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A systematic investigation on structural, elastic and electronic properties of Rh–Zr intermetallic compounds is conducted using first-principles electronic structure total energy calculations. The equilibrium lattice parameters, enthalpies of formation (Efor), cohesive energies (Ecoh) and elastic constants are presented. Of the eleven considered candidate structures, Rh4Zr3 is most stable with the lowest Efor. The two orthogonal-type, relative to the CsCl-type, are the competing ground-state structures of RhZr. The result is in agreement with the experimental reports in the literature. The analysis of Efor and mechanical stability excludes the presence of Rh2Zr and RhZr4 at low temperature mentioned by .Curtarolo et al. [Calphad 29, 163 (2005)]. It is found that the bulk modulus B increases monotonously with Rh concentration, whereas all other quantities (shear modulus G, Young's modulus E, Poisson's ratio σ and ductility measured by B/G) show nonmonotonic variation. RhZr2 exhibits the smallest shear/Young's modulus, the largest Poisson's ratio and ductility. Our results also indicate that all the Rh–Zr compounds considered are ductile. Furthermore, the detailed electronic structure analysis is implemented to understand the essence of stability. 相似文献
Precipitates of topologically close-packed (TCP) phases play an important role in hardening mechanisms of high-performance steels. We analyze the influence of atomic size, electron count, magnetism and external stress on TCP phase stability in Fe-based binary transition metal alloys. Our density-functional theory calculations of structural stability are complemented by an analysis with an empirical structure map for TCP phases. The structural stability and lattice parameters of the Fe–Nb/Mo/V compounds are in good agreement with experiment. The average magnetic moments follow the Slater-Pauling relation to the average number of valence-electrons and can be rationalized in terms of the electronic density of states. The stabilizing effect of the magnetic energy, estimated by additional non-magnetic calculations, increases as the magnetic moment increases with band filling for the binary systems of Fe and early transition metals. For the case of Fe2Nb, we demonstrate that the influence of magnetism and external stress is sufficiently large to alter the energetic ordering of the closely competing Laves phases C14, C15 and C36. We find that the A15 phase is not stabilized by atomic-size differences, while the stability of C14 is increasing with increasing difference in atomic size. 相似文献
We report the structural, electronic, bonding, elastic and mechanical properties of nine scandium intermetallic compounds, ScTM (TM = Co, Rh, Ir, Ni, Pd, Pt, Zn, Cd and Hg), using ab initio density functional theory with the generalized gradient approximation for exchange and correlation potentials. The calculated structural parameters, such as the lattice constant (a0), bulk modulus (B) and its pressure derivative (B0) and elastic constants, are calculated using the CsCl-(B2 phase) structure. The electronic and bonding properties of the ScX compounds are quantitatively analyzed using band structures, DOS, Fermi surfaces and contour plots. The mechanical properties and ductile behaviors of these compounds are also predicted based on the calculated elastic constants. 相似文献
The structural, electronic and elastic properties of four RuX (X = Sc, Ti, V and Zr) intermetallic compounds have been investigated by using density functional theory within full potential linearized augmented plane wave method and using generalized gradient approximations in the scheme of Perdew, Burke and Ernzrhof (PBE), Wu and Cohen (WC) and Perdew et al. (PBEsol) for the exchange correlation potential. The relative phase stability in terms of volume-energy and enthalpy-pressure for these compounds is presented for the first time in three different (B1, B2 and B3) structures. The total energy is computed as a function of volume and fitted to Birch equation of states to find the ground state properties such as lattice constant (a0), bulk modulus (B) and its pressure derivative (B′). It is found that the lattice parameters in B2-phase agree well with the existing experimental and previous theoretical results. The second order elastic constants (SOECs) are also predicted for the above compounds. All the four compounds show ductile behavior. The ductility of these compounds has been analyzed using Pugh's rule. From the plots of electronic density of states (DOS), it can be concluded that these intermetallic compounds are metallic in nature. 相似文献
The ordered intermetallic Mo5SiB2 displays a ceramic-like brittleness at the ambient temperature. The state density, charge distribution and elastic parameters were calculated by first-principles, based on the density functional method. The results indicated that the two different kinds of covalent bonds were intricately woven into the refractory phase. The improved Peierls–Nabarro stress which is caused by this kind of distribution mode makes dislocations move difficultly, resulting in intrinsic brittleness. The effects of substitutional alloying on the ductility of Mo5SiB2 were also assessed by the calculations on the elastic properties and dislocation line energy. It was shown that the metal (Nb, Tc) alloying was not to enhance effectively its toughness, but to improve the brittle-to-ductile transition temperature. 相似文献
Density functional theory and Boltzmann theory calculations of the electronic and thermoelectric properties of Mg2Si subjected to isotropic strains have been performed. The electrical conductivity, the Seebeck coefficient and the power factor have been evaluated at two temperatures (300 K and 900 K) and two charge carrier concentrations (1018 cm−3 and 1.2 × 1020 cm−3 electrons and holes). Up to 3% of both compressive and tensile strains have been applied to the material. From our results, we can highlight that a significant improvement of both the Seebeck coefficient (S) and the power factor (PF) is obtained at low temperature and moderate n-doping. The increase in S and PF amounts to 40% and 100%, respectively, compared to the unstrained Mg2Si. 相似文献
Based on first-principles calculations, the effects of various Ni concentrations on the structural, elastic, electronic and thermodynamic properties of hexagonal η-Cu6Sn5 compound have been systematically investigated. The results demonstrate that higher Ni concentration in the η-Cu6−xNixSn5 (x = 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2) leads to thermodynamically stable compounds, and Ni atoms preferentially occupy Cu2 + Cu1c sites forming the η-Cu4Ni2Sn5 compound. It is also found that the unit cell volume and lattice parameter of the ‘a’ axis decrease with increasing Ni concentration, which are consistent with the other experimental results. Furthermore, the polycrystalline elastic properties are obtained from single-crystal elastic constants. Our results indicate that the addition of Ni enhances the mechanical stability, brittleness, modulus and Debye temperatures of η-Cu6Sn5 compound. Analyzing the electronic structure and charge density distribution provides the explanation that Ni develops distinct bonding energy to Cu and Sn in the structure. 相似文献
N. Novakovi N. Ivanovi V. Koteski I. Radisavljevi J. Beloevi-avor B. Ceki 《Intermetallics》2006,14(12):1403-1410
In order to investigate Hf-TM (TM = Fe, Co, Rh, Ru) phase diagrams in the region of 50:50% atomic ratio, we performed ab initio Full-Potential Linearized Augmented Plane Waves calculations of the most stable Hf and TM elemental phases and HfTM compounds of the CsCl and CuAu structure types. The obtained electronic structures, cohesive energies and enthalpies of formation are discussed and compared to some of the existing models and available experimental data. The non-existing compound HfFe is found to be at least metastable, and the reason for its absence from the phase diagram is discussed. 相似文献
In this paper a study of the lattice stability of Ca, Sr and Yb disilicides is reported. The structural stability of six different prototype lattices was investigated by means of density functional theory calculations and pseudopotentials within the generalized-gradient approximation using the VASP code. The high-pressure equilibria for the CaSi2 and SrSi2 have been described deriving the transition pressures, the structural properties, the bulk moduli and the heats of formation for the various polymorphs. Results are discussed together with the experimental literature. For the ytterbium disilicide a specific study of the Si vacancies in the hR3 ground state structure was carried out. Six different supercells derived from the primitive hexagonal cell were considered and full atomic and lattice relaxations were performed in order to predict the energetically most favorable structure. The formation of vacancies in the Si-sublattice is driven by the lowering of the density of states at the Fermi energy. A new mP22 lattice is proposed to describe the structure of the defective YbSi2 − x phase: the resulting stoichiometry is Yb4Si7. 相似文献
The present work describes the structural and mechanical behaviour of three phases namely B2, D019 and O phases of Ti2AlZr intermetallic using first principles density functional theory (DFT) within generalized gradient approximation (GGA). The equilibrium lattice constant values of B2, D019 and O phases are in good agreement with the experimental and theoretical data, respectively. Formation energy of O phase is minimum followed by D019 and B2. Bonding characteristics of these phases have been explained based on electronic density of states and charge density. All the three phases satisfy the Born stability criteria in terms of elastic constants and are associated with ductile behaviour based on G/B ratios. The B2 phase exhibits very high anisotropy in comparison to those of the D019 and O. 相似文献
The crystal and electronic structures of D8l-V5SiB2 and D88-V5Si3B ternary compounds have been investigated by means of first principle calculations. The calculated structural parameters are in very good agreement with the experimental data. The calculated values of the enthalpies of formation at T = 0 K of the D8l-V5SiB2 and D88-V5Si3B ternary compounds are −67.1 and −62.1 kJ/mol of atoms respectively. The total and partial electronic densities of states show a strong hybridization between the B p states and V d states. The defect enthalpies of formation as well as the mixing enthalpies have been computed. These data are essential for the modeling of the D8l and D88 phases in the V–Si–B ternary system. A partial V–VSi2–VB isothermal section at 298 K is proposed. 相似文献
Effects of Ni vacancy, Ni antisite in Al sublattice, Cr in Al sublattice, Pt in Ni sublattice on the second-order elastic constants (SOECs) and third-order elastic constants (TOECs) of the B2 NiAl have been investigated using the first-principles methods. Lattice constant and the SOECs of NiAl are in good agreement with the previous results. The brittle/ductile transition map based on Pugh ratio G/B and Cauchy pressure Pc shows that Ni antisite, Cr, Pt and pressure can improve the ductility of NiAl, respectively. Ni vacancy and lower pressure can enhance the Vickers hardness Hv of NiAl. The density of states (DOS) and the charge density difference are also used to analysis the effects of vacancy, Ni antisite, Cr and Pt on the mechanical properties of NiAl, and the results are in consistent with the transition map. 相似文献
Competition between the highly-ordered XA structure and disordered L21B structure in Heusler alloys Mn2CoZ (Z = Al, Ga, Si, Ge, Sb) has been investigated. The relative stability of the two structures strongly depends on the main group element Z. When Z belongs to Al or Ga, the XA structure is stabler, but when Z belongs to Si, Ge or Sb, the L21B structure gains stability and is lower in energy. This is related to the different number of valence electrons in main group element Z, which influences the DOS structure near the Fermi level and changes N(EF). The energy difference ΔE between the XA and L21B structures may be used to estimate the tendency to form L21B structure in different Heusler alloys qualitatively. A large negative ΔE is preferable to retard the A-C site disorder and retain the highly-ordered XA structure. That is just the case in Mn2CoAl. A robust half-metallicity is observed in Mn2CoSi, Mn2CoGe and Mn2CoSb, they are always half-metallic under either XA or L21B structure. But in Mn2CoAl and Mn2CoGa, their spin gapless semiconducting character will be destroyed and replaced by a half-metallic state if L21B disorder occurs. Finally, these results suggest that the L21B structure should be considered together with XA structure when discussing the electronic structure of “inverse” Heusler alloys. 相似文献
Based on the density functional theory (DFT), the plane-wave pseudopotential method was used to calculate structural stabilities, electronic structures, and ferromagnetism of Fe3Si, Fe11NiSi4, Fe11CoSi4 and Fe11CrSi4 intermetallic compound. This study showed that the Fe11NiSi4 and Fe11CrSi4 phase are more stable than Fe3Si phase, especially Fe11NiSi4, but decreased with Fe11CoSi4 phase. Calculating the density of states and the Mulliken electronic populations showed that Fe11NiSi4 had the highest structural stability because of its Fermi level, which was close to the bottom of the pseudo-gap. Fe11NiSi4 also had the largest Mulliken population, which increased the metallic bonding of the alloying system. The total magnetic moments of Fe11NiSi4, Fe11CoSi4 and Fe11CrSi4 were 20.04μB, 19.98μB, and 18.81μB, respectively. These magnetic moments mainly originated from the 3d spin polarization of Fe and those of additional atoms. 相似文献
It has been suggested that intrinsic ductile versus brittle properties of alloys be connected with bonding characters in some sense while there is no much proof. In this investigation, 27Al isotropic metallic shifts of Al–Li solid solutions were measured by 27Al NMR spectroscopy. Previously observed anomalous elastic properties upon Li alloying were found to be closely related to 27Al metallic shifts which were associated with s electron density of states at the Fermi level on Al sites. This result is relevant for better understanding of electronic origin of solid solution strengthening mechanisms in Al–Li alloys from the point of view of electronic structure. 相似文献
BCC Heusler phase Ni2CoSi has been predicted to be a promising candidate to realize magnetic field induced martensitic transformation. We tried to prepare Ni2CoSi single phase using different methods. Single phase Ni2CoSi cannot be synthesized by arc-melting and annealing. Then we used mechanical alloying method to synthesize Ni2CoSi. But a FCC phase rather than BCC was obtained after ball-milling. The lattice constant of FCC Ni2CoSi is 3.52 Å and the Curie temperature is around 900 K. The saturation magnetization at 5 K is 2.44μB/f.u. This FCC phase is stable and no transition is observed when heating to 1173 K. The electronic structure and phase stability of the FCC and BCC Heusler phase have been investigated by first-principles calculations. The FCC Ni2CoSi has lower total energy compared with BCC, agreeing with the experimental observation. But the calculated total moment is much smaller than the Ms at 5 K. This difference is related to the atomic disorder and was discussed by KKR-CPA calculation. 相似文献
This study investigated changes in the martensite start temperature (Ms) of NiTi-based shape memory alloys as a result of second phase precipitation. Precipitation of the second phase leads to a change in the matrix chemical composition and may alter the electron concentration (cv) of the matrix. When the electron concentration of the matrix increases, the transformation temperature decreases, whereas the Ms temperature rises when the cv of the matrix decreases. Additionally, if the precipitation does not result in a significant variation of the cv of the matrix, the variation in Ms is small (<15 °C). In the present work it is shown that alteration of the Ms temperature as a result of precipitation is mainly due to the change in electron concentration of the matrix. The extrinsic effect of the precipitates on Ms is also discussed on the basis of their quantities in the as-quenched and aged microstructures and the strain energy induced in the matrix. 相似文献
The effects of applied pressures on the structural, mechanical and electronic properties of TiB compound were studied using the first-principles method based on the density functional theory. The results showed the pressures have the significant effects on the mechanical properties and electronic properties of TiB phase. The calculated structural and mechanical parameters (i.e., bulk modulus, shear modulus, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and Debye temperature) were in good agreement both with the previously reported experimental and theoretical results at zero pressure. Additionally, all these parameters presented the linearly increasing dependences on the external pressure. The B/G ratios signified the TiB crystals should exhibit the brittle deformation behavior at 0–100 GPa. The universal anisotropic index indicated the TiB compound was elastically isotropic under zero pressure, and may become anisotropic at higher pressures. Further, the density of states and Mulliken charge of TiB were discussed. The bonding nature in TiB was a combination of metallic, ionic and covalent at zero pressure. The metallic component was derived from free-electron transfer from the Ti4s to Ti3d and Ti3p states. The ionic component was originated from the charge transfer from Ti to B atoms. The covalent component had two sources. One was from the B2s–B2p hybridization in the B atomic chains. The other one was from B2p–Ti3d bonding hybridization. Under higher pressures, the ionic and covalent bonds were both improved with the rising of pressures. This should be the fundamental reason for the enhanced mechanical properties in the TiB compound. At the same time, the metallic bond kept leveled to ensure the electric conductivity. 相似文献
The temperature-dependent structural properties and anisotropic thermal expansion coefficients of α-/β-Nb5Si3 phases have been determined by minimizing the non-equilibrium Gibbs free energy as functions of crystallographic deformations. The results indicate that the crystal anisotropy of α-Nb5Si3 phase is much more temperature dependence than that of β-Nb5Si3 phase. The total/partial density of states of α-/β-Nb5Si3 phases are discussed in detail to analyze their electronic hybridizations. It is demonstrated that the bonding of the two phases is mainly contributed from the hybridization between Nb-4d and Si-3p electronic states. The temperature-dependent mechanical properties of α-/β-Nb5Si3 phases are further investigated via the quasi-harmonic approximation method in coupling with continuum elasticity theory. The calculated single-crystalline and polycrystalline elasticity shows that both phases are mechanically stable and exhibit the intrinsic brittleness. The results also suggest that α-Nb5Si3 phase possesses a superior ability of compression resistance but an inferior ability of high-temperature resistance of mechanical properties than those of β-Nb5Si3 phase. The bonding features of α-/β-Nb5Si3 phases are discussed by means of charge density difference analysis in order to explain the difference of the temperature-dependent mechanical properties between the two phases. 相似文献
Effect of tetragonal distortion on the electronic structure, dynamical properties and superconductivity in Mo3Sb7 is analyzed using first principles electronic structure and phonon calculations. Rigid muffin tin approximation (RMTA) and McMillan formulas are used to calculate the electron–phonon coupling constant λ and superconducting critical temperature. Our results show, that tetragonal distortion has small, but beneficial effect on superconductivity, slightly increasing λ, and the conclusion that the electron–phonon mechanism is responsible for the superconductivity in Mo3Sb7 is supported. The spin-polarized calculations for the ordered (ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic), as well as disordered (disordered local moment) magnetic states yielded non-magnetic ground state. We point out that due to its experimentally observed magnetic properties the tetragonal Mo3Sb7 might be treated as noncentrosymmetric superconductor, which could have influence for the pairing symmetry. In this context the relativistic band structure is calculated and spin–orbit interaction effects are discussed. 相似文献