiency while the one with excessive energy consumption reduction would result in a substantial productivity loss. This study is a useful reference source for evaluating an indoor thermal environmental policy regarding the energy consumption, CO2 emissions reduction, thermal comfort and productivity loss in air-conditioned offices in subtropical areas.  相似文献   

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