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The situation concerning world food production is changing dramatically. On the one hand, the world population is expected to grow still further, reaching about 8 billion people in the middle of the 21st century. Novel phenomena, such as ageing of the human population and excess weight in developing countries pose new nutrition problems. Food scares, which were enhanced by recent BSE and toxicological outbreaks, hinder the applicability of some solutions. Under these conditions, scientists and technologists should participate actively in the tasks of informing the population as well as finding new ways to provide people with the optimal amount of nutritious food.  相似文献   

Retailers aim to supply consumers exclusively with food products that are flawless, and therefore impose strict standards that foods have to comply with before deemed qualified for retail. This practice results in large amounts of foods, suitable for human consumption, to be discarded due to deviation from these standards. In an effort to battle food waste, retailers have begun to offer suboptimal food products on price promotion. However, consumers’ reactions to price promotions are not uniform and depend on the significance individuals assign to these promotions, based on their own price involvement. An online questionnaire administered to a total sample of 3,114 consumers divided across representative samples of Dutch (n = 628), German (n = 622), Swedish (n = 620), Norwegian (n = 625) and Danish (n = 619) consumers aimed to investigate the effect of five price involvement dimensions (Deal proneness, Value consciousness, Price consciousness, Price-Quality schema, Prestige sensitivity), Perceived budget constraints, and current use of suboptimal foods on consumers’ intention to purchase these products in the near future. Results indicate that consumers’ intention to purchase suboptimal foods is influenced by different price involvement dimensions within and across countries. These findings offer evidence that a more nuanced approach to price promotions can increase consumers’ intentions to purchase suboptimal foods and thus prove an efficient marketing tool that can be used to help reduce food waste. Retailers could benefit from applying price promotions that tap into the price involvement dimensions that increase consumers’ intentions to purchase suboptimal foods, in contrast to the current practice of applying uniform price reductions.  相似文献   

What is the source of ochratoxin A in wine?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During a microvinification trial using natural mouldy grapes from a research experimental vineyard, ochratoxin A (OTA) contaminated white wine was obtained. Potential OTA-producing mycobiota of grape samples used in this microvinification process was assessed. Only Aspergillus carbonarius isolates were detected as producers of OTA. Our report is a strong evidence of the contribution of A. carbonarius in the OTA contamination in wine.  相似文献   

Healthier eating and convenience are two important and often divergent aspects of contemporary diet patterns. With the intention of guiding consumers to make more informed food purchase decisions, policy makers, such as the European Union, emphasize the need to shift dietary patterns toward healthier food by introducing nutritional claims (NCs) and health claims (HCs). The purpose of this study is to (i) explore the impact of NCs and HCs on a healthy food product (yogurt), (ii) investigate consumer choices through a discrete choice experiment (DCE), (iii) examine the role of taste as a key food attribute influencing the purchase decision process, and (iv) explore the visual attention that consumers pay to NCs and HCs. The results from a generalized mixed logit model suggest that there is a relationship between the most highly valued NCs and HCs from the stated preferences and visual attention in terms of fixation count. This relationship affirms that the final product selection is based not only on the type of labeling on the package but also on the visual attention that consumers pay to it. Tasting a healthy food product resulted in negative utility, but greater visual attention attached to NCs and HCs and a lower percentage of attribute non-attendance (ANA).  相似文献   

New food technologies, such as genetic modification, food fortification, and processing technologies, are of growing interest for future food security and safety. For ensuring successful implementation of such technologies, consumers and other food supply chain actors should embrace them. We present a systematic review to identify and compare key factors of supply chain actors’ evaluation of new food technologies. Evaluation encompasses indicators such as likelihood or intention to perform a behavior, perceived benefits/risks, willingness to pay, acceptance/adoption, and attitudes. Results from 183 studies showed several imbalances in research. Although studies mainly focused on (1) genetically modified foods, (2) by consumers, (3) in developed countries, only very few studies have targeted other food technologies, other supply chain actors such as farmers (13 studies) or processors (two studies), or developing countries (43 studies). With respect to consumers’ evaluation, key determinants were trust in institutions, information assessment, perceived risks and benefits, attitudes toward the product or technology, perceived behavioral control, quality perception of the product, and impact on health. Farmers’ evaluation of new food technologies was explained by the factors of perceived risk and benefits and of actual source of information. For the few processor evaluation studies, no convergence of factors could be reached. This systematic review contributes to a better understanding of consumers’ and farmers’ evaluation behavior and opens up avenues for future research on supply chain actors’ food technology evaluations. The differences in the conceptualization and measurement of extracted factors demonstrate the need for standardized approaches in future studies.  相似文献   

New research is providing clues about possible links between Pfiesteria-like organisms and pollution.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) is an essential trace element that is ubiquitously present in the environment in small concentrations. Essential functions of Se in the human body are manifested through the wide range of proteins, containing selenocysteine as their active center. Such proteins are called selenoproteins which are found in multiple physiological processes like antioxidative defense and the regulation of thyroid hormone functions. Therefore, Se deficiency is known to cause a broad spectrum of physiological impairments, especially in endemic regions with low Se content. Nevertheless, being an essential trace element, Se could exhibit toxic effects, if its intake exceeds tolerable levels. Accordingly, this range between deficiency and overexposure represents optimal Se supply. However, this range was found to be narrower than for any other essential trace element. Together with significantly varying Se concentrations in soil and the presence of specific bioaccumulation factors, this represents a noticeable difficulty in the assessment of Se epidemiological status. While Se is acting in the body through multiple selenoproteins, its intake occurs mainly in form of small organic or inorganic molecular mass species. Thus, Se exposure not only depends on daily intake but also on the respective chemical form, in which it is present. The essential functions of selenium have been known for a long time and its primary forms in different food sources have been described. Nevertheless, analytical capabilities for a comprehensive investigation of Se species and their derivatives have been introduced only in the last decades. A new Se compound was identified in 2010 in the blood and tissues of bluefin tuna. It was called selenoneine (SeN) since it is an isologue of naturally occurring antioxidant ergothioneine (ET), where Se replaces sulfur. In the following years, SeN was identified in a number of edible fish species and attracted attention as a new dietary Se source and potentially strong antioxidant. Studies in populations whose diet largely relies on fish revealed that SeN represents the main non-protein bound Se pool in their blood. First studies, conducted with enriched fish extracts, already demonstrated the high antioxidative potential of SeN and its possible function in the detoxification of methylmercury in fish. Cell culture studies demonstrated, that SeN can utilize the same transporter as ergothioneine, and SeN metabolite was found in human urine. Until recently, studies on SeN properties were severely limited due to the lack of ways to obtain the pure compound. As a predisposition to this work was firstly a successful approach to SeN synthesis in the University of Graz, utilizing genetically modified yeasts. In the current study, by use of HepG2 liver carcinoma cells, it was demonstrated, that SeN does not cause toxic effects up to 100 M concentration in hepatocytes. Uptake experiments showed that SeN is not bioavailable to the used liver cells. In the next part a blood-brain barrier (BBB) model, based on capillary endothelial cells from the porcine brain, was used to describe the possible transfer of SeN into the central nervous system (CNS). The assessment of toxicity markers in these endothelial cells and monitoring of barrier conditions during transfer experiments demonstrated the absence of toxic effects from SeN on the BBB endothelium up to 100 M concentration. Transfer data for SeN showed slow but substantial transfer. A statistically significant increase was observed after 48 hours following SeN incubation from the blood-facing side of the barrier. However, an increase in Se content was clearly visible already after 6 hours of incubation with 1 M of SeN. While the transfer rate of SeN after application of 0.1 M dose was very close to that for 1 M, incubation with 10 M of SeN resulted in a significantly decreased transfer rate. Double-sided application of SeN caused no side-specific transfer of SeN, thus suggesting a passive diffusion mechanism of SeN across the BBB. This data is in accordance with animal studies, where ET accumulation was observed in the rat brain, even though rat BBB does not have the primary ET transporter OCTN1. Investigation of capillary endothelial cell monolayers after incubation with SeN and reference selenium compounds showed no significant increase of intracellular selenium concentration. Speciesspecific Se measurements in medium samples from apical and basolateral compartments, as good as in cell lysates, showed no SeN metabolization. Therefore, it can be concluded that SeN may reach the brain without significant transformation. As the third part of this work, the assessment of SeN antioxidant properties was performed in Caco-2 human colorectal adenocarcinoma cells. Previous studies demonstrated that the intestinal epithelium is able to actively transport SeN from the intestinal lumen to the blood side and accumulate SeN. Further investigation within current work showed a much higher antioxidant potential of SeN compared to ET. The radical scavenging activity after incubation with SeN was close to the one observed for selenite and selenomethionine. However, the SeN effect on the viability of intestinal cells under oxidative conditions was close to the one caused by ET. To answer the question if SeN is able to be used as a dietary Se source and induce the activity of selenoproteins, the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and the secretion of selenoprotein P (SelenoP) were measured in Caco-2 cells, additionally. As expected, reference selenium compounds selenite and selenomethionine caused efficient induction of GPx activity. In contrast to those SeN had no effect on GPx activity. To examine the possibility of SeN being embedded into the selenoproteome, SelenoP was measured in a culture medium. Even though Caco-2 cells effectively take up SeN in quantities much higher than selenite or selenomethionine, no secretion of SelenoP was observed after SeN incubation. Summarizing, we can conclude that SeN can hardly serve as a Se source for selenoprotein synthesis. However, SeN exhibit strong antioxidative properties, which appear when sulfur in ET is exchanged by Se. Therefore, SeN is of particular interest for research not as part of Se metabolism, but important endemic dietary antioxidant.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to explore, based on language of experts and consumers, how they define the concept of gastronomy and Mexican cuisine applying the Theory of Social Representation. Gastronomy has become very relevant in the recent years and numerous researches on the matter have been published. Likewise, gastronomy has become one of the main drivers for tourists to travel to a certain destination, such as Mexico, whose traditional cuisine has been included within the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO. This research was carried out in two phases: the first one through 22 semi-structured interviews with chefs who work in public and private schools of gastronomy in Mexico, and the second one through a convenience sampling in Central Mexico with a sample of 329 Mexican consumers. Information was obtained through Open-Ended questions, Word Association technique (WA) and Free Listing (FL) task. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed through content analysis. The words or terms obtained from the WA were grouped into categories by means of lemmatization process. Through FL, there were obtained the main foods, ingredients or dishes of Mexican cuisine and Cognitive Salience Index (CSI) was calculated. Results of this research establish that gastronomy is a complex concept and that the social representation of chefs and consumers are related with traditional and human aspects, sensory characteristics of foods, apart from techniques, methods and forms of food preparation. In this sense, the categories, foods, and ingredients that characterize Mexican cuisine are discussed based on the language of experts and consumers applying the Theory of Social Representation.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(12):12427-12442
Conscious consumerism is growing, along with consumer demand for socially conscious dairy products or dairy alternatives. To successfully position dairy products (especially conventional dairy) in this changing marketplace, dairy producers and processors must understand how to strategically use both on- and off-package messaging aligned with consumer perceptions. However, consumer perception of attributes such as sustainable, natural, and healthy is complex, and varies between product categories as well as among products within a category. The objective of this study was to characterize consumer definitions of the terms “sustainable,” “natural,” and “healthy” as they pertain to dried dairy ingredients. To meet this objective, we conducted an online survey with 3 maximum difference scaling exercises to determine the importance of 63 label claims to consumer definitions of the terms sustainable, natural, and healthy. The role of priming with dried ingredient processing information on consumer perception of these terms was also explored. Within the dried dairy ingredients category, there is extensive cognitive overlap between the terms sustainable, natural, and healthy. Priming did not affect consumer definitions of any of these terms. Certification-related claims were considered among the least important claims for consumer definitions of sustainable, natural, and healthy, whereas claims that were simple to read and visualize were considered among the most important. Claims related to animal welfare and happiness or simple, minimal ingredients and processing were considered by consumers to be important for all 3 terms. For each of these terms, there was a cluster of consumers who defined the term primarily by simple ingredients and minimal processing, and another cluster who defined the term primarily by happy cows and conscious farming practices. The terms sustainable and healthy each had a third, unique consumer cluster. This third definition cluster defined sustainability primarily by environmental effects, whereas this cluster defined healthy primarily in fitness and nutrition terms. Age and to a lesser extent, gender, affected importance placed on these 3 terms and also affected definition of the term. Understanding these consumer definitions provides insight on how to formulate marketing and educational messaging to speak to each consumer segment.  相似文献   

Fluid milk consumption has declined for decades while consumption of nondairy alternatives has increased. A better understanding of why consumers purchase fluid milk or nondairy alternatives is needed to assist increased sales of milk or maintain sales without further decline. The objective of this study was to determine the extrinsic attributes that drive purchase within each product category. The second objective was to determine the personal values behind the purchase of each beverage type to give further understanding why particular attributes are important. An online conjoint survey was launched with 702 dairy consumers, 172 nondairy consumers, and 125 consumers of both beverages. Individual means-end chain interviews were conducted with fluid milk consumers (n = 75), plant-based alternative consumers (n = 68), and consumers of both beverages (n = 78). Fat content was the most important attribute for dairy milk followed by package size and label claims. Consumers of fluid milk preferred 1 or 2% fat content, gallon, or half-gallon packaging, conventionally pasteurized store-brand milk. Sugar level was the most important attribute for plant-based beverages, followed by plant source and package size. Almond milk was the most desirable plant source, and half-gallon packaging was the most preferred packaging. Means-end chain interviews results suggested that maintaining a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle was important to all consumer groups. Lactose free was an important attribute for plant-based alternative consumers and consumers of both dairy and nondairy. A distinguishing characteristic of those who only drank nondairy plant-based alternatives was that plant-based beverages contributed to a goal to consume less animal products, beliefs about animal mistreatment, and perceived lesser effect on the environment than fluid milk. Unique to fluid milk consumers was that fluid milk was perceived as a staple food item. These results suggest that the dairy industry should focus on the nutrition value of milk and educating consumers about misconceptions regarding dairy milk. Future beverage innovation should include the development of lactose-free milk that is also appealing to consumers in flavor.  相似文献   

Edible coatings and incorporation of active ingredients can improve food quality (appearance, taste, flavours, and increased shelf life). In this paper, specific emphasis is given to electrostatic application of powder coatings that is known for high transfer efficiency and even coating. This application technique has the potential to reduce excessive use of coating material (up to 68%) and minimise dust release (up to 84%) to the environment. Different parameters (e.g. powder particle size) are discussed that influence powder coating quality and efficiency for both non-electrostatic and electrostatic powder application. Typical food processing systems are reviewed that can be combined with electrostatic powder coating. Finally, an overview of electrostatically coated food products and a short outlook of electrostatic powder coating of foods are given.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cause of cancer death. Phytochemicals, especially anthocyanins/anthocyanidins (A/A), have gathered attention of the scientific community owing to their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and cancer-inhibitory properties. In this review, we discussed the possible mechanisms whereby A/A exhibit intestinal anticarcinogenic characteristics. Anthocyanins/anthocyanidins inhibit the pro-inflammatory NF-κB pathway, attenuate Wnt signaling and suppress abnormal epithelial cell proliferation. In addition, A/A induce mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis and downregulate Akt/mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) pathway. Furthermore, activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) also contributes to the anti-carcinogenic effects of A/A. Finally, downregulation of metalloproteinases (MMPs) by A/A inhibits tumor invasion and metastasis. In conclusion, A/A exert their anti-tumor effects against colorectal carcinogenesis via multiple mechanisms, providing insights into the use of A/A as a natural chemopreventive intervention on major colorectal carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Wine supply in the French market is structured in an intricate system of categories based on origin. There is very little knowledge about consumers understanding of this complex category system and the sensory styles behind these categories. This study investigated how assessors with different level of expertise categorized Beaujolais wines from general to more specific levels of categorization (grape variety, appellation, and “lieu-dit”) in both perceptual (wines) and conceptual (wine labels) conditions. Based on the literature on expertise, we expected a stronger effect in the perceptual condition, in particular for the most specific levels of categorization. For each wine categorization level, three sets of 12 wines were tasted by three panels of 60 assessors: a panel of unfamiliar novices with no much exposure to Beaujolais wines; a panel of familiar novices with regular exposure to Beaujolais wines; and a panel of experts from the Beaujolais. In both perceptual and conceptual conditions, assessors were asked to perform a binary sorting task, followed by a verbalisation task. Data were analysed using DISTATIS. At each level, with a few exceptions, a clearer separation was observed between the two categories in the conceptual condition than in the perceptual condition. Although the experts categorized the labels by grape variety, they did not spontaneously categorize the wines in that way. Finally, we observed a clear expertise effect only in the conceptual condition. This result will be discussed in terms of expertise acquisition and categorization processes.  相似文献   

3D printing technologies are beginning to be employed to fabricate new food products. One of the more unusual and potentially controversial adoptions of this novel food technology involves the use of laboratory-cultured meat or insect-based ingredients to support ethical consumption, food security, and environmental sustainability initiatives. In this article, we discuss findings from our study involving an online discussion group with Australian participants concerning their attitudes to a novel technology that combined new food processing and presentation devices (the 3D printer) with a range of ingredients. The participants recognized the potential benefits of insect- and cultured-meat-based printed food for society. However, their own priorities for food consumption choices centered more on the qualities of health, taste, and naturalness. We found that overall, few participants articulated interest in or support for consuming or serving 3D-printed food products made from cultured meat or insects. Most expressed their disquiet about the degree of processing cultured meat undergoes. It was considered to be “unnatural,” and therefore not fresh, potentially harmful, lacking taste or not nutritious. Most of the participants also expressed antipathy towards the idea of eating printed products containing insects. While such products were considered more “natural” and nutritious than cultured meat, the idea of eating insects was predominantly greeted with disgust. As these findings suggest, plans to use 3D printing technologies to render ingredients such as cultured meat and insects more acceptable and appealing to consumers in countries like Australia have major cultural barriers to overcome.  相似文献   

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is a major process operating at the land-sea interface. Quantifying the SGD nutrient loads and the marine/terrestrial controls of this transport is of high importance, especially in oligotrophic seas such as the eastern Mediterranean. The fluxes of nutrients in groundwater discharging from the seafloor at Dor Bay (southeastern Mediterranean) were studied in detail using seepage meters. Our main finding is that the terrestrial, fresh groundwater is the main conveyor of DIN and silica to the coastal water, with loads of 500 and 560 mol/yr, respectively, per 1 m shoreline. Conversely, recirculated seawater is nutrient-poor, and its role is mainly as a dilution agent. The nutrient loads regenerated in the subterranean estuary (sub-bay sediment) are relatively small, consisting mostly of ammonium (24 mol/yr). On the other hand, the subterranean estuary at Dor Bay sequesters as much as 100 mol N/yr per 1 m shoreline, mainly via denitrification processes. These, and observations from other SGD sites, imply that the subterranean estuary at some coastal systems may function more as a sink for nitrogen than a source. This further questions the extent of nutrient contributions to the coastal water by some subterranean estuaries and warrants systematic evaluation of this process in various hydrological and marine trophic conditions.  相似文献   

What is the true supply of amino acids for a dairy cow?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Improving the prediction of milk protein yield relies on knowledge of both protein supply and requirement. Definition of protein/amino acid supply in ruminants is a challenging task, due to feedstuff variety and variability and to the remodeling of nutrient intake by the rumen microflora. The questions arise, therefore, how and where should we measure the real supply of AA in the dairy cow? This review will follow the downstream flow of AA from duodenum to peripheral tissue delivery, with a glance at the efficiency of transfer into milk protein. Duodenal AA flow comprises rumen undegradable feed, microbial protein, and endogenous secretions. Most attention has been directed toward definition of the first two contributions but the latter fraction can represent as much as 20% of duodenal flow. More information is needed on what factors affect its magnitude and overall impact. Once digested, AA are absorbed into the portal vein. The ratio of portal absorption to small intestinal apparent digestion varies among essential AA, from 0.43 (threonine) to 0.76 (phenylalanine), due to the contributions of preduodenal endogenous secretions to the digestive flow, non-reabsorption of endogenous secretions and gut oxidation of AA. Few data are available on these phenomena in dairy cows but the evidence indicates that they alter the profile of AA available for anabolic purposes. Recent comparisons of estimated duodenal flux and measured portal flux have prompted a revisit of the NRC (2001) approach to estimate AA flows at the duodenum. Changes to the model are proposed that yield predictions that better fit the current knowledge of AA metabolism across the gut. After absorption, AA flow first to the liver where substantial and differential net removal occurs, varying from zero for the branched-chain AA to 50% of portal absorption for phenylalanine. This process alters the pattern of net supply to the mammary gland. Overall, intermediary metabolism of AA between the duodenum and the mammary gland biologically explains the decreased efficiency of the transfer of absorbed AA into milk protein as maximal yield is approached. Therefore, variable, rather than fixed, factors for transfer efficiencies must be incorporated into future predictive models.  相似文献   

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