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An increasing number of projects crosses organisational boundaries and inter-organisational trust is key to achieving consistent outcomes among different organisations. While research has demonstrated the relationships between trust and managerial practices in project organisations, the dynamics of trust in project ecologies and the driving force behind dynamics have received little attention in empirical research and require investigation. Analysing the relationship between a project-based firm and its supplier at three project data points and from the perspective of structuration theory, the study showed how trust was reproduced and developed in successive interactions. The findings suggested that the dynamics of trust is driven by the interplay of trust-building structures and interactions that generate and maintain a sense of ontological security in the relationship. Moreover, the interplays of structures and interactions were found at individual, project and firm levels of project contexts. To reproduce and develop trust requires consistency between structures and interactions in multilevel contexts, which can be achieved through top-down management interventions and bottom-up learning processes. The study enriches trust theories in project studies by theoretically and empirically explicating the process of trust reproduction and development and the driving force of trust dynamics in the multilevel project contexts.  相似文献   

Shared leadership has rarely been studied in the project management context, despite its proven performance-enhancing benefits in other management domains. Based on a systematic review of the salient literature from multiple disciplines, this paper develops a new multi-level conceptual model to advance a holistic understanding of how shared leadership develops and how it may impact individual, team, project and wider organisational performance. The conceptual model draws upon the input-mediator-output-input perspective of systems theory, which is well-established in the general team literature. The new integrative model identifies the potential multi-level antecedents, proximal team functioning outcomes, and the more distal multi-level outcomes of shared leadership based on findings from the shared leadership literature drawn largely from other domains. Potential boundary conditions of the model are identified. A future research agenda is recommended for empirically testing the new multi-level shared leadership model and its different elements in a diverse range of project contexts.  相似文献   

Several multinational engineering firms offshore the delivery of engineering design or structural detail drawings to their globally distributed delivery centres. Studies have reported knowledge-sharing challenges when such work is co-ordinated across boundaries. This study takes a practice-based approach to explore knowledge-coordinating challenges across two multinational engineering firms that offshore projects to their global delivery centres in India. Data was collected from six infrastructure projects in the two delivery centres through direct observations augmented with real-time interviews and reviews of e-mails and project documents. This data was analysed qualitatively using ethnographic-coding techniques. Empirical findings identified a set of eight coordinating practices, many of which were emergent, which the teams creatively recombined and enacted as co-ordinating mechanisms that spanned organisational boundaries. Seven practices served to transfer knowledge and one practice transformed knowledge across onshore and offshore units. The study contributes to our understanding of co-ordinating by identifying emergent and informal coordinating practices in offshored construction projects and provides insights to practitioners on the boundary spanning capabilities of these practices.  相似文献   

Despite an acknowledgment of the importance of communication in project management, communication breakdowns still occur with a negative influence on project success. In existing literature, communication is usually reduced to an instrument for ensuring employee buy-in and overcoming user resistance towards the end of the project. The purpose of this study is to examine the communication breakdowns occurring at multiple levels during a business process change project. This study employs a qualitative longitudinal case study design embedded within a sociotechnical systems lens, focussing on the work-system, organisational, and macrosocial levels. Based on the findings of the case study of a new blood labelling system implementation in a national blood bank service, this study empirically illustrates the occurrence of communication breakdowns during a project. The study suggests that the occurrence of these communication breakdowns can be avoided by change communication in relation to the context, process, and content of change respectively at the macrosocial, organisational, and the work-system levels. The study also demonstrates the contextual influence of the health sector, and in so doing, establishes the requirement towards system flexibility to accommodate diverse solutions when planning and executing a project.  相似文献   

Why do major projects escalate on schedule and budget? Research from an engineering management perspective has focused the technical failings in project management, but little has been achieved in improving performance. We therefore contribute to theory by posing the question “can a more comprehensive perspective on the escalation phenomenon drawing on organisation theory be developed?” We turn to three contributions to research on major projects which treat project escalation as an organisational process rather than an engineering problem. We suggest each of these contributions – future-perfect strategising, strategic misrepresentation, and escalation of commitment – makes only a partial contribution, but also they can complement each other as elements in a more comprehensive perspective on the escalation phenomenon. The resultant analytic model is applied to the case of the Channel Fixed Link using a hindsight approach to explore the dynamics of escalation using history for generating theory in project management research.  相似文献   

Interfirm process coordination is pivotal for offshore outsourced service project success. Via knowledge-based and organizational learning view, this study explores the effectiveness of process coordination in the dyadic client-provider relationship. We investigate the influence of interactive and implicit coordination on project performance under contingencies of project modularity and complexity, which determine interfirm interdependencies from the top down and from the bottom up. The objectives are to comprehend the two approaches to coordinating and integrating partners' endeavors during project implementation and to unveil their interactions with project context. Our theoretical and empirical analyses show how the effectiveness of process coordination depends on project attributes individually and jointly.  相似文献   

Project portfolio management offices (PPMOs) are a subset of project management offices (PMOs) that handle collections of multiple single projects and programmes, i.e. portfolios. PPMOs are centralised organisational units that cater to the demands of various stakeholders by performing specialised tasks. They are initiated by their organisation's leadership in response to increasing management challenges originating from project portfolios. Although there has been considerable research on PMOs in general, not only a clear understanding of multi-project PMOs' activity patterns set in specific contexts like project portfolio management, but also both existence and mode of multi-project PMOs' contribution to successful performance are still lacking. By quantitatively analysing PPMOs in 278 portfolios, we identify three different activity patterns, which are interpreted as distinctive roles. We show a significant positive effect of PPMOs' coordinating and controlling roles on performance in terms of project portfolio management quality, which is a predictor of portfolio success.  相似文献   

While project organisations have become common, knowledge management of project organisations are still largely underdeveloped. Nevertheless, project organisations require particular systematic and effective knowledge management if they are to avoid knowledge fragmentation and loss of organisational learning. This study deals with knowledge management and knowledge competences in project organisations, particularly framework programmes. In addition to a literature study, two programmes and a review project have been studied. Finally, a Learning Programme Model is presented.  相似文献   

The ‘people and performance’ model asserts that performance is a sum of employee ability, motivation and opportunity (AMO). Despite extensive evidence of this people–performance link within manufacturing and many service sectors, studies within the construction industry are limited. Thus, a recent research project set out to explore the team deployment strategies of a large construction company with the view of establishing how a balance could be achieved between organisational strategic priorities, operational project requirements and individual employee needs and preferences. The findings suggested that project priorities often took precedence over the delivery of the strategic intentions of the organisation in meeting employees’ individual needs. This approach is not sustainable in the long term because of the negative implications that such a policy had in relation to employee stress and staff turnover. It is suggested that a resourcing structure that takes into account the multiple facets of AMO may provide a more effective approach for balancing organisational strategic priorities, operational project requirements and individual employee needs and preferences more appropriately in the future.  相似文献   

张芳 《山西建筑》2011,37(30):156-157
结合工作实践,从路面改造工程的项目法人制管理、路面横向裂缝的防治、纵向裂缝的防治、横坡不达标的防治、推移的防治、片石混凝土矮挡墙质量通病和基层施工质量问题等多个方面,总结了对加强路面改造工程建设管理的经验,对指导公路养护管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Project success is a widely studied and discussed phenomenon of project management. Whilst certain success criteria and success factors are common across different project types, there are unique criteria and factors that apply only to specific projects. This paper presents the development and investigation of the attributes of the success criteria and factors of organisational event projects, as well as an analysis of the relationship between the criteria and factor areas. The study is based on a questionnaire survey of world and European championships. The findings of the study are of interest because they distinguish the success factors that represent relationship orientation and task focus. An analysis of the correlations suggests that relationship-oriented success factors, such as communication, co-operation and project leadership, play a crucial role in carrying out successful organisational event projects.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展,以“群”为单位的多项目协同管理模式逐渐成为企业运营的趋势,对传统以单项目为中心的组织管理模式提出了新挑战。为深化企业项目群协同管理,发挥多项目协同效应,构建了企业项目群“纵横”协同的组织管理模式:通过组织层级划分构建了“企业战略—项目群—项目”的多级纵向协同组织模式;分析了项目群构成组件间的要素、流程与职能协同模式,提出了项目间的横向协同组织模式;基于信息化平台融合“纵横”协同特征,构建了企业项目群的综合协同管理组织框架,为企业应对项目群协同管理、构建科学管理组织提供了理论参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Due to the increasing complexity and flexibility of business activities, project-based organizations have become common. In such organizations, project management competencies, which refer to a collection of knowledge, personal attitudes, skills, and relevant experience, are core assets that must be taken seriously. Formalized project management career paths have been widely implemented in the construction industry. However, most recent studies treat project management competencies as static constructs and fail to consider their dynamic changes as a career path advances. To fill this gap in the literature, this study conducted an empirical examination of project management competencies integrated with a career model for the construction industry. First, key project management competencies are identified through a literature review. Then, a project management career model for large Chinese construction companies is developed based on an empirical investigation of six large Chinese construction companies from various sectors. Moreover, a quantitative analysis is performed to explore how these competencies dynamically change as position levels rise in the career model. The research findings indicate that significant differences in project management competencies exist at different levels of the career model. However, the distribution remains steady at different project management position levels for conceptual and organizational competencies, human competencies, and technical competencies.  相似文献   

Grounded Theory, now more than 50 years old, is a qualitative research approach widely employed in the social and human science studies to develop theories with a high degree of conceptuality. For construction management research, given the nature of this applied sub-discipline of management, a paradigmatic shift in Grounded Theory is needed, from classical positivism to pragmatism. Abductive Grounded Theory is posited as the way to achieve this shift in research methodology. The proposition is explored through a worked example, using Early Contractor Involvement research as a case study to demonstrate the research process. The data analysis process of open coding, axial coding and selective coding is described, together with the process of matching complementary prospect theory to explain the interdependencies between theoretical categories. The issues of validity and reliability are addressed. Of particular importance is the faithfulness to the original analytical coding process and then abduction of existing theories from salient literature to explain the relationships amongst emergent concepts. The findings show that, while the development of the research question is initially influenced by the review of literature, there is no deliberate effort to direct or force the collected information towards any set of pre-defined concepts. The study shows promising potential for using Abductive Grounded Theory to develop conceptual and instrumental theories in construction management research.  相似文献   

Projects are complex temporary entities that exist to achieve an objective for the owner/client/sponsor. Whilst there are many systems and techniques used to progress project management, less is known about the way that the management of a project is understood by those involved. This paper explores a range of methodological approaches, drawn from the area of managerial and organisational cognition (MOC), employed to understand more fully and rigorously the broader attributes of the Management of Projects (MoP) beyond the more execution orientated Project Management (PM). The dataset used are 11 construction projects within the United Kingdom with varying levels of complexity, size and scope. By deploying methodologies such as computer-aided content analysis and causal mapping, the layers of complexity were first separated and then distilled. We conclude by reflecting on the value in adopting primarily qualitative methodologies to multi-organisational, case-based research enquiries.  相似文献   

Customer relationship management (CRM) implementation projects reflect a growing conceptual shift from the traditional engineering view of projects. Such projects are complex and risky because they call for both organisational and technological changes. This requires effective project management across various phases of the implementation process. However, few empirical researches have dealt with these project management issues. The aim of this research is to investigate how a “project team” manages CRM implementation projects successfully, across the different phases of the implementation process. We conducted an in-depth case study of the “Firm-Clients Branch” of a large telecommunications company in France. The findings show that, to manage CRM implementation projects successfully, an integrated and balanced approach is required. This involves appropriate system selection, effective process re-engineering and further development of organizational structures. We highlight the need for a “technochange approach” to achieve successful organisational transition and effective CRM implementation. The study reveals that the project team plays a central role throughout the implementation phases. Furthermore the effectiveness of technochange depends on project team performance, technology efficiency and close coordination with stakeholders.  相似文献   

Project portfolio management is central to many organizations' strategic processes and requires consideration of multiple factors and the ability to envision alternative future consequences to support strategic project portfolio decision making. Complex project portfolios with multiple project interdependencies are characteristic of many project environments, yet existing methods do not provide the clear understanding of project interdependencies that is required.  相似文献   

An important development in project management in recent years has been the emergence of a new class of projects, in areas such as organisational change and IT, integrated business solutions, and long-term public service delivery. Often referred to as ‘business projects’, this new class of projects (and programmes) reflects a growing conceptual shift away from the traditional engineering view of projects, towards a more business-oriented view, in which the primary concern is no longer the capital asset, system or facility etc, but increasingly the challenge of implementing business strategy, improving organisational effectiveness, and managing the realisation of stakeholder benefits. Drawing on recent research from the UK Government-funded Rethinking Project Management Network, this paper argues that future research in this area needs to look beyond the mainstream literature on project management, to other relevant disciplines such as strategic management, operations management, and the management of change. Against this background, the authors present four conceptual perspectives from the management literature, which can be usefully applied to business projects. They represent exploratory contributions from four participants in the Network – a special collaboration between researchers – whose ideas and perspectives were either discussed at the Network meetings, or are the subject of research elsewhere. Collectively, the four contributions represent an exploratory discussion of different theoretical perspectives, in order to inform and stimulate other researchers and practitioners working in the field.  相似文献   

为探索适配装配式建筑项目的管理要素之间的关系,通过文献综述及专家访谈,基于集成项目交付(IPD)视角初选出16个建筑工程项目管理相关指标,结合对珠三角地区的相关从业专家调查问卷分析,运用探索性因子分析及信度检验,从中识别出4个维度下13个针对装配式建筑项目管理的要素指标;基于解释结构模型,构建了基于IPD框架下珠三角地区装配式建筑项目管理要素的层级结构模型;利用MICMAC分析方法,对要素之间的关系及关系强度进行了归类分析,将层级结构进一步分为根源层、中间层及表面层。并根据研究结果给出相应的装配式建筑项目管理对策,即根源层要素应最先得到重视和落实,同时可针对中间层要素进行各种组织模式拟合尝试,而表面层要素则可供设定绩效目标时参考。  相似文献   

Projects transform organisational processes as they deliver physical artefacts and spaces. Yet in the existing literature, there is relatively little attention to how project delivery professionals engage members of an organisation to co-create value. Building on research on stakeholders and organisational boundaries, an empirical study of the renewal of a large Finnish hospital is used to develop new insight into value co-creation between temporary and permanent forms of organisation. In this hospital case study, we find a framing ideology that supports value co-creation is provided by the project practitioners’ commitment to ‘service design’, and an enquiry that enrols organisational stakeholders’ participation and reveals temporal tensions at the temporary-permanent boundary. As the emergent temporal tensions are managed, ideas flow across the boundary and new artefacts and spaces are designed by the project team concurrently with, and are informed by, the implementation of new organisational processes. This study's contribution is to explain how project delivery professionals use ideology and enquiry to engage and co-create value with organisational participants.  相似文献   

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