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The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of thermic processing on the protein quality of amaranth (A. caudatus). It was also intended to establish the order of essential amino acid deficiencies suggested by the chemical score as limiting protein quality. The A. caudatus grain was cooked in water in the autoclave at 15 lb pressure during 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 min. Once cooked, the samples were dehydrated with hot air at 60 degrees C and ground into flours. These were analyzed for: tannins, trypsin inhibitors, hemagglutinins (with cow, sheep, and human erythrocytes), damaged starch, available lysine, protein quality (by the NPR method), and true digestibility. Results indicated that the flours (0 to 60 min cooked) did not contain trypsin inhibitors and that their small tannin content, expressed as catechin, disappeared after 30 min of cooking. The quantities of these antiphysiological substances in the raw material are so small that they do not constitute a factor that may cause a decrease of the product's quality. A positive response was obtained for hemagglutinins, stronger with human erythrocytes, which disappeared with cow's and sheep's erythrocytes after 10 min of cooking and with human erythrocytes, after 20 min. As expected, cooking time increased the damaged starch and a slight increase was observed in available lysine, a finding which was impossible to explain satisfactorily. There were no important changes in true protein digestibility with respect to cooking time. Once again, results demonstrated the positive effect thermic treatment had on protein quality, suggesting the presence of antiphysiological active substances or a low nutrient bioavailability in raw samples. Longer cooking times did not alter substantially the protein quality (NPR and digestibility) and it was concluded that 10 min of cooking is an adequate time for the type of processing used. A sample of processed A. caudatus was utilized for the supplementation studies carried out with threonine, methionine, leucine, individually, or with the three amino acids together at 8.0, 9.5 and 1.0% protein in the diet. According to the results obtained, higher NPR values were observed with 9.0 and 9.5% protein content in the diet. No clear effects were detected when the amino acids were added, but there was an interaction between protein in the diet and amino acids. No effect occurred when leucine was added, suggesting that it is not a limiting amino acid. Possibly, threonine is a more limiting amino acid, but the effects were not as high, probably due to the level added to the diets.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present research was carried out for the purpose of collecting part of the germ plasm of grain amaranth in Guatemala, as well as to evaluate it in terms of yield, chemical composition and nutritive value. A total of 27 Guatemalan selections, one from Mexico and seven from Peru were planted in June 1982 in 7.5 m2 experimental plots replicated four times. The harvest seed was utilized for analysis of protein, ether extract, crude fiber, tannin content and trypsin inhibitors, as well as for NPR assays. A group of five pooled samples was made based on protein content for amino acid analyses; 10 samples were selected for a second NPR and protein digestibility assay. A preliminary assay on amino acid supplementation of raw grain flour is also reported. The selections were significantly different in grain yield. In general, selections which flowered at a short height and were harvested also at short height, tended to yield more seed. Findings revealed a negative relationship between plant height and grain yield, but a positive relationship between plant height and dry vegetable residue. Protein content of the grain averaged 15.0% with values ranging from 12.8 to 17.4%. Fat content varied from 5.6 to 10.6% with an average of 8.4%. Amaranth grain with a higher protein content contained greater amounts of amino acids on a weight basis, but when these were expressed on a nitrogen basis, differences disappeared. Based on the FAO/WHO amino acid reference pattern, grain amaranth protein was deficient in sulfur amino acids. Although the biological trial corroborated this deficiency, more studies should be undertaken. The NPR values of the samples from Peru averaged 2.30, the one from Mexico 2.04 and those from Guatemala, 2.36. Protein digestibility was 80, 82 and 74%, respectively. The data suggest that there is sufficient variability to select materials of a higher chemical composition, nutritive value, and yield.  相似文献   

The genus Amaranthus comprises species which, consumed as vegetables, provide essential nutrients to man; they also have a high acceptability among the population. These two factors justify the need to increase their cultivation. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to establish the most adequate physiological state of maturity, to harvest the leaves for human consumption. The field experiment utilized a randomized block design with three treatments and eight replications. These treatments consisted in harvesting the plants at 25, 40 and 60 days after emergence of the seedlings, samples which served to evaluate: plant height, number of leaves, leaf surface area, gross weight (leaves and stems), net weight (leaves), green matter and dry matter yield, as well as protein. The chemical composition of the harvested material was evaluated also in terms of moisture, protein, crude fiber, ether extract, ash, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, iron, beta-carotene and oxalates. The results obtained in the agronomic study were subjected to analysis of variance for the respective design, with significant differences found between treatments for all the variables studied. In its turn, the results of the chemical analysis were analyzed by a completely randomized design, with significant differences obtained for most of the variables studied, except for ether extract, calcium, iron and oxalates. From the nutritional point of view, the first harvest was the most acceptable due to the chemical composition of the plant, in particular protein (29.5%), beta-carotene (33.7 mg%), calcium (2,356.1 mg%), phosphorus (759.1 mg%) and due to its low crude fiber content, only 11.1 g%. It did not occur so from the agronomic point of view, since during this stage, very low yields of green matter (575.9 kg/ha), dry matter (66.6 kg/ha) and protein (19.7 kg/ha) were obtained. At the second harvest, besides obtaining adequate yields of green matter (6,530.4 kg/ha), dry matter (681.8 kg/ha) and protein 154.3 kg/ha), an acceptable composition in its protein content (22.7 g%), beta-carotene (24.1 mg%), calcium (2,279.8 mg%), phosphorus (740.9 mg%) and iron (52.7 mg%) was also obtained. The crude fiber content, on the other hand, was not excessively increased (14.3 g%), from which findings it was concluded that this is the best stage for harvesting, in comparison with the harvests carried out 25 and 60 days after emergence. Finally, it was observed that harvesting at 60 days gave the highest yields in green matter (24,272.8 kg/ha), dry matter (3,452.0 kg/ha) and protein (510.7 kg/ha).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A powdered blend for feeding preschool children was prepared from whole amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus) seeds, pearled oats, soybeans, sucrose and vegetable oil. The blend was similar in proximal chemical analysis and total caloric content, and identical in calorie distribution and vitamin and mineral patterns to a soy/oats infant formula previously developed. The amaranth blend equalled the FAO/WHO 1973 children's pattern in tryptophan and exceeded this pattern, as well as the soy/oats formula in all other essential amino acids; it reflected higher PER than casein and the soy/oats formula. In feeding trials with children 1-3 years of age, no significant differences in weight gain was observed when either product was fed. The anticipated cost of the amaranth blend is 6% lower than that of the soy/oats formula.  相似文献   

用尿素水解法制备了x(MgO)=8%-ZrO2及(Al2O3,CaO)掺杂的x(MgO)=8%-ZrO2纳米粉。经XRD、TEM等分析表明:掺入Al2O3有降低(c+t)-ZrO2体积分数和细化晶粒的作用;CaO的掺入可显著提高(c+t)-ZrO2含量,当掺入x(CaO)=3%时,可得到全稳定立方相氧化锆。  相似文献   

The centralized treatment method is a widely used form of wastewater treatment that tends to be less effective at removing toxic substances. Therefore, a detailed analysis of the composition of wastewater can provide important information for the design of an effective wastewater treatment process. The objective of this paper was to investigate particle size distribution(PSD), biodegradability, and the chemical composition of the petrochemical wastewater discharges. For this purpose, this project selected the petrochemical wastewater and treated wastewater of China National Offshore Oil Corporation Zhongjie Petrochemical Co, Ltd. as the analysis objects.The step-by-step filtration method, along with a molecular weight classification method, was selected to build the chemical oxygen demand(COD) and biochemical oxygen demand(BOD) fingerprints of petrochemical wastewater and treated wastewater. The results showed that the main pollutants were settleable particles in petrochemical wastewater, which contributed to over 54.85% of the total COD. The colloidal particles with particle sizes in the range of 450–1000 nm had the highest COD value in the treated wastewater, which contributed34.17% of the total COD of treated wastewater. The results of the BOD analysis showed that the soluble fractions were the main reason that treated wastewaters did not meet the treatment standards. Tests on the organic compounds in petrochemical wastewater found that there were mainly linear paraffins, branched paraffins, benzene series compounds, and some plasticizers in the influent of the petrochemical wastewater. The most abundant pollutants in treated petrochemical wastewater were the adjacent diisobutyl phthalate and the linear alkanes.Fourier transform infrared(FTIR) transmission spectroscopy analysis showed that the settleable particles of petrochemical wastewater and membrane bioreactor(MBR)-treated wastewater contained multiple types of organic substances. The results also indicated that removing the oil-settleable substances, the colloidal particles(450–1000 nm), and the soluble organics will be necessary for the treatment of petrochemical wastewater.  相似文献   

Low-pressure solvent extraction (LPSE) and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) were used to obtain extracts from mango (Mangifera indica) leaves. Kinetics curves were determined for both methodologies. The extracts chemical compositions and manufacturing costs were determined for both processes. Global yield isotherms for SFE process were determined at 10–40 MPa and 313–323 K. The highest yield was 2.24% at 30 MPa and 323 K; the LPSE yield (9.3%) was almost three times higher than that of SFE (3.6%). Thin layer chromatography showed that mango leaves extracts have several classes of compounds as alkaloids, flavonoids and terpenoids, recovered by both methods. The cost of manufacturing (COM) mango leaves extracts were US$ 32/kg and US$ 92/kg for LPSE and SFE, respectively.  相似文献   

Chemical components stimulating oviposition bySitophilus zeamais in rice grain were isolated from rice bran and were found to be a mixture of ferulates, diglycerides, and free sterols. Oviposition preference of the species can be induced by synergistic action of these compounds.  相似文献   

The objective of the investigation was to examine whether there exist relationships between the optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate for winter wheat and soil nitrogen fractions extracted by electroultrafiltration (EUF) from autumn samples of the upper soil layer (0–30 cm). Optimum nitrogen fertilizer rates were derived from grain yield curves of field trials carried out with increasing nitrogen fertilizer rates on 19 different sites in 1985/86 and 1986/87. Most soils were luvisols derived from loess, two soils were brown earths and one a pararendzina. Total Nitrogen fertilizer rates were 0, 40, 80, and 120 kg N/ha applied twice before ear emergence. The final nitrogen rate at ear emergence was the same for all treatments, namely 60 kg N/ha.Optimum nitrogen fertilizer rates were derived from the grain yield curve fitted to a modified Mitscherlich equation. The optimum nitrogen fertilizer rates were correlated with the nitrogen fractions extracted by EUF. The regression equation thus obtained showed that NO 3 - , the organic N fraction (EUF Norg), and the EUF Norg-quotient each had a highly significant impact on the optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate. The higher the amounts of EUF-N extracted the lower the optimum nitrogen rate. Substituting the EUF Norg-fraction for total nitrogen concentration in the upper soil layer gave a poorer relationship between the optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate and the soil data. In absolute terms the EUF Norg-fraction had by far the greatest impact on calculating the optimum nitrogen fertilizer rate. The investigation shows that the EUF method is a suitable technique for the determination of available soil nitrogen from which optimum nitrogen fertilizer rates can be derived for winter wheat cultivated under soil and climatic conditions typical for cereal growing areas in central Europe.  相似文献   

通过采用田间小区试验,研究了不同品种及用量的硅钙镁磷钾肥对番茄产量、品质及土壤pH的影响。结果表明,施用硅钙镁磷钾肥较习惯施肥能够有效提高番茄产量,灰粉处理、黄粉处理和颗粒处理3者之间无显著差异;施用硅钙镁磷钾肥提高了番茄产量、Vc含量、可溶性固形物含量、可溶性糖、总酸、糖酸比及土壤pH,总体上表现为灰粉颗粒黄粉;硅钙镁磷钾肥以灰粉1 125 kg/hm2在番茄上效果最佳。  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted during wet seasons (June to October) of 1974, 1976 and 1977 to determine the response of newly developed hybrids and varieties of grain sorghum to N fertilization under humid subtropical conditions of Pantnagar in India. In addition to the enhancement in flowering and maturity stages brought about by N application, it also resulted in increased plant dry weight, translocation coefficients, grain yield plant–1 and grain yield ha–1. Varietal differences existed with respect to their responses for yield and N uptake to N rates. Most of the entries responded up to 120 kg N ha–1. Hybrid CSH 5 utilized applied N more efficiently than other varieties.Publication No 1612 of GBPUA and T, Experiment Station, Pantnagar.  相似文献   

The paper surveyed the chemical composition and nitrogen distribution of Maiwa yak milk, and compared the results with reference composition of cow milk. Compared to cow milk, yak milk was richer in protein (especially whey protein), essential amino acids, fat, lactose and minerals (except phosphorus). The contents of some nutrients (total protein, lactose, essential amino acids and casein) were higher in the warm season than in the cold season. Higher ratios of total essential amino acids/total amino acids (TEAA/TAA) and total essential amino acids/total non essential amino acids (TEAA/TNEAA) were found in the yak milk from the warm season. However its annual average ratio of EAA/TAA and that of EAA/NEAA were similar to those of cow milk. Yak milk was rich in calcium and iron (p < 0.05), and thus may serve as a nutritional ingredient with a potential application in industrial processing.  相似文献   

Main objective of this work was to investigate the influence of pre-treatments of Satureja montana herbal material on supercritical extraction process, in terms: influence on extraction yield, composition and antioxidant activity of extracts. Four different pretreatments were investigated: water pre-treatment, ethanol pre-treatment, ultrasound and high pressure pre-treatment. Extraction yields were in the range from 1.68 to 2.35 g/100 g. Pre-treatments with water and ethanol increase the yield of extraction for 25% and 17%, respectively. According to GC/MS results the main compound of obtained extracts was carvacrol. Analyses confirmed that carvacrol content in extracts can be significantly increased by application of pre-treatments. Ultrasound pre-treatment and high pressure pre-treatment yielded highest concentration of carvacrol in extracts (around 66%). Using these two pre-treatments of herbal material, concentration of carvacrol, in extracts obtained by supercritical carbon dioxide extraction, could be increased for around 25%. Antioxidant activity of all extract was very high and in the range of well-known antioxidants.  相似文献   

Lead lanthanum zirconate titanate ceramics (PLZT) are well known for their excellent dielectric, piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties. In this study, PLZT 9/70/30, 9/65/35 and 9/60/40 ceramics were prepared by vibro-milling mixed-oxide method. All compositions of powders were uniaxial pressed in pellets and sintered at the temperatures of 1200–1275 °C with various soaking times of 2, 4 and 6 h. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns confirmed that all the PLZT samples had perovskite structure with ZrO2 as a second phase and PLZT/ZrO2 composite structure was formed. Dielectric behavior at the frequency of 1 kHz showed broad peak indicating relaxor ferroelectric behavior and the difference of the temperature at maximum dielectric at different frequencies increased when Zr:Ti ratio increased. Polarization with electric field (P-E loop) at room temperature showed that when Zr:Ti ratio increased, the coercive field decreased resulting from crystal structure change from tetragonal to rhombohedral. Induced strain with electric field depended on microstructure where the value of Smax/Emax tended to decrease with increasing grain size. It can be concluded that dielectric and ferroelectric behavior predominantly depended on composition of PLZT ceramics and induced strain behavior predominantly depended on grain size of PLZT ceramics.  相似文献   

The effect of the vesicular arbuscularmycorrhizal fungus (VAMF) Glomus mosseae ongrowth, yield and nutrients' uptake of the durum wheatvariety Sifnos was investigated in ten differentsoils. Inoculation had a positive effect on tillering,improved plant growth up to 11.6 times and increasedgrain yield up to 5.4 times as compared tonon-inoculated plants. The thousand kernels weight wasimproved by up to 60%. The analysis of shoot tissue ofthe mycorrhizal plants showed that P concentration wasincreased up to 4 fold, while the K, Ca and Mg uptakewas similar for both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizalplants. The concentrations of the trace elements Mn,Zn, Fe and Cu were lower in the mycorrhizal plantscompared to that of non-inoculated ones. The P and Mgconcentration of the grains produced by the inoculatedplants was increased while the Ca concentration wasdecreased. The concentration of the heavy metals waseither decreased ( Mn, Fe, Co, Cr, Ni, Pb) or remainedunchanged (Zn, Cu). The colonization in the roots ranged from 23 to 78%.  相似文献   

In this study, the particular effects of A-site donor doping, such as crystal-structure change, the secondary-phase formation and the grain-size decrease, in a lead-free piezoceramic material K0.5Na0.5NbO3 (KNN) doped with Sr2+, were investigated. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) analyses proved that Sr occupies the perovskite A-sublattice, and locally modifies the KNN monoclinic structure to cubic. Introducing Sr into the A-sublattice, as well as accounting for the charge-compensating A-site vacancies in the starting composition, causes increasing lattice disorder and microstrain, as determined from a Rietveld refinement of the synchrotron X-ray diffraction data. Above 2% Sr the system segregates the A-site vacancies in a secondary phase in order to release the chemical pressure, as revealed by Raman spectroscopy. All these effects result in an increasing number of low-angle grain boundaries that limit the grain growth and finally lead to a significant grain-size decrease.  相似文献   

Field trials were conducted during the 1980–82 seasons to study the response dryland sorghum to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization in a ferruginous tropical soil. Treatments tested were factorial combinations of three rates of nitrogen (0, 60 and 120 kg N ha–1) and four rates of phosphorus (0, 11, 22 and 33 kg P ha–1). Grain and straw yields and yield components were enhanced by nitrogen fertilization in two out of three years. The optimum N rate for grain yield was 60 kg N ha–1 while straw yield responded up to 120 kg N ha–1. The optimum P rate for dryland sorghum was 11 kg P ha–1. Both N and P enhanced grain weight per head, grain number, test weight and tillering significantly but it was only N which enhanced 1000-grain weight and flag leaf area. Dry matter productin was increased by N fertilization but not by P. There were no significant N × P interactions for any of the parameters studied. Dryland sorghum response to N and P fertilization was influenced by season, time of planting and rainfall distribution.  相似文献   

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