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Space charge accumulation in low-density polyethylene film containing a small amount of MgO nanoparticles (LDPE/MgO nanocomposite film) subjected to an electric field greater than 100 kV/mm has been studied using an improved pulsed electroacoustic (PEA) system. No marked space charge accumulation was observed in LDPE/MgO nanocomposite films. To determine the mechanism of no space charge accumulation in the LDPE/MgO nanocomposite film, we compared electric potential wells produced by a permanent dipole moment such as that of carbonyl groups (C=0) and an induced dipole consisting of MgO nanoparticles (spherical dielectrics) under a high electric field to create a trapping site for electric charge carriers. The trapping depth created by the permanent dipole moment such as that of the carbonyl groups (C=0) of chemical defects is approximately 0.45 eV. However, the potential well induced by high-permittivity dielectric nanoparticles (MgO) is about 1.5 to 5.0 eV, which is much deeper than that induced by chemical defects. The suppression of space charge formation is explained using the potential well model consisting of a dipole induced by a high-permittivity dielectric nanoparticle. We explained the suppression mechanism of charge accumulation in the LDPE/MgO film that contains deep traps.  相似文献   

为了降低低密度聚乙烯中的空间电荷积累,在自制纳米MgO粉体的基础上,采用熔融共混法,制备了氧化镁/低密度聚乙烯(MgO/LDPE)纳米复合材料,并通过扫描电镜(SEM)观察了MgO/LDPE纳米复合材料中的MgO粒径大小和分散情况,采用差热扫描量热法(DSC)确定了不同MgO质量分数纳米复合材料的结晶度,采用电声脉冲法(PEA)测量了不同MgO质量分数纳米复合材料的空间电荷分布,测量了不同MgO质量分数纳米复合材料的拉伸性能。试验结果表明,MgO/LDPE纳米复合材料体系中,MgO粒径约为50nm,且分散均匀;不同MgO质量分数纳米复合材料的弹性模量和抗张强度均高于纯LDPE的,且MgO质量分数为2%时达到最大值;不同MgO质量分数纳米复合材料的结晶度均高于纯LDPE的;纳米MgO能抑制空间电荷的注入和其在材料体内的迁移,质量分数为3%时,MgO/LDPE纳米复合材料中的空间电荷得到了良好的抑制。  相似文献   

应用经硅烷偶联处理后的纳米氧化镁(MgO)粉末与低密度聚乙烯(low density polyethylene,LDPE)共混,制得MgO/LDPE复合介质。高成分衬度扫描电镜(scanningelectron microscope,SEM)中图像表明,粒径为100 nm左右的MgO纳米粒子均匀的分散于介质中。通过电声脉冲法(pulsed electro-acoustic,PEA)测试发现,当纳米MgO填料的质量分数为4%时,可以有效抑制空间电荷的注入,伏安特性的实验结果表明,复合介质拥有更高的空间电荷注入阈值场强。通过电树枝实验,发现复合介质可以抑制电树枝的引发和生长。最后,对实验结果进行了分析,探讨了纳米复合介质抑制空间电荷和树枝化生长的机制。纳米颗粒与基体材料界面电荷行为可能是复合介质电学性能改善的原因。  相似文献   

蒙脱土/聚酰亚胺复合薄膜的电击穿破坏特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过在聚酰亚胺基体中引入一定量MMT片层,可以改善薄膜的耐电老化性能,对薄膜电老化前后表面形貌及化学组成的研究结果表明:MMT片层均匀而充分的分散提高了MMT/PI薄膜的耐电弧性,这是聚酰亚胺薄膜电老化性能改善的原因。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the results of space charge, conduction current and electrical lifetime measurements performed on widely-used materials for electrical insulation, that is, low density polyethylene (LDPE) and cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE). Space charge accumulation profiles were compared in LDPE, low density polyethylene plus antioxidant (LDPE+AO) and XLPE, with consideration of thermal treatment effects in LDPE and XLPE. Significant variation (decrease) of accumulated space charge and apparent mobility, as well as slight decrease of conduction current, can be seen going from LDPE to LDPE+AO and XLPE, which may be associated with formation of deeper trap levels (or an increase of their density). On the contrary, electrical life under AC voltage does not show significant differences from LDPE to XLPE. This latter result underlines that life under high AC electrical stress is mostly determined by defects (weak points) rather than material characteristics associated with charge injection and transport.  相似文献   

Polymer nanocomposites are composite materials having several wt% of inorganic particles of nanometer dimensions homogeneously dispersed into their polymer matrix. This new type of polymer composite has recently drawn considerable attention because nanocomposites or nanostructured polymers have the potential of improving the electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties as compared to the neat polymers [1]. Polymer nanocomposites are, among other applications, increasingly desirable as coatings, structural, and packaging materials in a wide range of automobile, civil, aerospace, and electrical engineering applications. Also, nanocomposites find applications in medical services, healthcare, and decorative coloring [2], [3]. These new materials show excellent mechanical properties such as high tensile strength, increased hardness and toughness, improved flexural strength modulus, and greater heat and chemical resistance. Polymer nanocomposites are characterized by an enormously large interfacial surface area between the inorganic particles and the polymer matrix into which they are embedded. This ratio is typically more than two orders of magnitude greater than that in traditional microcomposite materials. The percentage by weight of the nanoparticles is usually quite low because of the low nanoparticle percolation threshold, particularly for the commonly used platelet and nanotube particles [4]. However, when the nanoparticle content increases beyond the percolation threshold, the nanocomposite may loose its beneficial properties [5]. Various polymers such as polyamide (PA), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), epoxy resin (EP), and silicone rubber (SiR) can be combined with inorganic particles such as layered silicate (LS), silica (SiO2), titania (TiO2), alumina (Al2O3), and magnesia (MgO) [1], and there are a number of papers that describe the tests and the properties of the aforementioned combinations of materials [6]?[10].  相似文献   

Distribution of electric energy by extruded polymer insulated cables continues to be a subject of outstanding relevance in modern industrialized countries all over the world. Dielectric characterization, conduction modelling and finally diagnostics of polymeric insulations are necessary steps towards the development of reliable and less expensive robust technologies of electric power distribution. This paper is devoted to a detailed experimental/theoretical study of the conductive properties of LDPE affected by different levels of degradation by water trees. Water tree layers of different lengths were grown in accelerated conditions and were characterized by water tree kinetics, time-dependent permittivity and polarization current. The polarization current was found to obey a Curie-von Schweidler law whose parameters were used to characterize the effect of ageing time. A new conduction model that takes into account dipole interactions and was obtained from a two-wells Debye model is presented which allows us to give an interpretation of the effect of ageing. This laboratory study was intended to improve the characterization of service power cables aged by water trees  相似文献   

为定量分析研究纳米氧化镁(MgO)/低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)复合介质的空间电荷行为,将粒径20 nm的纳米MgO颗粒以不同浓度填充到LDPE,并对纳米复合介质的空间电荷分布进行了实验研究。通过空间电荷实验的结果,对其进行多种方法的计算分析,计算分析结果表明:1)浓度为0.5wt%和2wt%的积累空间电荷的平均体电荷密度最大,而浓度1wt%的纳米MgO/LDPE的平均体电荷密度最小;2)浓度为2wt%的纳米MgO/LDPE的视在迁移率和体电荷密度衰减速率最高,其次是浓度为0.5wt%的,最低的是浓度为1wt%的纳米复合介质;3)浓度为1wt%的纳米MgO/LDPE的陷阱深度最大,其次是浓度为0.5wt%的,而陷阱深度最小的是浓度为2wt%的纳米Mg O/LDPE;4)浓度为2wt%的纳米MgO/LDPE试样中的场强畸变最大,其次是浓度为1wt%的,而场强发生畸变幅度最小的是浓度为0.5wt%的纳米MgO/LDPE。  相似文献   

The initiation and growth of electrical trees generated by impulse voltages were studied in a molded low-density polyethylene (LDPE) specimen with a metal foil electrode. The Weibull plots of the number of impulse voltage shots to the tree initiation and the puncture of the specimen were analyzed. The difference between the plots of positive and negative impulses demonstrates the difference between the initiation and growth of positive and negative trees. Taking account of the estimation of the electric field strength in the vicinity of the electrode, the tree initiation process was examined. Through the examination of the Weibull plots of the number of impulse voltage shots up to the puncture of the specimen the deterioration of LDPE caused by the impulse tree was analyzed  相似文献   

New data of the electronic properties of liquid helium and liquid neon are discussed with respect to their relevance for the initiation of electric breakdown. It is concluded that under ideal conditions the cathode plays a decisive role in the initiation of the breakdown process. It is speculated that a Townsend type breakdown mechanism is absent in the liquid phase of these elements.  相似文献   

采用平行双螺杆挤出机和转矩流变仪制备了Si O2/LDPE纳米复合材料,研究了两种工艺对纳米粒子分散情况和介电性能的影响。利用电声脉冲法(PEA)比较LDPE和Si O2/LDPE纳米复合材料的空间电荷抑制能力,并测量了其室温下的直流击穿特性。结果表明:Si O2/LDPE比LDPE具有更高的空间电荷抑制能力,且两种工艺制备的Si O2/LDPE直流击穿强度分别提高了21.8%和3%。扫描电镜(SEM)分析表明,平行双螺杆制备的Si O2/LDPE纳米复合材料中的纳米粒子分散性更好,其空间电荷的抑制能力更高,直流击穿强度比转矩流变仪制备的材料高18.22%。平行双螺杆比转矩流变仪具有较高的剪切力,可提高纳米粒子在聚合物中分散性,进一步提高了Si O2/LDPE纳米复合材料的介电性能。  相似文献   

The breakdown mechanism of a gas at small PD values is considered. Comparing experimental results and theoretical analysis, the limits of different breakdown mechanisms are established. For SF6 and Ar gases the conditions for streamer and those for the Townsend breakdown mechanism are found, as well as those for vacuum breakdown. The pressure values characteristic for avalanche and emission mechanisms of vacuum breakdown are obtained. Left from the Paschen minimum in the vicinity of the minimum point, edge-type breakdown is dominating, which currently is misinterpreted as an anomalous Paschen effect  相似文献   

Influence of space charge on dc tree propagation is studied using many insulating polymer materials under divergent fields. The inception voltage and the propagation of dc treeing are affected strongly by space charge. Space charge formation in polymers was observed directly by using thermally stimulated current (TSC) techniques under divergent field. These results of the space charge effect on dc treeing phenomena are consistent with those obtained by the TSC method. From these results, the origin of space charge in polymers and the suppression techniques for space charge formation were discussed  相似文献   

The space charge behavior such as charge distribution and electrical conduction of maleic anhydride grafted LDPE (LDPE-g-MAH) was investigated. Heterocharge was found in LDPE and it decreased with increasing MAH graft ratio in LDPE-g-MAH. Conduction currents also decreased with increasing MAH graft ratio. The relationship between the space charge behavior and the electrical conduction characteristics in LDPE-g-MAH is discussed  相似文献   

The correlation between space charge accumulation and insulation failure has been investigated in four, polyethylene-based materials subjected to a DC field of 50 kV/mm. Two of the materials contained tree-retardant additives and all four materials were aged for extended periods up to 19,000 h. The specimens were removed periodically from the external field and subjected to space charge density measurements under no-voltage conditions using the thermal step (TS) technique. Not a single parameter that would consistently correlate with times to insulation failure could be derived from the space charge measurements. However, the space charge measurements provided valuable insight into a possible link between the dynamics of space charge development and the time of DC aging. In particular, a consistent surge in the amount of accumulated space charge shortly before insulation breakdown was observed in practically all samples. Also, a consistent relationship between time to breakdown and the position of the internal space charge density peaks in the sample was observed. Samples that had space charge density peaks further apart consistently survived longer than specimens for which the peaks were closer together. These phenomena, if confirmed, could be used to screen new materials for DC voltage applications.  相似文献   

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