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水系统运行要求保温、循环持续运行,通常其辅助动力系统值班运行时能耗非常高。如何合理选用节能辅助动力设备,以节约能源降低水系统能耗,是制药企业必须解决的问题。通过实例比较,介绍如何计算选择节能辅助动力设备的具体方法,对药企水系统节能降耗具有实际应用推广价值。  相似文献   

1 引言 众所周知,能源危机早已向我们敲响了警钟,煤炭、石油、天然气等常规能源的短缺已经成为全球性的严重问题。  相似文献   

分析服务器节能认证中基准配置和扩展配置的功耗测试方法以及限值计算方法,提出服务器样品测试方案,并结合笔者的实际测试经验,总结了测试过程和申请节能认证过程中注意事项,为实验室和企业提供认证指南.  相似文献   


As the advancements in the field of artificial intelligence technologies continue to grow, robots are being built by the researchers as an attempt to render services to the people. In this regard, the robots can communicate effectively with the people and be able to complete all the tasks adequately given to them. These service robots while being developed requires the dialogue services to be developed to interact effectively with human beings providing far better user experience. Thus, the robot been built can provide domain-specific knowledge as well as able to provide consultations in various domains. We in this paper adopted a service-oriented approach for developing context-aware communication services for the cloud robot. The proposed work aims at training the context-aware model developed. The context-aware model is responsible for answering the questions put forward by the users and possess the ability to exploit the answers corresponding to the questions presented. An integrated framework is used to combine the contextual information and communication services. The performance of the proposed model can be evaluated based on Inverse Rank Mean (IRM). Evolutionary testing methods are used for testing the data in the proposed model. The results thus obtained shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach.


通信机房节能综合解决方案   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孙研 《电信技术》2006,(6):26-30
简要介绍了通信机房的节能背景以及节能降耗的基本原则.详细介绍了新风节能和中央空调节能解决方案,指出了需量控制和集成能源管理对于节能降耗的重要性.最后给出了节能效果的评测体系。  相似文献   

The fabrication of cell‐laden structures with anisotropic mechanical properties while having a precise control over the distribution of different cell types within the constructs is important for many tissue engineering applications. Automated textile technologies for making fabrics allow simultaneous control over the color pattern and directional mechanical properties. The use of textile techniques in tissue engineering, however, demands the presence of cell‐laden fibers that can withstand the mechanical stresses during the assembly process. Here, the concept of composite living fibers (CLFs) in which a core of load bearing synthetic polymer is coated by a hydrogel layer containing cells or microparticles is introduced. The core thread is drawn sequentially through reservoirs containing a cell‐laden prepolymer and a crosslinking reagent. The thickness of the hydrogel layer increases linearly with to the drawing speed and the prepolymer viscosity. CLFs are fabricated and assembled using regular textile processes including weaving, knitting, braiding, winding, and embroidering, to form cell‐laden structures. Cellular viability and metabolic activity are preserved during CLF fabrication and assembly, demonstrating the feasibility of using these processes for engineering functional 3D tissue constructs.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Ambient assisted living (AAL) is focused on providing assistance to patients primarily in their natural environment to improve their quality of life. AAL domain...  相似文献   

本文利用量子理论,提出了“Nd:YAG激光激发水分子形成激光”的理论模型,在基础上,研究了Nd:YAG激光能量在活体组织中的吸收和转移,并将所得结论与实验结果进行了分析和比较。  相似文献   

随着资源紧缺以及环境破坏问题日益突出,节能环保的观念深入人心。在建筑领域中,电气照明是最能体现节能环保理念的部分。因此,在对电器照明进行设计时,不仅要结合人们生活以及工作方面的习惯,同时还应该考虑设计的经济性。文中对我国当前电气照明方面的节能技术进行了分析,并针对节能设计提出了一些可靠有效的措施。  相似文献   

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) improve passenger/pedestrian safety and transportation productivity through the use of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-roadside wireless communication technologies. Communication protocols in these environments must meet strict delay requirements due to the high moving speed of the vehicles. In this paper, we propose an energy-conservative MAC layer protocol, named DSRC-AA, based on IEEE 802.11 that provides power saving to the ITS communication modules (e.g., On Board Units, portable devices, and Road Side Units) while ensuring the bounded delay. DSRC-AA, a generalization of the Asynchronous Quorum-based Power-Saving (AQPS) protocols, capitalizes on the clustering nature of moving vehicles and assigns different wake-up/sleep schedules to the clusterhead and the members of a cluster. DSRC-AA is able to dynamically adapt the schedules to meet the communication delay requirements at various vehicle moving speed. Simulation results show that DSRC-AA is able to yield more than 44 percent reduction in average energy consumption as compared with the existing AQPS protocols, if to be used in vehicular networks.  相似文献   

近期中国移动正在大规模建设IDC机房,数量越来越多,规模越来越大,但是昂贵的建设和运维费用降低了IDC业务的利润率,建设绿色节能的IDC机房是解决这些问题的途径,同时也是履行社会责任的重要部分。本文以配套设备节能为研究对象,分析了PUE值的构成因子,论述了供电系统、制冷系统等配套部分的节能措施及效果。  相似文献   

部分学生对相关理论与公式理解不够深刻,难以将相关理论与对应计算公式紧密联合导致学习效果差强人意.教学实践证明,若能以学生最为熟悉的理论知识为工具对Boost变换器进行分析,即可取得较好的教学效果.基于此,本文拟从学生最为熟悉的能量守恒定律着手,对Boost变换器的工作特性进行分析与计算,并与现有电力电子技术教材的相关分...  相似文献   

本文在阐述6LoWPAN网络特点的基础上,重点研究了6LoWPAN的能量控制技术,包括对软件协议栈进行了节能系统的整体设计,提出了包括网络接口层、适配层、路由层和网络层在内的跨层节能策略等。最后,展望了6LoWPAN节能技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

如果说好莱坞的《2012》带给大家的不过是一次心理上的恐惧冲击,那么之前一部由美国前副总统戈尔参演的电影《后天》则是真真切切反映了一个正在发生的社会问题,这个问题又因为去年底北极冰原快速融化而变得越来越严肃和严酷。抑制全球变  相似文献   

全球气候变暖话题成为近来社会普遍关注的课题。在3月下旬的“2007慕尼黑上海电子展”上,众多厂家探讨了电源、能源、节能与环保话题。[编者按]  相似文献   

In this paper we use the Erlang theory to quantitatively analyse the trade offs between energy conservation and quality of service in an ad-hoc wireless sensor network. Nodes can be either sleeping, where no transmission or reception can occur, or awake where traffic is processed. Increasing the proportion of time spent in the sleeping state will decrease throughput and increase packet loss and delivery delay. However there is a complex relationship between sleeping time and energy consumption. Increasing the sleeping time does not always lead to an increase in the energy saved. We identify the energy consumption profile for various levels of sensor network activity and derive an optimum energy saving curve that provides a basis for the design of extended-life ad hoc wireless sensor networks. Qiang Gao is a research fellow in Electronic Engineering at Aston University. He received his B.S. in Theoretical Physics from Southwest Normal University in 1994, M.S. in Theoretical Physics from Lanzou University in 1997, and Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from Chinese Academy of Science in 2000. His research interests include ad hoc networks, multimedia networks, information security, CSCW. Keith Blow is a Professor in Engineering in the School of Engineering at Aston University. He worked for eighteen years in the research laboratories of BT studying optical solitons and the applications of nonlinearity to optical communications. In 1999 he moved to Aston University. In addition to his interests in optical communications he is also working on performance modelling and optimisation of ad-hoc sensor networks. David Holding is a Reader in Electronic Engineering in the School of Engineering at Aston University. He has expertise in the design of digital and programmable electronic systems, leads the digital electronics design programmes and is responsible for the associated laboratories and research facilities. Dr Holding has research interests in the design of sensor networks, distributed processing and control systems, concurrent real-time software and fault tolerant systems, and FPGA/SOC implementation. Ian Marshall is Professor of Distributed Systems in the Computing Lab at the University of Kent and a Visiting Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at University College London. He is also Technical Director of the DTI funded Envisense research centre. Between 2001 and 2003 he was a Royal Society Industry Fellow at University College London where he led the initial research on self-organising sensor networks, using nature inspired decentralised control algorithms, now being further explored by the Envisense researchers, and the ubiquitous systems reasearch group at Kent. Previously he worked for BT in active networks & services, optical networks, broadband networks, network strategy, Internet and distributed systems. He is a chartered engineer, a member of council at the Institute of Physics and a fellow of the British Computer Society and of the Institute of Electrical Engineers. He serves on several institute committees, on EPSRC and European research panels, and on numerous programme committees.  相似文献   

建立机房模型分析机房外墙全年的热交换情况;根据不同地区、不同气候条件,确定合理的外墙传热系数并分析节能效果;提出节能型外墙构造。  相似文献   

在整个城市的电力系统中,城市电网起到了至关重要的作用。怎样降低城市电网的损耗是必须重视的问题。而加强线损管理,落实降损措施,已经成为供电企业经营管理的重要内容之一。文中分析了10 kV配电网线损高的原因,提出了节能降耗的相关对策,以及改善配电网线损管理的一些措施。  相似文献   

通信机房空调系统节能技术探讨   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
简单介绍了应用变频技术、机房空调组自适应控制、自然冷源、新型制冷剂和处理冷水机组空调水等技术手段实现通信机房空调系统节能的原理。并给出了应用建议。  相似文献   

浅析空调系统节能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对空调变风量系统、冷水机组和空调水系统的节能分析,阐述了空调系统运行过程中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

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