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OBJECTIVES: We sought to assess the effects of aging on the endothelial physiology of a group of Chinese adults. BACKGROUND: Several studies have documented an association between aging and progressive arterial endothelial dysfunction in white subjects. We hypothesized that age-related endothelial dysfunction, an important event in atherosclerosis, might be less marked in southern Chinese subjects, in whom the prevalence of coronary heart disease is only approximately 20% of that in industrialized countries. METHODS: We studied endothelial function in 76 healthy adults aged 16 to 70 years: 38 Chinese from a village of 3,000 people in southern China and 38 white subjects from Sydney, Australia. In each ethnic group, there were 19 younger persons (16 to 40 years) and 19 older adults (55 to 70 years). None had evidence of diabetes, hypertension or clinical vascular disease or had ever been regular cigarette smokers. With the use of high resolution external vascular ultrasound, brachial artery diameter was measured at rest, after flow increase (causing endothelium-dependent dilation) and after sublingual nitroglycerin (an endothelium-independent dilator). RESULTS: Endothelium-dependent dilation was similar in young Chinese (mean +/- SD 8.3 +/- 2.5%), young whites (7.9 +/- 2.0%) and older Chinese (6.8 +/- 2.9%), but it was significantly impaired in older whites (1.8 +/- 2.5%, p < 0.001 by analysis of variance). On multivariate analysis, older age was associated with impaired endothelium-dependent dilation (p < 0.001) (independent of the effects of serum cholesterol, gender and vessel size) in the white but not in the Chinese subjects (p = 0.83). Nitroglycerin-induced dilation was not significantly different with aging in either ethnic group. CONCLUSIONS: Endothelium-dependent dilation is similar in the arteries of healthy young Chinese and white adults. With older age, however, Chinese subjects are less susceptible to impaired endothelial function.  相似文献   

Phosphoglycerate mutase is an essential glycolytic enzyme for Zymomonas mobilis, catalyzing the reversible interconversion of 3-phosphoglycerate and 2-phosphoglycerate. The pgm gene encoding this enzyme was cloned on a 5.2-kbp DNA fragment and expressed in Escherichia coli. Recombinants were identified by using antibodies directed against purified Z. mobilis phosphoglycerate mutase. The pgm gene contains a canonical ribosome-binding site, a biased pattern of codon usage, a long upstream untranslated region, and four promoters which share sequence homology. Interestingly, adhA and a D-specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase were found on the same DNA fragment and appear to form a cluster of genes which function in central metabolism. The translated sequence for Z. mobilis pgm was in full agreement with the 40 N-terminal amino acid residues determined by protein sequencing. The primary structure of the translated sequence is highly conserved (52 to 60% identity with other phosphoglycerate mutases) and also shares extensive homology with bisphosphoglycerate mutases (51 to 59% identity). Since Southern blots indicated the presence of only a single copy of pgm in the Z. mobilis chromosome, it is likely that the cloned pgm gene functions to provide both activities. Z. mobilis phosphoglycerate mutase is unusual in that it lacks the flexible tail and lysines at the carboxy terminus which are present in the enzyme isolated from all other organisms examined.  相似文献   

The upper layers of mammalian epidermis contain citrulline-containing proteins formed by enzymatic deimination of arginine residues. To study the role of protein deimination in epidermal differentiation, we identified deiminated proteins extracted from human epidermis. Major deiminated proteins were identified as partially degraded keratin K1, while those from keratin K10 and a highly heterogeneous mixture of deiminated filaggrin isomers were detected as minor components. Deiminated keratins were recovered in a fraction enriched with keratins from the cornified layers. The subsequent immunohistochemical study showed that deiminated proteins were localized mainly in the lowermost cornified layer, but not in the granular layer. These data suggested that partially degraded/disulfide-cross-linked keratin K1 was preferentially deiminated during the terminal stages of epidermal differentiation. We therefore speculated that the protein deimination might influence the interaction of basic K1 with its acidic partner K10, pre-existent K5/K14 networks or keratin-associated protein filaggrin.  相似文献   

We had earlier identified the pcnB locus as the gene for the major Escherichia coli poly(A) polymerase (PAP I). In this report, we describe the disruption and identification of a candidate gene for a second poly(A) polymerase (PAP II) by an experimental strategy which was based on the assumption that the viability of E. coli depends on the presence of either PAP I or PAP II. The coding region thus identified is the open reading frame f310, located at about 87 min on the E. coli chromosome. The following lines of evidence support f310 as the gene for PAP II: (i) the deduced peptide encoded by f310 has a molecular weight of 36,300, similar to the molecular weight of 35,000 estimated by gel filtration of PAP II; (ii) the deduced f310 product is a relatively hydrophobic polypeptide with a pI of 9.4, consistent with the properties of partially purified PAP II; (iii) overexpression of f310 leads to the formation of inclusion bodies whose solubilization and renaturation yields poly(A) polymerase activity that corresponds to a 35-kDa protein as shown by enzyme blotting; and (iv) expression of a f310 fusion construct with hexahistidine at the N-terminus of the coding region allowed purification of a poly(A) polymerase fraction whose major component is a 36-kDa protein. E. coli PAP II has no significant sequence homology either to PAP I or to the viral and eukaryotic poly(A) polymerases, suggesting that the bacterial poly(A) polymerases have evolved independently. An interesting feature of the PAP II sequence is the presence of sets of two paired cysteine and histidine residues that resemble the RNA binding motifs seen in some other proteins.  相似文献   

We cloned the streptokinase (STK) gene of Streptococcus equisimilis in an expression vector of Escherichia coli to overexpress the profibrinolytic protein under the control of a tac promoter. Almost all the recombinant STK was exported to the periplasmic space and recovered after gentle lysozyme digestion of induced cells. The periplasmic fraction was chromatographed on DEAE Sepharose followed by chromatography on phenyl-agarose. Active proteins eluted between 4.5 and 0% ammonium sulfate, when a linear gradient was applied. Three major STK derivatives of 47.5 kDa, 45 kDa and 32 kDa were detected by Western blot analysis with a polyclonal antibody. The 32-kDa protein formed a complex with human plasminogen but did not exhibit Glu-plasminogen activator activity, as revealed by a zymographic assay, whereas the 45-kDa protein showed a K(m) = 0.70 microM and kcat = 0.82 s-1, when assayed with a chromogen-coupled substrate. These results suggest that these proteins are putative fragments of STK, possibly derived from partial degradation during the export pathway or the purification steps. The 47.5-kDa band corresponded to the native STK, as revealed by peptide sequencing.  相似文献   

Membrane-associated proteins were isolated from adult Philippine strain Schistosoma japonicum by partitioning into the detergent phase of Triton X-114. A rabbit polyclonal antiserum raised against these proteins was used to screen an S. japonicum expression cDNA library. Positive clones were identified which encoded the species orthologue of SmIrV1, a Schistosoma mansoni protein which was initially identified by screening with sera from mice protectively vaccinated with irradiated cercariae [Hawn et al., J. Biol. Chem. 268 (1993) 7692-7698]. The S. japonicum molecule, which we term SjIrV1, is 83% identical to SmIrV1 at the predicted amino acid level and is a member of the calreticulin family of non-EF-hand, calcium-binding proteins. The Chinese strain S. japonicum orthologue of SjIrV1 was obtained by screening with the radiolabelled insert of the Philippine strain clone. Northern blot analysis revealed a single message of around 2.4 kb and gave no indication of alternative splicing. Southern blot analysis gave a simple pattern, indicating a single-copy gene, and showed a single restriction fragment length polymorphism between the genomes of Chinese and Philippine strains of S. japonicum. Recombinant, full-length SjIrV1 was expressed with a hexahistidine tag in Escherichia coli and the recombinant protein isolated by nickel-chelate chromatography. Recombinant SjIrV1 was shown to exhibit calcium-dependent, differential electrophoretic migration and to bind ruthenium red in the absence but not in the presence of calcium ions. The presence of conserved Ca(2+)-binding motifs predicted from the primary sequence, together with the Ca(2+)-dependent electrophoretic mobility of recombinant SjIrV1, confirmed that SjIrV1 was a functional calcium-binding protein.  相似文献   

This paper reports the effects on grooming, related behaviors and levels of anxiety induced by the hypophysiotropic peptides corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH, 1 microgram, 0.2 nmol, icv), thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH, 100 micrograms, 275 nmol, icv) and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH, 1.5 micrograms, 1.3 nmol, icv) administered into the lateral ventricle of the brain (icv) of adult male rats of a Holtzman-derived colony (N = 15, each group). CRH induced an increase in total grooming scores, whereas LHRH, TRH and vehicle had no effect. CRH strongly increased face and head grooming and induced head shakes. The time spent in rearing and gnawing was significantly decreased. In the plus-maze, CRH reduced the time of exploration in the open arm. TRH increased face grooming and induced body shakes. LHRH had no effect on grooming or rearing behavior. No body or head shakes were observed after LHRH administration. Scoring of individual grooming elements demonstrated differences in action of the three peptides. Although both CRH and TRH increased face grooming, only CRH induced head grooming. Furthermore, CRH induced predominantly head shakes while TRH increased body shake activity. In contrast, CRH was anxiogenic and TRH appeared to induce stereotyped behavior. From the characterization of grooming elements and related responses, we conclude that each hypophysiotropic peptide induces a specific behavioral pattern.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized an N-benzoyl-Val-Gly-Arg-p-nitroanilide-specific protease gene, designated prtH, from Bacteroides forsythus ATCC 43037. Nucleotide sequencing of the DNA insert from the clone (hereafter referred to as clone FST) revealed that the protease activity corresponded to an open reading frame consisting of 1,272 bp coding for a 47.8-kDa protein. When plasmid pFST was used as a probe in Southern hybridization, Sau3AI-digested chromosomal DNA of B. forsythus ATCC 43037 as well as the chromosomal DNAs of the isolated strains Ta4, TR5, and YG2 showed 0.6- and 0.8-kb hybridizing bands. The cell-free extracts of clone FST showed hemolytic activity on human blood cells. The hydrolytic activity of cell extracts of the pFST clone was inhibited by p-toluenesulfonyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone hydrochloride, leupeptin, N-ethylmaleimide, iodoacetic acid, iodoaceteamide, and EDTA.  相似文献   

Plasmid pBS195, detected in a strain of Lactobacillus sp. isolated from long-living persons, has a broad host range, including Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms [1]. Plasmid-harboring colonies of the strain Escherichia coli HB101 give a color reaction with catechol. This indicates that genes mediating the activity of oxygenase are present in this plasmid. The high activity level of this enzyme, mediated by pBS195, and substrate specificity, which has not bee detected in any known metapyrocatechases, were found in cells of E. coli. Hybridization with a 32P-labeled fragment containing the NahC gene revealed a region of homology with a 1.6-kb EcoR I- BamH I fragment of plasmid pBS195. Deletion variants of this plasmid that lost oxygenase activity confirmed the location of the oxygenase gene in this region. The gene responsible for oxygenase activity in the plasmid was cloned on the pUC19 vector in E. coli cells. The expression of the cloned gene is controlled by the lac promoter of this vector. Physical, hybridization, and deletion analyses as well as analysis of polypeptides, which are synthesized in E. coli mini-cells, showed that this activity requires the participation of a polypeptide with molecular mass of 34 kDa.  相似文献   

The enzyme catalyzing the epimerization at position 2' of dihydroneopterin triphosphate was purified by a factor of about 10,000 from cell extract of Escherichia coli. The cognate gene was cloned, sequenced, expressed, and mapped to kb 2427 on the E. coli chromosome.  相似文献   

Minor leucine tRNA species, tRNA(Leu)4 and tRNA(Leu)5, from Escherichia coli B have been reported to recognize leucine codons UUA and UUG [Goldman, E., Holmes, W. M., and Hatfield, G. W. (1979) J. Mol. Biol. 129, 567-585]. In the present study, these two tRNA(Leu) species were purified from E. coli A19, and the nucleotide sequences were determined by a post-labeling method. tRNA(Leu)5 was found to correspond to the tRNA gene reported as su degrees6 tRNA [Yoshimura, M., Inokuchi, H., and Ozeki, H. (1984) J. Mol. Biol. 177, 627-644]. The first letter of the anticodon was identified to be 2'-O-methylcytidine (Cm). tRNA(Leu)4 was identified as the minor leucine tRNA that has been sequenced previously (tRNA(Leu)UUR) [Yamaizumi, Z., Kuchino, Y., Harada, F., Nishimura, S., and McCloskey, J. A. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 2220-2225]. There was an unidentified modified nucleoside (N*) in the first position of the anticodon of tRNA(Leu)4. Nucleoside N* was isolated to homogeneity (1 A260 unit). By 1H NMR spectroscopy, nucleoside N was found to be a 2'-O-methyluridine derivative with a substituent having a -CH2NH2+CH2COO- moiety in position 5 of the uracil ring. On the basis of these NMR analyses together with mass spectrometry, the chemical structure of nucleoside N* was determined as 5-carboxymethylaminomethyl-2'-O-methyluridine (cmnm5Um). Nucleoside N* was thus found to be a novel type of naturally occurring modified uridine. Because of the conformational rigidity of Cm and cmnm5Um in the first position of the anticodon, these tRNA(Leu) species recognize the leucine codons UUA++ and UUG correctly, but never recognize the phenylalanine codons UUU and UUC.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, the creatine kinase isoenzyme family consists of four types of isoforms: cytosolic muscle type (M-CK), cytosolic brain type (B-CK), mitochondrial ubiquitous, acidic type (Miu-CK), and mitochondrial sarcomeric, basic type (Mis-CK). Until recently, the existence of more than one subisoform of CK isoenzyme has been demonstrated only in fishes by starch gel electrophoresis. We report herein the isolation of three full-length cDNAs that correspond to three closely related creatine kinase M-CK genes from common carp (Cyprinus carpio), designated the M1-CK, M2-CK, and M3-CK genes. Using oligonucleotide probes that correspond to the same region but with the most variable sequences, different restricted genomic hybridization patterns have been obtained. These Southern blot results indicate that the three cDNAs come from different genes. Northern blot analysis using probes that correspond to the 3'-untranslated regions further show that all three subisoforms are expressed specifically in carp muscle. The deduced amino acid sequences of these three subisoforms of carp M-CK show about 85% identity to mammalian M-CK isoenzyme. Finally, the three cDNAs have been expressed in Escherichia coli with a molecular mass of approximately 43,000 Da, and these recombinant proteins exhibit creatine kinase activity. All of these data suggest that the M-CK isoenzymes have at least three subisoforms in carp.  相似文献   

The association patterns between maternal anthropometric characteristics (stature, prepregnancy weight, prepregnancy body mass index, pregnancy weight gain) and newborn size (birth weight, length, head circumference) were tested with 10,240 single births taking place between 1985 and 1995 in Vienna, Austria, and 3,452 single births taking place between 1989 and 1995 in Westerstede-Ammerland (Friesland), northern Germany. Maternal size and newborn size differed highly significantly (p < 0.001) between the two genetically and socioeconomically different population groups. Furthermore, the incidence of macrosomia among newborns (birth weight greater than 4000 g) was extraordinarily high (17.9%) in the Frisian group from northern Germany. In both populations taller and heavier women with a higher weight gain during pregnancy gave birth to heavier offspring. Nevertheless, the pregnancy weight gain, which indicates environmental conditions of the mother, had only a minor impact on newborn size compared with stature and prepregnancy weight, which reflect the maternal genetic potential to a higher degree.  相似文献   

The rpoS-encoded sigma(S) subunit of RNA polymerase in Escherichia coli is a global regulatory factor involved in several stress responses. Mainly because of increased rpoS translation and stabilization of sigma(S), which in nonstressed cells is a highly unstable protein, the cellular sigma(S) content increases during entry into stationary phase and in response to hyperosmolarity. Here, we identify the hfq-encoded RNA-binding protein HF-I, which has been known previously only as a host factor for the replication of phage Qbeta RNA, as an essential factor for rpoS translation. An hfq null mutant exhibits strongly reduced sigma(S) levels under all conditions tested and is deficient for growth phase-related and osmotic induction of sigma(S). Using a combination of gene fusion analysis and pulse-chase experiments, we demonstrate that the hfq mutant is specifically impaired in rpoS translation. We also present evidence that the H-NS protein, which has been shown to affect rpoS translation, acts in the same regulatory pathway as HF-I at a position upstream of HF-I or in conjunction with HF-I. In addition, we show that expression and heat induction of the heat shock sigma factor sigma(32) (encoded by rpoH) is not dependent on HF-I, although rpoH and rpoS are both subject to translational regulation probably mediated by changes in mRNA secondary structure. HF-I is the first factor known to be specifically involved in rpoS translation, and this role is the first cellular function to be identified for this abundant ribosome-associated RNA-binding protein in E. coli.  相似文献   

The genes encoding the ApaLI (5'-GTGCAC-3'), NspI (5'-RCATGY-3'), NspHI (5'-RCATGY-3'), SacI (5'-GAGCTC-3'), SapI (5'-GCTCTTCN1-3', 5'-N4GAAGAGC-3') and ScaI (5'-AGTACT-3') restriction-modification systems have been cloned in E. coli. Amino acid sequence comparison of M.ApaLI, M.NspI, M.NspHI, and M.SacI with known methylases indicated that they contain the ten conserved motifs characteristic of C5 cytosine methylases. NspI and NspHI restriction-modification systems are highly homologous in amino acid sequence. The C-termini of the NspI and NlaIII (5'-CATG-3') restriction endonucleases share significant similarity. 5mC modification of the internal C in a SacI site renders it resistant to SacI digestion. External 5mC modification of a SacI site has no effect on SacI digestion. N4mC modification of the second base in the sequence 5'-GCTCTTC-3' blocks SapI digestion. N4mC modification of the other cytosines in the SapI site does not affect SapI digestion. N4mC modification of ScaI site blocks ScaI digetion. A DNA invertase homolog was found adjacent to the ApaLI restriction-modification system. A DNA transposase subunit homolog was found upstream of the SapI restriction endonuclease gene.  相似文献   

Three genes involved in gluconate metabolism, gntR, gntK, and gntU, which code for a regulatory protein, a gluconate kinase, and a gluconate transporter, respectively, were cloned from Escherichia coli K-12 on the basis of their known locations on the genomic restriction map. The gene order is gntU, gntK, and gntR, which are immediately adjacent to asd at 77.0 min, and all three genes are transcribed in the counterclockwise direction. The gntR product is 331 amino acids long, with a helix-turn-helix motif typical of a regulatory protein. The gntK gene encodes a 175-amino-acid polypeptide that has an ATP-binding motif similar to those found in other sugar kinases. While GntK does not show significant sequence similarity to any known sugar kinases, it is 45% identical to a second putative gluconate kinase from E. coli,gntV. The 445-amino-acid sequence encoded by gntU has a secondary structure typical of membrane-spanning transport proteins and is 37% identical to the gntP product from Bacillus subtilis. Kinetic analysis of GntU indicates an apparent Km for gluconate of 212 microM, indicating that this is a low-affinity transporter. Studies demonstrate that the gntR gene is monocistronic, while the gntU and gntK genes, which are separated by only 3 bp, form an operon. Expression of gntR is essentially constitutive, while expression of gntKU is induced by gluconate and is subject to fourfold glucose catabolite repression. These results confirm that gntK and gntU, together with another gluconate transport gene, gntT, constitute the GntI system for gluconate utilization, under control of the gntR gene product, which is also responsible for induction of the edd and eda genes of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway.  相似文献   

The genes encoding alkaline phosphatase (phoA) and the inducible inorganic phosphate transport system Pst (pstS,C,A,B,U) belong to the PHO regulon. Mutants of Escherichia coli lacking the global regulatory protein integration host factor (IHF) show an increased level of alkaline phosphatase and a decreased level of Pst. IHF binds weakly but specifically to a DNA fragment containing the promoter region of the pst operon but does not bind to a fragment that includes the promoter region of phoA. It is proposed that IHF is a positive regulator of the pst operon and as such controls indirectly the expression of phoA.  相似文献   

A gene coding for a protein homologous to a translation initiation factor of eukaryotes, eIF5A, was cloned from Methanococcus jannaschii, a hyperthermophile with an optimum growth temperature of 85 degrees C. The protein was overexpressed, purified and crystallized. The crystals were obtained by vapor diffusion method with 8% PEG 4000 as precipitant and belong to space group P4(1)22 with unit cell dimensions a = b = 45.52 A and c = 155.59 A. These crystals diffract to at least 2.2 A resolution.  相似文献   

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