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A wind-hydro hybrid system is proposed to improve Brazil's use of its renewable energy portfolio. In this scheme, winds from local or remote locations supply extra generation, so that the hydroelectric outflow can be reduced accordingly to wind production. The water savings, in turn, lead to a significant improvement of the reservoir's storage. A simple model is developed and applied to the Itumbiara hydroelectric reservoir of midwest Brazil. Scenarios for different wind contributions are compared to historical observations from 1994 to 2011. Results suggest that, if implemented, the hybrid system should improve the country's energy security. Hydroelectric reservoirs might be able to confront interannual climate variability without risks to the energy supply. A positive impact on the multiple use of reservoirs is expected for fish-farming, irrigation, recreation, navigation and water supply.  相似文献   

Replacing current generation with wind energy would help reduce the emissions associated with fossil fuel electricity generation. However, integrating wind into the electricity grid is not without cost. Wind power output is highly variable and average capacity factors from wind farms are often much lower than conventional generators. Further, the best wind resources with highest capacity factors are often located far away from load centers and accessing them therefore requires transmission investments. Energy storage capacity could be an alternative to some of the required transmission investment, thereby reducing capital costs for accessing remote wind farms. This work focuses on the trade-offs between energy storage and transmission. In a case study of a 200 MW wind farm in North Dakota to deliver power to Illinois, we estimate the size of transmission and energy storage capacity that yields the lowest average cost of generating and delivering electricity ($/MW h) from this farm. We find that transmission costs must be at least $600/MW-km and energy storage must cost at most $100/kW h in order for this application of energy storage to be economical.  相似文献   

In an energy sustainability perspective, the renewables penetration is expected to importantly increase over the next decade, requiring modifications in the current electric system in terms of flexibility and reliability. In this respect, storage systems will play a central role and the production of green hydrogen is seen as a promising solution for both short-term and seasonal storage.In this context, the aim of this paper is the development of a methodology for the optimal design of hybrid storage micro-grids based on renewables and hydrogen and the definition of an optimal management strategy in a perspective of hydrogen employment as seasonal storage. In detail, an optimization code – based on mathematical models for each component and on specifically developed optimization strategies for the management of the components interaction – will be presented and applied to a case study. The code optimizes the sizes of the integrated electrolyzer and fuel cell, based on an objective function that maximizes the storage efficiency. It has been applied to the S.A.P.I.E.N.T.E. micro-grid installed at the ENEA Research Centre near Rome (Italy) – composed of photovoltaic panels, batteries, heat pump and thermal storage systems – obtaining the optimal design of the hydrogen section to be integrated as seasonal storage strategy. Furthermore, a parametric analysis on the battery size has been performed. The application of the developed optimization routine resulted in the introduction of a 3.7 kW electrolyzer and 4 kW fuel cell coupled with 36 kWh of battery capacity, enabling a total hydrogen production of about 87.5 kg (corresponding to 1159 kWh of electricity produced during the thermal year).  相似文献   

This paper presents the details of a theoretical study of the economic advantages of using large-scale energy storage to complement a wind farm in a base-load dominated electricity grid. A computer model is developed which simulates the operation of several energy storage systems when used with the 190-MW Portland Wind Farm (PWF) located in Portland, Victoria, Australia. A variety of operating strategies are compared with the results of a dynamic programming model which finds the maximum possible revenue which a given system can generate for a set of input conditions. Three energy storage systems are modelled and costed: Pumped Seawater Hydro Storage (PSHS), Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES), and Thermal Energy Storage (TES). It is found that CAES is the most profitable storage medium, requiring a capital expenditure of A$140 M and generating a rate of return (ROR) of 15.4%. The ROR for PSHS was 9.6%, and for TES was 8.0%. Therefore, a significant investment opportunity exists for the installation of an energy storage system in this wind farm. It is therefore highly recommended that CAES is investigated further with the aim of introducing large-scale energy storage to PWF and other similar wind turbine installations.  相似文献   

In this work, we evaluate technologies that will enable solar photovoltaics (PV) to overcome the limits of traditional electric power systems. We performed simulations of a large utility system using hourly solar insolation and load data and attempted to provide up to 50% of this system's energy from PV. We considered several methods to avoid the limits of unusable PV that result at high penetration due to the use of inflexible baseload generators. The enabling technologies considered in this work are increased system flexibility, load shifting via demand responsive appliances, and energy storage.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to review the current status and prospects of the renewable energy sources that are more suitable for the production of electricity, and to present the views of the EURE Group on the role electricity utilities could play in deploying generating plants based on these sources. In the first part of the paper, reference is made both to the renewable sources that have long been used for these purposes, such as hydro power, and to the “new” ones, particularly bioenergy, photovoltaics and wind power. Mention is also made of other technologies that have so far been less developed or can be applied only locally (e.g. geothermal energy). In the second part, the paper advises on the way utilities could contribute to renewable energy research and how they could help promoting these sources.  相似文献   

In this work, we examine the potential advantages of co-locating wind and energy storage to increase transmission utilization and decrease transmission costs. Co-location of wind and storage decreases transmission requirements, but also decreases the economic value of energy storage compared to locating energy storage at the load. This represents a tradeoff which we examine to estimate the transmission costs required to justify moving storage from load-sited to wind-sited in three different locations in the United States. We examined compressed air energy storage (CAES) in three “wind by wire” scenarios with a variety of transmission and CAES sizes relative to a given amount of wind. In the sites and years evaluated, the optimal amount of transmission ranges from 60% to 100% of the wind farm rating, with the optimal amount of CAES equal to 0–35% of the wind farm rating, depending heavily on wind resource, value of electricity in the local market, and the cost of natural gas.  相似文献   

The present study discusses the thermodynamic compatibility criteria for the selection of metal hydride pairs for the application in coupled metal hydride based thermal energy storage systems. These are closed systems comprising of two metal hydride beds – a primary bed for energy storage and a secondary bed for hydrogen storage. The performance of a coupled system is analyzed considering Mg2Ni material for energy storage and LaNi5 material for hydrogen storage. A 3-D model is developed and simulated using COMSOL Multiphysics® at charging and discharging temperatures of 300 °C and 230 °C, respectively. The LaNi5 bed used for hydrogen storage is operated close to ambient temperature of 25 °C. The results of the first three consecutive cycles are presented. The thermal storage system achieved a volumetric energy storage density of 156 kWh m−3 at energy storage efficiency of 89.4% during third cycle.  相似文献   

We propose a self-sustaining power supply system consisting of a “Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS)” and renewable energy sources to ensure a stable supply of high-quality power in remote islands. The configuration of the self-sustaining power supply system that can utilize renewable energy sources effectively on remote islands where the installation area is limited is investigated. It is found that it is important to select renewable energy sources whose output power curve is close to the load curve to improve the efficiency of the system. The operation methods that can increase the cost-effectiveness of the self-sustaining power supply system are also investigated. It is clarified that it is important for increasing the cost effectiveness of the self-sustaining power supply system to operate the HESS with a smaller capacity of its components by setting upper limits on the output power of the renewable energy sources and cutting the infrequent generated power.  相似文献   

Simultaneous operation of different energy generation and transmission infrastructures is a subject that has been considered under the concept of energy hub. This subject is highly regarded in the field of microgrids. One of the basic issues for investors is to properly utilize the energy hub for optimally managing energy carriers, especially in the energy price prediction. In the present paper, a new strategy is introduced for the energy hub in order to achieve the optimal performance of a microgrid (MG) that includes different energy carriers for each day. The objective of this strategy is to minimize the operation cost and consider the environmental issues. The proposed energy hub consists of a combined cooling-heating-power (CCHP) system along with a wind turbine and photovoltaic cells. The studied energy hub system is composed of an ice storage conditioner (ISC) system and an energy storage system (ESS) as the energy storage resource (ESR). One of the goals of the present work is to investigate the effect of solar-powered compressed-air energy storage (SPCAES) on the performance of the energy hub. The proposed strategy takes into account the uncertainty of the energy resources such as the wind and sun for meeting the electric, thermal, and cooling needs in different scenarios. In the present paper, to produce various scenarios, the Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) method is used. Also, the k-means method is used to reduce the number of scenarios. The objective function is solved using the modified grasshopper optimization algorithm (MGOA). According to the modeling results, the ESS can exhibit successful performance in the energy management strategy.  相似文献   

The combined generation of electricity by wind and solar energy is a very attractive solution for isolated regions with high levels of yearly wind energy and insolation. A computer model is developed for the simulation of the electricity system of a Mediterranean island, including a wind power plant, a photovoltaic power plant and a storage system. In order to obtain an overall view of the system performance and economic aspects, the model also incorporates a number of diesel generators. Daily simulations for the Greek island Kythnos show that such a combined system of moderate size can provide a large fraction of the electrical energy requirements. Various parameters calculated in the simulation can be used to improve the configuration of the system and to estimate the cost of the electrical energy unit.  相似文献   

According to outlooks by the IEA and the U.S. EIA, renewables will become the largest source of electricity by 2050 if global temperature rise is to be limited to 2 °C. However, at penetrations greater than 30%, curtailment of wind and solar can be significant in even the most flexible systems. Energy storage can reduce curtailment and increase utilisation of variable renewables. Power-to-gas is a form of long-term storage based on electrolytic production of hydrogen. This research models the co-sizing of wind and solar PV capacity and electrolyser capacity in a jurisdiction targeting 80% penetration of variable renewable electricity. Results indicate that power-to-gas can reduce required wind and solar capacity by as much as 23% and curtailment by as much as 87%. While the majority of charging events last less than 12 h, the majority of the total annual stored energy comes from longer-term events. Additional scenarios reveal that geographic diversity of wind farms reduces capacity requirements, but the same benefit is not found for distributing solar PV.  相似文献   

We examine the changes to the electric power system required to incorporate high penetration of variable wind and solar electricity generation in a transmission constrained grid. Simulations were performed in the Texas, US (ERCOT) grid where different mixes of wind, solar photovoltaic and concentrating solar power meet up to 80% of the electric demand. The primary constraints on incorporation of these sources at large scale are the limited time coincidence of the resource with normal electricity demand, combined with the limited flexibility of thermal generators to reduce output. An additional constraint in the ERCOT system is the current inability to exchange power with neighboring grids.  相似文献   

风储互补配合是提高风电质量、增加风电可控性、解决风电并网问题的有效途径。本文对“一机一储”的分布式风储系统进行了分析,探讨了分布式风储系统设计的整体方案,对风储能量管理系统监控后台的数据记录、监控界面和报表生成等进行了功能设计。风储系统实际运行效果表明,该监控后台能够很好地实现监控显示、历史数据记录、运行模式设定、统计分析和报表生成等功能,系统运行可靠,可为风储系统的推广应用提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

The hybrid wind–hydro power generation appears to be an attractive solution for isolated, autonomous electric grids in order to increase the wind energy penetration and cost-effectiveness. This work presents a numerical methodology for optimum sizing of the various components of a reversible hydraulic system designed to recover the electric energy that is rejected from wind farms due to imposed grid limitations. The algorithm is applied to study a practical case using time variation data of rejected power from a number of wind farms installed in the island of Crete, Greece. The free design parameters of the system include the turbine size, the size and the number of the pumps, the penstock diameter and thickness, and the reservoirs’ capacity, whereas some critical financial parameters are also considered. The numerical procedure combines an evaluation algorithm that simulates in detail the plant operation during a 12-month period, and an automated optimization software based on evolutionary algorithms. The economic analysis uses dynamic evaluation methods and the attainability of various objectives is examined using single or multi-objective optimizations. In addition, the developed numerical tool is used to perform several parametric studies and sensitivity tests in order to analyse in depth the influence of the most important parameters on the plant operation and economic behaviour. The results showed that a well optimized design may be crucial for the technical and economic viability of the examined system.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the dynamic performance of a wind-Diesel power system which operates in isolation from the grid. The simulation studies of the dynamic response are conducted in two different configurations of the power system, firstly, without storage and, secondly, with capacitive energy storage. The frequency and power deviations resulting from a step load disturbance of 1% are presented. It is shown that improvement in the transient responses of the stand alone wind and the hybrid wind-Diesel power system is achieved when capacitive energy storage is included in the systems.  相似文献   

A simulation analysis is presented of domestic heating by a wind power system including storage at a location 54°39′ N, 6°13′ W (Aldergrove, Northern Ireland). A simple theoretical model is constructed comprising a house of specified dimensions and heat loss characteristics, an aerogenerator and a thermal store. the data base used is a magnetic tape of hourly wind speed and air temperature readings taken at Aldergrove meteorological station during 1949–75. the results suggest a measure of optimization between store capacity and generator rating based on technical considerations alone, and a simple economic optimization is also presented.  相似文献   

An approach to the optimization of a solar energy conversion system which involves treating the system as a series of subsystems, each having a single cost determining variable, is proposed. Optimization techniques can be used to determine designs for each subsystem for constant values of the cost determining variable. Subsequently, the allocation of a financial resource amongst subsystems to achieve an optimal performance can be determined. The application to an ammonia-based thermochemical system with direct work output is discussed and possible subsystems are identified. The subsystem consisting of the exothermic reactor has been studied in detail. For this subsystem, the ratio of available catalyst volume to thermal power level is held constant whilst the exergetic efficiency is maximized. Results are presented from a determination of optimized reaction paths using dynamic programming techniques.  相似文献   

An optimal power flow (OPF) methodology is developed to investigate the provision of a demand hydrogen as a means to maximise wind power generation in relation to a constrained electricity network. The use of excess wind energy to generate hydrogen for use as a transport fuel is investigated. Hydrogen demand is included in the objective function of the OPF, and a techno-economic analysis is presented. We conclude that using this method to generate hydrogen increases the utilisation of wind energy and allows for a hydrogen demand to be met at or near to the point of use. The OPF algorithm that has been developed optimises the amount of wind energy utilised, as well as minimising the amount of hydrogen demand not met. The cost at which the hydrogen is produced was found to be dependent on the operating methodology, component capital investment costs, level of hydrogen demand, and storage constraint.  相似文献   

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