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The high-temperature chemical stability of hot-pressed Si3N4 was studied between 600° and 1450°C. Reactions were followed by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. In air, this material begins to oxidize at 700° to 750°C; a distinct amorphous siO2 surface layer results after 24 h at 750°C-Concomitant formation of cristobalite occurs, depending on exposure time, and is enhanced as temperature is Increased. Magnesium and calcium magnesium silicates form above 1000°C. The data suggest that impurities, e.g. Mg, Ca, and Fe, greatly lower the oxidation resistance of Si3N4 in air.  相似文献   

Silicon carbide (SiC) ceramics have been fabricated by hot-pressing and subsequent annealing under pressure with aluminum nitride (AlN) and rare-earth oxides (Y2O3, Er2O3, and Yb2O3) as sintering additives. The oxidation behavior of the SiC ceramics in air was characterized and compared with that of the SiC ceramics with yttrium–aluminum–garnet (YAG) and Al2O3–Y2O3–CaO (AYC). All SiC ceramics investigated herein showed a parabolic weight gain with oxidation time at 1400°C. The SiC ceramics sintered with AlN and rare-earth oxides showed superior oxidation resistance to those with YAG and Al2O3–Y2O3–CaO. SiC ceramics with AlN and Yb2O3 showed the best oxidation resistance of 0.4748 mg/cm2 after oxidation at 1400°C for 192 h. The minimization of aluminum in the sintering additives was postulated as the prime factor contributing to the superior oxidation resistance of the resulting ceramics. A small cationic radius of rare-earth oxides, dissolution of nitrogen to the intergranular glassy film, and formation of disilicate crystalline phase as an oxidation product could also contribute to the superior oxidation resistance.  相似文献   

The densification behavior of Si3N4 containing MgO was studied in detail. It was concluded that MgO forms a liquid phase (most likely a magnesium silicate). This liquid wets and allows atomic transfer of Si3N4. Evidence of a second-phase material between the Si3N4 grains was obtained through etching studies. Transformation of α- to β-Si3N4 during hot-pressing is not necessary for densification.  相似文献   

Using AlN and RE2O3 (RE = Y, Yb) as sintering additives, two different SiC ceramics with high strength at 1500°C were fabricated by hot-pressing and subsequent annealing under pressure. The ceramics had a self-reinforced microstructure consisting of elongated α-SiC grains and a grain-boundary glassy phase. High-temperature strength up to 1600°C was measured and compared with that of the SiC ceramics fabricated with AlN and Er2O3. SiC ceramics with AlN and Y2O3 showed the best strength (∼630 MPa) at 1500°C, while SiC ceramics with AlN and Er2O3 the best strength (∼550 MPa) at 1600°C.  相似文献   

The oxidation behaviors of monolithic Si3N4 and nanocomposite Si3N4-SiC with Yb2O3 as a sintering aid were investigated. The specimens were exposed to air at temperatures between 1200° and 1500°C for up to 200 h. Parabolic weight gains with respect to exposure time were observed for both specimens. The oxidation products formed on the surface also were similar, i.e., a mixture of crystalline Yb2Si2O7 and SiO2 (cristobalite). However, strength retention after oxidation was much higher for the nanocomposite Si3N4-SiC compared to the monolithic Si3N4. The SiC particles of the nanocomposite at the grain boundary were effective in suppressing the migration of Yb3+ ions from the bulk grain-boundary region to the surface during the oxidation process. As a result, depletion of yttribium ions, which led to the formation of a damaged zone beneath the oxide layer, was prevented.  相似文献   

The high-temperature flexural strength of hot-pressed silicon nitride (Si3N4) and Si3N4-whisker-reinforced Si3N4-matrix composites has been measured at a crosshead speed of 1.27 mm/min and temperatures up to 1400°C in a nitrogen atmosphere. Load–displacement curves for whisker-reinforced composites showed nonelastic fracture behavior at 1400°C. In contrast, such behavior was not observed for monolithic Si3N4. Microstructures of both materials have been examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The results indicate that grain-boundary sliding could be responsible for strength degradation in both monolithic Si3N4 and its whisker composites. The origin of the nonelastic failure behavior of Si3N4-whisker composite at 1400°C was not positively identified but several possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

The results of two-step oxidation experiments on chemically-vapor-deposited Si3N4 and SiC at 1350°C show that a correlation exists between the presence of a Si2N2O interphase and the strong oxidation resistance of Si3N4. During normal oxidation, k p for SiC was 15 times higher than that for Si3N4, and the oxide scale on Si3N4 was found by SEM and TEM to contain a prominent Si2N2O inner layer. However, when oxidized samples are annealed in Ar for 1.5 h at 1500°C and reoxidized at 1350°C as before, three things happen: the oxidation k p increases over 55-fold for Si3N4, and 3.5-fold for SiC; the Si3N4 and SiC oxidize with nearly equal k p's; and, most significant, the oxide scale on Si3N4 is found to be lacking an inner Si2N2O layer. The implications of this correlation for the competing models of Si3N4 oxidation are discussed.  相似文献   

Composite ceramic materials based on Si3N4 and ZrO2 stabilized by 3 mol% Y2O3 have been formed using aluminum isopropoxide as a precursor for the Al2O3 sintering aid. Densification was carred out by hot-pressing at temperatures in the range 1650° to 1800°C, and the resulting micro-structures were related to mechanical properties as well as to oxidation behavior at 1200°C. Densification at the higher temperatures resulted in a fibrous morphology of the Si3N4 matrix with consequent high room-temperature toughness and strength. Decomposition of the ZrO2 grains below the oxidized surface during oxidation introduced radial stresses in the subscalar region, and from the oxidation experiments it is suggested that the ZrO2 incorporated some N during densification.  相似文献   

The mechanical behavior of MoSi2 reinforced–Si3N4 matrix composites was investigated as a function of MoSi2 phase content, MoSi2 phase size, and amount of MgO densification aid for the Si3N4 phase. Coarse-phase MoSi2-Si3N4 composites exhibited higher room-temperature fracture toughness than fine-phase composites, reaching values >8 MP·am1/2. Composite fracture toughness levels increased at elevated temperature. Fine-phase composites were stronger and more creep resistant than coarse phase composites. Room-temperature strengths >1000 MPa and impression creep rates of ∼10−8 s−1 at 1200°C were observed. Increased MgO levels generally were deleterious to MoSi2-Si3N4 mechanical properties. Internal stresses due to MoSi2 and Si3N4 thermal expansion coefficient mismatch appeared to contribute to fracture toughening in MoSi2-Si3N4 composites.  相似文献   

We report here the study on tribological behavior of α-Sialon in aqueous medium. The results derived from a wide range of test conditions are briefly discussed. A reduction in friction coefficient from 0.7 to 0.03 and a decrease in wear rate by two orders of magnitude were achieved under low load (9.8 N) and high speed (>0.54 m/s) conditions. The tribological behavior of α-Sialon/Si3N4 ceramics was then compared with Si3N4/Si3N4 tribopairs.  相似文献   

The compressive creep behavior and oxidation resistance of an Si3N4/Y2Si2O7 material (0.85Si3N4+0.10SiO2+0.05Y2O3) were determined at 1400°C. Creep re sistance was superior to that of other Si3N4 materials and was significantly in creased by a preoxidation treatment (1600°C /120 h). An apparent parabolic rate constant of 4.2 × 10−11 kg2·m-4·s−1 indicates excellent oxidation resistance.  相似文献   

Sintering kinetics of the system Si3N4-Y2O3-Al2O3 were determined from measurements of the linear shrinkage of pressed disks sintered isothermally at 1500° to 1700°C. Amorphous and crystalline Si3N4 were studied with additions of 4 to 17 wt% Y2O3 and 4 wt% A12O3. Sintering occurs by a liquid-phase mechanism in which the kinetics exhibit the three stages predicted by Kingery's model. However, the rates during the second stage of the process are higher for all compositions than predicted by the model. X-ray data show the presence of several transient phases which, with sufficient heating, disappear leaving mixtures of β ' -Si3N4 and glass or β '-Si3N4, α '-Si3N4, and glass. The compositions and amounts of the residual glassy phases are estimated.  相似文献   

The heat treatment of silicon nitride (Si3N4) ceramics with additions of 8, 12, and 16 wt% Yb2O3 was carried out at different temperatures and the evolution of grain boundary (GB) phase was investigated systematically by X-ray diffraction (XRD) as well as scanning electron and transmission electron microscopic analyses. XRD results reveal that the extent and the ease of GB crystallization increase with increasing the Yb2O3 content, and that high heat-treatment temperatures in general favor crystallization of the quaternary compounds such as the Yb4Si2O7N2 phase. These results provide an insight into the GB phase evolution in the Yb-system Si3N4 ceramics subjected to a postsintering heat treatment.  相似文献   

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