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This study assesses the level of background radiation for Kayseri province of Turkey. Natural radionuclide activity concentrations in soil samples were determined using high-resolution gamma spectroscopy. Outdoor gamma dose measurements in air at 1 m above ground level were determined using a portable gamma scintillation detector. The obtained results of uranium and thorium series as well as potassium ((40)K) are discussed. The present data were compared with the data obtained from different areas in Turkey. From the measured gamma-ray spectra, the average activity concentrations were determined for (238)U (range from 3.91 to 794.25 Bq kg(-1)), (232)Th (range from 0.68 to 245.55 Bq kg(-1)) and (40)K (range from 23.68 to 2718.71 Bq kg(-1)). The average activity concentrations of (238)U, (232)Th and (40)K were found to be 35.51, 37.27 and 429.66 Bq kg(-1), respectively, and 11.53 Bq kg(-1) for the fission product (137)Cs. The highest values of (238)U, (232)Th and (40)K concentrations (794.25 Bq kg(-1), 245.55 Bq kg(-1), 2718.71 Bq kg(-1), respectively) were observed in abnormal samples at Hayriye village. The average outdoor gamma dose rate in air at 1 m above the ground was determined as 114.43 nGy h(-1). Using the data obtained in this study, the average annual effective dose for a person living in Kayseri was found to be about 140.34 μSv.  相似文献   

In this study, natural radioactivity in surface soils of Vietnam and external dose assessment to human population, deduced from activities of (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K nuclides, were determined. From 528 soil samples collected in 63 provinces of Vietnam, including five centrally governed cities, the average activities were obtained and equal to 42.77 ± 18.15 Bq kg(-1) for (226)Ra, 59.84 ± 19.81 Bq kg(-1) for (232)Th and 411.93 ± 230.69 Bq kg(-1) for (40)K. The outdoor absorbed dose rates (OADRs) in air at 1 m above the ground level for 63 provinces were calculated, and their average value was 71.72 ± 24.72 nGy h(-1), with a range from 17.45 to 149.40 nGy h(-1). The population-weighted OADR of Vietnam was 66.70 nGy h(-1), which lies in the range of 18-93 nGy h(-1) found in the World. From the OADRs obtained, it was estimated that the outdoor annual effective dose and indoor annual effective dose to the population were 0.082 and 0.458 mSv, which are higher than the corresponding values 0.07 and 0.41 mSv, respectively, of the World. The radium equivalent activity Ra(eq) and the external hazard index H(ex) of surface soils of Vietnam are lower than the corresponding permissible limits of 370 Bq kg(-1) and 1, respectively. Therefore, soil from Vietnam is safe for the human population when it is used as a building material.  相似文献   

The gamma dose rates due to naturally occuring terrestrial radionuclides ((226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K) were calculated based on their activities in soil samples, determined by gamma-ray spectrometry. A total of 140 soil samples from 21 different regions of Serbia and Montenegro were collected. The gamma dose rates ranged from 7.40 to 29.7 nGy h(-1) for (226)Ra, from 12.9 to 46.5 nGy h(-1) for (232)Th and from 12.5 to 37.1 nGy h(-1) for (40)K. The total absorbed gamma dose rate due to these radionuclides varied from 34.5 to 97.6 nGy h(-1) with mean of 66.8 nGy h(-1). Assuming a 20% occupancy factor, the corresponding annual effective dose varied from 4.23 x 10(-5) to 11.9 x 10(-5) Sv with mean of 8.19 x 10(-5) Sv, i.e. the dose was lower than world wide average value. According to the values of external hazard index (mean: 0.39) obtained in this study, the radiation hazard was found to be insignificant for population living in the investigated area.  相似文献   

Activity concentrations of (226)Ra, (232)Th, (40)K and (137)Cs in soil samples collected from the most populous area of southern Punjab of Pakistan have been measured by gamma-ray spectrometry. The measured activity concentrations for these radionuclides are compared with the reported data from different other countries and it is found that measured activity concentrations are comparable with the worldwide measured average values reported by the UNSCEAR. Subsequently assessed radiological effects show that the mean radium equivalent activity (Ra(eq)) is 96.7 +/- 15.2 Bq kg(-1) and air absorbed dose rate (D) is 46.1 +/- 7.3 nGy h(-1). The values of internal and external radiation hazard indices are found to be less than unity. The annual effective radiation dose is calculated to be 0.28 +/- 0.05 mSv, which is well below the limit of 1.0 mSv y(-1) recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection, for the general public.  相似文献   

This paper presents the finding of a study undertaken to determine natural radioactivity and associated hazards in local types of cement in Iran. A total of 42 samples were collected from various manufacturers and suppliers and analysed using a shielded HPGe gamma-ray spectrometer. The specific activities of 232Th, 226Ra and 40K were measured in samples and results ranged from minimum values of 8, 16, 101 Bq kg(-1) to maximum values of 17, 43 and 141 Bq kg(-1), respectively. On the basis of activity concentration index (I), it could be shown that, the radioactivity of local cement samples was not greater than the established standard values in other countries.  相似文献   

Natural radioactivity was determined in 11 different brands of commonly sold bottled drinking water in the federal capital Islamabad and Rawalpindi city of Pakistan using gamma spectrometry technique. Mean concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and (40)K were found to be 11.3 +/- 2.3, 5.2 +/- 0.4 and 140.9 +/- 30.6 mBq l(-1), respectively. The annual cumulative effective doses due to all three natural radionuclides for different age groups of 1-5 y, 5-10 y, 10-15 y and adults (>or=18 y) were estimated to be 4.0, 3.4, 3.1 and 4.1 microSv y(-1), respectively. Among the three natural radionuclides, annual effective doses for all age groups from 226Ra were significant. Children in the age group of 1-5 y appeared to be at risk with respect to the annual effective doses from 226Ra as compared to the other age groups. Results obtained in this study are compared with the reported values from other countries of the world and it was observed that measured activity concentrations of three natural radionuclides in the bottled drinking water were lower than these values. Annual estimated effective doses for all four age groups from the intake of natural radionuclides in bottled drinking water were also found below the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommended limit of 0.1 mSv y(-1) as well as the average radiation dose of 0.29 mSv y(-1) received per head worldwide due to ingestion of natural radionuclides assessed by UNSCEAR (2000).  相似文献   

A radiological survey has been carried out in the island of Ikaria based on the natural radionuclide inventory in abiotic environment and the consequent dose rate assessment for the critical groups of population. The island of Ikaria-Aegean Sea, Greece is characterised by the presence of mineral and thermo-mineral springs, which have an apparent influence on natural background radiation of the island. The levels of natural radionuclides in spring water (either for spa treatment and household use), potable water (local domestic network), and rock and soil samples were measured in this island. The concentrations of (222)Rn and natural gamma emitters were found to be significantly elevated in spring water and some rock and soil samples. In terms of NORM and TENORM, the external and internal dose rates (mSv y(-1)) were estimated in three groups of population selected on the basis of water use as: habitants of the island, working personnel and bathers in spa installations. According to the derived results, the working personnel in the thermal spa installations are exposed to significant radiological risk due to waterborne (222)Rn with a maximum dose rate up to 35 mSv y(-1), which led to overexposure in terms of the 20 mSv y(-1) professional limits. Therefore, this group can be considered as the critical one for the radiological impact assessment in the island.  相似文献   

The radioisotopic content of 17 samples of natural and manufactured building materials collected in Tunisia have been analysed by using gamma spectrometry. From the measured gamma ray spectra, activity concentrations are determined for (232)Th, (226)Ra, (235)U and (40)K. The total effective dose and the activity concentration index are calculated applying the dose criteria recommended by the European Union for building materials. The results of (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K found in Tunisian building materials indicate that radium and thorium concentrations do not exceed 40 Bq kg(-1), but potassium concentration varies between 50 and 1215 Bq kg(-1). The total effective dose rates per person indoors are determined to be between 0.07 and 0.86 mSv y(-1). Only two materials exceed the reference level of 0.3 mSv y(-1). The activity concentration index is <1.  相似文献   

Soil samples from Montenegro were analysed by the HPGe detector with 40 % of relative efficiency, for radioactivity due to (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K. The average activity concentrations have been found to be 39.9, 43.5 and 437.6 Bq kg(-1), respectively, i.e. in accordance with those in the other South European countries. In order to evaluate the health hazard, radium equivalent activity, absorbed dose rate, annual effective dose rate, external hazard index, annual gonadal dose equivalent and excess lifetime cancer risk (CR) have been calculated. The excess lifetime CR (× 10(-3)) had a range from 0.12 to 0.79, with an arithmetic mean of 0.27, which is in accordance with the global average. Mean gonadal dose equivalent was higher than the world average, and one location was found with the radium equivalent activity >370 Bq kg(-1), i.e. with the external hazard index higher than unity, which means the radiation hazard is not negligible.  相似文献   

The natural radioactivity of some building materials commonly used in Cuba was measured by gamma spectrometry. Typical concentrations encountered so far encountered are in the ranges: 47-2511 Bq kg(-1) for (40)K; 9-71 Bq kg(-1) for (226)Ra; and 2-38 Bq kg(-1) for (232)Th. The external gamma ray absorbed doses in indoor air and the corresponding effective dose-equivalents in a typical dwelling are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

One of the causative factors for cancer-inducing mechanisms in humans is radioactive elements present in tobacco leaves used in the manufacture of cigarettes. Smoking of tobacco and its products increases the internal intake and radiation dose due to naturally occurring radionuclides that are considered to be one of the most significant causes of lung cancer. In this work, different commercial types of cigarettes, cigar and moassel were collected from market. Naturally occurring radionuclides (226)Ra and (214)Bi ((238)U series), (228)Ac and (228)Ra ((232)Th series), (40)K and man-made (137)Cs were measured in tobacco using gamma-ray spectrometer. Results show that the average concentrations of (238)U, (232)Th and (40)K were 4.564, 3.940 and 1289.53 Bq kg(-1), respectively. This reflects their origin from the soil by root uptake and fertilisers used in the cultivation of tobacco plants. Concentration of (137)Cs was 0.348 Bq kg(-1) due to root uptake or deposition onto the leaf foliage. For smokers, the annual effective dose due to inhalation of (238)U varied from 49.35 to 139.40 μSv(-1) (average 104.27 μSv y(-1)), while of (232)Th from 23.86 to 111.06 μSv y(-1) (average 65.52 μSv y(-1)). The annual effective dose resulting from (137)Cs was varied from 10.96 to 24.01 nSv y(-1) (average 19.41 nSv y(-1)).  相似文献   

T. El-Zakla 《Radiochemistry》2013,55(2):236-242
The activity concentration of natural radionuclides (238U, 232Th, and 40K) in three industrial Egyptian ores including manganese ore (M), white sand (W), and dolomite ore (D) collected from Sinai area in Egypt were evaluated. The sample morphology was studied by EDS-XRD and SEM. Radiometric measurements were based on the characteristic spectral peaks of each radionuclide. The observed high activity of 238U confirmed that the natural radioactivity of the ores studied is mainly due to the uranium series. The calculated radium-equivalent activities (Ra-eq) were found to be 6553, 2848, and 431 Bq kg?1 for M, W, and D respectively. For M and W samples, the Ra-eq values are higher than the permissible level recommended in Egypt (1000 Bq kg?1). The annual effective doses were found to be 4.3 ± 0.3, 1.36 ± 0.02, and 0.66 ± 0.01 mSv year?1, respectively. The recorded data of the radioactivity background levels in the industrial samples studied can be used as reference values not only to assess the anthropogenic activities in the environment, but also to explain the metamorphic cycles of these radionuclides due to geological processes.  相似文献   

The results obtained from 259 indoor and outdoor in situ gamma spectrometry measurements with a portable Ge detector and 707 total gamma dose rate measurements with an NaI detector in urban areas of 16 Greek islands are presented. From the in situ gamma spectra, the absorbed dose rate in air due to Uranium series, Thorium series, (40)K and (137)Cs are derived and discussed. The results obtained from the present work in conjunction with those reported previously were used for the realization of a complete indoor and outdoor gamma radiation map of Greek urban areas using in situ gamma spectrometry with portable Ge detector.  相似文献   

This study reports the first attempt to record the radioactive background due to gamma radiation in Lesvos Island (Greece). The study reports the results from 335 outdoor total gamma effective dose rate measurements conducted using GPS navigation and a Geiger-Muller detector (Bicron, Micro Sievert) on the whole surface of the island together with a digital map produced by appropriate mapping GIS programme. The study also reports the measurements of outdoor gamma dose rates due to the 238U, 232Th and 40K radionuclides as estimated via in situ gamma-ray spectrometry measurements performed at 26 sites using a 3 x 3 inch NaI (thallium activated) portable detector. The results from the outdoor total gamma effective dose rates range between 0.0023 and 0.28 microSv h(-1). The highest outdoor total gamma effective dose rates (0.013-0.28 microSv h(-1)) were detected in the northeastern part of the island and the intermediate rates (0.066-0.13 microSv h(-1)) in the central region. The outdoor gamma dose rates due to 238U, 232Th and 40K radionuclides range between 1.7 +/- 0.8 and 154 +/- 7 nGy h(-1) with an average of 86 +/- 6 nGy h(-1). The average contribution of each of the examined radionuclides (238U, 232Th and 40K) to the total gamma dose rate was found to be equal to 12 +/- 4% for 238U, 58 +/- 6% for 232Th and 29 +/- 7% for 40K, respectively.  相似文献   

The activity concentrations of the natural radionuclides (238)U, (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K were measured in soil samples collected from the Patras-Rion sub-basins (Southern Greece) and were found to be 28, 27, 30 and 483 Bq kg(-1), respectively. These values compare well with the average Greek and worldwide values for crustal soil and sedimentary rocks. The mean (226)Ra/(238)U activity ratio was close to 1, implying secular radioactive equilibrium in the uranium series. All soil samples have Ra(eq) values lower than the limit of 370 Bq kg(-1), indicating their safe use in brick production. The average annual terrestrial absorbed dose rate in air was 51±14 nGy h(-1), and the average annual effective dose 0.06±0.02 mSv y(-1), which is consistent with the average worldwide exposure to external terrestrial radiation outdoors (0.07 mSv y(-1)). Non-significant differences between soils with different age and depositional environments were found, which could be attributed to a common source of sediments.  相似文献   

A new method to estimate remanent dose rates, to be used with the Monte Carlo code FLUKA, was benchmarked against measurements from an experiment that was performed at the CERN-EU high-energy reference field facility. An extensive collection of samples of different materials were placed downstream of, and laterally to, a copper target, intercepting a positively charged mixed hadron beam with a momentum of 120 GeV c(-1). Emphasis was put on the reduction of uncertainties by taking measures such as careful monitoring of the irradiation parameters, using different instruments to measure dose rates, adopting detailed elemental analyses of the irradiated materials and making detailed simulations of the irradiation experiment. The measured and calculated dose rates are in good agreement.  相似文献   

The radioactivity concentrations of (238)U, (232)Th and (40)K in 160 soil samples collected from 16 geographical areas across Windhoek city, Namibia, have been determined using an HPGe detector and found to vary from 15.0 +/- 1.3 to 37.8 +/- 2.1 Bq kg(-1) for (238)U, 17.5 +/- 2.7 to 62.1 +/- 3.3 Bq kg(-1) for (232)Th and 168.9 +/- 15.0 to 784.9 +/- 30.1 Bq kg(-1) for (40)K. These concentrations were used to calculate the mean absorbed dose rate and the mean annual effective dose for the city. The value of 0.07 +/- 0.01 mSv y(-1) obtained for the mean effective dose is less than the maximum permissible dose of 1 mSv y(-1) recommended for the public by the International Commission on Radiological Protection.  相似文献   

Irradiation experiments were performed at the Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC) facility, National Institute of Radiological Sciences. The radioactive spallation products in a thick Cu target were obtained for Ar(230, 400 MeV per nucleon), Si(800 MeV per nucleon), Ne(100, 230, 400 MeV per nucleon), C(100, 230, 400 MeV per nucleon), He(100, 230 MeV per nucleon), p(100, 230 MeV) ions. The gamma-ray spectra from irradiated Cu samples inserted into the composite Cu target were measured with a high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector. From the gamma-ray spectra, we obtained the spatial distribution of radioactive yields of spallation products of 40 nuclides in the Cu sample in the Cu target. From the spatial distribution of radioactive yields, we estimated the residual activity and photon dose induced in the Cu target. The residual activity and photon dose become larger with the increase in projectile energy per nucleon and the range of the projectile beam for the same projectile energy per nucleon.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results obtained from a radioecological study carried out in the selected forest sites of Izmir, Turkey. The levels of gamma-emitting radionuclides, 40K, 232Th, 238U and 137Cs, in soils were determined using gamma spectroscopy. The activity profile for 40K, 232Th and 238U exhibits a uniform distribution with respect to depth. The depth distribution of 137Cs activity was established by fitting the experimental points to an exponential or a Gaussian function. About 42-97% of the 137Cs deposition was found in the first 10 cm of soil even after 18 y from Chernobyl accident. The dose-rate and annual-effective dose received from external irradiation were quantified. It is indicated that 137Cs from the fallout plays a less role in external radiation exposures in forest sites of Izmir than in potential exposures from naturally occurring radionuclides accounted for by soil.  相似文献   

The effect of ionising radiation on biological systems depends among other factors on time and place of exposure and population involved. Socio-economic factors in human daily activities have subjected humans to certain environmental health risks. In most cases the risk appears to be higher outdoors than indoors. In order to quantify the radiation exposure levels to individuals in the outdoors in areas with high human and vehicular densities, roadside soil samples were collected from major bus stops and round-about in the metropolis of Ibadan and were analysed for their activity concentration levels using gamma-ray spectrometry. The 40K activity concentration ranged between 96.1 and 336.5 Bq kg(-1) with a mean of 219.8 +/- 71.4 Bq kg(-1); 238U was in the range of 10.2-40.7 Bq kg(-1) with a mean of 20.3 +/- 6.9 Bq kg(-1) while that of 232Th ranged between 13.3 and 29.7 Bq kg(-1) with a mean of 21.2 +/- 5.3 Bq kg(-1). The total gamma absorbed dose rates in air ranged between 17.2 and 41.8 nGy h(-1) with an average of 32.0 +/- 5.8 nGy h(-1). The gamma absorbed dose rates at the roadsides in traffic density areas were found to be lower when compared with previously reported values in natural and undisturbed locations in non-traffic density areas in the city.  相似文献   

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