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蚕蛹油尿素包合物中尿素和脂肪酸的分离回收工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用尿素包合法对蚕蛹油中的多不饱和脂肪酸进行富集,为了合理利用资源,实现尿素和脂肪酸的高效回收利用,研究了蚕蛹油尿素包合物中尿素和脂肪酸的分离回收工艺.结果表明最佳工艺条件为:水作溶解尿素包合物的溶剂,在70 ℃固液比为2∶ 1(pH为2~3)的条件下全部溶解,用石油醚萃取出脂肪酸,剩余的尿素溶液在0 ℃下结晶2 h.在此条件下回收率为97.55%,回收的尿素中氮含量达45.9%,脂肪酸组成主要为C16∶ 0(34.16%)、C18∶ 0(12.17%)和C18∶ 1(42.93%)饱和脂肪酸和单不饱和脂肪酸.  相似文献   

陈伟平  谢园沁  胡金鹿 《食品科学》2012,33(15):291-296
目的:研究蚕蛹油对3种不同类型的肝损伤小鼠的保护作用。方法:雄性ICR小鼠150只,按体质量随机分为3大组:实验a组(酒精性肝损伤组)、实验b组(免疫性肝损伤组)、实验c组(D-半乳糖胺肝损伤组)。每大组再随机分为5个小组:空白对照组、月见草油阳性对照组、肝损伤模型组及蚕蛹油低、高剂量组。灌胃7d后,除空白对照组外,各实验组分别进行如下处理:实验a组给予50%乙醇12mL/kg,建立小鼠酒精性肝损伤模型;实验b组采用尾静脉注射卡介苗(BCG)+脂多糖(LPS)诱导小鼠免疫性肝损伤;实验c组以10%D-半乳糖胺600mg/kg给各组小鼠腹腔注射,诱导小鼠D-半乳糖胺肝损伤模型。24h后测定血清中谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、谷草转氨酶(AST)的活性和肝组织中丙二醛(MDA)、还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)的含量;观察肝脏、脾脏指数的变化。结果:蚕蛹油组肝脏指数、脾脏指数、ALT和AST的活性及肝组织中MDA、还原型GSH水平与模型组各水平相比均具有显著性差异(P<0.05),且肝脏、脾脏指数水平与ALT、AST活性及MDA、GSH含量相关性显著(P<0.05)。结论:蚕蛹油对酒精所致小鼠急性化学性肝损伤、卡介苗和脂多糖诱导的免疫性肝损伤、D-半乳糖胺所造成的小鼠肝损伤均具有明显的保护作用,且对酒精性肝损伤及BCG和LPS诱导的免疫性肝损伤保护效果优于月见草油,其机制可能与其降酶、降低脂质过氧化水平、阻止肝细胞坏死作用有关。  相似文献   

吴晓霞  李建科  刘迎利 《食品科学》2011,32(15):285-288
目的:研究蚕蛹油(silkworm pupa oil,SPO)α-亚麻酸(α-linolenic acid)对实验性高血脂大鼠的预防和治疗作用。方法:建立远交群(sprague dawley,SD)大鼠高脂血症模型,预防性及治疗性给予蚕蛹油α-亚麻酸,测定并分析对大鼠血清甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、载脂蛋白A-I(apolipoprotein A-I,Apo A-I)及脂蛋白酯酶(lipoprotein lipase,LPL)和肝脂酶(hepatic lipase,HL)活性的影响。结果:蚕蛹油α-亚麻酸具有显著降低实验性高血脂大鼠血清TC、TG,升高HDL-C、Apo A-I的作用,同时可以增强LPL及HL活性。结论:蚕蛹油α-亚麻酸具有显著的预防和治疗高脂血症的作用。  相似文献   

研究超临界CO2萃取栝萎子油的最佳工艺条件,通过气相色谱-质谱分析,发现栝萎子油中多不饱和脂肪酸含量丰富.提取率由22%提高到41%,然后采用冷冻分离技术分离富集栝萎子油中的多不饱和脂肪酸.多不饱和脂肪酸纯度可达到92%.  相似文献   

蚕蛹油抗血栓形成作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究蚕蛹油(Silkworm Chrysalis,SC)对体内外血栓形成的影响。方法(1)采用动.静脉旁路血栓形成法、电刺激动脉血栓形成法和体外血栓法,观察SC对体内血栓湿重、形成时间以及体外血栓长度和干、湿重的影响。(2)建立血瘀模型,观察SC对血瘀大鼠全血高切、低切粘度的影响。结果(1)SC20.8、31.2mg/kg可显著降低血栓湿重(p〈0.05,P〈0.01),显著延长血栓形成时间(p〈0.01),显著缩短体外血栓长度(p〈0.05),并能显著降低体外血栓湿重和干重(p〈0.01,P〈0.05)。(2)SC20.8、31.2mg/kg可明显降低血液粘度(p〈0.01)。结论SC具有抗血栓形成作用,其机制与降低血液粘度改善血液流变性相关。  相似文献   

蚕蛹油中脂肪酸的气相色谱测定   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过气相色谱法,使用HP101毛细管柱,载气流量60ml/min,柱温180℃,氢火焰离子化检测器,测得蚕蛹油中的脂肪酸为:软脂酸C16:O 21.14%;棕榈油酸C16:12.67%;硬脂酸C18:0 577%;油酸C18:133.73%;亚油酸C18:2 13.21%;亚麻酸C18:3 21.31%。  相似文献   

浸出法提取蚕蛹油脂的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文探讨了蚕蛹油脂的提取方法,确定了浸出法提取的工艺路线及最佳条件。  相似文献   

本文以环己烷为溶剂,开展浸出蚕蛹油工艺研究.探讨蚕蛹浸出予处理及蚕蛹油浸出方式.确定最佳浸出工艺条件.  相似文献   

研究了超声波辅助提取蚕蛹油的工艺条件。通过单因素试验探讨了超声波功率、温度、液固比和时间4个参数对蚕蛹油得率的影响,然后通过正交试验确定了蚕蛹油的较佳提取条件。结果表明,温度对蚕蛹油得率影响较大,其次是超声波功率,时间影响最小,蚕蛹油提取的较优条件为:超声波功率120 W,温度70℃、液固比2∶1(mL/g)、时间为4 h,在上述条件下蚕蛹油得率为29.5%。  相似文献   

蚕蛹油改善小鼠记忆作用的实验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的验证蚕蛹油具有改善小鼠记忆的作用。方法按卫监发(1996)第38号《保健食品功能学评价程序和方法》中的改善记忆作用检验方法进行跳台试验和避暗试验。结果蚕蛹油对动物记忆获得与巩固过程有一定的促进作用,能明显地提高小鼠跳台被动回避反应再现能力和提高避暗反应再现能力。结论蚕蛹油具有明显改善记忆作用。  相似文献   

不饱和脂肪酸分离技术研究概况   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
不饱和脂肪酸作为重要的膳食脂肪酸,具有特殊的理化性质和独特的生理功能。对目前采用的不饱和脂肪酸主要分离技术进行了综述,并分析了各自的优缺点。  相似文献   

Rats were fed for 8 weeks a diet containing either Baobab seed oil (FBO) rich in cyclopropenoid fatty acids (CPFA) or heated oil (HBO) devoid of CPFA. In FBO rats, compared to controls (CO), the monounsaturated fatty acid content of adipose tissue lipids, liver triacylglycerols, liver and adrenal cholesteryl esters and liver, kidney, adrenal phospholipids were highly decreased to the benefit of saturated fatty acid content. In cholesteryl esters and phospholipids, the arachidonic acid (20:4 n-6) content was markedly decreased, especially in adrenals. In adrenal cholesteryl esters, adrenic acid (22:4 n-6) content was decreased more than its precursor. The effects of HBO on the tissue lipid fatty acid profile were practically absent. It is concluded that inhibition of fatty acid desaturation by CPFA previously demonstrated in vitro , was reflected in vivo in tissue lipid fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

为研究温度对食用油脂肪酸组成的影响,试验以精制玉米油为材料,分别在200℃恒温加热1、2,4、8、16h后用气相色谱法对脂肪酸组成的变化情况进行分析,并与未经加热的玉米油脂肪酸组成进行对比,试验结果显示在200℃时,加热时间的长短对植物油棕榈酸(C16:0),硬脂酸(C18:0),油酸(C18:1).亚油酸(C18:2),亚麻酸(C18:3),相对含量不产生明显变化.  相似文献   

Structured lipids were synthesized by acidolysis of γ-linolenic acid-rich oils and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), namely eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; 20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3), using different lipases. Lipase PS-30 from Pseudomonas sp. was chosen over the other enzymes to catalyze the acidolysis reaction owing to higher incorporation of n-3 PUFA. Effects of mole ratio, reaction time, incubation temperature, enzyme load, and solvent type on acidolysis reactions were studied. At 250 enzyme activity units, incorporation of n-3 PUFA reached optimal values of 29.9 and 30.7% for the reactions with borage and evening primrose oils, respectively. For the time course reaction, incorporation of n-3 PUFA increased up to 34.1 and 31.5% (in 30 h), in borage and evening primrose oils, respectively. After 24 h incubation in hexane, n-3 PUFA (EPA+DHA) incorporated into borage and evening primrose oils was 31.8 and 32.7%, respectively. The highest n-3 PUFA incorporation in both oils occurred at a mole ratio of 1:2:2 (oil/EPA/DHA). Among the solvents tested, n-hexane was found to be highly effective; total n-3 PUFA incorporation of 33.3 and 27.8% in borage and evening primrose oils, respectively, was achieved in hexane. However, the solvent-free reaction afforded products with a total of 23.4–28.8% n-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA).  相似文献   

The positional distribution of long-chain ω3 polyunsaturated fatty acids namely eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in the triacylglycerol (TAG) molecules of seal blubber oil was determined and compared with that of commercially available menhaden oil via stereospecific analysis. In seal blubber oil, EPA, DPA and DHA occurred mainly in the sn-1 and sn-3 positions of the TAG molecules. The amounts were EPA, 8.36 and 11.2; DPA, 3.99 and 8.21; and DHA, 10.5 and 17.9%, respectively. In menhaden oil, DPA and DHA occurred mainly in the sn-2 position of the TAG at 3.11 and 17.2%, respectively. However, EPA was equally distributed in the sn-2 and sn-3 positions and was present only in minute amounts in the sn-1 position.  相似文献   

For food purposes, the palm oil is generally fractionated to solid (stearin) and liquid (olein) fractions. Distribution of fatty acids in triacylglycerols of palm oil determines the fate of fractionation in terms of yield and quality of the products, specifically the liquid fraction or olein. The more trisaturated and triunsaturated and the less mono- and disaturated will yield higher and better quality olein. There are six types of fatty acids found in the palm oil, but only 14 combinations are found in the triacylglycerols. In this study, such combinations were statistically tested to determine whether or not the fatty acids are randomly distributed, and if it was not, toward which direction the regulatory agent works. The distribution of fatty acids in the palm oil triacylglycerols was found to be nonrandomly distributed. Unfortunately, the palm tended to form 11.98% higher disaturated triacylglycerols, −7.4% less triunsaturated, and −4.25% less trisaturated compared to when the arrangement was random. If manipulation could be induced in such a way that the synthesis of triacylglycerols becomes random, the triunsaturated and trisaturated triacylglycerol proportion expectedly would increased to 12.57% and 12.43%, respectively. Such manipulation can be done in the plant through genetic engineering, or in the harvestedpuit through application of stimulant, or in the oil through chemical or enzymatic transesterification.  相似文献   

以大豆胚芽出油率为指标,石油醚为脱脂溶剂,通过单因素和正交试验对大豆胚芽索氏提取工艺进行了研究。结果表明:大豆胚芽制油的最佳提取工艺为:粒度30目,料液比1:13,回流时间5h。在此条件下,大豆胚芽出油率为10.50%。  相似文献   

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