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ZHANG Yanghuan YANG Tai CAI Ying HOU Zhonghui REN Huiping ZHAO Dongliang 《稀有金属(英文版)》2012,31(5):457-465
In order to ameliorate the electrochemical hydrogen storage performances of La-Mg Ni system A2B7-type electrode alloys,the partial substitution ofM (M =Zr,Pr) for La was performed.The melt spinning technology was used to fabricate the La0.75-xMxMg0.25Ni3.2Co0.2Al0.1 (M =Zr,Pr; x =0,0.1) electrode alloys.The influences of the melt spinning and substituting La with M (M =Zr,Pr) on the structures and the electrochemical hydrogen storage characteristics of the alloys were investigated.The analysis of XRD,SEM,and TEM reveals that the as-cast and spun alloys have a multiphase structure composed of two main phases (La,Mg)2Ni7 and LaNi5 as well as a residual phase LaNi2.The as-spun (M =Pr) alloy displays an entire nanocrystalline structure,while an amorphous-like structure is detected in the as-spun (M =Zr) alloy,implying that the substitution of Zr for La facilitates the amorphous formation.The electrochemical measurements exhibit that the substitution of Pr for La clearly increases the discharge capacity of the alloys; however,the Zr substitution brings on an adverse impact.Meanwhile,the M (M =Zr,Pr) substitution significantly enhances its cycle stability.The melt spinning exerts an evident effect on the electrochemical performances of the alloys,whose discharge capacity and high rate discharge ability (HRD) first mount up and then fall with the growing spinning rate,whereas their cycle stabilities monotonously augment as the spinning rate increases. 相似文献
The Mg2Ni-type alloys with nominal compositions of Mg20Ni10-xCox(x=0,1,2,3,4,%,mass fraction) were prepared by melt-spinning technology.The structures of the alloys were studied by XRD,SEM and HRTEM.The hydrogen absorption/desorption kinetics and the electrochemical performances of the alloys were measured.The results show that no amorphous phase forms in the as-spun Co-free alloy,but the as-spun alloys containing Co show a certain amount of amorphous phase.The hydrogen absorption capacities of the as-cast ... 相似文献
The La-Mg-Ni system PuNi3-type La0.5Ce0.2Mg0.3Co0.4Ni2.6-xMnx (x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) hydrogen storage alloys were prepared by casting and rapid quenching. The effects of the rapid quenching on the structure and electrochemical characteristics of the alloys were studied. The results obtained by XRD, SEM and TEM indicate that the as-cast and quenched alloys mainly consist of two major phases, (La,Mg)Ni3 and LaNi5, as well as a residual phase LaNi. The rapid quenching does not exert an obvious influence on the phase composition of the alloys, but it leads to an increase of the LaNi5 phase and a decrease of the (La, Mg)Ni3 phase. The as-quenched alloys have a nano-crystalline structure, and the grain sizes of the alloys are in the range of 20-30 nm. The results by the electrochemical measurements indicate that both the discharge capacity and the high rate discharge(HRD) ability of the alloy first increase and then decrease with the variety of quenching rate and obtain the maximum values at the special quenching rate which is changeable with the variety of Mn content. The rapid quenching significantly improves the cycle stabilities of the alloys, but it slightly impairs the activation capabilities of the alloys. 相似文献
Yang-huan Zhang Bao-wei Li Hui-ping Ren Shi-hai Guo Qi Yan Xin-lin Wang 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2009,480(2):547-553
In order to improve the electrochemical cycle stability of the La–Mg–Ni system A2B7-type electrode alloys, La in the alloy was partially substituted by Zr and the melt-spinning technology was used for preparing La0.75−xZrxMg0.25Ni3.2Co0.2Al0.1 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2) electrode alloys. The microstructures and electrochemical performances of the as-cast and quenched alloys were investigated in detail. The results obtained by XRD, SEM and TEM showed that the as-cast and quenched alloys have a multiphase structure which is composed of two main phases (La, Mg)Ni3 and LaNi5 as well as a residual phase LaNi2. The substitution of Zr for La leads to an obvious increase of the LaNi5 phase in the alloys, and it also helps the formation of a like amorphous structure in the as-quenched alloy. The results of the electrochemical measurement indicated that the substitution of Zr for La obviously decreased the discharge capacity of the as-cast and quenched alloys, but it significantly improved their cycle stability. The discharge capacity of the alloys (x ≤ 0.1) first increased and then decreased with the variety of the quenching rate. The cycle stability of the alloys monotonously rose with increasing quenching rate. 相似文献
采用铸造及退火工艺制备了La0.8-xPrxMg0.2Ni3.35Al0.1Si0.05 (x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)电极合金。系统研究了Pr的替代对合金的结构与电化学储氢性质的影响,结果表明除少量残余LaNi3相外,铸造及退火合金是由六方Ce2Ni7型(La, Mg)2Ni7相与六方CaCu5型LaNi5相构成的。Pr对La的置换对合金的电化学储氢性质产生明显影响,铸造及退火合金的放电容量和高倍率放电能力随Pr含量的增加先升后降。当Pr含量由0增加至0.4时,铸造及退火合金的100次充放电循环后容积保持率S100从64.96%和72.82%分别增加至77.94%和91.81% 相似文献
The present study aims to improve electrochemical properties of the La-Mg-Ni-based hydrogen storage alloys through partial substitution for La by mischmetal(MM).The La_(0.8-x)MM_xMg_(0.2)Ni_(3.1)Co_(0.3)Al_(0.1)(x=0,0.1,0.2,0.3)alloys were prepared by inductive melting,and their phase structures and electrochemical properties were studied by X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microscope(SEM),energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry(EDX)and electrochemical tests.Results show that the alloys mainly consist of La_2Ni_7-type phase,La_5Ni_(19)-type phase,LaNi_5-type phase and LaNi_3-type phase.The addition of MM does not change the phase compositions,while it leads to more uniform phase distribution and obviously promotes the formation of La_2Ni_7-type phase which possesses favorable electrochemical properties.Electrochemical studies indicate that the substitution for La by MM could effectively improve the high rate dischargeability(HRD)of the alloy electrode,and the optimal value of HRD_(1500)(HRD at 1500 mA·g~(-1))increases from 40.63%(x=0)to 60.55%(x=0.3).Although the activation properties of the alloy electrodes keep almost unchanged,both the maximum discharge capacity(C_(max))and the cycling stability are significantly improved by MM addition. 相似文献
为了研究不同退火方式对La0.75Mg0.25Ni3.44Co0.2Al0.03Ti0.03铸态合金的电化学性能影响,设计最终退火温度为1223K,并采用不同保温程序对合金进行退火处理。X射线衍射(XRD)与扫描电镜(SEM)分析一段、两段保温法退火后合金的结构与性能结果表明,铸态及退火后合金由LaNi5,(La,Mg)2(Ni,Co,Al)7相以及少量LaNi2、TiNi3相组成,且退火后合金中(La,Mg)(Ni,Co,Al)3相出现。前者微观组织较后者均匀,并且前者的放电容量、放电效率好于后者。一段保温法更有利于改善合金的循环稳定性。 相似文献
用铸造及快淬工艺制备了A2B7型电极合金,合金的名义成分为La0.75-xZrxMg0.25Ni3.2Co0.2Al0.1 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2)。深入研究了Zr替代La对合金微观结构及电化学性能的影响。用XRD、SEM、TEM分析了合金的结构。结果表明,铸态及快淬态合金均具有多相结构,含有两个主相(La,Mg)Ni3和LaNi5以及一个残余相LaNi2。Zr替代La使合金中LaNi5相明显增加,并促进快淬态合金中形成非晶相。电化学测试的结果表明,Zr替代La明显降低合金的放电容量,但显著改善合金的电化学循环稳定性。当Zr含量小于0.1时,合金的放电容量随淬速的增加而先增加后减小,合金的循环稳定性随淬速的增加而单调增加。 相似文献
添加Si对A_2B_7型电极合金结构及电化学贮氢性能的影响(英文) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为改善La–Mg–Ni系A2B7型合金的电化学贮氢性能,在合金中添加一定量的Si元素,通过真空熔炼及退火处理的方法制备La0.8Mg0.2Ni3.3Co0.2Six(x=0-0.2)电极合金。研究Si元素的添加对合金结构及电化学贮氢性能的影响。结果表明,铸态及退火态合金均为多相结构,分别为Ce2Ni7型的(La,Mg)2Ni7相和CaCu5型的LaNi5相以及少量的残余相LaNi3。Si元素的添加没有改变合金的主相,但使得合金中的(La,Mg)2Ni7相减少而LaNi5相增加。添加Si显著地影响了合金的电化学性能。随着Si含量的增加,铸态及退火态合金的放电容量逐步降低,但循环稳定性却随着Si含量的增加而增强。此外,合金电极的高倍率放电性能、极限电流密度、氢扩散系数以及电化学交流阻抗谱的测试均表明合金的电化学动力学性能随着Si含量的增加先增加而后减小。 相似文献
ZHANG Yang-huan DONG Xiao-ping WANG Guo-qing GUO Shi-hai REN Jiang-yuan WANG Xin-lin 《中国有色金属学会会刊》2006,16(4)
1 Introduction Ni-MH batteries have been used widely by virtue of several of their advantages, such as high capacity, capable of performing a high rate charge/discharge, high resistance to overcharging and over-discharging, a long cycle life, environment… 相似文献
为了提高La-Mg-Ni系(PuNi3)型贮氢合金的电化学循环稳定性,在La2Mg(Ni0.85Co0.15)9合金中加入微量Cr,用铸造及快淬工艺制备了La2Mg(Ni0.85Co0.15)9Crx(x=0,0.1,0.2)贮氢合金.分析测试了铸态及快淬态合金的电化学性能及微观结构,研究了Cr对铸态及快淬态合金微观结构及电化学性能的影响.结果表明,铸态及快淬态合金具有多相结构,包括(La,Mg)Ni3相(PuNi3结构)),LaNi5相和一定量的LaNi2相.快淬对合金的相组成没有影响,但使合金的相丰度产生变化.Cr的加入提高了铸态及快淬态合金的循环稳定性,但使合金的容量下降.合金的循环寿命随淬速的增加而增加,铸态及快淬态合金均有优良的活化性能. 相似文献
ZHANG Yanghuan ZHAO Dongliang DONG Xiaoping REN Huiping GUO Shihai WANG Xinlin 《稀有金属(英文版)》2006,25(Z1)
In order to improve the electrochemical cycle stability of La-Mg-Ni system (PuNi3-type) hydrogen storage alloy, Ni in the alloys was partially substituted by M (M=Cu, Al, Mn). A new La-Mg-Ni system electrode alloys La0.7Mg0.3Ni2.55-xCo0.45Mx (M=Cu, Al, Mn;x =0,0.1) were prepared by casting and rapid quenching. The effects of element substitution and rapid quenching on the microstructures and electrochemical performances of the alloys were investigated. The results by XRD, SEM and TEM show that the alloys havea multiphase structure, including the (La, Mg)Ni3 phase, the LaNi5 phase and the LaNi2 phase. The rapid quenching and element substitution have an imperceptible influence on the phase compositions of the alloys, but both change the phase abundance of the alloys. The rapid quenching significantly improves the composition homogeneity of the alloys and markedly decreases the grain size of the alloys. The Cu substitution promotes the formation of an amorphous phase in the as-quenched alloy, and a reversal result by the Al substitution. The electrochemical measurement indicates that the element substitution decreases the discharge capacity of the alloys, whereas it obviously improves the cycle stability of the alloys. The positive influence of element substitution on the cycle life of the alloys is in sequence Al>Cu>Mn, and negative influence on the discharge capacity is in sequence Al>Mn>Cu. The rapid quenching significantly enhances the cycle stability of the alloys, but it leads to a different extent decrease of thedischarge capacity of the alloys. 相似文献
1 INTRODUCTIONTherapiddevelopmentofelectricvehiclesisin evitablebecauseoflessenvironmental pollution .Now ,oneofR&DdirectionsisfocusedontheEVinUSA ,Japan ,Canadaetctosatisfytherequirementoftherapiddevelopmentoftransportation ,energyandenvironment .Fuelcell[1,… 相似文献
La0.7Mg0.3Ni2.55-xCo0.45Cux(x=0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) electrode alloys were prepared by casting and rapid quenching. Ni in the alloy was partially substituted by Cu in order to improve the cycle stability of La-Mg-Ni system (PuNi3-type) hydrogen storage alloy. The effects of substituting Ni with Cu on the microstructures and cycle stability of the alloys were investigated in detail. The results obtained by XRD, SEM and TEM show that the substitution of Cu for Ni is favourable for the formation of an amorphous in the as-quenched alloy, and this leads to an obvious refinement of the as-quenched alloy grains and a growth of the lattice constants and cell volumes of the as-cast and quenched alloys. The results obtained by the electrochemical measurement indicate that the cycle stability of the alloys significantly rises with the incremental variety of Cu content. When Cu content changes from 0 to 0.4, the cycle lives of the as-cast and quenched (30 m/s) alloys are enhanced from 72 to 88 cycles and from 100 to 121 cycles, respectively. 相似文献
Zhang Yanghuan Zhao Dongliang Ren Huiping Guo Shihai Qi Yan Wang Xinlin 《稀有金属材料与工程》2011,40(7):1146-1151
In order to improve the electrochemical hydrogen storage performances of the Mg2Ni-type alloys, Ni in the alloy was partially substituted by element Co. The nanocrystalline and amorphous Mg20Ni10-xCox (x=0, 1, 2, 3, 4) alloys were prepared by melt-spinning technology. The structures of the as-cast and spun alloys were studied by XRD, SEM and HRTEM. The electrochemical hydrogen storage characteristics of the alloys were measured. The results show that the substitution of Co for Ni leads to the formation of secondary phase MgCo2 without altering the major phase of Mg2Ni. No amorphous phase is detected in the as-spun alloy (x=0), whereas the as-spun alloy (x=4) holds a nanocrystalline and amorphous structure, confirming that the substitution of Co for Ni significantly increases the glass forming ability of the Mg2Ni-type alloy. The substitution of Co for Ni significantly improves the electrochemical hydrogen storage performances of the alloys, including the discharge capacity and the cycle stability, for which the increased glass forming ability by Co substitution is mainly responsible 相似文献
Mg_2Ni-type Mg_(20-x)Y_xNi_(10)(x=0,1,2,3 and4) electrode alloys were fabricated by vacuum induction melting.Subsequently,the as-cast alloys were mechanically milled on a planetary-type ball mill.The effects of milling time and Y content on the microstructures and electrochemical performances of the alloys were investigated in detail.The results show that nanocrystalline and amorphous structure can be successfully obtained through mechanical milling.The substitution of Y for Mg facilitates the glass forming of the Mg_2Ni-type alloy and significantly enhances the electrochemical characteristics of the alloy electrodes.Moreover,the discharge capacity of Y-free alloy monotonously grows with the milling time prolonging,while that of the Y-substituted alloys has the maximum values in the same case.The milling time of obtaining the greatest discharge capacity markedly decreases with Y content increasing.The electrochemical kinetics of the alloys,including high rate discharge ability(HRD),diffusion coefficient(D),limiting current density(I_L) and charge transfer rate,monotonously increase with milling time extending. 相似文献
The structure and electrochemical properties of a new low cobalt hydrogen storage electrode alloys La1-xLixNi3.2Co0.3Al0.3(0≤ x ≤0.2) were investigated with a different additions of Li in replacement of La. With the increase of Li contents the maximum discharge capacity increases from 240 mAh·g -1 ( x =0) to 328.4 mAh·g -1(x=0.1) and the cycle stability is improved correspondingly. The capacity decay can remaiN28.6% ( x =0.2) after 230 charge/discharge cycles. The high rate discharge(HRD) ability of the alloys( x≤0.1) is improved and the best HRD is 34.1%( x =0.1) under the discharge current density 1200 mA·g -1 . It is found that the prepared alloys are basically composed of LaNi5 as matrix phase and LaNi3 as second phase( x ≤0.1). But the abundance of LaNi3 phase dramatically decreases with increasing x . When x =0.2, a new phase Al(NiCo)3 is formed. 相似文献
用铸造及快淬工艺制备了低钴AB5型Mm(NiCoMnAl)5Bx(x=0~0.2)贮氢合金,测试了合金的微观结构及电化学性能,研究了B含量及快淬工艺的变化对合金晶格常数、热力学参数、微观结构及电化学性能的影响。结果表明:合金的晶格常数、晶胞体积及标准生成焓均随B含量的增加而增大;在一定的淬速范围内,快淬处理可以提高合金的放电容量,但淬速超过某一临界淬速时,快淬合金的容量低于铸态合金;合金的循环寿命随淬速的增加而单调增加。 相似文献
ZHANG Yang-huan DONG Xiao-ping ZHAO Dong-liang GUO Shi-hai QI Yan WANG Xin-lin 《中国有色金属学会会刊》2008,18(4)
In order to investigate the influences of the stoichiometric ratio of B/A (A: gross A-site elements, B: gross B-site elements) and the substitution of Co for Ni on the structures and electrochemical performances of the AB3.5-4.1-type electrode alloys, the La-Mg-Ni-Co system La0.75Mg0.25Ni3.5Mx (M=Ni, Co; x= 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6) alloys were prepared by induction melting in a helium atmosphere. The structures and electrochemical performances of the alloys were systemically measured. The results show that the structures and electrochemical performances of the alloys are closely relevant to the B/A ratio. All the alloys exhibit a multiphase structure, including two major phases, (La, Mg)2Ni7 and LaNi5, and a residual phase LaNi2, and with rising ratio B/A, the (La,Mg)2Ni7 phase decreases and the LaNi5 phase increases significantly. When ratio B/A=3.7, the alloys obtain the maximum discharge capacities. The high rate discharge(HRD) capability of the alloy (M=Ni) monotonously rises with growing B/A ratio, but that of the alloy (M=Co) first mounts up then declines. The cycle stability of the alloy (M=Co) monotonously increases with rising B/A ratio, but it first decreases slightly then increases for the alloy (M=Ni). The discharge potential of the alloy (M=Ni) declines with increasing B/A ratio (x>0.2), but for the alloy (M=Co), the result is contrary. The substitution of Co for Ni significantly ameliorates the electrochemical performances. For a fixed ratio B/A=3.7, the Co substitution enhances the discharge capacity from 365.7 to 401.8 mA-h/g, the capacity retention ratio (S100) after 100 charging-discharging cycles from 50.32% to 53.26% and the HRD from 88.65% to 90.69%. 相似文献
Yang-Huan Zhang Bao-Wei Li Hui-Ping Ren Zhong-Wang Wu Xiao-Ping Dong Xin-Lin Wang 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2008,460(1-2):414-420
In order to improve the cycle stability of the La–Mg–Ni system PuNi3-type hydrogen storage electrode alloys, Ni in the alloy was partially substituted by Fe. The La0.7Mg0.3Co0.45Ni2.55−xFex (x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) hydrogen storage alloys were prepared by casting and rapid quenching. The effects of the substitution of Fe for Ni on the structures and electrochemical performances of the as-cast and quenched alloys were investigated in detail. The results of the electrochemical measurement indicate that the substitution of Fe for Ni obviously decreases the discharge capacity, high rate discharge capability (HRD) and discharge potential of the as-cast and quenched alloys, but it significantly improves their cycle stabilities, and its positive impact on the cycle life of as-quenched alloy is much more significant than on that of the as-cast one. The microstructure of the alloys analyzed by XRD, SEM and TEM show that the as-cast and quenched alloys have a multiphase structure which is composed of two major phases (La, Mg)Ni3 and LaNi5 as well as a residual phase LaNi2. The substitution of Fe for Ni helps the formation of a like amorphous structure in the as-quenched alloy. With the increase of Fe content, the grain sizes of the as-quenched alloys significantly reduce, and the lattice constants and cell volumes of the alloys obviously increase. 相似文献