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This special issue contains a selection of the best papers presented at the XI Iberoamerican Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Software Environments (IDEAS'08), that was held in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, on 11-15 February 2008. The papers included here provide some good examples of the research being currently conducted in Iberoamerica, Spain and Portugal in the context of Software Enginerering and Requirements Engineering.  相似文献   

Typical problems of a requirements document, regarding its contents and organization, involve deficient modularization where requirements artifacts may deal with too much information, duplication of requirements, scattering requirements, tangled problems, among other problems. In this paper we describe how to improve requirements documents by removing duplication of information using aspect-oriented refactoring.  相似文献   

Security requirements management is especially important in software product lines, given that a weakness in security or a security breach can cause problems throughout all the products of a product line. The main contribution of this work is that of illustrating, by describing part of a real case study, a guided, systematic and intuitive way of dealing with security requirements from the early stages of the product line lifecycle by applying our proposed process of security requirements engineering for software product lines (SREPPLine), which makes it easier the variability and reusability management as well as the traceability relations of the security requirements in the product line. It is based on the use of the latest security requirements techniques, together with the integration of the Common Criteria (ISO/IEC 15408) and ISO/IEC 27001 controls, so that it facilitates the conformance of the product line and its products to the most relevant security standards with regard to the management of security requirements, such as ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 15408.  相似文献   

首先介绍了5 GHz频段无线通信设备的动态频率选择(DFS)技术,然后根据北美和欧洲的相关标准和规范,深入分析了DFS的测试要求,并提出了DFS测试的系统解决方案,最后阐述了DFS的测试现状。  相似文献   

柴玉梅  冯秋燕  王黎明 《电子学报》2013,41(6):1242-1248
 面向对象所具有的类、封装、继承、动态连接等特性,使得面向对象测试步骤的划分以及测试策略的选择有别于传统的测试思想.本文针对面向对象软件的特点,采用基于模型的软件测试方法,对UML(United Model Language)设计模型中的顺序图添加OCL(Object Constraints Language)约束,做类间交互的软件测试.本文提出执行图EG生成算法,将顺序图SD转换为执行图EG,解决UML2.0顺序图新增特性中的alt、loop、opt、break四种常见组合片段及其嵌套和多态性问题;为得到最小完备的测试路径,本文提出了EG的遍历策略和测试路径生成算法;最后,根据测试路径确定测试场景,并删除无效场景,生成测试用例.经实验验证,此方法可以基于UML顺序图与OCL约束进行系统地测试.  相似文献   

UHF频段RFID设备的技术要求及测试   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
旨在介绍超高频段(UHF)射频识别(RFID)设备的技术要求及测试,涵盖了政府强制性测试、一致性测试和性能测试三个方面。同时也简要介绍了EPC第二代UHF空中接口标准EPCglobalGen2和新兴的手机RFID技术,以及国家通信计量站在RFID领域的检测能力,并对我国UHF频段RFID的发展做出了展望。  相似文献   

介绍了加拿大工业部对测试场地的要求以及测试场地在加拿大工业部网站上的注册方法.  相似文献   

张翼翔 《电子测试》2021,(4):97-98,118
仪器仪表产品的脉冲耐压试验是产品型式试验、例行试验中的基本内容.通过对GB4793.1标准的整理,归纳了仪器仪表产品的脉冲耐压试验要求.通过对试验方法和设备特性的梳理,总结了特性参数,并介绍了应对脉冲耐压试验可采取的保护器件的类别及选用方法.  相似文献   

首先介绍了卤素及其化合物在不同电子相关产品中的作用、潜在危害、存在形式,并总结了各种法规以及标准对电子相关产品的无卤要求及其相应的检测方法。为电子相关产品的相关企业提供了应对目前业界无卤要求的思路以及卤素含量的检测方法。  相似文献   

从工作频率、发射功率、天线间的距离、SAR分布等方面,阐述FCC对集成了多个同时发射的射频模块和天线的手机SAR测试技术要求,内容包括仅需进行单发射机模式SAR评估的条件、多发射模式的SAR测试判定原则和执行程序,以及头部模型的紧凑部位的替代测量方法等。  相似文献   

NEBS认证中关于电磁兼容性和电气安全要求主要依据的标准是GR-1089-CORE。介绍了GR-1089-CORE对雷击浪涌测试的要求,并根据GR-1089-CORE对雷击浪涌发生器输出特性的要求探讨了雷击浪涌发生器的设计。  相似文献   

它可以在移动通信网络和宽带互联网连接之间平滑切换,在宽带互联网上利用VoIP技术实现语音服务;它兼具移动电话的机动和灵活性,及固定电话的成本优势;而且2006 年,它的价格不再令人望而生畏。  相似文献   

在公式推导和理论计算的基础上,对发射测量"6 dB原则"进行了解析,并由此引申出对EUT电平、环境电平与标准限值之间的关系探讨和测量偏差分析,认为电磁环境电平与来自EUT的发射电平之差的大小会显著影响EUT测量结果的有效性。  相似文献   

再流焊接的一般要求及温度曲线测试方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了再流焊机的一般技术要求,并给出了典型焊接温度曲线以及温度曲线上主要控制点的工艺参数。  相似文献   

分析高动态范围(High Dynamic Range,HDR)国内外标准化状况,详细解读CUVA 005.3-2021《高动态范围(HDR)视频技术第3-1部分:技术要求和测试方法显示设备》对于显示设备的测试项目、方法及要求,并针对标准制定时开展的摸底测试进行分析,为使用者评估产品提供科学参考,引导新型高动态范围显示技术发展.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a technique called Digital Captureless Delay Testing Sensors (DCDTS). This technique allows the detection of delay faults left uncovered by launch-on-capture transitions due to excessive resources (mainly test time or tester memory) requirements, with top-off random launch-on-shift patterns that do not require fast switching scan enable signals. The DCDTS random patterns are internally generated, requiring virtually no additional test application time or tester memory. As such, DCDTS can be seen as a new way to save both test time and tester memory. Results show that DCDTS can achieve pattern volume and test time reduction factors of up to 3. When used in complement to existing compression techniques, DCDTS has the potential to triple their pattern volume (test application time) compression (reduction) rate. Area/performance overhead and technical obstacles to automation are minimal. An automated sensor selection procedure is proposed, with reasonable CPU time.  相似文献   

您是否有兴趣控制街道上或全世界的计算机?如何开关家电的电源,调光,调节环境温度。以及获得关于房产状况的音,视反馈?所有这些都是可能的,但也有麻烦。  相似文献   

朱凌 《电子质量》2005,(7):5-6,20
本文探讨了对电气检测实验室电源系统的具体要求,并提出了对实验室电源系统的控制方法.  相似文献   

姚尧  李晶晶 《电子质量》2022,(3):108-113
IEC62368-1:2018《音频、视频、信息和通信技术设备第1部分:安全要求》已于2018年10月正式发布,相对与现行国标GB4943.1-2011不仅结构上有较大差别,测试要求也相应变化.该文针对IEC62368-1:2018中保护导体的测试要求,分析与现行国标的差异,并对新增的受限制短路测试方法进行研究,提出测...  相似文献   

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