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文章以温暖感触动用户情感和记忆为切入点,通过暖设计在产品情感化设计中的优势和表现形式,对暖设计在情感化设计中的运用进行探讨;提出暖设计的运用对产品的情感化设计有一定的辅助作用,通过温暖感的体验过程,产品能唤起用户的记忆与情感的双重共鸣。  相似文献   

文章探讨在听力障碍人群使用的生活辅助器具产品中融入情感化设计。运用观察法、问卷调查法、用户访谈法对听障人士的心理情感需求进行分析,并依据情感设计基础理论,研究听障人士生活辅助产品的功能特点,归纳出此类产品的情感设计策略。根据情感化设计的三个层次探讨听力障碍者对生活辅具的情感化需求,提出听力障碍者生活辅具在功能设计、交互反馈设计和人性化体验方面的设计策略,以提升听力障碍者的生活质量。  相似文献   

用户体验的优良,对于一个互联网产品来说起到关键性的作用。随着互联网对人们生活的影响不断提升,用户体验将是互联网产品制胜的核心力量之一。文章将从用户体验的角度入手,浅谈H5页面中的设计的原则,风格、色彩、版式,情感化及互动形式等对用户产生的心理影响。  相似文献   

中国人丰富细腻的情感来自于中国博大精深的传统文化,文章在具体分析中国的情感模式之后,提出了产品情感化设计的内涵以及它的三个层次,及符号学理论在产品设计中的应用。最后讲述了基于中国传统文化的产品情感化设计。  相似文献   

本文从产品设计在情感化产品中的造型语言入手,从本能情感、行为情感和反思情感三方面具体阐述了情感化的造型语言在现代产品设计中的体现形式,旨在让人们对于产品的造型语言有更加深入清晰的认识,更好的实现工业产品的人性化设计。  相似文献   

论文对国内部分大型超市及厨具专卖店销售的厨具产品进行调研,从材料、造型和功能入手,使用SPSS for Windows统计软件,进行了厨房用品情感化设计的统计分析。明确了我国厨房用品情感化设计方面的现状,结合我国传统饮食习惯,提出了在我国厨房用品中应用情感化设计的基本原则。  相似文献   

用户界面开发系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言一个软件系统的用户界面是指系统中被设计用来与人类用户交互的所有内在设施,这一领域的工作焦点集中在系统与用户之间的有效通讯上。用户界面是一个软件系统成功与生存的重要因素之一。众所周知,传统CAD 存在着三大问题:缺乏智能、非集成化、非友好的用户界面,其中有两个问题直接或间接地与用户界面有关。软件工程的经验也表明,用户界面的设计和实现在一个软件系统的开发工作中占据很大的比例。专  相似文献   

科学技术的发展,使得消费者和制造商对产品满足人的心理需求方面提出了更高的要求。情感化的设计只是一种创意工具,表达和发挥设计师的思想和设计目的,随着时代的发展,这种创意工具将变得日益锐利。然而让人们带着情感接受产品,接受设计者的思想,本文从全新的角度将产品的使用功能、产品造型、材料、色彩等方面,对产品中的情感化和趣味性元素进行分析和比较,说明情感化设计在当前具有广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   

计算机技术以及移动互联网的多元化发展,促使手机逐渐成为移动终端的代表。手机在满足人们基本通信功能的基础上,其UI的情感化体验也逐渐成为设计的关键点。基于此,针对UI设计中用户交互体验进行研究,并从用户体验角度的角度,分析不同UI设计给用户带来的不同情感体验,旨在通过了解用户的情感诉求,为UI设计中的用户交互体验效果提升方面提供参考依据。  相似文献   

非对称造型的运用在生活中随处可见,其独特的审美功能丝毫不逊色于纯粹对称带给人的视觉审美,合理的非对称性设计的融入会让产品展现出一种别样魅力。文章对非对称造型的设计方法进行初步的探究,寻找出对应的设计审美产生的原因、发展趋势和设计原则。通过对经典设计的风格分析比对,从产品本身的功能性、社会文化背景以及情感因素三个方面分析非对称产生的原因,得出非对称性设计在造型设计中的运用原则和非对称性设计在产品设计中存在的不同审美方式,为在产品造型设计中合理运用非对称性设计提供初步的参考价值。  相似文献   

在体验经济的时代环境下,探析客户端游戏产品设计中所运用的用户体验设计策 略,为今后的传统产品设计寻求新的设计视角。采用文献研究和案例分析法,以用户体验设计 发展为基础,以产品设计、用户体验设计、交互设计、设计心理学及感性工学中的方法理论为 依托,借助客户端游戏产品为研究对象,对其蕴含的用户体验设计策略进行研究。给出一种用 户体验的量化评价模型,并提出了能够提升客户端游戏产品用户体验的设计策略,在此基础上 为传统产品的创新设计提供新的启示和指导。  相似文献   

随着知识经济的迅猛发展,人们的设计哲学、设计原则及对形式的独特追求不断发生着变化,功能性的消费越来越多的渗透进审美性内涵,并由物质性的追求转向精神性的追求、文化性的追求,因此,设计美学的基本构成要素应在功能美、形式美、技术美基础上,赋予新的内涵。文章从科技内涵、情感内涵及文化内涵三个方面,作以论述。  相似文献   

We present design principles for conceiving tangible user interfaces for the interactive physically-based deformation of 3D models. Based on these design principles, we developed a first prototype using a passive tangible user interface that embodies the 3D model. By associating an arbitrary reference material with the user interface, we convert the displacements of the user interface into forces required by physically-based deformation models. These forces are then applied to the 3D model made out of any material via a physical deformation model. In this way, we compensate for the absence of direct haptic feedback, which allows us to use a force-driven physically-based deformation model. A user study on simple deformations of various metal beams shows that our prototype is usable for deformation with the user interface embodying the virtual beam. Our first results validate our design principles, plus they have a high educational value for mechanical engineering lectures.  相似文献   

通过对富媒体广告实例的调查分析,发现大部分富媒体广告只是单纯的增加画面的大小与信息的数量,而忽略了基于富媒体技术所应该具有的交互性,本文提出富媒体广告需要结合用户体验中的感官体验和情感体验增加交互界面设计,并在此基础上提出富媒体广告界面设计应遵循相关性、直观性、简约性等原则,满足用户体验的需求,深化互动层次,才能提升广告的宣传效应。  相似文献   

工业设计就是信息为主导的行业:设计师要分析现存事物和设备的状态然后设计出更为优越的产品。因而信息技术的革命对产品设计的过程带来了重大的影响,我们有必要对信息技术所取得的成就做出评估。此文将探讨这一新兴技术中的新潮流。信息技术所带来的新潮流包括:产品的情感要素的强化,人与产品和界面的情景交融中产生感情互动的趋势,艺术的创造方法成为产品创新和产品设计与互联网紧密结合。  相似文献   

Task-specific visualization design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This case study in operational weather forecasting demonstrates the principles of task-specific visualization design: defining user needs, implementing that definition, and establishing techniques for different user goals. The current applications can generate visualizations for the Web after an intermediate step of migrating the products to a Web server. This proves advantageous in an operational environment because the forecaster has content control. However, direct generation within a Web browser, which requires a simplified user interface and content, will require further refinement of the task decomposition. The notion of task-driven customization of content and interface has succeeded in weather forecasting, but the idea also applies to other domains. The potential benefits should encourage visualization designers to adopt these principles in their application development  相似文献   

A recommender system’s ability to establish trust with users and convince them of its recommendations, such as which camera or PC to purchase, is a crucial design factor especially for e-commerce environments. This observation led us to build a trust model for recommender agents with a focus on the agent’s trustworthiness as derived from the user’s perception of its competence and especially its ability to explain the recommended results. We present in this article new results of our work in developing design principles and algorithms for constructing explanation interfaces. We show the effectiveness of these principles via a significant-scale user study in which we compared an interface developed based on these principles with a traditional one. The new interface, called the organization interface where results are grouped according to their tradeoff properties, is shown to be significantly more effective in building user trust than the traditional approach. Users perceive it more capable and efficient in assisting them to make decisions, and they are more likely to return to the interface. We therefore recommend designers to build trust-inspiring interfaces due to their high likelihood to increase users’ intention to save cognitive effort and the intention to return to the recommender system.  相似文献   

目前,信息正以人们意想不到的速度飞快发展,互联网逐步影响并改变人类社会的诸多领域,对人类生活的各个方面产生不可预知的影响。作为人类与互联网产品沟通的桥梁,界面的设计是否令用户满意,从根本上影响着产品的使用感受,这也是目前国内外争相研究的热点。依据用户体验在互联网产品界面设计等相关领域的研究方法,针对其设计方式进行分析探究,讨论互联网产品界面设计范畴的相关知识。  相似文献   

Previous research into multimedia learning has mainly focused on cognitive factors to investigate different instructional conditions and design principles. Emotional factors have so far been widely neglected. However, recent studies showed that the emotional design of multimedia learning material can evoke positive emotions in learners that in turn facilitate the learning process. Following this lead, our study aims to further explore the potential of an emotional design. We seek to differentiate the current findings by systematically deducing emotionally relevant design features and also taking into account negative emotional states. In order to deduce relevant design features, we adopt concepts from web design. German college students (N = 334) were assigned to one of nine conditions, created by two design factors (classical vs. expressive aesthetics), each with two levels (high vs. low) and a usability factor (high vs. low usability) as well as a control group (no color/gray scale). Unexpectedly, objective differences in aesthetics or usability did not affect learners’ emotional states. However, the perceived aesthetics and usability positively affected the emotional states of the learners. Learners’ emotional states had a minor impact on learning outcomes but a larger impact on learners’ intrinsic motivation, including the motivation to continue working with the material.  相似文献   

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