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Formulating passive energy design strategies require an understanding of the climatic influence on buildings and the thermal comfort of their occupants. This paper presents the bioclimatic approach in building design as well as the techniques which are applied to formulate various strategies in order to achieve indoor comfort conditions. The paper deals with the Bioclimatic Chart, the Building Psychrometric Chart, Mahoney Tables and the Control Potential Zones which utilise the thermal neutrality concept. Regional climatic data from the Klang Valley area in Malaysia were utilised in formulating the design strategies. The most appropriate design strategies for hot, humid regions were then deduced. The most preferred strategies found were the use of ventilation, dehumidification and shading. Consequently, a full recommendation for the integral use of these three passive methods are suggested to be used in all buildings in Malaysia. 相似文献
本文研究了单相马蹄形、平行板形(相对或同侧)电极盐浴炉熔盐电阻的计算及电极尺寸的设计方法。实践表明,文中的计算方法可满足工程要求。 相似文献
Wei Feng Henglin Lv Dapeng Guo Zhaochen Huang 《Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects》2019,41(6):665-676
When the energy saving rate of existing residential buildings renovation is determined, the thermal performances of external walls, windows, and roof interact with each other. Therefore, it is necessary to study the determination of economical insulation thickness of building envelopes considering the interaction among building envelope performances. The objective function and its bound of envelope thermal performance optimization in the energy-saving renovation of existing residential buildings in severe cold and cold zones in China were established. It is the conditional extremum problem and can be solved through Lagrange’s method of multipliers to determine the economical insulation thickness of external walls and roofs simultaneously. The method is proved to be feasible by an existing residential building in Beijing. When the same window types are selected, the energy-saving renovation program of the building envelope determined by the Lagrangian optimization method can produce the minimum investment in insulation, minimum investment payback period, and the largest net present value (NPV) of the life cycle. 相似文献
Ensuring the effective thermal insulation in regions, where the cooling requirement of building with respect to heating requirement is dominant, is very important from the aspect of energy economy. In this study, the influence of thermal insulation on the building cooling load and the cooling system in case of air-conditioning by an all-air central air-conditioning system was evaluated for a sample building located in Adana, based on the results of three different types of insulation (A, B and C-type buildings) according to the energy efficiency index defined in the Thermal Insulation Regulation used in Turkey. The operating costs of the air-conditioning system were calculated using cooling bin numbers. Life-cycle cost analysis was carried out utilizing the present-worth cost method. Results showed that both the initial and the operating costs of the air-conditioning system were reduced considerably for all three insulation thicknesses. However, the optimum results in view of economic measurements were obtained for a C-type building. The thickness of thermal insulation for the buildings in the southern Turkey should be determined according to the guidelines for a C-type building. 相似文献
Experimental study on the phase change behavior of phase change material confined in pores 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
An experimental study on the phase change behavior of organic phase change materials (PCMs) in porous building materials is reported. Three kinds of porous materials and two kinds of PCMs were used. The phase change behavior of organic PCMs and phase change composites was measured by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The pore structure of the porous materials was characterized by means of mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP). X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) and Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used to characterize the chemical properties of porous materials and phase change materials. Quite different phase change behaviors were found for these two kinds of PCMs in porous materials. For capric acid with a functional group of –COOH, a remarkable elevation of melting temperature was found when confined in porous materials. But for paraffin with only inactive functional groups of –CH2 and –CH3, no elevation or depression of the melting temperature was found when confined in the porous materials. The interaction between functional groups of PCM molecules and alkaline spots on the inner pore surface of the porous materials and the Clapeyron equation were used to explain the different shift of the phase change temperature of capric acid and paraffin in porous materials. 相似文献
Investigating the potential of overheating in UK dwellings as a consequence of extant climate change
Dynamic simulation is used with defined domestic building variants to investigate internal temperatures of UK dwellings. Factors such as a warming climate and varying internal heat gains are estimated to examine whether UK domestic buildings are likely to be prone to overheating in the future, and therefore require mechanical air conditioning. The study suggests that the ability, or inability, of the occupant to adapt to bedroom temperature is paramount in the understanding of the conditions for overheating. While this is difficult to quantify (and a range of comfort temperatures are proposed), the effect of changing the building construction and geographical location can result in significantly different thermal conditions. As might be expected, the problem appears most noticeable for buildings in the south of the UK and with lightweight constructions. Even with a window-opening schedule applied to such a scenario, the average internal temperature is simulated as being over 28 °C for almost 12% of the year. A different metric, defined as “cooling nights”, suggests that there might be a cooling problem in bedroom areas for approximately a third of the year. In the North of the UK, and also for solid wall dwellings, this problem diminishes significantly. 相似文献
With increased global concerns on climate change, the need for innovative spaces which can provide thermal comfort and energy efficiency is also increasing. This paper analyses the effects of transitional spaces on energy performance and indoor thermal comfort of low-rise dwellings in the Netherlands, at present and projected in 2050. For this analysis the four climate scenarios for 2050 from the Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI) were used. Including a courtyard within a Dutch terraced dwelling on the one hand showed an increase in annual heating energy demand but on the other hand a decrease in the number of summer discomfort hours. An atrium integrated into a Dutch terraced dwelling reduced the heating demand but increased the number of discomfort hours in summer. Analysing the monthly energy performance, comfort hours and the climate scenarios indicated that using an open courtyard May through October and an atrium, i.e. a covered courtyard, in the rest of the year establishes an optimum balance between energy use and summer comfort for the severest climate scenario. 相似文献
A model and a corresponding numerical procedure, based on the finite-difference method, have been developed for the prediction of buildings thermal behavior under the influence of all possible thermal loads and the “guidance” of cooling control system in conjunction with thermal comfort requirements. Using the developed procedure analyses have been conducted concerning the effects of thermostat operation mode and cooling power in terms of the time, on the total cooling energy consumption for the ideal space cooling, as well as for various usually encountered real cases, thus trying to find ways to reduce cooling energy consumption. The results lead to suggestions for energy savings up to 10%. Extensive comparisons between the ideal and various real cooling modes showed small differences in the 24-h cooling energy consumption. Because of the above finding, our detailed ideal cooling mode predictions gain considerable value and can be considered as a basis for comparison with real cases. They may also provide a good estimate of energy savings obtained if we decide to increase thermostat set point temperature. Therefore, as the extent of cooling energy saving is a priori known, one can decide if (and how much) it is worthy to increase thermostat set point temperature at the expense of thermal comfort. All results of the study, which refer to the Typical Athens Buildings during the typical Athens summer day, under the usual ranges of thermal loads, may be applicable to other regions with similar conditions. 相似文献
Simple tool to evaluate energy demand and indoor environment in the early stages of building design 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A simplified building simulation tool to evaluate energy demand and thermal indoor environment in the early stages of building design is presented. Simulation is performed based on few input data describing the building design, HVAC systems and control strategies. Hourly values for energy demand and indoor temperature are calculated based on hourly weather data. Calculation of the solar energy transmitted through windows takes into account the dependency of the total solar energy transmittances on the incidence angle, shades from far objects and shades from the window recess and overhangs. Several systems including heating, cooling, solar shading, venting, ventilation with heat recovery and variable insulation can be activated to control the indoor temperature and energy demand. Predicted percentages of dissatisfied occupants are calculated for a given time period to support decisions concerning the thermal indoor environment. The simplified building simulation tool gives reliable results compared to detailed tools and needs only few input data to perform a simulation. The tool is therefore useful for preliminary design tasks in the early design stages where rough estimates of the building design are given and rough estimates of energy use and thermal indoor environment are needed for decision support. 相似文献
Fuqiao Wang Graeme Maidment John Missenden Robert Tozer 《Applied Thermal Engineering》2007,27(17-18):2902-2910
A dynamic mathematical model for coupling the refrigeration system and PCMs has been developed in this paper. Overall the model consists of the following basic components: a compressor, a condenser, an expansion valve, an evaporator cooler and a PCM heat exchanger. The model developed here, is based on a lumped-parameter method. The condenser and evaporator were treated as storage tanks at different states, which have a superheat region, a two-phase region and a sub-cooled region. In the single-phase region the parameters are considered homogeneous whereas in the two-phase region, the intensive properties are considered as in thermal equilibrium. The compressor model is considered as an adiabatic process; an isentropic efficiency is employed in this process. The expansion process in the thermostatic expansion valve is considered as an isenthalpic process. The PCM is treated as a one-dimensional heat transfer model. The mathematical simulation in this study predicts the refrigerant states and dynamic coefficient of performance in the system with respect to time. The dynamic validation shows good agreement with the test result. 相似文献
阐述了路外内燃机车市场的特点以及采用模块化设计的必要性,以GKD3B型机车的开发为例,介绍机车模块化设计的实践,并通过在GK1C系列机车改进上的成功推广应用,阐明了模块化设计、菜单式选择的产品开发模式对小批量、多品种、快节奏生产方式的适应性。 相似文献
A review on the design and control strategy of energy storage system in wind power application

随着风力发电大规模入网,其随机性,波动性和间歇性特征对电力系统调频,调峰等有功平衡手段及电压稳定的影响越来越严重.储能系统能够在一定程度上控制风场的输出功率,平抑风电功率波动,改善风机低电压穿越能力,甚至为系统提供辅助服务,是从风场侧提高系统对风电的接纳能力的可行解决方案之一.作者在简要的介绍了风场储能技术应用现状的基础上,重点针对储能型风场内蓄电池储能系统的设计方案,容量优化及控制策略的研究现状及关键问题进行综述及探讨. 相似文献
This paper uses finite element method to study the effect of Al2O3 film on thermal stresses in the bonded compliant seal (BCS) design of a planar solid oxide fuel cell. The effects of Al2O3 thickness, operating temperature, window frame thickness, foil thickness and cell length on thermal stresses have been discussed. The results show that compressive stresses are generated in Al2O3 film. A bowing deformation is generated due to the BCS design, which can trap and relax some thermal stresses. With Al2O3 thickness increase, compressive stresses in Al2O3 film and foil are decreased slightly, while tensile stresses in BNi2 and frame are increased. With operating temperature increase, compressive stress in Al2O3 is increased greatly, while the stresses in foil, BNi2 and frame are increased slightly. The bowing deformation is increased with operating temperature increase. The window frame thickness has little effect on thermal stresses and bowing deformation. With sealing foil thickness increase, thermal stresses and bowing deformation are increased. The cell length has little effect on thermal stresses, but reducing the cell length can decrease the bowing deformation. 相似文献