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从住宅逐步商品化谈住宅设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
科学的设计思想和方法是搞好住宅设计的前提和基础。通过对科学的设计思想和方法进行探讨,并结合我国商品住宅的实际情况,对住宅设计的多样化提出了几点建议。 相似文献
戴军 《上海宝钢工程设计》2003,17(3):1-4
独立式住宅属于较高档的居住形态,在设计上应考虑其不同于普通多、高层住宅的特征。本文从结构体系、空间构成、细部构造以及设备配置等方面,探讨了当前独立式住宅设计的发展趋势。 相似文献
本文介绍了江铜实业总公司住宅楼的设计,根据地形情况,因地制宜,合理布局.在功能关系和平面布置上做了深入细致的研究和探讨,力争为住户创造一个舒适、优美、功能齐全的生活空间. 相似文献
就住宅给排水设计中给水管材的选用、管道的敷设、水表出户设置及噪声的防治等问题进行探讨,并提出一些具体看法。 相似文献
从建筑物(包括朝向、墙体、门窗、楼板、屋顶及阳台)、给排水、采暖、电力等方面介绍了金川集团公司27#住宅小区建筑节能设计的经验。 相似文献
低密度住宅开发设计中的几点思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
皮茜 《有色冶金设计与研究》2004,25(3):31-34
低密度住宅成为主流住宅产品,是顺应时代发展潮流并适合中国国情的历史必然,更具有优化人居环境的意义。 相似文献
根据《建筑地基基础设计规范》GBJ7-89的有关规定和计算公式,计算地基处理的垫层厚度,校核下卧软土的强度,验算建筑物形成后的沉降量,使在素填土上做砂垫层处理的目的的得以实现,最终缩短了建筑周期,节省了资金的投入。 相似文献
在新民居建设的背景下,笔者通过对太行山区传统民居的选材、构造、接地方式、村落组群等生态性的研究,提出了可用于山地新民居建设的可行性手段,以期应用到具体山地新民居建设中,使得传统建筑文化的价值得以延续及发展. 相似文献
Brown Charles H.; Beecher Michael D.; Moody David B.; Stebbins William C. 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1979,93(5):806
The ability of 3 monkeys (Macaca nemestrina and M. mulatta) to resolve the spatial origin of monkey vocalizations was psychophysically determined. Ss were trained through positive reinforcement operant conditioning procedures to report the detection of a change in the horizontal coordinate (azimuth) of the signal's location. Each S was tested with an array of signals, including natural calls, low-pass filtered components of calls, and simulated elements of calls. The acuity of localization of different macaque vocalizations was found to exceed a 4-fold range (from less than 4° to nearly 15°). Results indicate that both "harsh calls" and frequency-modulated "clear calls" were readily localized. The acuity of localization was unaffected by the harmonic content of clear calls. These observations suggest that signal locatability is one of the dimensions that have influenced the structure of macaque vocal signals. (47 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
碰触设计与艺术结下缘分并不是偶然的,爷爷喜欢书法,在某些层面影响了小叔,从小我便在这样的环境下成长,和堂哥一块儿看着小叔裱画作画,堂哥十岁跟着小叔学国画,我却没有,由于我的年龄小,又酷爱漫画,那时小叔总拿一堆漫画书叫我先临摹卡通人物.我的童年伙伴便是美少女战士、多拉A梦、小丸子等这些梦幻多彩的卡通人物,直到现在我依然是个充满童话色彩的大孩童. 相似文献
Local chemical gradients can have a significant impact on bacterial population distributions within subsurface environments by evoking chemotactic responses. These local gradients may be created by consumption of a slowly diffusing nutrient, generation of a local food source from cell lysis, or dissolution of nonaqueous phase liquids trapped within the interstices of a soil matrix. We used a random walk simulation algorithm to study the effect of a local microscopic gradient on the swimming behavior of bacteria in a porous medium. The model porous medium was constructed using molecular dynamics simulations applied to a fluid of equal-sized spheres. The chemoattractant gradient was approximated with spherical symmetry, and the parameters for the swimming behavior of soil bacterium Pseudomonas putida were based on literature values. Two different mechanisms for bacterial chemotaxis, one in which the bacteria responded to both positive and negative gradients, and the other in which they responded only to positive gradients, were compared. The results of the computer simulations showed that chemotaxis can increase migration through a porous medium in response to microscopic-scale gradients. The simulation results also suggested that a more significant role of chemotaxis may be to increase the residence time of the bacteria in the vicinity of an attractant source. 相似文献
分析了桩承台设计方面新旧规范设计理论之不同,结果表明新规范较之于旧规范设计理论要先进合理,破坏机理更接近工程实际,计算结果更偏于安全. 相似文献
文章对包钢炼铁厂运料车问老系统计算机MB+网络通讯介质由双绞线改为光纤通讯的实践过程进行了详细介绍,对其改造思路进行了深入分析,并对具体实施过程进行了逐条说明。 相似文献