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连利仙  刘颖  宋大余  高升吉  涂铭旌 《功能材料》2005,36(8):1178-1181,1184
为了系统研究合金元素对Nd-Fe-Co-Zr-B系永磁合金磁性能的影响,采用均匀设计方法设计了Nd、Co、Zr和B的4因素6水平U18(6^4)试验方案,根据试验结果,建立了合金成分与磁性能之间的人工神经网络(ANN)预测模型。利用该预测模型获得的成分-性能的二维曲线、三维曲面及等高线图,研究了单个合金元素以及多元素间的交互作用对NdFeB磁体磁性能的影响规律。结果表明:预测结果与实测结果吻合良好,预测精度高;Nd、Zr为提高矫顽力Hcj而降低剩磁Br的元素;Co、B则对提高Br有利而对提高Hcj不利;合金元素对Hcj与Br的影响呈相反的趋势;元素间交互作用对磁性能影响显著。  相似文献   

研究了烧结NdFeB磁体的硬磁性能与晶粒取向程度的关系,结果表明:随着晶粒取向程度的增强,磁体的剩余磁极化强度Jr单调上升、内禀矫顽力jHc单调下降,磁感矫顽力BHc先上升,达到一极大值后下降,从而导致了最大磁能积(BH)max的饱和行为。应用矫顽力的发动场理论很好地解释了这一实验现象。  相似文献   

衣美卿  张敏刚  李忭 《材料导报》2004,18(Z1):174-176
就近几年来复合永磁薄膜的发展状况,对薄膜的制备技术、交换耦合作用以及提高磁性能的方法做了简要的评述.  相似文献   

采用熔体快淬法制备了成分为Nd10Fe76B10Nb4-xZrx(x=0~4)的合金条带,退火处理后得到了纳米晶复合永磁合金。利用振动样品磁强计(VSM)分析了该合金体系的退磁曲线、磁交互作用曲线(δM-H曲线)、磁化率χ随外加磁场变化曲线,研究了其磁性能及软、硬磁性相间的交换耦合作用的变化。结果表明,添加适量的Zr元素可细化晶粒,从而有效地增强合金中软、硬磁性相间的交换耦合作用,进而提高合金的综合磁性能。当Zr含量为2%(原子分数)时,制得的合金具有最佳的综合磁性能:jHc=1059.16kA/m,Br=1.08T,(BH)max=185.72kJ/m3。  相似文献   

纯石墨粉对NdFeB烧结磁体的显微组织和磁性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要研究了在烧结NdFeB磁体的晶界添加C对显微组织和磁性能的影响。实验表明,随C添加量的增大,晶粒先粗化再细化,矫顽力呈先下降后上升再下降的趋势当C一达到0.4%wt时,晶界变得零乱而不规整。X射线衍射分析表明此时磁体内生成了Nd2Fe17C相,矫顽力和晶粒尺寸的变化均与Nd2Fe17C的生成有关。  相似文献   

快淬Nd9Fe85-x MnxB6(x=0、0.5、1)磁性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用DTA,XRD,Moessbauer谱和VSM对快淬Nd9Fe85-xMnxB6(x=0、0.5、1)纳米复合材料磁性能进行了研究,发现少量Mn的掺杂能够显著促进快淬样品的晶化并提高快淬样品的永磁性能,在合适的热处理条件下,得到的最佳矫顽力和剩磁化分别从339.5kA/m和0.70提高到398.1kA/m和0.72,最大磁能积(BH)max从83.6kJ/m^3提高到87.5kj/m^3,而剩磁没有明显的下降,TMA显示Mn掺杂降低Nd2Fe14B相的居里温度并提高α-Fe相的居里温度,认为永磁性能的提高是由于Mn进入两相的晶格。  相似文献   

粘结NdFeB永磁体化学镀Ni-Cu-P防护层及阻氢性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对粘结NdFeB永磁体化学镀Ni-Cu-P合金防护层的工艺过程及镀层的阻氢性能进行了研究。磁体经碱性去油、缓蚀酸洗、镀前均匀隔离与活化处理后再进行化学镀Ni-Cu-P合金,可获得了质量良好的耐蚀性镀层,该镀层对磁体磁性能无不良影响,且有良好的阻氢性能,在25℃、10MPa高压H2环境中,阻氢时间为19min。  相似文献   

刘颖  陈悦 《功能材料》1999,30(3):252-253
本文对快淬NdFeB永磁粉分别采用化学镀镍,重铬酸盐钝化处理,重铬酸盐钝化还原处理以及硅烷偶联处理的重铬酸盐钝化-还原/硅烷复合处理等工艺进行了表面包覆,研究了表面包覆处理前后的快淬NdFeB磁粉的抗氧化特性,并初步比较了包覆处理前后的快府NdFeB磁粉制成粘结NdFeB磁体的磁性能,结果表明上述工艺方法的均能改善NdFeB磁粉的抗氧化性,其中以重铬酸盐钝化-还原/硅烷偶联处理形成的包覆层的抗氧化  相似文献   

磁场热处理对NdFeB非晶快淬粉末的晶化与磁性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了外中磁场对非晶Nd5.5Fe66B18.5Cr5Co5,Nd4.5F377B18.5和Nd10.5Fen70B7.0Zr2.5Co10粉末的晶化与磁性的影响,发现在热处理过程中加磁场可促进淬非晶粉末的晶化,使相转变在较低的温度下进行,讨论了各向异性复合纳米永磁材料可能的制备方法。  相似文献   

黄波  孙宝玉 《真空》1993,(5):25-30
本文结合国内外钕铁硼永磁材料的开发应用状况,采用熔体旋转萃取法,设计、制造并调试完成了一台 VRQ-10T型真空快淬设备,合理地选择了工艺参数,得到了厚为 20~50μm的 NdFeB薄带,制备了最大磁能积(BH)max=51.7kJ/m3的NdFeB粘结磁体.本文介绍了该设备各部件的结构特点,并通过对退磁曲线的测试和对X射线衍射图样的观察,分析了影响微晶 NdFeB成带情况及粘结 NdFeB磁体性能的各种因素。最后,我们得到结论.转轮表面线速度是影响磁性能的主要因素,微晶结构的NdFeB粘结磁体性能最佳.  相似文献   

Copper substituted Co-Cu ferrites Co1 − xCuxFe2O4 (0 ≤ x≤0.5) have been studied with Mössbauer spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The Co-Cu ferrite toroidal core samples were sintered at 860-940 °C for 2 h and the initial permeability, quality factor, density and shrinkage were also measured. The crystal structure was found to be an inverse cubic spinel with the lattice constant a0 = 8.390 Å and a0 = 8.386 Å for Co-ferrite and Cu2+ substituted Co-ferrite, respectively, by Rietveld profile analysis using the FULLPROF program. Hyperfine field was decreased with increasing Cu2+ concentration. The saturation magnetization (Ms) of the Co-Cu ferrite annealed at 900 °C decreased drastically and the coercivity, Hc, dropped dramatically from about 1419 to 455 Oe as copper concentration x decreased from 0.0 to 0.5. This shows that Ms, Hc can be controlled using Cu content, and initial permeability and quality factor Q is nearly constant in Cu2+ substituted Co-ferrite. The toroidal core data showed that the density and shrinkage of Co1 − xCuxFe2O4 (0≤x ≤ 0.5) ferrites increased with increasing quantity of Cu ions.  相似文献   

Thin Nd-Fe-B films prepared by arc-plasma spraying at different substrate temperatures were investigated for their magnetic and structural properties. The isotropic magnets with the best magnetic properties (M H c=1.2 MA m–1, o M r=0.6 T, (BH)max=64 kJ m–3), were obtained after plasma spraying the Nd-Fe-B powders on water-cooled copper substrates and subsequently annealing the films for 0.5 h at 750 °C. The optimum magnetic properties of the anisotropic Nd-Fe-B films, i.e. M H c=1.2 MA–1, o M r=0.9 T and (BH)max=180 kJ m–3, were obtained in films sprayed on to heated to 600 °C substrates. The magnetic properties of the sprayed films were strongly influenced by the microstructure. The domain structure of these films is also presented.  相似文献   

The effect of Fe3+ ions substitutions by rare-earth ions on magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Ni–Mn ferrite prepared by emulsion method was investigated. X-ray diffraction pattern indicated the presence of cubic structure of spinel ferrite. The crystallite sizes increased with an increase in the heat treatment temperatures, while it decreased for the substitution of rare-earth ions. The magnetic properties were changed with types of rare-earth ions and heat treatment temperatures. Room temperature Mössbauer spectra can differentiate between superparamagnetism and ferrimagnetism in nature.  相似文献   

采用将Nd-Fe-B磁粉与Fe粉混合的方法,并结合真空感应热压烧结技术制得高性能的各向同性及各向异性复合磁体。研究了Fe粉含量对热压磁体磁性能的影响,以及温度和压力对磁体致密度和磁性能的影响。结果表明,适量的Fe粉添加(3%,质量分数)可提高热压磁体磁性能;升高温度或提高压力均可大幅提高磁体致密度,但过高的烧结温度使晶粒快速长大,恶化磁体磁性能,而温度过低磁体难易全致密化。在最佳热压温度及压力下制备的热压磁体具有最佳的磁性能:Br=0.852T,Hcj=798kA/m,(BH)m=131.5kJ/m3,磁体密度达7.72g/cm3;热变形后,最大磁能积达331kJ/m3。  相似文献   

Nano particles of CdXNi(0.5?X)Co0.5Fe2O4 (x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) were prepared by coprecipitation method. The lattice constant and distribution of cation in A-site and B-site have been deduced through X-ray diffraction (XRD) data analysis. The lattice constant (?) was found to increase with increase in Cd2+ concentration in the spinel structure of Ni–Co ferrites. The saturation magnetization was found to decrease with increase in Cd concentration for all the samples. It is observed that the Curie temperature (Tc) is higher than in bulk counterpart. The dielectric constant increases with increase in Cd concentration. This increase in dielectric constant is attributed to the formation of Fe3+ ion in the octahedral site which increases the hopping between Fe3+ and Fe2+.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline yttrium lanthanum iron garnets (Y3La x Fe5-x O12) with varying La substitution (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) have been prepared in the pellet form, and studied by X-ray diffraction, magnetization, a.c. susceptibility and electrical resistivity measurements. The lattice constants are determined and the applicability of Vegard’s law has been tested. The saturation magnetization (4 πM S) decreases very slowly almost linearly with increasing x from x = 0.0–0.5 indicating minimal reduction in ferrimagnetism and least magnetic loss. Variation of saturation magnetic moment per formula unit at 300 K with x can be explained satisfactorily assuming the collinear spin-ordering model. The Curie temperature (T c) reduces very slowly with increasing x, which is consistent with the observed decrease in 4 πM S with x. The activation energy (E) decreases very slowly with increasing x for x > 0.1.  相似文献   

钕铁硼永磁材料电镀Ni-P非晶态镀层   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了钕铁硼永磁材料电沉积Ni-P合金非晶态镀层的镀液组成、工艺参数和工艺流程,分析了影响镀层性能的影响因素,包括电流密度、温度、镀液pH值及亚磷酸的含量等。测定了镀层与基体的结合强度;用中性盐雾试验评定了镀层的耐蚀性。结果表明,Ni-P非晶态镀层导磁率高,矫顽力低,化学稳定性好,耐蚀性优异,是钕铁硼永磁材料的一种理想保护镀层。  相似文献   

We have investigated the properties of Mn-doped ZnO nanocrystalline film growing on zinc foil by the hydrothermal method. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy shows that the manganese ions exist as Mn2+ in the film. From UV-vis spectra, we observe a red shift in wavelength of absorption and greater reflectivity due to the Mn ion incorporation in ZnO lattices. The photoluminescence spectrum of the Mn-doped ZnO film shows two strong new blue peaks centered at 424 nm and 443 nm, besides the UV emission peak owing to the band gap of ZnO semiconductor. The magnetic property of the Mn-doped ZnO exhibits a room temperature ferromagnetic characteristic with a saturation magnetization (Ms) of 0.3902 x 10(-3) emu/cm3 and a coercive field of 47 Oe. We suggest that the blue emission of the Mn-doped ZnO film corresponds to the electron transition from the level of interstitial Zn and Mn to the valence band. The defects brought about by Mn ion incorporation are the main cause of the room temperature ferromagnetic property.  相似文献   

The gadolinium garnet system {GdzY3-2x-zCa2x} [Fe2-yIny] (Fe3-xVx)O12was investigated as a function of x, y, and z for0 leq x leq 0.6, 0 leq y leq 1.0, and0 leq z leq 2.4. The relationships between their compositions and magnetic properties were clarified. It was shown that some combinations of components in this system displayed improvements with respect to temperature stability (alpha = 0.05%/°C-20 sim 60 degC) and ferromagnetic resonance linewidth (ΔH = 20 ∼ 30 Oe) as compared with conventional garnets.  相似文献   

针对Nd-Fe-B永磁材料组成元素钕(Nd)的氧化还原电势较负(-2.44V)的特点,通过探索性试验,详细研试了Nd-Fe-B合金产品除油、出光和浸镀工艺的效果和工艺参数。结果表明,按照确定的工艺规范进行施镀,显著地提高了镀镍层与基体之间的结合强度,改善了镀镍层的质量。  相似文献   

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