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Rice husk-based electricity generation and supply has been popularized in South Asia by the Husk Power Systems (HPS) and the Decentralised Energy Systems India (DESI), two enterprises that have successfully provided electricity access using this resource. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the conditions under which a small-scale rural power supply business becomes viable and to explore whether larger plants can be used to electrify a cluster of villages. Based on the financial analysis of alternative supply options considering residential and productive demands for electricity under different scenarios, the paper shows that serving low electricity consuming customers alone leads to part capacity utilization of the electricity generation plant and results in a high cost of supply. Higher electricity use improves the financial viability but such consumption behaviour benefits high consuming customers greatly. The integration of rice mill demand, particularly during the off-peak period, with a predominant residential peak demand system improves the viability and brings the levelised cost of supply down. Finally, larger plants bring down the cost significantly to offer a competitive supply. But the higher investment need and the risks related to monopoly supply of husk from the rice mill, organizational challenges of managing a larger distribution area and the risk of plant failure can adversely affect the investor interest. Moreover, the regulatory uncertainties and the potential for grid extension can hinder business activities in this area.  相似文献   

In the present paper the functionality of the Semisubmersible wind energy and Flap-type wave energy Converter (SFC) is examined experimentally. In order to study the functionality of the SFC, the focus is on operational environmental conditions. SFC is a combined concept that utilizes offshore wind energy and ocean wave energy for power production. Details are presented as far as the physical modelling of the wind turbine with the use of a redesigned small-scale rotor and of the Power Take-Off mechanism of the Wave Energy Converters (WECs) with the use of a configuration that is based on a mechanical rotary damper. Tests with quasi-static excitation, motion decay, regular and irregular waves without and with wind that is uniform are conducted on an 1:50 scale physical model. The experimental data are compared with numerical predictions obtained by a fully coupled numerical model using Simo/Riflex tool. A good agreement is observed between experimental and numerical predictions. The combined operation of WECs doesn't affect the tension of mooring lines nor the acceleration of nacelle and the bending moment in tower's base. The produced power of the WECs of the SFC and consequently the functionality of the SFC is estimated.  相似文献   

Renewable energy-based off-grid or decentralised electricity supply has traditionally considered a single technology-based limited level of supply to meet the basic needs, without considering reliable energy provision to rural consumers. The purpose of this paper is to propose the best hybrid technology combination for electricity generation from a mix of renewable energy resources to satisfy the electrical needs in a reliable manner of an off-grid remote village, Palari in the state of Chhattisgarh, India. Four renewable resources, namely, small-scale hydropower, solar photovoltaic systems, wind turbines and bio-diesel generators are considered. The paper estimates the residential, institutional, commercial, agricultural and small-scale industrial demand in the pre-HOMER analysis. Using HOMER, the paper identifies the optimal off-grid option and compares this with conventional grid extension. The solution obtained shows that a hybrid combination of renewable energy generators at an off-grid location can be a cost-effective alternative to grid extension and it is sustainable, techno-economically viable and environmentally sound. The paper also presents a post-HOMER analysis and discusses issues that are likely to affect/influence the realisation of the optimal solution.  相似文献   

In 2012 there was approximately 2400 electric vehicle DC Fast Charging stations sold globally. According to Pike Research (Jerram and Gartner, 2012), it is anticipated that by 2020 there will be approximately 460,000 of them installed worldwide. A typical public DC fast charger delivers a maximum power output of 50 kW which allows a typical passenger vehicle to be 80% charged in 10–15 min, compared with 6–8 h for a 6.6 kW AC level 2 charging unit. While DC fast chargers offer users the convenience of being able to rapidly charge their vehicle, the unit's high power demand has the potential to put sudden strain on the electricity network, and incur significant demand charges.Depending on the utility rate structure, a DC fast charger can experience annual demand charges of several thousand dollars. Therefore in these cases there is an opportunity to mitigate or even avoid the demand charges incurred by coupling the unit with an appropriately sized energy storage system and coordinating the way in which it integrates. This paper explores the technical and economical suitability of coupling a ground energy storage system with a DC fast charge unit for mitigation or avoidance of demand charges and lessening the impact on the local electricity network. This paper also discusses the concept of having the system participate in demand response programs in order to provide grid support and to further improve the economic suitability of an energy storage system.  相似文献   

Present wind power is intermittent and cannot be used as the baseload energy source. Concept study of wind power utilizing direct thermal energy conversion and thermal energy storage named Wind powered Thermal Energy System (WTES) is conducted. The thermal energy is generated from the rotating energy directly at the top of the tower by the heat generator, which is a kind of simple and light electric brake. The rest of the system is the same as the tower type concentrated solar power (CSP). The cost estimation suggests that the energy cost of WTES is less than that of the conventional wind power, which must be supported by the backup thermal plants and grid enhancement. The light heat generator reduces some issues of wind power such as noise and vibration.  相似文献   

Offshore wind power is expanding with particular development plans in the Baltic and the North Sea. To reassure an environmentally acceptable development, regulatory authorities need to make informed decisions even when evidence and experience are scarce. In this study Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) has been applied on a wind farm project in Kattegat, proposed within a spawning ground for the Kattegat cod, a threatened population of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.). Six stressors with potential impacts on cod and related to wind farms were investigated. Three of them – extreme noise from pile driving, noise from vessels, and disturbances due to cable-trenching – are related to the construction phase, while lubricant spills and noise from turbines together with electric fields from cables are related to the operation phase. The ecological risk was derived from the combined likelihood and magnitude of potential adverse effects from stressors to the cod population using a weight-of-evidence (WOE) ranking procedure. Available evidence was evaluated based on its reliability, and contradictory arguments were balanced against each other using evidence maps. The option of performing hazardous construction events (e.g. pile-driving) outside biologically sensitive periods was incorporated in the assessment. It was shown that the construction of the wind farm poses a high risk to cod, as defined by the ranked and combined likelihoods and magnitudes of adverse effects. However by avoiding particular construction events during the cod recruitment period ecological risks can be significantly reduced. Specifically for this case, ecological risks are reduced from high to low by avoiding pile-driving from December through June, which confirms previous indications that pile-driving is the most ecologically hazardous activity of offshore wind power development. Additional risk reduction is achieved by avoiding cable trenching from January through May. The study thus illustrates the effectiveness of time-planning for risk reduction. Importantly, the study illustrates how combined ERA and WOE methods can be valuable for handling uncertainties of environmental impacts within offshore industrial development.  相似文献   

Community-based social marketing (CBSM) has shown to be very effective at inducing behavioural change due to its pragmatic approach. It has been found that nonintegrated intensive approaches towards changing individual's behaviour, such as education and economic self-interest are not successful.This paper will explain how a large urban electricity meter replacement program can achieve a reduction in peak demand and overall energy consumption through the use of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI or ‘smart meters’) coupled with CBSM, which in turn enables the progression towards a ‘smart grid’. In order to measure success the following targets were set:
  • •Peak demand reduction (peak lopping) of 20% from the households participating in the Behaviour Change Programs (BCPs).
  • •Peak demand shifting (load shifting) to reduce energy consumption during ‘super peak’ by 10% in BCP participating households.
  • •Average total energy use reduction of 10% in BCP participating households.
The energy efficiency actions discussed with householders during eco-coaching, and other feedback communications, are identified by utilising the information regarding barriers and benefits generated from the research phase prior to coaching. These actions can include referral to other initiatives such as the provision of reduced cost solar PV power systems, direct load control devices for domestic air-conditioners, the time-of-use pricing product, the provision of in-home-displays (IHD) and other devices necessary for development of a ‘smart grid’.  相似文献   

Most residents of Canada's 300 remote communities do not have access to natural gas and must rely upon higher cost and/or less convenient heat sources such as electric heat, heating (furnace) oil, propane, and/or cord wood. This research sought to determine the techno-economic feasibility of increasing biomass utilization for space and hot water heating in remote, off-grid communities in Canada and abroad using a two-option case study approach: 1) a district energy system (DES) connected to a centralized heat generation energy centre fuelled by wood chips; and 2) a decentralized heating option with wood pellet boilers in each individual residence and commercial building. The Nuxalk First Nation Bella Coola community was selected as a case study, with GIS, ground surveys, and climate data used to design DES routes and determine heat demand. It was determined that biomass has the potential to reduce heat costs, reduce the cost of electricity subsidization for electrical utilities, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and increase energy independence of remote communities. Although results of the analysis are site-specific, the research methodology and general findings on heat-source economic competitiveness could be utilized to support increased bioheat production in remote, off-grid communities for improved socio-economic and environmental outcomes.  相似文献   

A standard ISO Life Cycle Assessment study was carried out to evaluate the environmental sustainability of electricity production from an anaerobic digestion (AD) plant using a mixture of dedicated energy crops, agricultural residues and livestock effluents as input materials. The functional unit was 1 MJ of electricity. System boundaries were from cradle to grave and covered all the phases from energy crops cultivation to the production of biogas and its use in a Combined Heat and Power plant to produce electricity. Liquid and solid digestate storage and spreading on agricultural land were included. Primary data were collected from the AD plant for all the above phases. Since heat produced is used only internally, no allocation was applied in the study. As regards digestate management, CH4 emissions were calculated from literature, whereas four literature methods were applied for calculation of nitrogen emissions with the goal to perform a sensitivity analysis on LCA results. ILCD Handbook impact assessment methodologies were used. Results show that the main hotspots are energy crops cultivation and the management of digestate, mainly because of both nitrogen and methane emissions, affecting Global Warming, Acidification, Marine and Freshwater Eutrophication. Finally, a detailed Monte Carlo analysis, was carried out to evaluate the results uncertainty. The study represents the state of the art about the environmental performance of the AD plant with the use of sensitivity and uncertainty analysis, which both improve the reliability of results, and allows drawing general conclusions on how to mitigate the environmental impacts of AD process.  相似文献   

The European Union relies largely on bioenergy to achieve its climate and energy targets for 2020 and beyond.We assess, using Attributional Life Cycle Assessment (A-LCA), the climate change mitigation potential of three bioenergy power plants fuelled by residual biomass compared to a fossil system based on the European power generation mix. We study forest residues, cereal straws and cattle slurry.Our A-LCA methodology includes: i) supply chains and biogenic-CO2 flows; ii) explicit treatment of time of emissions; iii) instantaneous and time-integrated climate metrics.Power generation from cereal straws and cattle slurry can provide significant global warming mitigation by 2100 compared to current European electricity mix in all of the conditions considered.The mitigation potential of forest residues depends on the decay rate considered. Power generation from forest logging residues is an effective mitigation solution compared to the current EU mix only in conditions of decay rates above 5.2% a−1. Even with faster-decomposing feedstocks, bioenergy temporarily causes a STR(i) and STR(c) higher than the fossil system.The mitigation potential of bioenergy technologies is overestimated when biogenic-CO2 flows are excluded. Results based solely on supply-chain emissions can only be interpreted as an estimation of the long-term (>100 years) mitigation potential of bioenergy systems interrupted at the end of the lifetime of the plant and whose carbon stock is allowed to accumulate back.Strategies for bioenergy deployment should take into account possible increases in global warming rate and possible temporary increases in temperature anomaly as well as of cumulative radiative forcing.  相似文献   

The Flemish renewable electricity support system has struggled to address a number of problematic issues in the past. These included excessive profit margins and general malfunctioning of the green certificate market, as well as a lack of qualification of various existing renewable energy technologies. The Flemish government responded to these issues by introducing major reforms in 2013, including “banding” to differentiate the support for various technologies. However, reliable methods for differentiating renewable electricity technologies and calculating support levels have not been sufficiently developed. The main objective of the 2013 reforms was to reduce support costs, but application of German feed-in tariffs on 18 reference technologies has shown that most projects in Flanders continue to receive high levels of support. The 2013 reforms did not succeed in addressing malfunctioning of the green certificate market. On the contrary, the confidence of investors in renewable electricity plants has decreased as the terms of support can be altered retroactively by adjusting remuneration levels and through political interventions. Future adaptations are likely to be made which will further decrease the overall stability and effectiveness of the system.  相似文献   

Hybrid microgrid systems are an emerging tool for rural electrification due in part to their purported environmental benefits. This study uses Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to compare the environmental impacts of a diesel/PV/wind hybrid microgrid on the island of Koh Jig, Thailand with the electrification alternatives of grid extension and home diesel generators. The impact categories evaluated are: acidification potential (kg SO2 eq), global warming potential (kg CO2 eq), human toxicity potential (kg 1.4 DCB eq), and abiotic resource depletion potential (kg Sb eq). The results show that the microgrid system has the lowest global warming and abiotic resource depletion potentials of all three electrification scenarios. The use phase of the diesel generator and the extraction of copper are shown to significantly contribute to the microgrid's environmental impacts. The relative environmental impacts of the grid extension scenario are found to be proportional to the distance required for grid extension. Across all categories except acidification potential, the impacts from the home diesel generators are the largest. Sensitivity analyses show that maximizing the renewable energy fraction does not necessarily produce a more environmentally sustainable electrification scenario and that the diesel generator provides versatility to the system by allowing power production to be scaled significantly before more technology is needed to meet demand. While the environmental benefits of the microgrid increase as the installation community becomes more isolated, the choice of electrification scenario requires assigning relative importance to each impact category and considering social and economic factors.  相似文献   

In the latest years the wind energy sector experienced an exponential growth all over the world. What started as a deployment of onshore projects, soon moved to offshore and, more recently to the urban environment within the context of smart cities and renewable micro-generation. However, urban wind projects using micro turbines do not have enough profit margins to enable the setup of comprehensive and expensive measurement campaigns, a standard procedure for the deployment of large wind parks. To respond to the wind assessment needs of the future smart cities a new and simple methodology for urban wind resource assessment was developed. This methodology is based on the construction of a surface involving a built area in order to estimate the wind potential by treating it as very complex orography. This is a straightforward methodology that allows estimating the sustainable urban wind potential, being suitable to map the urban wind resource in large areas. The methodology was applied to a case study and the results enabled the wind potential assessment of a large urban area being consistent with experimental data obtained in the case study area, with maximum deviations of the order of 10% (mean wind speed) and 20% (power density).  相似文献   

Biogas from pig slurry in Mexico has potential to produce 21 PJ per year, equivalent to 3.5% of natural gas consumption in 2013. In this paper, three different scenarios are analysed: mono-digestion of pig slurry in a finisher farm (scenario 1); co-digestion of pig slurry and elephant grass in a finisher farm in situ (scenario 2) and co-digestion of pig slurry and elephant grass in centralised biogas plants (scenario 3). The digesters proposed are anaerobic high density polyurethane (HDPE) covered lagoons. HDPE centralised plants can have capital costs 5 times cheaper than European biogas plants. The economics of utilisation of biogas for electricity generation and as biomethane (a natural gas substitute) were investigated. Economic evaluations for on-site slurry digestion (Scenario 1) and on-site co-digestion of elephant grass and pig slurry (Scenario 2) showed potential for profitability with tariffs less than $US 0.12/kWhe. For centralised systems (Scenario 3) tariffs of $US 0.161/kWhe to $US 0.195/kWhe are required. Slurry transportation, energy use and harvest and ensiling account for 65% of the operational costs in centralised plants (Scenario 3). Biomethane production could compete with natural gas if a subsidy of 4.5 c/L diesel (1 m3 of biomethane) equivalent was available.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the responses of three aggregated models of a wind farm consisting of variable speed permanent magnet synchronous generator wind turbines when wind fluctuations or grid disturbances occur. These responses are compared with those of the detailed wind farm model, in order to verify the effectiveness of the studied aggregation methods for this type of wind farms. The equivalent wind farm models have been developed by adapting different aggregation criteria that already exist in technical literature and had been applied to other technologies. In this work, these methods have been modified to suit them to the permanent magnet synchronous generator technology. The results show that the three aggregated models provide very similar results to the detailed model, both in the evolution of active power when fluctuations in wind speed occur, and in the active power and DC-link voltage during the two simulated voltage dips. Notably, the aggregated model with an approximate mechanical torque offers excellent results.  相似文献   

The future energy system in community level should be more ‘smart’ to secure reliability, enhance market service, minimize environmental impact, reduce costs and improve the use of renewable energy source (RES). Therefore, this paper proposes an energy integration system – smart hybrid renewable energy for communities (SHREC). It considers both thermal (heating and cooling) and electricity market in a large community level and highlight the interactions between them through utilizing RES, combined heat and power (CHP) and energy storages. A planning model based on CHP modelling is developed for the SHREC system. A linear programming (LP) algorithm is developed to optimize the SHREC system in a weekly period and the results are compared with an existing energy optimization software. We also demonstrate the model in a sample SHREC system during three typical weeks with cold, warm and mid-season weather in the year 2011. The results indicate that the developed modelling and optimization method is more efficient and flexible for the smart hybrid renewable energy systems.  相似文献   

Absorption heat transformer (AHT) and flash evaporator (FE) are used to reduce the heat consumption of CO2 capture processes and an AHT–FE-aided capture system is proposed. Analyses are carried out to verify the effectiveness in reducing heat consumption. Compared with the base CO2 capture system of 3000 t/d CO2 capture capacity from a 660 MW coal-fired power unit, the AHT–FE-aided capture system reduces the heat consumption from 3.873 GJ/tCO2 to 3.772 GJ/tCO2, and the corresponding energy saving is 2.62%. The economic analysis shows that the annual profit would be 2.94 million RMB Yuan. The payback period of the AHT–FE-aided capture system is approximately 2.4 years. Therefore, the AHT–FE-aided capture system is both economically and technically feasible for improving the CO2 capture energy performance.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new probabilistic framework based on 2m Point Estimate Method (2m PEM) to consider the uncertainties in the optimal energy management of the Micro Girds (MGs) including different renewable power sources like Photovoltaics (PVs), Wind Turbine (WT), Micro Turbine (MT), Fuel Cell (FC) as well as storage devices. The proposed probabilistic framework requires 2m runs of the deterministic framework to consider the uncertainty of m uncertain variables in the terms of the first three moments of the relevant probability density functions. Therefore, the uncertainty regarding the load demand forecasting error, grid bid changes and WT and PV output power variations are considered concurrently. Investigating the MG problem with uncertainty in a 24 h time interval with several equality and inequality constraints requires a powerful optimization technique which could escape from the local optima as well as premature convergence. Consequently, a novel self adaptive optimization algorithm based on θ-Particle Swarm Optimization (θ-PSO) algorithm is proposed to explore the total search space globally. The θ-PSO algorithm uses the phase angle vectors to update the velocity/position of particles such that faster and more stable convergence is achieved. In addition, the proposed self adaptive modification method consists of three sub-modification methods which will let the particles choosel the modification method which best fits their current situation. The feasibility and satisfying performance of the proposed method is tested on a typical grid-connected MG as the case study.  相似文献   

Renewable energy resources, such as wind, are available worldwide. Locating areas with high and continual wind sources are crucial in pre-planning of wind farms. Vast offshore areas are characterized by higher and more reliable wind resources in comparison with continental areas. However, offshore wind energy production is in a quite preliminary phase. Elaborating the potential productivity of wind farms over such areas is challenging due to sparse in situ observations. The Mediterranean basin is not an exception. In this study we are proposing numerical simulations of near-surface wind fields from regional climate models (RCMs) in order to obtain and fill the gaps in observations over the Mediterranean basin. Four simulations produced with two regional climate models are examined here. Remote sensing observations (QuikSCAT satellite) are used to assess the skill of the simulated fields. A technique for estimating the potential energy from the wind fields over the region is introduced. The wind energy potential atlas and the map of a wind turbine's functional range are presented, locating the potentially interesting sub-regions for wind farms. The ability of models to reproduce the annual cycle and the probability density function of wind speed anomalies are detailed for specified sub-regions.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the technical feasibility and economic viability of a solar thermal power plant using parabolic trough collectors in Greece. The power plant is to be installed in the island of Rhodes and its power output will be 8.55 MW. Power plant simulation is carried out using TRNSYS software (STEC library) and economic issues of the project such as initial cost of investment, operation and maintenance (O&M) and energy costs will be analyzed. It was found that for the particular investment, considering a 75% of initial investment cost loan (with a 10-year period), the payback period will be approximately 13 years.  相似文献   

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