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The Composition of Lipids of Animal Organ and Depot Fats in Relation to Feed II: Gas-chromatographic Analysis of Fatty Acids of Calves and Cattle Fats In the milk as well as in the fats of calves and cattle 81 fatty acids were found. The composition of fatty acids of the depot and organ fats of cattle — in winter with stall-feeding and in summer with pasture-feeding — were compared with the winter and summer milk fats. The differences between the fats from the same parts of calves and cattle are discussed.  相似文献   

Stability of Stoved Paints in UV-Light as a Function of the Degree of Cross-Linkage Degree of cross-linkage and UV-stability of stoved and pigmented paints based on saturated hydroxy-containing polyester resins were investigated. The degree of cross-linkage of the coatings was measured by determining the hardness as such, hardness after exposure to xylene, and by infrared estimation of the hydroxyl group. The hardness and the IR method enable determination of the degree of polyester-triazine resin cross-linkage, whereas the solvent method indicates the extent of triazine-resin cross-linkage. The effect of temperature on polyester cross-linkage and on triazine resin cross-linkage is reported and the influence of both the reactions on mechanical properties of the coatings is recorded. The UV-stability of the coatings with respect to retention of gloss and yellowing was determined. Gloss retention is improved with increasing degree of cross-linkage, whereas the stability against yellowing initially decreases with increased content of triazine-resin up to a minimum, whereafter an increase in stability against yellowing is observed with increase in triazine-resin cross-linkage. Relationships between yellowing stability and cross-linkage reaction were obtained from the effect of stoving temperature on the yellowing curve.  相似文献   

Percent Composition of Free Fatty Acids of a Few Fresh and Stored Animal Food Products in Comparison to Their Fatty Acid Pattern after Saponification Depot fat and muscle fat of fresh and stored chickens as well as beef tallow and milk fat were analysed after saponification by gas-liquid chromatography as their methyl esters. The free fatty acids of the same fats were absorbed on alumina and examined for their composition after desorption in the same way. The amount of free fatty acids after lipolysis was not identical with the percentage of fatty acids of the fats. Palmitoleic-, oleic-, and linoleic acid showed an increase, but palmitic and stearic acid a decrease of their amounts in the liberated acids in comparison to the composition of the fatty acids of neutral fats. A remarkable amount of volatile acids could be detected in the free fatty acids only.  相似文献   

Dependence of Bloom-Formation in Chocolate from Technical Operation of Pre-Crystallization and Solidification The undesired bloom-formation in chocolate is caused by post-crystallization of cocoa fat during storage. Experiments were carried out systematically in order to reveal, in what manner the bloom-formation is dependent on pre-crystallization and solidification operations. It was found that chocolate is more resistent to bloom-formation, higher the amount of fat that crystallizes out during pre-crystallization. Increased stability of strongly pre-crystallized chocolate with respect to bloom-formation is due to transformation of cocoa fat into a stable crystalline state, already during pre-crystallization and solidification.  相似文献   

Comparative Analyses of the Composition of the Fatty Acid Fraction of Vegetables in Dependence on Preliminary Treatment Analyses of the lipids of strawberries and potatoes in our laboratory proved that composition of lipids depends on preliminary treatment. These results caused us to focus our interest to vegetables. If vegetable is shred, lipoxygenases are liberated, resulting in oxidizing the multiple unsaturated acids and lowering the amounts of linoleic and linolenic acid. The lipoxygenases are destroyed if vegetable is boiled before shredding. Ten species of vegetable were analysed: white cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, savoy cabbage, kohlrabi, carrot, tomato, zucchini, spinach, red beet. The effect is especially strong in cruciferae e. g. in white cabbage or cauliflower.  相似文献   

Regioselective C-H-Functionalization of Fatty Acids and their Methyl Esters Fatty acids and thier methyl esters can be chlorinated preferentially at the terminal methylene groups with N-alkylchloroamines in sulfuric acid. With capric acid and its methyl ester the optimal reaction conditions for the selective chlorination were elaborated and then transferred to longer fatty acids up to stearic acid. The influence of the solvent, the temperature and the nature of different chlorinating reagents on the selectivity was studies. The capillary GC/MS-analysis of the isomeric chlorinated fatty acids is described.  相似文献   

Aspects of Hydrogenation of Fats and Fatty Acids Hydrogenation of fat products is of great significance, both for human and animal nutrition as well as for technical purposes. In the area of nutrition, adequate food for the increasing world population is unthinkable without utilization of all fat resources, that can be made available as food fats only after catalytic hydrogenation. In the area of technical use, a similar development is observed owing to shortage of mineral oils. Thus, fatty alcohols derived from vegetable oils and waxes can already compete in price with fully synthetic fatty alcohols derived from mineral oils. In the past 70 years of hydrogenation of fats till the present time, catalysts based on nickel have been most commonly used. In addition, small proportions of catalysts based on copper and noble metals have also been used. Homogenous catalysts have been used very recently. The present communication deals primarily with the hydrogenation of neutral fats and fatty acids using nickel catalysts. The aspects of selectivity and isomerization in the partial hydrogenation of neutral fats are discussed. In the hydrogenation of fatty acids and their derivatives, emphasis is laid on other factors, such as activity, poisoning and acid resistance of the catalyst. These factors are discussed.  相似文献   

Gas Chromatographic and Thin-Layer Chromatographic Studies on Fatty Acids: The Application of Packed Glass Capillary Columns for Separation of cis- and trans-Unsaturated Fatty Acids from Saturated Fatty Acids Packed glass capillary columns were used for the quantitative determination of trans- and cis-unsaturated fatty acids in the presence of saturated fatty acids by gas chromatography. The fatty acids were analyzed as methyl esters after interesterification of the triglyceride samples. The conversion of glyceryl esters of fatty acids into methyl esters could be followed using short GC columns and by thin-layer chromatography.  相似文献   

Investigations of Continuous Hydrogenation of Oils and Fatty Acids V: Degree of Utilization of Ni-Catalyst Surface During Hydrogenation Hydrogenation of olive oil by Ni-catalyst according to the trickling process was investigated in a simplified reactor model. The tests were carried out by discontinuous proceeding on pelletted Ni-catalyst with elimination of the influences of the outer diffusion and by discontinuous proceeding with elimination of the outer and internal diffusion (powdery catalyst). The obtained values of the effective factor of the outer diffusion showed that the laminar film on the surface of the pellets causes a small resistance to mass transfer. The measurements of the effective factors of the internal diffusion showed that the degree of the exploit of the internal catalyst surface during hydrogenation of oils on pelletted Ni-catalyst is low.  相似文献   

FLORY'S model for calculating solution viscosities of polyamide-6 is applied in a simplified manner to the polymerization of laurinlactam. According to this simpified model it is possible to calculate the relative solution viscosity of polyamide-12 for any given (high) conversion and concentration of chain regulators. Experimental data are in good agreement with the calculated results.  相似文献   

Dietary Fat and the trans-Unsaturated Fatty Acids in Bovine and Porcine Tissues of Heart, Liver and Kidney and Depot Fats from different Localities within the same Animal The content of trans-unsaturated fatty acids in lipids of heart, liver and kidney and depot fats from different localities within the same animal (visceral, pericardial, perinephric, extrahepatic, subcutaneous and/or back fat and fat attached to ribs) of calves and pigs, fed a basal diet without trans-unsaturated fatty acids or fed a hardened fat diet, was determined by IR-spectrography. The lipids of heart, kidney and liver were separated by Silica Gel G column chromatography in cholesterol ester, neutral lipids and phospholipid fractions. The trans-unsaturated fatty acids of each were determined.  相似文献   

Contents and Composition of Seed Lipids of Silybum marianum Gaertn. in Dependence on Position and Time of Sowing and Harvesting Silybum marianum Gaertn., the milk thistle is no oil plant in the fullest sense of the word, but is cultivated as medicinal plant in various parts of the world. Besides the flavonoides, having an antihepatotoxic effect, die fruits contain about 30% of fatty oil which is separated before winning the active substances. The content of raw fat of the here investigated wild plants from West Turkey varied between 27.9 and 33.7% and the amount of linoleic acid in the oil between 54.5 and 67.6%. The influences of region of cultivation as well as season of sowing and harvesting on fat content and fatty acid distribution can largely be explained as temperature effects.  相似文献   

Number of Isomers in Polysubstituted Fatty Acids The number of positional and optical isomers of mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- and hexa-substituted polyhydroxy and polymethyl fatty acids upto C32H64O2 (non-branched basic chain) was calculated. The n-fatty acid C32H64O2 having 6 substituents (excluding the substitution at the terminal CH3-group of the fatty acid) gives 539 680 positional isomers, 6 methyl groups yield 34 201 440 optical isomers and 6 OH groups 37 995 520 optical isomers.  相似文献   

Neutralization of Acids with Bases in Aerosol In the neutralization of strong acids with strong bases, the dilution with water can be avoided by working in aerosol, whereby air is employed as the diluting agent. This can be carried out by using a three-component jet, with which the concentrated acids and bases can be sprayed together. It is shown that the above process can be applied in spray-drying as well as in spray-mixing. Elimination of one processing step and low energy costs are the advantages.  相似文献   

The stereocomplex formation, which is observed after mixing of stereoregular samples of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) in various solvents was studied by dielectric and viscosimetric measurements. By means of X-ray wide angle diffraction measurements of mixtures of stereoregular polymers freed from solvent it was found that the stereocomplex consists of crystalline regions. From viscosity measurements of solutions of various tacticity in comparison with swelling properties of crosslinked PMMA it is concluded that the association of isotactic and syndiotactic sequences, which is considered to be the reason for stereocomplex formation, also exists in solutions and gels of atactic PMMA. From the temperature dependence of the reduced specific viscosity, the complex dielectric constant, and the swelling we deduce that the association in microcrystalline regions leads to formation of physical crosslinks, which melt in a certain temperature range. The properties of dilute solutions prepared from mixtures of isotactic and syndiotactic PMMA and toluene can be interpreted by intermolecular association mainly. The anomalies observed in very dilute solutions are explained by intramolecular association. The properties of solutions in which association occurs are dependent on their preliminary thermal treatment and their previous history.  相似文献   

Alterations in Thickness of Epidermis and 3H-Thymidin Labelling Index in Epidermis after Application of Drugs in Course of Time after Beginning of Therapy The actions of drugs on the epidermis can lead to the following reactions: 1. Atrophy with diminished cell proliferation, 2. Proliferation acanthosis with thickening of the epidermis and increased cell proliferation, 3. Retention acanthosis with thickening of the epidermis; the cells remain for a longer time in a prolonged phase of DNA synthesis. The time course of these reactions proves to be different in investigations with three typical agents: 1. 5-fluorouracil leads to a reduction of cell proliferation with a greatly delayed onset, and to epidermal atrophy; 2. TWEEN 60 brings about a rapid and sustained intensification of cell proliferation and an epidermal thickening of rapid onset and which persists up to the 36th day; 3. Coal tar leads to a prolongation of the DNA synthesis time which has a rapid onset but then fades away quickly; there is a peak of epidermal thickening somewhat later in time.  相似文献   

Change in Free Fatty acids after Ingestion of Orotic Acid The level of free fatty acids in blood-serum of rats after per os and intraperitoneal ingestion of orotic acid was studied. High doses of perorally administered orotic acid was without any action, whereas parenteral application led to a considerable lowering of the free fatty acid level already after 30 min. The latter was proportional to orotic acid concentration in serum. The smallest amount leading to a statistically significant reduction was about 100 mg orotic acid/kg, which was present in orotic acid containing compounds.  相似文献   

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